Bai Mo exited the forum and suddenly remembered that after he was promoted to Sequence Seven academic expert, his authority in the committee was much higher and he could read some confidential documents.

Opening the official software of the committee, a new section popped up.

【High-Level Trends】

After opening it, the top document was surprisingly [Review on the Failure of the Dragon Tomb Ruins Operation]

The reviewer’s signature is Wu Jianxian.


Bai Mo frowned.

The Dragon Tomb ruins are newly excavated ruins on the Shangjing side. It is suspected to be a dream overflow area, attracting a large number of magicians from all sides.

On the committee's side, Wu Jianxian led the team and led ten newly promoted Sequence 7s to go together.

This configuration also failed?

"If you can do an examination, at least it means that the person is back alive. Is the injury serious?"

Bai Mo flipped through the files and couldn't find Wu Jianxian's injury report.

Looking up at Wu Qingyun, he saw that she was leaning in front of Fang Xiaoyu's computer, ordering takeout together. Although her expression was dull, her eyes were bright, and she seemed not to know about her grandfather's defeat.

"With her rank, isn't she qualified enough to know?"

Unknowingly, Bai Mo has become the core figure of the committee and has access to the most core information.

"In this defeat, were the resources in the Dragon Tomb ruins taken away?

“The speed at which the ancient immortal disciples obtain resources has been slowed down, but it is difficult to stop it.

"These people are getting stronger."

Just as he was sighing, he saw a message from Qu Hailou pop up on the screen of his mobile phone.

[White ink expert, mass production of mycelial healing patches has been successful! 】





Several pictures are of the production line, the mass-produced version of the wound patch, and the mass-produced version of the clinical test.

When the video opens, it is a video of a mass-produced healing patch that has just been opened and quickly heals a deep wound!

Bai Mo grinned.

The cups and plates on the coffee table in the office are in a mess.

A pile of crooked fast food boxes.

Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun were both lying on the sofa with their bellies showing off.

Bai Mo looked at the sushi rice grains on Wu Qingyun's face and knew that this girl definitely didn't know about her grandfather.

The last piece of salt-grilled saury was held up by the tail by the black ring with its fox claws and put vertically into the upturned mouth.

Then the fox closed its mouth and pulled out its claws. Only clean fish bones came out.

Black Ring smiled brightly. Although it had never eaten fish before, foxes were born to eat fish!

Bai Mo smiled, touched his apprentice's fat belly, looked at the fish bones it dropped, and suddenly thought...

“Knowledge is endless.

“But the framework of knowledge is endless.

"When I learn about the stems of fairy grass, I can also figure out a framework. I first understand it and then gradually enrich it.

"It's like first having a fish bone as a skeleton, and then adding more flesh and blood to the skeleton."

With a clear thought, Bai Mo grinned, picked up his apprentice, returned to his desk, and opened the expert database.

"From this modern knowledge, we can figure out the framework of plant stem knowledge!"

The documents of the Ancient Immortal Dynasty are full of defects and omissions, making them difficult to use.

Modern science, on the other hand, is knowledge developed rigorously and conscientiously from generation to generation over hundreds of years. At this time, Bai Mo opened the literature library and started reading the stem-related reviews.

He reads papers very quickly. With a flick of the scroll wheel and a quick sweep of his eyes, he reads an article.

Kind of like quantum speed reading.

Click the mouse to close an article, click the mouse to open another article.

Useless information is quickly filtered out, and useful information remains in your mind.

In this way, he used his own perception to quickly explore among the vast legacy of his predecessors, trying to understand the framework and context of existing knowledge.

Article after article, some contain a lot of useful information, while others are full of water.

Some are in high places, and some are in the middle.

Some have small mistakes and omissions, and some have small highlights.

Bai Mo refuses no one and quickly explores.

Gradually, in this dense list of documents, in the black and white words between the lines, and in the exploration of this field by countless predecessors, he came across a set of frameworks and contexts, with a smile on his face and a gentle nod.

In the strong wind, flying sand rolled into the bronze hall.

But they saw that the huge space in the hall was divided into more than a dozen grids.

In each grid, there are three or four pots of different plants.


Little Big Eyes carried a watering can and watered the plants one by one, catching bugs from the leaves along the way.


Bow tie held the scissors, wandering around, and cut off the excessive forks according to the master's instructions.

These plants were specially found by Bai Mo based on the newly researched framework, and each one is representative.

At this time, Bai Mo was sitting behind the bronze table, writing and drawing on the tablet computer. Sometimes he raised his head and scanned the plants with his consciousness, verifying the knowledge of the ancient immortal dynasty and verifying what he had learned.

Regarding the knowledge of plant stems, he already had the skeleton and context of modern predecessors. What needs to be done at this time is to personally study the medicinal herbs of the ancient Immortal Dynasty, and cover these skeletons and veins with flesh and blood, so that the entire set of knowledge can be completed.

Next to the table, a section of Purple Earthworm stalk was carried into a bronze vat. Bai Mo raised his hand to touch it and its rough bark.

"The ideas have been sorted out, and the rest is just to spend some time."

when! when! when!

The huge palace has been transformed into the Fox Mountain Car Building Workshop.

On one side of the palace, foxes were wielding small hammers and tapping copper plates.


The small hammer in the overalls points to the wall and the drawings carved by the master.


Dakou was stunned for a moment, looking at the wall drawings and the copper plate under his hammer. Frowning.


Its fox eyes stared at the wall for a long time, then immediately swung the hammer to rework the copper plate.

On the other side of the palace, there were more than a dozen small forklifts, two cars and an excavator parked.

A group of foxes are climbing up and down, performing maintenance and repairs on these cars.

Wearing a stethoscope, Moon Claw hid under the car, frowning, listening for the sound of the spinning bamboo stick bit by bit.

Sun Claw and Star Claw were holding buckets and brushes, brushing the teeth of Big Mouth Excavator.

The foxes are all very serious. After all, they have just been transferred to this workshop and are not very familiar with the work yet. There are many things they need to learn.

Bai Mo wandered around, looking here and there.

Sometimes he touches the heads of passing apprentices, spreading his spiritual consciousness to check their work, and also listens to the sounds of the plant components in the car.

“These spinners, big-mouthed flowers, and the like are all Sequence 8 or 7 herbs, and their performance cannot be said to be outstanding.

“If it’s stretched to death, it’s considered civilian grade.

"It can't reach the terrifying intensity of the Purple Earth Dragon.

“For daily use, you still need to keep up with repairs and maintenance.

"But the cost is low and it can be mass-produced, which is suitable for the current situation of Fox Mountain."

Bai Mo grinned, and while walking, he was also feeling the stems of these parts and plants to verify what he had learned.

“Stalks that grow in a quiet room are different from those that grow in a strong wind.

“A stalk that works every day is different from a stalk that grows by itself…”

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the subtleties, perceived the subtle changes, and gradually gained insights. This part of his own knowledge became more complete.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The teaching building of Xizhou University, the largest lecture theater, is already bustling with people and overcrowded.

Students filled every seat and filled the aisles. There were even people standing outside the door and windows.

Sitting in the front row of the classroom, Yang Zhan was very proud.

"Fortunately, I was smart and came in advance to occupy a seat, otherwise we would have to listen to the lecture outside the door right now."

Lan Fangfang and others in Wanbo City all grinned.

"This lecture is so popular."

"Look over there, there are reporters setting up cameras."

"Do you want live broadcast on multiple platforms?"

At this moment, the host on the podium patted the microphone and began to speak.

“No need to crowd in here, if you don’t have a seat, you can go back to the dormitory!

“This lecture is live broadcast on the Shexian Forum, Kuai Dou short video, and WeChat video account. You can just go back and watch it.

"The radio is clearer and the picture is clearer!"

But the number of people in the audience did not decrease.

Instead, there were more and more people, and the aisles became more and more crowded.

Huang Sitong sat in the corner seat, twitching the corner of his mouth.

"Are you going to be so exaggerated?"

Not far away, Fang Yuan and Zhang Jian were sitting together, also looking strange.

Zhang Jian was quite uneasy.

"I'm not from your school either. Wouldn't it be inappropriate to occupy a seat? How about... I go first?"

Fang Yuan took his hand and held him down.

“This is originally a lecture for society!

"Besides, if you keep quiet, who knows where you came from?

"Sit quietly!"

The host on the stage looked helpless.

"Students in the corridor, at least make way for Expert Bai Mo so that he can come in!

"How can the lecture start if he doesn't come in?"

Carrying his apprentice Hei Er, Bai Mo squeezed his way into the lecture theater from the crowd.

"Is mycelium healing patch so popular?

"So many people are interested?"

I thought I was just taking some time to share something with my classmates, but I didn’t expect that the battle would be so big?

There were also people squatting on the edge of the podium. Bai Mo cautiously came to the podium.

After chatting with the female host, without using slides, I took the microphone and started sharing.

"What I want to share with you today is the exploration process of mycelium healing patch..."

In fact, Bai Mo didn't know much about this project. He only gave a set of solutions from the biochemical and mathematical levels. But this does not prevent him from sharing... because those mycelium are the century-old one-leaf mushroom mycelium he once left at Western University. Except for the ancient immortal, no one knows that thing better than him.

"...Mycelium of grass jelly has the habit of growing into human flesh and blood. When we make wound healing patches, the most important idea is how to guide it and turn this growth habit into suture properties..."

Bai Mo didn't use slides, which initially surprised the audience. But when Bai Mo spoke, turned around and started writing on the blackboard, they all suddenly understood.

Then he saw a chubby little red fox on Bai Mo's shoulder. Both claws of the fox grabbed colorful chalks, and occasionally handed one to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo writes and draws on the blackboard.

The chalk writing looks good, but that's all. The key point is that with a few strokes of white ink, a schematic diagram of the mycelial structure is actually sketched!

The reporters’ camera flashes flashed wildly.

The youngest Sequence 7 academic expert in mankind, plus the fairy beast fox, plus the results of healing patches, this is full of news value!

The students also nodded.

"Oh, so this is the structure of hyphae?"

"Oh my god, he used chalk to draw the picture. It feels like the drawing is directly in my mind. It's so clear, isn't it?"

"The person who drew this picture has great expressive ability!"

On the podium, Bai Mo guided from characteristics to biochemical characteristics, and then drew a cell tissue.

From biochemical properties to mathematical processing, list several formulas on the blackboard.

The audience in the audience was mesmerized... In fact, by this point, most of the students were confused by what they heard, but it didn't stop them from feeling how awesome it was!

In the corner of the auditorium, Huang Sitong was already confused.

"how could be?

"I'm a Sequence 8 soup man, but I can't understand?"

In her mind, the two ancient immortals were also confused.

"It's normal not to understand. This is not immortal knowledge, but another theoretical system.

"This Bai Mo, if he also practices alchemy... he might be very scary, and his achievements are even higher than yours!"

Huang Sitong frowned and was about to be unconvinced when he saw Bai Mo taking a few colored chalks from the fox's paw on the podium, and with a few strokes, he drew a complex protein structure. It's obviously a two-dimensional drawing, but it has a very three-dimensional feel. It doesn't look like it's drawn on a blackboard, but rather like it's stuck on one side. With just one glance, one can understand the structure.

"...This is the key transmitter in the guidance process..."

Bai Mo was talking eloquently on the stage, and the students in the Xiancao experimental class below the stage were all fascinated and their eyes were shining. What Bai Mo said was not difficult, and they could roughly understand the idea.

Tian Xinghuo sighed while listening with his ears straightened up and holding up his mobile phone to take pictures.

“Is this the human race’s Sequence 7 academic expert?

"It's really scary."

Then I thought about it, fortunately this person was in Xizhou and was protected by the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou, otherwise he might have been assassinated by the Ancient Immortal.

On the podium, white ink was drawn again and again from different perspectives of the protein structure, and he began to explain the effects and changes of temperature and humidity on the protein during the cultivation process.

By this time, there are fewer and fewer people in the audience who can understand...

Wanbo City frowned.

"Don't we need to keep these things secret? Wouldn't it be bad to be learned from the dark world?"

Guan Yueling next to her thought for a moment.

"What Bai Mo talked about are just general ideas, right? There is still a long way to go before actual practice.

"These should not be afraid of leakage."

Just like the principle of hydrogen bomb is hydrogen nuclear fusion, everyone knows this.

But the manufacturing process of hydrogen bombs is another matter.

Yang Zhan next to him was stunned for a long time.

"But how do I feel that I have realized it, fully understood it, and can understand the principle of making this mycelium healing patch?

"I this aspect, I have reached Consummation."

The classmates couldn't help laughing.

On the podium, Bai Mo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly while he was mid-sentence.

For many things, the less you learn and understand, the more you think you understand everything.

The more you learn and the more exposure you have, the more you will discover your ignorance.

Bai Mo frowned, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

He knows the principle of "making a weapon"!

The so-called "knowledge and self-consciousness" means that people like Yang Zhan think that they are perfect.

When the knowledge learned is perfect within the scope of one's own cognition, it can become a useful tool!

In other words, some stupid ancient immortals who have learned half a bottle of water can still achieve success if they truly believe that they have reached perfection in a certain field!

If you are a poor scholar who is constantly exploring and studying ancient immortals, even if you learn more, if you never feel that you are perfect, you will not be able to achieve success!

Bai Mo frowned as he spoke, wondering if he had made a mistake?

“Idiots who are half-satisfied and are good at fooling themselves are more likely to succeed?

"Can you see clearly that your own knowledge is insufficient and you are not satisfied? If you keep learning and exploring, you will not be able to achieve anything?

"Isn't this fair?

"No matter how weird the system of cultivating immortals is, it can't be said like this?"

Thanks to Virtual and Real Mechanical 67 for the tip~

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