In a classroom with bright and clean windows.

The students were divided into groups, some were discussing, and some were typing code.

"...This model can't be used, right?"

"Actually, I found a similar paper."

"Work harder, maybe you can beat Bai Mo this time?"

On the other side, in the Baimo group, Wu Qingyun and Fang Yuan got together to type and change the format of the paper. They originally wanted to polish the sentences in the paper, but they suddenly discovered that there was nothing to polish in Bai Mo's sentences!

Fang Yuan suddenly remembered something.

“Oh, by the way, back then, this guy got perfect marks in Chinese, perfect marks in composition, and perfect marks in English.

"Language skills are not weak."

Generally speaking, everyone’s stereotype of science and engineering masters is that they are weak in language subjects. But this stereotype does not hold true for Bai Mo.

Bai Mo sat next to him, frowning slightly.

"Zhang Qiren, don't you believe me?"

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, hugging Big Bag, and rubbing Big Bag's fat neck, making a comfortable purring sound come from Big Bag's throat.

When he saw Zhang Qiren's vision, he saw that the goods had been checked, and he was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

I heard this guy say, "You...are you also from the math field?"

Bai Mo ignored him.

Then he took out another piece of manuscript paper and showed another problem that he couldn't solve.

Bai Mo glanced at it.

"Oh... this... seems to have some ideas?"

But what's going on?

He is the investor and Zhang Qiren is the manager.

Is it normal for managers to find investors to solve technical problems?

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, and immediately opened the notebook again, tapping it again and again, and doing simple deductions.

Time passed little by little, and the sunset in Xizhou City was about to set.

The red glow reflects on the windowsill of the classroom.

There were groups in the classroom, some making rapid progress, and they were all smiling.

"We won't go to the cafeteria tonight, let's go to a restaurant."

There are also groups whose progress is stuck and nothing can be accomplished in an afternoon.

"I won't go to the canteen tonight. I just ordered takeout. Let's keep going."

There are also groups that have completed all the content and submitted their papers to the teacher, which surprised the teacher and kept sending messages to ask.

[Is this really written by you three students? 】

[Are you sure you’re not looking for foreign aid? 】

[Have you ever studied discrete mathematics? 】

[Why didn’t I find the formula in the three-bar-two section? Where did it come from? 】

In front of the computer screen, Fang Yuan sat quietly, her face a little red.

She didn't do anything, she was taken away by Bai Mo while she was lying down!

Wu Qingyun remained expressionless as always, poking Bai Mo's shoulder.

"The reviewer asked you where this formula came from."

Bai Mo glanced at it.

"This...well, I pushed it out myself.

"Do you need a derivation process? Wait a moment."

He opened his laptop, tapped away, and completed this paragraph in a short time.

The revised paper will be sent to the reviewer.

It took a long time before the reviewer replied.

【That’s awesome! 】

【Wait for the good news! 】

"That's awesome!"

"Wait for the good news!"

In the large villa, the floor-to-ceiling windows let in the gorgeous glow.

Zhang Qiren grinned and spread out several pieces of crumpled writing paper.

The boss behind the scenes really helped him solve some problems and overcome some obstacles.

"With these, we are only one step away from deciphering the origin of dreams!"

The door opened and the iron tower poked its head in.

"Boss, what do you want to eat tonight?"

What to eat?

Zhang Qiren was stunned for a moment.

", beer and roast duck!"

Tie Ta nodded.


"What would you like to eat tonight?"

In the car compartment of the car, mathematics teacher Chen Wenquan was holding the steering wheel with a smile on his face, looking at Bai Mo in the passenger seat and the fairy beast in his arms.

Bai Mo and Big Head looked at each other.

What to eat?

Bai Mo thought for a moment.

"Teacher, you have lived here for a long time. Is there any unique treasure shop?"

Chen Wenquan grinned.


“There is a restaurant that sells roast duck, and I have been eating it for decades.


He stepped on the accelerator and drove Bai Mo out of the parking lot to the roast duck restaurant.

Along the way, I left Xizhou University, ran on the road for a while, and then turned into a small road.

Lao Chen was just chatting about his daily life, while Bai Mo was feeling strange... Why did Lao Chen suddenly invite guests to dinner?

The big bag in Bai Mo's arms tilted his head and looked at Lao Chen's car. Sometimes I touch the air outlet of the air conditioner, sometimes I look at the central control LCD panel, sometimes I look at the gear knob.

...This car is more refined than the one in Fox Mountain...ah no, much more fancy!

But the running speed is not as fast as Fox Mountain’s car!

Big Pocket read, learned, and memorized all the messy details in his head.


After a while, the car stopped.

Lao Chen got out of the car with Bai Mo and a big bag and entered a greasy street roast duck shop.

After entering, find a small greasy table and sit on the greasy pony.

Bai Mo and Da Qiang looked at each other... The environment in this store is so urgent, the taste and quality of the food must be astonishing!

They thought this way until the beer was opened and the roast duck was served.

Bai Mo took a bite of a duck leg, and Dakou took a bite of a duck breast, and they were both stunned.

This... is a bit burnt when roasted, and it tastes too salty!

But I saw Lao Chen taking a piece of duck neck himself and chewing it with relish.

"Hey, after so many years, the taste has not changed!

“This is the roast duck restaurant where my junior brother and I ate together.

"When we traveled to Xizhou, we stayed in the small hotel next door. The first time we ate was in this restaurant."

He blew on the bottle and took a sip of beer.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, my junior brother and I drank this brand of beer back then!"

Bai Mo and Big Bag, one person and one fox, looked at each other with confusion in their hearts.

No wonder Lao Chen found the roast duck delicious. It turns out that this guy has the emotional filter bonus!

Lao Chen took a sip of wine, leaned over, lowered his voice, and started talking about business.

"Classmate Bai Mo... I... I would like to ask, how are you treated as an expert on the Immortal Arts Committee? Are there regular reviews or anything like that, and what is your level of freedom..."

Bai Mo suddenly realized!

It turns out that Lao Chen invited guests to dinner because he wanted to help his junior brother inquire about his future treatment?

It was getting late, but the lights in the villa were brightly lit.

Seven middle-aged men gathered around a dining table, eating roast duck and drinking beer.

This roast duck is not cheap, and the quality is excellent. It is golden and crispy. It also comes with cucumber shreds, sweet noodle sauce, duck rack and old duck soup.

Tie Ta smiled.

"This is Dadong's roast duck, Dadong's Xizhou branch. It's not cheap!"

As he spoke, he rolled a duck pancake himself and stuffed it into his mouth.

Several middle-aged men were all smiling.

Only Zhang Qiren curled his lips and shook his head.

“No…this doesn’t taste right.

“I can’t bear to add salt, the taste is too bland.

“It’s not roasted high enough and it lacks the burnt aroma.

"I know there is a very good roast duck restaurant in Xizhou City. After you surrender, I will take you to eat there."

Several middle-aged men nodded.



"Hahaha, by then, we will be able to eat on the street openly."

Zhang Qiren smacked his lips.

" you still have ties in normal society?"

The middle-aged men at the table shook their heads.

Beastmaster Sun Dabao put his arm around the six-eared macaque's shoulders and grinned.

"I have a few game partners, and we play King Pesticide together every day. Does this count as a bond?"

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Qiren also laughed.

“I was an orphan since childhood.

“Later, when I was in school, my grades were good, and my teachers and classmates all liked me and got close to me.

"Then after I went to prison, my teachers and classmates all became estranged.

“There was only one senior brother who visited me in prison with the roast duck and beer we had eaten together.

“He said he wanted me to rehabilitate myself, finish those few years in prison, and come back to him after I’m released from prison.

"He said he would help me arrange a way out."

There was silence at the dinner table. Shortly after Zhang Qiren was released from prison, he established Qiren Studio. I haven't heard of any contact with that senior brother.

Zhang Qiren grinned.

"I let him go! After I was released from prison, I didn't look for him.

"But soon, I will be able to surrender to the Fairy Arts Committee and return to normal society with major achievements.

"We can go find him again soon!"

At the dinner table, a group of people grinned.

Zhang Qiren continued.

“Actually speaking, it’s pretty fucked up.

"I didn't eat or drink the roast duck and beer he brought when he visited the prison. Those things did not comply with the regulations and could not be brought into the prison cell.

"The roast duck he brought...I've been thinking about it for many years..."

In a small alley, there is an unknown roast duck restaurant.

The night outside the door is vast.

The glass roast duck ceiling stove emits light yellow light.

In the store, Chen Wenquan drank three bottles of beer and was already tipsy.

"Eat! Eat!"

Bai Mo held a big bag, one person and one fox, eating to the point where he doubted his life and the fox's life.

“The owner of this store is really down-to-earth and willing to cut down on the material.

“Especially this salt, it’s as if it’s free of charge.”

Bai Mo is full and his big pocket is full.

Big Pocket decided not to eat yet. I heard that foxes will lose their fur if they eat too much salt. It looked at its fiery red hair and felt that it would not look good if it fell out.

Chen Wenquan saw that they had eaten about the same amount and had inquired about the expert staff, so he spoke.

"Then I'll take you back...ah...uh...I drank!"

Chen Wenquan was stunned, his face flushed, and he was so embarrassed.

Bai Mo grinned.

He had already noticed that Lao Chen was acting a bit crazy today and seemed to have a big happy event.

"Teacher Chen, please call a substitute driver?"

Chen Wenquan took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

"Uh... forget it, you go ahead, I'll drink two more bottles!"

Bai Mo and Big Bag exchanged a few pleasantries, then left the roast duck restaurant and walked into the vast night.

Chen Wenquan was blowing his beer alone when he saw Professor Zhang, Wu Qingyun and President Chen Shu coming in at the door of the roast duck restaurant!

President Chen Shu had a smile on his face.

"Teacher Chen, you came very early!"

More than a dozen immortal arts committee members followed Chairman Chen Shu to the inside and outside of the store. They either dressed up as chefs, hid in corners, or hid at the commanding heights in the distance.

Chen Wenquan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Professor Zhang, President Chen, and classmate Wu Qingyun, sit down quickly!

“You guys came so early.

"Let's wait together."

Chen Wenquan and Zhang Qiren made an appointment to come to this roast duck restaurant at ten o'clock tonight to surrender!

Chen Wenquan looked at his watch. It was already seven forty. It's ten o'clock, and there are still two hours and twenty minutes before Junior Brother arrives.

Breakfast time in Fox Mountain has passed.

Bai Mo sat behind the table in the bronze hall, eating a bowl of soy milk pudding left in the cafeteria.


The tender pudding is sucked into your mouth.

"It's really delicious. It's much better than that awesome roast duck."

By now, Bai Mo has come back to his senses... The roast duck must not be sold for fear of spoilage, so he added more salt to extend the storage time. But if you add more salt, it will be tougher and less likely to be sold. That thing is a vicious cycle!

While eating pudding from a copper bowl, Bai Mo's vision went to Zhang Qiren's side.

"Is our investment in Fox Mountain going to bear fruit?"

The night sky in Xizhou City suddenly changed color.

Dark clouds gather, a cool breeze rises, and heavy rain falls.


Amidst the sound of rain, rain curtains connected the sky and the earth, blurring the night.

In the roast duck restaurant, Chen Wenquan looked at the heavy rain outside and frowned.

"This...shouldn't affect surrender..."

In the villa, there are magnificent luxurious bedrooms.

Sun Dabao was holding his mobile phone and operating it intensively.

"Start a group, start a group, start a group! Flash in and open up!"

Liu Er, who was next to him, was also holding a mobile phone and cooperating with Sun Dabao.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Flashed into the enemy formation!

The ultimate move... was not launched, and was blocked by concentrated fire.

Liu Er drooped his ears, his face suddenly full of grievance.

Curses immediately came from the game voice channel.

"Damn it, elementary school students, do they know how to play?"

Does anyone dare to scold Liu Er?

Sun Dabao immediately scolded him.

"Fuck you, you are a primary school student!

"Fuck you..."

In the fierce spat, the crystal exploded and the game ended.

Sun Dabao and Liu Er were lying on the bed, side by side, one with a monkey, both looking depressed.

“It’s really not our fault if we lose.

"Those losers, their operations are so rubbish. Damn it, one character has three skills, that's all, they don't even understand how to operate them!"

Speaking of this, Sun Dabao suddenly made a mistake and said something.

"Tell me, do we look like game characters?

"This world is a game, we are the characters in the game, and the ancient immortal is the operator behind us.

"Hehehe, do you think it looks similar?"

Liuer measured his face and looked at Sun Dabao with a strange look in his eyes... This was indeed like a game, and they did look like game characters. But Liu Er didn't understand why Sun Dabao, as a "character", could laugh?

The largest room in the villa.

Under the desk lamp, Zhang Qiren hunched over his desk to deduce.

"Hurry up!

“It’s time to reach the final step!

"After pushing, go to the roast duck restaurant to find senior brother!"

Swish, brush, brush...

His handwriting fell quickly, and he wrote line after line on the scratch paper.

Suddenly, he stopped writing. He frowned and touched his head.

"This...this is too difficult..."

But this part involved too much knowledge about formations, and he couldn't ask that person for help, so he had no choice but to write it down!


Thunder rumbled outside the window.

The rain is getting heavier.

Zhang Qiren raised his head and suddenly realized that the color of the rain seemed not right?

He stood up and turned off the lights in the room.

Then he looked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows, towards the dense rain curtain in the night outside.


The rain fell violently.

But the rain is actually blood red?

This paragraph was a bit difficult to write. Hope you all like this tune.

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