The night breeze is cool.

Tonight's playground activities were canceled in advance, and students went back to their dormitories in small groups.

As he walked, he complained.

"What's going on in the cafeteria of Western University?"

"No lamb chops today, no cooked food tomorrow."

"Eating a mutton steamed bun and ruining your stomach?"

"Is it because the kitchen dishes in the back are not cleaned and there is detergent residue?"

The grass jelly experimental class was also disbanded.

Wu Qingyun and Bai Mo left the playground together.

The two of them are quite familiar with each other, but neither of them likes to talk much.

At the exit of the playground, two square buildings are the toilets.

At this time, you can vaguely hear "cracking" inside, like firecrackers are being set off.

There was a long queue outside, with everyone holding their stomachs and looking panicked, waiting to queue up and squat in the pit.

Occasionally, someone with a pale face would come out tremblingly, as if they had diarrhea.

Bai Mo saw the kid in Wanbo City walking out of the toilet door, staggering, his eyes confused, his face looking exhausted, and he was no longer as aggressive as before.

Bai Mo grinned.

Suddenly I saw Wanbo City walking in a strange posture...his legs were bowed and his hands were raised above his head. Like a gorilla. He even raised his head and opened his mouth to imitate the sound of an orangutan.

But he soon returned to normal and continued walking. It seemed that this posture was done subconsciously, and he didn't notice it himself.


"What's wrong with this kid?

"Do you have the quirks of an orangutan?"

Bai Mo frowned.

Then I saw Lan Fangfang, the deputy squad leader in the adjacent women's toilet, staggering out with the same exhausted look.

Seeing Lan Fangfang not taking a few steps, her legs were also bowed, and her hands were raised above her head, assuming a gorilla pose. But it returned to normal in an instant. Even she herself didn't notice her movements.


It’s understandable that Wanbo City is a bit shady.

But Lan Fangfang is a girl, so she is unlikely to like gorillas, right?

Bai Mo was wondering when he suddenly heard the sound of a car next to him.

It turned out to be several medical office vans. They made an emergency stop next to the toilet and under the street light. They set up small tables and filled them with medical staff.

“Everyone, come and get some antidiarrheal medicine!

“Also drink sugary salt water to replenish electrolytes.

"Is there any classmate who can take a stool sample? Just dip a cotton swab in it."

Wanbo City sat down at the small table and accepted the doctor's treatment.

This doctor followed the path of traditional Chinese medicine. He pulled Wan Bocheng's face and looked at this and that. He opened his mouth and looked at his throat and tongue. Ask a few questions and feel your pulse. Finally draw a conclusion.

“It should be fine.

“I just ate stale mutton, which caused diarrhea.

“Just take the antidiarrheal medicine and rest for a while.

"Just in case, get in the car and do a gastroenteroscopy."

Wanbo City secretly cursed bad luck!

Many classmates were watching the excitement.

Among them was Bai Mo, who was standing in the crowd, looking like he was watching the fun.

In fact, his spiritual consciousness was like an invisible tentacle, which had already gone to Wanbo City's body, chasing Wanbo City, entering the van, and conducting a detailed exploration of him... During this investigation, Wanbo City had literally lost all privacy.

Not only the inside of the clothes, but also the inside of the skin and muscles were all looked at by Bai Mo!

A gastroenteroscope can only see inside the intestines and stomach, but his spiritual consciousness can indeed see every corner of his body!

In fact, Bai Mo doesn't want to see it's so disgusting!

"Oh my god, grandma, there are still shreds of meat on the wall of his intestines?

"Is it shredded pork for mutton steamed buns?"

Bai Mo pouted.

The gastroenteroscope also saw the shredded meat, but felt no abnormality and continued to explore.



Bai Mo frowned and suddenly discovered that this piece of meat was not attached to the intestinal wall, but... had grown in and took root in the intestinal wall!

How can the shredded meat of stewed mutton grow into the intestinal wall?

Is there really a problem?

What magic is this?

Who did it?

What was the purpose of attacking a group of students and causing such a big commotion?

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness continued to explore and found that the meat strands penetrated the intestinal wall of Wanbo City, like the roots of a tree, constantly winding and branching, piercing deeper and deeper into his intestines and stomach. As for the specific effects...

"Reverse absorption?"

The gastrointestinal wall is where the body absorbs nutrients.

But these deep-rooted shreds of meat can reversely suck nutrients back into the human body and into the intestines and stomach?

The students who were watching were talking a lot.

"Can the cafeteria at Western University be better?"

"You must give us an explanation this time."

"Oh my God, I really want to go and see the kitchen in the cafeteria."

In the midst of the discussion, Bai Mo's thoughts were chaotic. He recalled the documents he had read and the knowledge he had learned. He inferred bit by bit and peeled off the cocoons bit by bit to deduce the truth of the matter. After contacting the recent events at Western State University, he slowly understood.

"Is this... a step in the human vase magic?

"Wash bottles?

"The action that Wanbo City just made is not imitating a gorilla. But it is affected by this bottle-washing technique. Subconsciously, it treats itself as a medicine bottle?"

Human vase is to use human body to plant fairy grass. The grass jelly grown may have strange side effects...but it is grown quickly and the medicine is effective.

As for the magic in Wanbo City, Bai Mo speculated that it was washing bottles! It is to wash out all the elements and excess elements in the human body that are not suitable for planting medicine, so that the human body can return to its original state!

There is not much relevant literature on Fox Mountain. Bai Mo's understanding is limited. Seeing this bottle-washing technique today was an eye-opener.

Wanbo City stepped off the van, swaying, eyes blurred and listless.

Subconsciously, she bowed her legs again, raised her hands, raised her head, opened her mouth, and positioned herself like a vase.

The students around were surprised.

Anyone who knows him should speak out immediately.

"Lao Wan, what's wrong with you?"

Huanbo City suddenly woke up.

"Oh, oh, nothing."

He just felt that walking normally was uncomfortable. The position just now seemed very comfortable.

Bai Mo frowned.

The effect of this bottle washing technique is very overbearing. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, I am afraid that this group of students will turn into human vases like walking zombies in the future!

Bai Mo thought about it for a while and probably understood that it was the King of Darkness's fault again. Also guess what he wants.

The revenge for being scolded last time has not yet been avenged. Standing beside this chaotic playground, standing in the crowd, blowing the cold night wind, Bai Mo pondered in his heart.

"Let's try this time. Can we just settle it?"

His consciousness went to Fox Mountain.

Go to the warehouse and into the ears of the white-faced boy who is cleaning.

"Bring herbicide No. 13..."



In the warehouse, between the rows of shelves, a white-faced man was swinging a broom, humming and sweeping dust.

Suddenly, when he heard Master's voice, Bai Lian'er's body froze instantly, his ears perked up, and he listened carefully to every word.

"Bring No. 13 Herbicide, No. 4 Medicinal Decoction for Xianwu, and a little bit of soil in the Dreamland Flower Pot, and prepare to come to this world."

The white-faced man immediately threw down the broom, rushed to the herbicide shelf, and filled a small bottle of herbicide from the bucket in the lowest row.

Then he ran to the deepest part of the warehouse, passed through the medicinal materials area, passed through the fairy weapon snow storage area, and came to a small red door.

This small red door contains the most important strategic reserves of Fox Mountain!

The master often updates the contents, often putting in more powerful medicinal soups and taking out those that are lagging behind.

As for the No. 4 medicinal soup for Xianwu, it was just taken out a few days ago and is on the cabinet outside the red door.

The fair-faced boy walked to the cabinet, opened the door, and took out a bottle from the first shelf of the third row.

Western State University, outside the playground.

In the stainless steel bucket, the sugar and salt water are still warm.

Wanbo City reached into the bucket with a spoon and asked for a cup.

It was dark at night, but what he didn't see was that beside the stainless steel bucket, a white-faced man wearing an invisibility cloak was secretly pouring medicinal soup into the bucket. Both medicinal soups are transparent, colorless and odorless liquids, flowing down the copper wall of the stainless steel barrel and into the sugar salt water.

Wanbo City filled a cup and drank it, and immediately felt that the stomach and intestines were warm.


He exhaled, feeling much better.

At this moment, his stomach rumbled again!


He held his stomach and rushed to the toilet again!

The white-faced man put the two empty bottles in a small cross-body bag, wore an invisibility cloak, and jumped lightly into the crowd, jumping onto the master's shoulders.

The body rubbed against the master's head, the tail waggled, and the eyebrows curled up in laughter.

Bai Mo also grinned.

When the herbicide is added to sugar and salt water, it will also disperse in the air. The infected students will not be in the way. If they have diarrhea again and pull out the "shredded meat" from the body, they will be completely safe.

The medicine for Xianwu has also been arranged in place, just waiting for the King of Darkness to take the bait!

The public restrooms at Western State University are getting a bumper harvest tonight.

I kept working until very late, and then I sent away the exhausted students one by one and went out of business completely.

In the middle of the night, before dawn, another manure truck came, opened the manhole cover on the roadside, and removed the accumulated feces from the public toilet. This happens every day in college, nothing strange about it.



A feces truck took away the feces and left the campus gate and drove onto the road in the dead of night.

It's just that today, these cars did not follow the normal route. Instead, they went to the suburbs, to the urban-rural fringe, and to a newly built factory building.



A manure truck stopped.

Waiting for them was a tall, thin figure wearing a sweatshirt and a hood.

The drivers of the manure trucks got out of the car one after another.

“Boss, we have brought the goods!

"Where's the final payment we agreed on?"

"Would you like to pay now?"

The tall and thin figure took off his hood and smiled, revealing a withered and crazy face. He was none other than the Poison Master King Crocodile!

He took out his cell phone.

“Come on, brothers, scan the QR code to pay!

"But I still have to trouble you to find a way to unload the goods inside for me."

Poison Master King Crocodile pointed behind him while paying. But in the factory shed, under the shadow, there was a bronze alchemy furnace!

"Help me unload all the goods into the furnace."

At this time, the moon has set in the west, and the night is dark and windy. The drivers of the manure trucks all thought it was weird, but for the sake of money, they still had the guts to agree!

Poison Master King Crocodile noticed that they were afraid and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The drivers are afraid, and so is the king crocodile!

If it weren't for the order of the Lord of Darkness, he wouldn't have come to Xizhou City!

If that person found out, wouldn't he just crush him to death?

"The fact that I'm still alive today is probably because the boss behind the scenes really didn't notice anything fishy.


"I hope it works!"

He looked up at the sky.

Then I saw that the night was dark and there were only lone stars.

What he didn't see was that under the lone star and above the flowing clouds, the fire toad balloon was floating quietly, and the toad looked down.

In the bronze hall, Bai Mo rested his elbows on the bronze table, held his chin in one hand, looked at the scene in the white mist with a leisurely expression and a smile on his lips.

"I can think of all these tricks... The King of Darkness is very cruel to himself.

"Hey Hey."

White Toes and Big Bitou, who came to deliver the medicine, put down the medicine and ran over to the master's arms.



...What is so fun? They want to know too.

Bai Mo pursed his lips and smiled.

"Have you heard of Lao Ba?"

The night fades, the moon sets and the sun rises.

Xizhou City has passed the morning rush hour, and there are slightly fewer vehicles on the road.

In the urban-rural fringe area on the outskirts, an inconspicuous black car quietly drove out and merged into the traffic on the road.

The one driving the car was King Crocodile!

On the passenger seat, there was a Coke bottle.

The bottle was filled with more than half of the transparent liquid.

This is exactly what the Lord of Darkness wants, extracted from excrement!

In this liquid, five colors of rays of light flash from time to time. In a small bottle, the rays of light can change endlessly and in countless ways. The king crocodile felt dizzy after just one look.

"That's right, this is something I've never seen before!

“The status must be very high!

"What the King of Darkness wants is the high-level elements in the students' bodies!"

He took a deep breath, stepped on the clutch, pushed the car into the highest gear, and stepped on the accelerator. With the engine roaring, he drove the car and rushed out of Xizhou City!

It was night on Fox Mountain.

In the main hall of the dormitory, Bai Mo sat on the bedside, thinking about the "bottle washing technique" he just saw.

"This move...there's something about it."

After reading this, a lot of knowledge about the art of planting medicine in human vases was immediately connected. Things that Bai Mo didn't understand before, things that were paradoxical, suddenly became clear in his heart.

"The human body is indeed a natural vase."

Although it is useless, knowledge is guiltless.

Bai Mo put his laptop on his lap and typed on the keyboard, sorting out the knowledge he had just learned and typing it in.

He raised his head and looked at the main hall. Hundreds of disciples were arranged in a square formation, learning Bajiquan from Xingxingdu and learning to stick to the mountains.

Some of them found bronze lantern trees, some found big rocks, and some found some broken sculptures. They were imitating the star belly and bumped into it with their shoulders and elbows!


Some martial arts are very talented and they can learn them well.


Some of them, like Xingxingdu, are scumbags in martial arts. Practice sticking to the mountain, practicing like a bear rubbing against a tree, like a bear scratching its itch.

Bai Mo smiled secretly and continued to look at the notebook to summarize his knowledge.

While writing, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be room for exploration in King Crocodile?

“The human body can grow medicine and be used as a vase.

"Can it also be used as a cauldron to make medicine?"

He frowned, thinking about it, and felt more and more that this was very possible!

"It's a pity that this is the document of Wang Crocodile Mountain Gate and Fox Mountain does not have it.

"Wait a moment!"

This logic is a bit convoluted, what do you think? Can everyone understand the dark king's plan and Bai Mo's plan?

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