The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 177 What’s at the bottom of the ancient immortal’s river?

There are dark clouds in the sky, blocking every trace of skylight.

The wind howled, blowing on the endless grassland.

The outermost part of the fox yam field.

Looking outside, there is a messy grassland, with all kinds of medicinal herbs growing wantonly...all tall and short, thick and thin, and most of them are worthless.

Looking inside, you can see the black coconut palm forest of Fox Mountain.

Star Belly swaggered, wagging its tail, dragging a bamboo basket, swinging back and forth in the woods, occasionally raising its head to see if there were any newly grown coconuts.


There is indeed such a tree high in the tree.

Xingxing smiled crookedly, stepped forward quickly, stepped on the roots of the tree, and hit the mountain!


The tall coconut trees swayed, and the black-haired coconuts were shaken down and fell from the sky. With a bang, it fell to the ground and was just caught by the bamboo basket.


Star Belly puffed out its chest and waggled its tail, triumphantly.

In the past, a coconut like this would have to hit trees many times before it could shake down. Since being promoted to the Eight Extremes Little Grandmaster, it only needs one click, even if it has to withdraw its strength, to succeed!

Just as I was about to continue shopping, I suddenly heard a crisp sound of "click, click, click" ringing in my ears.


It turned its head and looked over with fox eyes, only to see that there were cracks on the tree trunk where it had just hit! The cracks that keep growing in the "click-click" sound!

It was stunned for a moment and hurriedly dragged the bamboo basket away!

Then the coconut tree suddenly broke, falling faster and faster, and hit the forest floor with a "boom", causing huge smoke and dust.


fall down?

Star Belly's eyes widened, how could the coconut tree fall?

Did it get into trouble by sticking to the mountain?

But I saw a fellow apprentice running "swiss swish" from the adjacent medicine field.

It's white gloves!

It looked at the coconut tree, looked at the star's belly, and stepped forward to make sure that the star's belly was not injured.


It pulled Xingxing's belly and moved forward together to look at the broken coconut tree.



...It’s not necessarily broken by the belly of the star. Maybe there are other reasons?

The two foxes stared at the section and stretched out their front paws to stroke the section. But I saw that this section had actually been cracked for a long time, and there were splinters of wood.


The strong wind blows into the coconut trees, then swirls away and blows towards the vast grassland.

Xingxingdu looked disappointed and opened his mouth.


This... the old injury of the coconut tree was also caused by it?

The stick just hit the mountain, detonating new and old injuries together, breaking the trunk of the coconut tree?

the fat is in the fire?

It drooped its ears and lowered its head.


It was just lunch time and he was going to find his master to admit his mistake.

White gloves hug it and comfort it.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

...Master never blames anyone!

The two foxes picked up the black coconuts they had collected in the bamboo basket and rushed towards Fox Mountain.

After they left, the strong wind was still there in the coconut forest!


A huge ball-shaped weed, carried by the wind, came from the depths of the grassland and rushed into the coconut forest!

On the bank of the river, Lu Yang, Zhang Shan, and Yu Tingting were squatting and cleaning a stone slab.


The water splashed up washed away the mud on the stone slabs.

Today, these three people are very nervous and their movements are very stiff!

Yu Tingting looked around subconsciously from time to time.

Zhang Shan and Lu Yang sometimes looked at the thatched house and sometimes looked at the river in front of them.

... They reported the scene they saw in the dream to the committee, which attracted great attention. Beijing sent dozens of experts to organize a seminar to hear what happened that day.

But today when they fell asleep, they received a brand new secret mission... Go to this small river to find out what is in this river!

"What can it be?"

The river is actually not wide, only about four or five meters.

But it's very long, coming from the end of the field of view and flowing into the other end of the field of view. It flows slowly, but only the middle flow can be seen, but the beginning and end are not visible.

Will it be very deep?

The water surface is pitch black, laden with sand, and slightly turbid. You can't see the bottom or the depth.

Yu Tingting said softly.

“Just now, Gu Xian entered the thatched house.

"According to his habit, he won't come out for half an hour."

Zhang Shan and Lu Yang looked at each other.

"are you ready?

"Are you sure it's okay?"

The two confirmed again that their location was facing away from the door of the thatched house. Even if the ancient immortal came out of the thatched house, he would not find them immediately.

Look at the slate being cleaned... This one is big, heavy, and thick, and there aren't many words on it. Very suitable for today's task!

The two nodded and suddenly shouted!

"Oh shit!"

"It slipped!"

"Pull me!"

The two pretended to lose their balance, grabbed the stone slab together, and fell into the river together.


Water splashed and ripples spread.

The two of them fell into the cold water and both opened their eyes desperately to see more!

They all tried their best to exhale, exhaling strings of bubbles, exhaling the last bit of air in their lungs, to dive deeper!

They all held on to the slate tightly and let the heavy slate lead them down!


Water enters their ears.


Their eyes hurt underwater.


They lay face down and used their breaststroke legs to hit the water so that they could get under the water faster!

Just like that, they sank all the way.

Unknowingly, it sank deeper and deeper.

How deep is this creek?

They looked up and saw that the water above them had turned into a narrow line of light.

They are all scared!

But he still held on to the stone slab, pushed his head down, pumped the water with his breaststroke legs, and controlled his body to dive deeper into the water!

I don’t know how long it took...

They came to the dark bottom of the water.

Zhang Shan's eyes barely adapted to the darkness, and he stared at the bottom of the water regardless of the stinging sensation caused by soaking in the water!


His heart was beating wildly!

Because he saw Ancient Immortal Pebbles!

I saw a fat bald man, the Ancient Immortal of Round Stone, wearing a black robe, lying quietly at the bottom of the dark water, as if he was asleep.

But isn’t Gu Xian on the shore?

Not in a thatched hut?

Is there another person lying next to the Ancient Immortal of Round Stone?

He's also in black robes, he's also bald, he's also a fat man, he's also... the Ancient Immortal of Round Stone? !

Zhang Shan’s pupils were shaken!

"Could it be..."

He scanned the water, looking forward, backward, and left.

Looking at Lu Yang again, both of their faces were full of fear!

The bottom of the water is densely packed with... round stone ancient immortals!

In this deep river, the long river channel, and the underwater river bed, lie one after another round stone ancient immortals!

They lay in a mess, lying side by side, resting on the bellies of other Ancient Round Stone Immortals, or resting on the thighs of other Ancient Round Stone Immortals, or crossing their arms, or lying on top of each other, lying in a mess on the endless river bank.

How many cobblestone ancient immortals are there?

Zhang Shan and Lu Yang were scared.

But also very excited!

This is very important information!

This is information that humans have never gotten before!

Take this information back and bring it to the experts, and humans will have a better understanding of the ancient immortals!

They let go of the slate in their hands and began to swim up, toward the surface of the water!

The stone slab fell downward, towards the sleeping ancient immortals.

Zhang Shan was suddenly afraid... would this stone slab wake up the ancient immortal?

"If you smash it, you won't wake up."

A voice answered the question in his mind.

It was the voice of the ancient immortal that came from below.

Zhang Shan and Lu Yang lowered their heads and saw the stone slabs falling freely in the water, but they had not yet hit the ancient immortal.

But the densely packed ancient immortals who were lying all over the place opened their eyes.

They lay on the river bed and spoke one by one with smiles on their faces.

"Ouch? I thought another one died."

"Hahaha, how could you die so quickly?"

"Oh my, I thought it was my turn to go up and play."

"What are these two? Are they our apprentices? Apprentices from this world?"


"Our good apprentice, want to come and see the masters?"

"Apprentice, you are very curious."

"It's a pity. There are some things that apprentices cannot and should not know."

Zhang Shan and Lu Yang saw a fat hand zooming into their field of vision, and then their vision went dark and they fell unconscious.


Zhang Shan was lying on the ground, his stomach was pressed, and he spit out a large amount of water. He opened his eyes and saw Yu Tingting's concerned gaze.

Next to him, Lu Yang had woken up and was sitting on the river bank retching, spitting out some sediment and saliva.

"What did you just see under the water?"

Zhang Shan frowned and thought about it... Damn it! Just black sludge!

"Oh, I was a drowned rat for nothing."

At the foot of Fox Mountain.

Densely packed foxes and fiery red figures gathered in the newly opened medicinal field.




The things grown in this newly opened medicinal field don’t look very serious?

I saw crooked trees planted here!

These trees are not straight at all. Instead, their branches are shaped like a person squatting on a horse. The trees are lined up one after another, just like a large group of people lining up in a square formation and squatting on horseback.

Bai Mo, with peach blossom eyes and starry ears, brought medicinal materials, guarded a tree, and explained to his apprentices carefully.

“This medicinal field is our latest fertilizer factory in Fox Mountain!

“We made full use of Roupingshan’s human medicine refining technology and used plants to simulate the human body.

"Do you think the shape of this tree looks like a human body?

"Does it look like a squatting horse stance?

“Look at this tree hole, does it look like a human’s open mouth?

"You only need to feed the corresponding medicinal materials into its mouth according to the formula."

As Bai Mo spoke, Peach Blossom Eyes and Star Ears fed a large spoonful of minced medicine into the tree man's mouth.

"Wait for the medicinal materials to be in its belly and refine them step by step according to the established procedures."

After Bai Mo finished speaking, he heard that the tree man's stomach had begun to "gurgling", as if he had indigestion, as if he could no longer hold it in...

"Finally, fertilizer will come out!"

Bai Mo pointed at the tree next to him.

“This refining process takes two hours.

"That tree was given medicine in advance, and it's just fine now."

Then he saw the tree man next to him, squatting on his horse's feet... Under the horse's feet, the toilet had been placed in advance.

Hearing "puff, puff, clatter", the tree man discharged the light green mud fertilizer. After a while, it filled up more than half of the toilet bowl.

Bai Mo frowned slightly... This fertilizer is absolutely easy to use and the process is absolutely simple, which can free up a lot of labor.

As for visual effects, auditory effects, etc... we can't be too demanding.

Then he saw the densely packed fox disciples around him, all of them were stunned with surprised expressions on their faces.

After a while, they reacted and started jumping up and cheering!




...From now on, Fox Mountain can also refine fertilizer without bothering Master!

After watching it, the foxes gathered in small groups, chatted in foxy language, and rushed to their respective jobs.

Everyone is very excited!

Except for the star belly...

I just admitted my mistake to the master, but the master did not punish it, but helped it to check its body to see if it had damaged itself. As for the black-haired coconut tree, Master doesn't seem to care that much. He just wants it to be safe and work normally, and try his best to control it with martial arts!


It walked with its head drooped and its ears drooped, looking at its fat belly and the white stars and spots on its belly. The more it thought about it, the more ashamed it became.

The white gloves next to him hugged Xing Xingdu's shoulders and smiled.


It tells Xingdu not to care so much!

Master said, the coconut tree is not important, the fox is the biggest treasure of Fox Mountain!

The two foxes entered the field path of the medicinal field, accelerated side by side, and rushed to the edge of the medicinal field.

Along the way, they passed through some grass fields, some woods, and passed huge jade trees, and then passed some trellised vine fields. The two foxes finally came to their respective medicinal fields.


The wind howled.

Today's wind seems to be extremely strong, and it is also a hurricane, spinning back and forth in the coconut trees!

Xingdu was about to start working when he suddenly saw a huge ball of withered yellow grass, rolled up by the hurricane, rolling around in its coconut forest!


What's this?

Something blown by the wind from deep in the grassland?

And...why did two coconut trees fall down?

Xingxingdu felt strange and depressed. Just as he was about to step forward to take a look, he saw the grass ball was blown by the wind and hit a black coconut tree!

The seemingly light ball of grass hit the coconut tree, but suddenly a huge shock force broke out!


Amidst the strange buzzing sound, the grass ball was bounced away.

The trunk of the coconut tree started to crackle and cracks began to appear!

Xingxingdu stood outside the woods, his eyes suddenly widened, staring at the grass ball.


Case solved!

The grievances have been cleared!

It turns out that it wasn't the one that knocked down the coconut tree, it was this bitch who was framing it!


It immediately opened its throat and shook fellow apprentices!

Not long after, the white gloves and round ears from the nearby medicine field came running over. Following the fox paws of Xingxing belly, they listened to the movement in the woods and saw the huge grass balls rolling in the wind.


Xingxing belly pinched his waist with one claw, pointed at the grass ball with the other claw, and frowned angrily! broke the coconut tree!


Xingxingdu asked the brothers to invite the master.

It wants to go up in person and catch this grass ball!

At this moment, they saw this huge grass ball being blown by the wind and crashing into a big rock in the forest!


Hit, made contact!


Amidst the buzzing sound of vibration, the grass ball was rolled over directly, and the stone was vibrated into chips and powder, which scattered in all directions.


Star Belly opened its mouth and could not close it again.

It retracted its front paws pointing at the grass ball, raised its head, and pretended that it had not said what it just said, "Catch this grass ball personally."

This grass group is a bit evil!

Go call Master!

Sorry for the late update. I have been thinking about the world view all day today, and now my head is a little numb... I will continue to write! I don’t know how much more I can write…

Regarding the setting of the ancient immortal, maybe the changes in this plot are a bit fast. I wonder if everyone can accept it?

The prototype of the last grass ball is tumbleweed.

Thanks to Fusheng Banji for the reward~

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