The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 165 Pay for my apprentice’s hard work and seriousness!

In the Bronze Hall.

Bai Mo was sitting behind the desk with the cold breeze blowing, having just finished reading the documents dug out in the morning.

Place the last slate next to the table and tighten the lapel of the jacket.

"The excavation over the swamp is almost finished."

In addition to documents, there are also several newly dug out torture instruments placed on his desk, from small to large, placed in order...

The hollow sheep head has two curved horns and is the smallest in size, like a motorcycle helmet.

It has a hollow deer head with two branched antlers, and is slightly larger in size, like a wine jar.

It has a hollow leopard head, a tall single horn, and is larger in size.

The hollow tiger head has a wide open mouth with two saber teeth. Inside is a dark cavity, as big as a water tank!

The hollow elephant head cannot be placed on the table. It is as big as a locomotive and is placed next to the table. The nose that was raised high was taller than Bai Mo stood up, and the curved ivory protruded from the big mouth, with a dark cavity inside.

Their lines are all square and simple, but if you look closely, you can see the ferocity of the bloody evil spirits.

"From childhood to adulthood, there are five types of sound torture instruments.

"Increasing power."

Bai Mo touched the leopard's head and touched the tiger's head. Over thousands of years, the surface of these bronze vessels has become rough, and the soil has penetrated into the cracks and cannot be cleaned out.

"It's a pity. I don't know how these things work?"

There were very few relevant records in the excavated documents, so Bai Mo had nothing to learn from.



But he saw Big Ears running in from the door and running to the table, talking and making gestures.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"


It looked very anxious and made gestures for a long time, which Bai Mo could probably understand.

"You mean something happened to Black Claw?"


Big Ears squatted in front of the desk and nodded solemnly!

"Black Claw didn't talk to you, didn't even make a sound while eating?"


Big Ears confirms again that Black Claw has never been like this before!

"Do you suspect that Black Claw was strangely affected by that song last time?"

The big ears have a serious expression, frowning, squinting, and nodding!

It has reason to suspect that Black Claw's psychological trauma caused by that song has not been repaired, and has even gotten worse, causing organic damage to Black Claw...

It suspected that its senior brother Black Claw, who had sang happily together... had become mute!

The strong wind roared, rolling up the yellow sand on the road and breaking the dead grass on the roadside.

Bai Mo walked on the mountain road and quietly came to the wind-drying workshop.

“This guy Black Claw, although he eats a lot every day and is not losing weight, why is he mute?

"Has the psychological injury not been healed yet?"

Bai Mo walked to a window and looked into it.

I saw drying racks everywhere, with herbs hanging in the wind. After searching for a while, I saw the figure of a black claw among the drying racks.

This guy is playing with his little kettle!

Half a pot of clean spring water, add honey, squeeze in lemon juice, add passion fruit, take a sip, it seems too sour, frown, add loquat sugar, shake it, let the loquat sugar melt , took another sip, then raised his head with satisfaction and squinted his eyes.

Bai Mo frowned.

Look at this guy's appearance. He is so delicate even after drinking water. Doesn't he look like he has psychological trauma?

What's going on?

Just when I was feeling strange, I saw this guy taking a big gulp of water and swallowing it... was he moistening his throat?

After moistening its throat, it picked up the flower pot next to it, pointed it at the mushroom head in the pot, and started singing.




Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Dumb ass!

Black Claw's voice is fine, but he just sang too much and his voice became hoarse!

But how many days have passed and it's still practicing this song?

Bai Mo stood outside the window, simply holding his hands on the window sill, blowing in the cold wind and watching his apprentice practice inside.

But I saw that Black Claw practiced very seriously. While singing, he stared at the expression of the mushroom head, sometimes stopping to adjust, sometimes tilting his head to think back, sometimes opening his mouth to try his voice.

If it's ugly, it's really ugly. If it's serious, it's really serious!

Bai Mo could remember the entire fox song, and found that Black Claw was singing closer and closer to the original version, and his singing was getting better and better. But that's useless... Even the original version in the collective memory of the disciples actually has very little power.

That song has no potential and is not worth practicing!

“If you are someone who has never heard of it and is completely unprepared, maybe you will be shocked?

"No matter how hard you practice, that thing won't have any effect."

Could Black Claw's efforts and his hoarse singing voice be in vain...?

Bai Mo frowned.

"No! I can't let my apprentice's efforts and seriousness go to waste!"

He turned away from the window and walked into the drying workshop through the door.

But when Black Claw noticed him coming, he immediately shut up, showed a sly smile, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly put down the mushroom head.


It welcomes the Master, but its voice is mute.

Bai Mo walked forward, sat cross-legged on the ground, held Black Claw in his arms, and touched its fat head.

“If you like this song, want to practice it, want to learn it, then tell Master!

"Let Master pay for your wishes and your seriousness and hard work.

“You are already singing very well, but there are still some areas that need to be adjusted.

"I'll teach you."

Black Claw was stunned for a moment, blinked, huddled in his master's arms, and rubbed his head against his chest.


The voice is still mute!

Bai Mo opened Black Claw's mouth and took a look inside, looking at its throat.

Then he waved his hand, and his spiritual consciousness surged out!


On the drying rack next to him, a half-dried fish scale melon flew into his hand.

"This throat moisturizer has the best effect."

The elixir fire in his hand burned, burning the fish-scale melon into ashes, and the pieces of ashes fell into Black Claw's water cup. The ashes actually melted when they met water and fell into the cup, dyeing the water into a red-black transparent cola texture.

"Drink this first, and we will learn later."

Watching Black Claw holding the cup and drinking, Bai Mo was frowning and thinking.

The song about the ancestors of the foxes is very weak, but there is something good in it... Putting aside the power, at least it suits the foxes well. If we combine the knowledge of sound torture and the previous experience of studying the mind, maybe we can really transform that song with some power?

After waiting for a while, Black Claw had finished drinking the medicinal soup in the cup. At this time, he huddled in his master's arms, cleared his throat, and tried his voice.



It tilted its head and grinned, its voice completely restored!

Bai Mo hugged it.

“Then let’s start studying.

"But... this thing is a bit complicated, we have to try it slowly."

Thousands of years ago, foxes discovered that their cries could affect human emotions. Perhaps there is such a permutation and combination in the cries of foxes, and there is such a melody that can scare humans and intimidate ancient immortals?

But the permutations and combinations of melodies are infinite and endless.

Trying to find this melody that can scare the ancient immortals is like finding a specific grain of sand on the vast beach, or finding a specific handful of water in the boundless sea.

The foxes back then were never found.

Today, Bai Mo, in order to pay for his apprentice's seriousness and hard work, decided to give it a try!

Bai Mo moved the mushroom head in front of him, and his consciousness spread out like water, drowning the mushroom head!

Water waves appeared in the consciousness again, undulating in circles and spreading, probing the mind of the mushroom head and monitoring it!

“From now on, I sing one line and you sing one line.

"Come on, start.


Black Claw shrank in the master's arms, and the master's hands covered its mouth, chest and throat where it made sounds, so that he could feel its sounds at any time.

At this time, it pricked up its ears, as if it really felt that what Master sang was different from what it sang?


Bai Mo shook his head.


“Singing this way will not affect the listener’s mind.

"Pay attention to opening your throat and resonating in your chest. Try it again!"

Black Claw frowned, thought for a moment, and then started singing again.


Bai Mo shook his head.

"It's still wrong, but don't worry, take your time."

Just like that, one person and one fox, two masters and apprentices, practiced singing in front of the mushroom heads in this drying workshop.

Bai Mo corrected Black Claw again and again, but he was actually testing, experimenting, and learning.

Many guesses about the mind have been verified.

More is known about the stimulation of the mind by sound.

I have a deeper understanding of the difference between human voices and fox voices.

The subtle use of spiritual consciousness to probe the mind is also practiced.

Holding the black claw and constantly trying to sing, Bai Mo's mind was like a super-fast computer, constantly trying and making mistakes, analyzing, and correcting. Keep approaching that specific grain of sand on the vast beach. Constantly approaching that specific handful of sea water in the vast ocean. Constantly in the endless melody combination, approaching the section that can scare the ancient immortal!

Before I knew it, the afternoon passed.

The wind on Fox Mountain is even more fierce, the sky is gloomier, and twilight falls from the sky, covering the entire mountain.

In the air-drying workshop, Bai Mo held Hei Claw in his arms, maintaining the same posture as before, still studying, still thinking, and still testing.

“...Okay, good, right, that’s it.

“Sing along with me.

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh~"

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh~"

A whole song, after constant adjustments and modifications to the melody, I slowly found the trick to stir up the excitement in my mind! Singing this line can already make your mind extremely uneasy!


Bai Mo's consciousness stared at the brain of the mushroom head and fell into thinking again. Combining the knowledge he had learned in the past and this afternoon's experiment, he successfully deduced the answer.

"I understand……

"The intimidation principle of this song is a little more complicated than imagined. It can open up the defenses of the human mind and expose the fragile human mind without any obstruction. Therefore, it can arouse fear and have an intimidating effect!"

As the saying goes, teaching makes each other better, Bai Mo has researched these things, not only can he help Black Claw, he can also learn it himself, and he will never be defeated by similar magic in the future!

"So, I already know the melody of the next line.

"Come on to the next line. If you sing this line well, you can successfully scare the mushroom head and arouse the fear deep in its mind.

"Dark Claw, listen up and follow me.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch~"

Bai Mo sang while probing the mushroom head's mind.

But... the mushroom head only caused a slight disturbance in his mind, but it had no effect.

"Um...the theory is correct, but my voice is not good enough and I can't sing this melody."

This is a hardware problem!

Just like the flute can never make the sound of the drum, just like Zhang Jian can't sing Liu Xiaoxiao's song, Bai Mo can't sing the taste or effect when he sings this final threatening melody.

"you try."

Black Claw nodded, very seriously and quite excited.

This is the song of a fox. Master’s voice is not suitable for it. That’s normal!

But it will learn the last sentence soon, fulfill the wishes of its ancestors, and learn new skills that can protect Fox Mountain!

It took a deep breath and stood in Master's arms with its round belly.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch~"

Finished singing...

It looked at the mushroom head opposite, and saw that the head looked miserable, as if it had been tortured by the noise for too long... However, it did not mean to be frightened at all, and there was no fear in its expression.



Black Claw and Master fell silent.

Black Claw's fox voice has insufficient vocal conditions and the hardware is not up to par!

The air-drying workshop fell into silence, with only the sound of the strong wind passing through.

How do you say this?

Can't it succeed after all?

No matter how vast the beach is, there may not be that one grain of sand with a specific shape?

No matter how deep the sea is, there may not be that specific handful of sea water?

Although the fox's threatening song exists, it cannot be sung by the fox's voice?

It frowned, tilted its head, and thought for a moment.

Turning his head, he looked at Master and saw that Master fell into silence.

Will Master be disappointed?

It rubbed its head against Master's chest and bumped Master's chin.


To this extent, it is already content.

The night is dark.

Outside the main hall of the dormitory, the wind howled.

In the main hall of the dormitory, the fox sang.

The Fox Mountain Choir was reorganized, and more than a hundred brothers followed Black Claw to learn the newly developed "Fox Intimidation Song".

They were densely packed, surrounding the mushroom head. When Black Claw sang one sentence, the other brothers would sing one.





While teaching, Black Claw held a branch as a baton to direct his brothers.

This is how he thinks... Just because his voice condition is not good, it does not mean that the voice condition of other fellow apprentices is not good. Maybe there is a brother who can sing this fox-threating song and can help Master complete this song!



But after repeated teaching, it slowly frowned.

How do you feel... the voices of the brothers and sisters are not as good as it?


It picked up the fish scale and cucumber soup prepared by the master and gave each of the senior brothers a small sip.

Suddenly, out of the corner of its eye, it caught sight of the master playing with something beside the bed not far away... It was a bronze hollow sheep head.


The master stretched a piece of sticky gum into thin threads and tied one end to the horns of the sheep and the other end to the lower teeth of the sheep's head.

After tying it up, the result is like a weird-looking guitar.

The filaments drawn from Gum are used as guitar strings.

The cavity of the bronze sheep head is the body of the guitar and the resonance cavity of the guitar.

"There are some sounds that your throat can't produce, so try changing instruments."

Bai Mo sat on the bedside, thinking, holding a weird guitar and gently strumming the strings.

The strings vibrate, and the sound waves emitted resonate in the sheep's mouth, become stronger sound waves, and blast out from the sheep's mouth...


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