The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 209 The art of the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou!

The atmosphere in the entire Xizhou University quickly became anxious and solemn!

"The intersection here is closed, go back to the dormitory quickly!"

"Students, please go to the teaching building, there is an emergency here!"

...Xizhou University, at various key intersections, Immortal Arts Committee members are already blocking the roads, directing students and prohibiting them from approaching the Immortal Grass Office Building!

Opposite the Xiancao Building, in the Physics Building, and on the rooftop of the seventh floor, sniper rifles have been set up, with cold muzzles aimed at all angles!

Behind a sniper, Commissioner Gu Lin had a serious expression and was staring at the opposite side.

"The small woods around Xiancao Tower are very troublesome!"

One after another, the drones had already flown into the small woods.

One by one, the robot dogs also opened their mechanical legs and entered the woods.

They all carry cameras and thermal imaging to conduct reconnaissance scans back and forth in the woods.

But their cameras are no match for the invisibility talisman, and their thermal imaging cannot detect the zombie talisman.

They couldn't detect them. They were hugging high trees. They were naked men with talismans painted on their bodies. They looked crazy on their faces, staring and smiling stupidly!

Their eyes would not blink, they were all round and staring, staring at the door or window of Xiancao Building!

They held the sharp knives tightly in their hands, ready to jump off the tree and stab the knives out at any time!

As for the Xiancao Building surrounded by groves, blood-red smoke was emitting from every door and window!

In the Immortal Grass Building, dozens of Immortal Arts Committee members are distributed in the corridors of each floor, patrolling back and forth to prevent enemies from raiding!

Wu Qingyun was wearing a bronze battle armor, holding a blood-red sword, a gas mask and a headset, and was constantly communicating intelligence with the commander.

“The faucet is blocked.

“But the red smoke can’t stop it.

“The smoke density is getting thicker and thicker.

"The instrument shows that within one minute, the concentration will enter the dangerous range!"

In the office, Fang Xiaoyu was sitting on the sofa, curled up with a distorted face.

She looked at the blood-red smoke that was constantly coming in through the cracks in the door, and smelled the increasingly thick smell of blood in the air. Her face was twisted, she felt regret and fear in her heart, and her makeup was wet with tears.


Black Bracelet stood on the back of the sofa, patted her shoulder, swung his fox tail, held his head high, and gave her a relaxing look!

With Master here, this is no big deal!

Bai Mo sat back on the sofa, his mind divided between looking for the enemy and giving Fang Xiaoyu a comforting smile.

"Expert Baimo is here, what are you afraid of?"

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiaoyu was so rude to this consolation that she rushed towards him, hugged him, buried her face in his shoulder, and cried loudly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I'm's all my fault..."

Bai Mo smiled helplessly and patted her shoulder.

"It's okay. The smoke concentration is not very high. It will take another minute before it will harm the human body."

On the mobile phone in Bai Mo's hand, the enemy's voice rang out again in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, let me tell you a secret. This time, all those involved in the assassination are ordinary people!

"There are no immortal cultivators, they are all ordinary people!

"Secret medicine and secret blood flow in their bodies, and amplification talismans are painted on their bodies!

“But they have never been promoted, they are not practitioners.

"Today, let everyone see how ordinary people fought against the committee and assassinated Sequence Seven!

"Let everyone see how powerful our Red Blood Secret Cult is!

"By the way, let me give you a little advertisement. The Red Blood Secret Cult welcomes heroes from all walks of life who cannot cultivate immortality but desire strength!

"If you have the guts, just come!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew by quickly.

[Nonsense, they are all ordinary people, what can they do to show off? 】

[Can ordinary people create this red smoke? 】

[Are they really not afraid of the committee? Aren’t you afraid of the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou City? 】

Of course not all those who came to assassinate were ordinary people!

In the grove, underground, in the arms of tree roots, there is a big fat man, lying together like a baby!

He is a genius of the Eight Immortal Martial Arts. He has the Earth Escape Talisman tattooed on his left shoulder and the Wood Escape Talisman tattooed on his right shoulder.

At this time, the Wood Escape Talisman was activated, turning his breath into a tree root. In this dark underground, in the embrace of the tree roots, his skin is pressed against the tree roots, drawing air from the tree roots, breathing with the tree roots.

With this wood escape technique, even the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou cannot find him!

Even with the Earth Escape Technique, he can come and go freely underground, and no one can keep him!

"Come out, come out, Zhang Ye!"

He raised his ears and pressed his ears against the soil, waiting for the sound of Professor Zhang's footsteps.

"Let me take you back!"

He wants to take Professor Zhang back to the Red Blood Secret Sect!

One kilometer outside the Xizhou University campus, by the side of the road.

In the dark underground, the Sequence 8 Talisman Master, with the Earth Escape Talisman attached to his body, was hiding underground, holding the water pipe.

His arm was attached to the golden escape talisman and he reached into the water pipe!

He holds a blood poison talisman in his hand and is continuing to pollute the tap water!

He had made preparations in advance and knew that this pipeline was exclusively for Xiancao Tower!


"What about you Zhang Ye's five-color elixir fire?

"What can you do, the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou?

"Today, we are going to kidnap Zhang Ye, who can stop us?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the hand that reached into the pipe seemed to be entangled with something?


He reached out and touched a cold chain.


Just as he was wondering, he realized that the chains were tightly strangling his arms and pulling him into the pipe!


He exclaimed, and was forcefully dragged into the pipe. Chains were wrapped around his body like a snake. He was tied until his muscles and bones exploded and his internal organs were broken. In the water pipe, he spat out a mouthful of broken internal organs. Blocks of pus and blood!

In the office building, Bai Mo sighed while patting Fang Xiaoyu on the back to comfort her.

"This poisonous snake rope is quite useful."

That's right, the chain that hanged the eighth talisman master in the sequence was Bai Mo's poisonous snake rope. It was controlled by Bai Mo's divine consciousness and flowed down the water pipe!

"There is also a fat man nesting under the roots of a tree. What does he think?

"The problem is not small!"

Under the dark ground, in the arms of tree roots, the Sequence Eight Immortal Martial [Blood Man] lay together like a baby.

He has the Wood Escape Talisman with him, and being in the embrace of the tree roots is like returning to his mother's embrace, which is particularly comfortable.

Until he suddenly realized that Shugen's mother's embrace had unknowingly become too tight!

The thick tree roots wrapped around his head, around his neck, around his chest, abdomen and limbs, and they kept tightening!


He quickly activated the wooden escape talisman!

But it's no use!

The aura fluctuations of the Wood Escape Talisman are ineffective!

Mother Tree Root seemed determined to hug him, lock him up, and strangle him to death!


His fist exploded with blood narcissus energy and the terrifying power of a bloody man, trying to break free!

The soil shook slightly, but the tree roots were like copper poured into iron, unshakable!


A car parked near Xiancao Tower.

Those who got off the car were Su Yaoyao, Sun Dabao and the six-eared macaque!

Sun Dabao pointed to the small woods in the distance.

"Liu Er, hurry up, listen and see if there are any enemies in the woods!"

If there are no enemies in the woods, it is necessary to quickly arrange for the evacuation of the people in the building.

But he saw Liu Er jumping on the roof of the car, and the six ears began to vibrate, like a phased array radar, receiving sound wave signals in the air.

After a while, it smiled!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

found it!

More than thirty!

It was about to point when it suddenly looked down and its expression changed. The whole monkey's eyes were wide open, its hair was wet with sweat, it was trembling wildly, it was stammering and it was incoherent!

"Squeak, squeak... squeak, squeak... squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Sun Dabao looked at Liu Er.

"What's wrong?"

"what have you found?"

He followed Liu Er's paws and looked at the ground.

From a distance, I could see that on the ground of the grove, under the fallen leaves, and in the soil, there were blood gushing out everywhere like springs!

The fishy and sweet smell spreads in the wind.

The bright red blood is flowing in the grove!

Sun Dabao, Liu Er, Su Yaoyao, and a group of immortal arts committee members waiting outside could not help but tremble.

In the office.

Bai Mo glanced at the live broadcast room and saw that in the live broadcast screen, the red mist of the Immortal Grass Tower had begun to fade.

This is a given.

After all... the originator of the red mist has been hanged, and his flesh and blood is already pouring on the trees in the grove outside the building.

As for the fat man, he was crushed by the roots of the tree and turned into flesh and blood. He went to water the tree with his companions.

"The immortal skills of Roupingshan are quite good if you learn them and use them occasionally, and practice them from time to time."

The woods outside the office building.

Men without clothes and with talismans painted on their bodies, still looking crazy, clinging to trees, holding sharp knives, guarding every window or door.

The bark of the tree next to their skin suddenly grew fingers, digging into their chests and abdomen!

It dug through the skin, dug through the flesh, passed through the cracks in the ribs, and dug into the internal organs!

But there was a paralyzing poison and a hypnotic poison in the fingers, making them unaware.

Until they become increasingly unconscious, until they finally die.

In the office.

Bai Mo was held by Fang Xiaoyu, listening to her cry, his shoulders were wet with her tears.

"Oh, okay, okay, look at what the group said, the red smoke has dissipated!"

In the large group of Xiancao office buildings, someone is already sending messages.

[Hahahaha, the red smoke is gone! 】

【Are you saved? 】

[Is the crisis over? 】

Professor Zhang sent a message.

【Everyone, please be patient! 】

Suddenly someone sent another message.

[Shit, look at the woods outside the window! 】

It turned out that in the grove, on the trees, there were men without clothes and painted with talismans.

They hugged the tree tightly, blood flowing down their bodies like a small waterfall, dyeing all the tree trunks under them red!

"Ah, it's finally over."

Outside the Xiancao Building, academic experts and administrative staff were squatting on the roadside waiting.

At this time, everyone was crying or laughing, and they were all breathing in the fresh air.

Bai Mo sat on the curb and hugged the shoulders of Fang Xiaoyu, who was still crying.

"Stop crying, it's over.

"What are you still afraid of?"

Fang Xiaoyu buried her face in Bai Mo's shoulder, still sobbing.

Oddly enough, she was in the Fairy Arts Committee and encountered a lot of dangers, but she was usually strong enough.

But now that Bai Mo was around, she wanted to cry especially and couldn't control her tears.

Li Fangming and Chen Wenquan were also sitting nearby, looking at the Immortal Grass Tower from a distance, watching the Immortal Arts committee members busy coming in and out.

Li Fangming's face turned pale.

"what happened?

"There was a burst of red smoke coming out of the building, and there were a bunch of dead people hanging on the trees outside?"

Chen Wenquan also had lingering fears and his voice was hoarse.

"Damn, this is so shameless!"

Bai Mo had a black bracelet on his shoulder and his face was expressionless.

On the one hand, he wanted to try out the Immortal Technique of Roupingshan.

On the other hand, he wanted to give these ignorant guys a little shock.

"The magic of Roupingshan is only so powerful. But this visual effect is really impressive!"

The small woods outside Xiancao Tower.

Chairman Chen Shu and Professor Zhang, with a group of experts, were stepping on the blood-soaked ground to inspect the battlefield after the incident.

The young magician committee member stepped on the ladder and carefully tried to pluck the dead man hanging from the tree.

President Chen Shu and Professor Zhang were relatively speechless.

Both of them have spiritual consciousness and already know how these people in the tree died.

Since they have been involved in immortality, they have seen many underworld scenes that have greatly reduced their sanity, but today's one, with fingers growing on the tree and tearing out the internal organs of the person holding the tree... can be considered high among all the underworld scenes.

" this the one who took action?

"He still knows this kind of magic?"

Next to him, Liu Er, the monkey's paw points to a certain point on the ground, and the monkey's face has a distorted and excited expression.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The two immortal arts committee members held shovels and dug quickly where the monkey's paw pointed.

This blood-soaked soil is very easy to dig. The only drawback is that it has a slightly fishy smell that makes people feel sick to their stomachs.

The two committee members endured it and dug the hole deeper and deeper.

After a while, they stopped the shovel, and a pile of hair, clothes, bone residue and light yellow dried meat crumbs appeared at the bottom of the pit.

"What is this?"

President Chen Shu and Professor Zhang came together. They saw more, observed and thought about it, and guessed the truth.

"Is this...all the blood and water in the body has been drained, leaving only hair, bones and dried meat flakes?"

The committee members were silent.

Squeeze...squeeze it dry?

What kind of pressing method can squeeze human flesh and blood into light yellow dry flakes?

After a long silence, President Chen Shu issued an order.

“Take pictures, take pictures clearly!

“Take pictures of the bloody holes in the chests and abdomens of those hanging from the trees, the blood-stained fingers growing on the trees, the red trunks dripping with blood, and the drained corpses.

“Don’t publish through official channels, find trolls, find some groups, forums, etc., and spread the whole story and these photos!

“Let’s take a look at the wanted criminals, the fence-sitters, the wallflowers, and the degenerates!

“Our Xizhou City man has always been relatively benevolent in his external behavior.

“This time, we want people to see another side of him.

"Let Xiaoxiao see his other side."

President Chen Shu’s immortal skills are not very good, and he may be stuck at sequence eight in this life.

But he is a little genius when it comes to publicity!

At this time, he frowned and thought about it.

"Yes, package these photos into a picture package, add text descriptions, and use unofficial channels to spread them on the Internet.

“The name of the picture package is called ‘Art’!

"The 'art' of the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou City!"

Finished writing today. . See you tomorrow, book friends!

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