Bai Mo sat on the sofa, hugging his apprentice, and watching videos with Lao Chen.

The cool pictures and dynamic sound effects made Lao Chen’s son’s eyes widen.

The leopard head and belly in Bai Mo's arms frowned and rested on his big tail, looking very bored... This scene looked weird and uninteresting, and it was far less shocking than the master's magic.

Lao Chen sighed while watching.

“Actually, we humans, from ancient times to the present, have never stopped fantasizing about the supernatural.

“No matter which dynasty, generation or nation, they all have their own myths and stories.

"It's not about faith, it's about fairy tales."

Bai Mo nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

Even in modern society, everyone has read books, knows science, and knows that myths are illusory... but they still like fantasy, like to imagine the supernatural, like fantasy, science fiction... There are endless fantasy literary and artistic works.

And human fantasy is also a treasure house.

"Look at the design of this exoskeleton armor. When a person puts it on, it looks like a kangaroo.

“It relies purely on the elasticity of the material, and there is no power system.

"It's actually kind of interesting."

Bai Mo nodded.

Good science fiction design, good imagination, contains creativity and knowledge, will conform to human intuitive logic, is self-consistent to a certain extent, and conforms to some scientific principles.

Especially for those who engage in learning, academics, and research, good imagination is full of beauty, while low-quality imagination will make people feel uncomfortable.

“Look at this, it’s weird.

"Why does such a thick mecha use a slender sword?"

Bai Mo nodded, agreeing with Lao Chen's point of view.

There is also a mecha with a long red tassel gun on its back... It's not ugly, but it's just weird.

Why does the sturdy mecha use such a slender red tassel gun?

Seeing the mecha holding a square, thick machete, Bai Mo and Lao Chen nodded.

This is intuitive and logical!

This knife is big enough to block, heavy enough, and powerful. The mecha doesn't lack arm strength, so why use a rapier?

Looking at the screen again, the mecha launched its fist as a missile...

The two frowned again.

This is so weird and stupid!

Looking at the screen again, the mecha's wrist poked out the electric drill bit, buzzing...

The two nodded again.

This is a good design that balances power and flexibility.

While reading, Lao Chen took out his mobile phone and recorded all his thoughts and inspirations, preparing to send them to the committee.

This kind of thing requires brainstorming. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, give them the inspiration first!

While watching the video, Bai Mo was also thinking.

Occasionally, he glanced at the window from the corner of his eye and glanced to the building opposite, only to see Mrs. Feng, her son, and their friend Mo Dashan still guarding the dining table.

The food on the table is cold.

Mrs. Feng and Mo Dashan were drinking wine.

Feng Endi sat on the chair, his head was extremely heavy, and he kowtowed one after another, but he just didn't want to fall asleep.

Is he still waiting for Lao Feng?

You're so sleepy and you want to see dad?

Bai Mo suddenly thought of Professor Hong Anxi, Dr. Qu Hailou... This group of scientific researchers were also under closed management at the northern suburbs base. Even communications are controlled. It is not easy to see family members.

Speaking of old Feng, what's going on?

Don’t even have time to make a video?

Bai Mo sighed silently, turned his head again, and continued watching TV.

“This steam-assisted boxing has something to offer!

“Can we replace this steam device and the hot water inside with other materials?

"Or create a hydraulic power-assisted boxing?"

Lao Chen laughed while talking. Watching videos to find inspiration made him very happy. He recorded his thoughts on his mobile phone while talking.

His son was beside him, holding his father's hand, raising his little head and looking at his father with admiration on his face.

Bai Mo looked at the steam-assisted boxing and was thoughtful.

Seeing on the screen, the steam pressure relief valve made a "pop" sound, removing the steam... This is indeed very touching, very beautiful, and very intuitive and logical.

Time flies by.

The night was already dark. Lao Chen and Bai Mo watched the video together.

Lao Chen pulled up the screen of his mobile phone and grinned when he saw the dozens of inspirations he had recorded.

Bai Mo hugged his apprentice, stood up and said a few words before saying goodbye and leaving.

He saw that Mrs. Feng was already drunk upstairs.

Mo Dashan hugged Feng Endi.

And Feng Endi had already slept to death.

That child... was just holding on to his excitement before. I was afraid that I had been excited for several days when I heard that I could see my father. Up to now, I can't hold it any longer and have fallen asleep to death.

Suddenly, the screen of the tablet computer placed on the dining table next to the leftovers lit up!

Ding Ling Ling Ding Ling~

Mrs. Feng was drunk and reached out to press the button.

Then he saw a man's dark, oily face appear on the screen, his eyes anxious and excited.

"Wife! Son! You have been waiting for a long time..."

His words stopped abruptly.

Because his wife was drunk, her face was red and full of tears.

Next to his wife, Modashan, who was also drunk, sat.

In Mo Dashan's arms, he held his son who had slept to death.

I finally applied for the video opportunity, and finally looked at my son and my wife, but now, can I still talk?

Moreover, the wife, son, and Modarshan sitting together look like a family. Instead, he seemed like an outsider.

On the screen, his face dropped.

His expectations were gone, and fatigue appeared in his brows and eyes, suppressing his entire face.

"Honey, why don't you just hang up first...let Endi go to bed..."

At this moment, the wind blew in from the window. This wind was quite strange. It was obviously colorless and odorless, but it seemed to be cooler than the wind on autumn nights in the past. It circled in a circle, stirring up the smell of alcohol in the air and blowing away Feng. Madam's drunkenness blew open Feng Endi's eyelids.

"Huh? Old Feng!"

"Dad! I miss you!"

Feng Endi rushed forward, picked up the tablet, and burst into tears.

On the other end, Feng Kaishan's eyebrows suddenly opened up, he was smiling and crying, and his dark and oily face was wrinkled.

"Dad misses you too!

"Have you eaten well recently? Have you gained weight? Show it to daddy..."

On the opposite floor, Bai Mo hugged his apprentice, exchanged greetings with his wife, and then turned and entered the elevator.

Although I don't know what Lao Feng is doing outside, it seems that it is not easy.

Just help him for a while.

The night was dark and the wind was howling.

In the main hall of the dormitory, Bai Mo was sitting on the bedside, weaving a pile of hard rattan.

"Purple Earth Dragon Immortal Qi, come and have a look.

"The fairy energy of Fishlegs, please give it a try too.

"Put one of the yellow plums in and use it as the energy core..."

Research on "flowers" is proceeding steadily.

The knowledge of great immortal arts is also increasing day by day.

What Bai Mo is doing today is making Immortal Qi Vine Armor for his apprentices!

The big flower arms and the small flower arms leaned against the master, staring, watching the master operate, watching the cane turn into various strange shapes in the master's hands.

The other brothers and sisters were standing in a circle, looking at the rattan armor that the master had finished.



A circle of foxes jumped and cheered.

Among them, the white bracelet is wearing rattan armor, holding its head and rolling on the ground!

Their bodies are naturally round, but after putting on the bulging rattan armor, they almost become a ball. They can roll happily with their heads held in their hands and their tails curled up!



A circle of foxes swung their tails and cheered.

Among them, Xingxing was wearing rattan armor, standing on all fours, and was waving his big tail wildly!

Their tails were originally big, but now they were attached and extended by the white hyphae attached to the rattan armor, making them thicker and bigger, like a huge flame, waving in the air with a breaking sound!

The fox's tail is mainly used to control balance and hold it to sleep. With this bigger tail, you can better control your balance, and you can also use it to fight and move things!



A circle of foxes wave their front paws in celebration.

Among them, Fat Youyou was wearing rattan armor, lying on the ground with her feet in the air, showing her fellow brothers the rattan silk claw covers and rattan silk shoes, as well as the suckers on the center of the front and back paws!

This sucker is the same type as the fish-leg plant. They felt disgusted when they saw it before, but the master made the sucker appear on their vine armor, and they felt that this thing was powerful and domineering!

Bai Mo was in the distance, looking up at his apprentices from time to time while making.

This is the inspiration he just got after watching a lot of videos. Now that he has realized it through magic, it feels pretty good!

“The power and strength of the Purple Earth Dragon.

“The suction power of fishlegs.

“The energy reserve of Huang Zhongli.

"It's really good, hehe.

“It doesn’t consume much immortal energy, it’s high quality and low price!

"Although I don't know when this thing will come in handy..."

The answer is, the next day.

Under the dark clouds, the wind blows wildly.

In the distant valley, excavators roared.

Near the foot of the mountain, several foxes with ringed beards, white ears, black ears, and large flowered arms were full of excitement. They were wearing the latest white rattan armor, and each one looked like a ball with a big tail, swaying over.

According to Quanquan Hu's judgment, some ruins are buried in this mountain. Now, they have to dig in wearing the latest vine armor!

Master said that the biggest feature of this rattan armor is that it is safe and strong!

Just right, suitable for dangerous operations such as drilling in mountains.

Several foxes wearing rattan armor, like white balls, formed a team, running and jumping among the rocks and weeds at the foot of the mountain, looking for digging points.

You can see that there is yellow mud under the weeds, and strange rocks are buried between the yellow mud. Among the strange rocks, you can occasionally see broken bronze pillars and broken walls.


Huanquan Hu hesitated for a long time, went back and forth several times, and stopped in front of a big rock.

According to its intuition, it should be no problem to dig in from this big rock.


The big flowered arm came forward, stretched out its front paws, and made two "pop" and "pop" sounds, and the suckers in the center of the claws sucked the big stone.

Front paws hard!


As the soil flew around, the stone seemed to be made of sponge and was thrown backwards, crossing a parabola and flying high into the sky.


Several foxes looked at each other.

Is the growth rate of the rattan armor too strong?

Or is there something wrong with this stone?


The stone fell to the ground far away with a loud bang! Smoke and dust are everywhere!




Several foxes were stunned for a moment, and they all smiled.

Look at this movement...the stone is fine!

Then dig!

The strong wind poured into the bronze hall and flew away from the hole in the ceiling, making a whining whistle.

The flowers all over the palace, despite all kinds of protection, were still swaying in the wind, and the wind blew away the pollen and disturbed the fragrance of the flowers.

Bai Mo walked through the center of this pot of flowers, his spiritual consciousness emitted, and he had insight into the subtleties. He observed the spread of pollen in the wind, and observed the fragrance of flowers in the wind... This is also a part of knowledge.

There are even broken petals that fall off the stems, flutter in the wind, are swept up to the sky, and then fall down... This is also part of the knowledge.

"Qingyue Junhou's great magic, [Blue Flower Rain], is the petals fluttering in the wind?"

Bai Mo stared at the petals with his eyes, and his consciousness also extended to see its texture, its thickness, its deformation in the wind and its falling trajectory.

The bow tie on the side and the big eyes tilted his fat head and looked at the master. I didn’t know what the master was looking at... but he seemed very powerful!


Bow tie lowered her head and continued to prune the leaves of a starry sky rose according to her master's instructions.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch."

Xiao Dayan lowered his head and continued to pull at the ink jade chrysanthemum to catch the bugs in the petals.


At this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of the hall.

Bai Huanhuan rushed down from the car, holding a pile of slates in his front paws, and sent them into the hall. He came to Bai Mo and put them down gently.


Bai Mo knelt down, touched his apprentice's head, grinned, and picked up a slate.

"Huh? The texture of the soil on this board is wrong. Is this a stone slab dug out of that mountain?"


"Are they all wearing rattan armor?"


Bai Mo nodded.

"Just wear it."

Before the appearance of Immortal Qi Vine Armor, Fox Mountain did not allow the operation of drilling into the mountain.

If a landslide occurs and the fox apprentice is buried inside, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Bai Mo simply sat cross-legged on the ground among the potted flowers in the hall, hugging his apprentice, and began to read the copper plate, wiping off the dirt and reading the intermittent words.

[...Check the pipa lock three times a day...]

[...No communication with prisoners is allowed when delivering meals...]

[...It is forbidden to look into the eyes of the prisoner...]

"Is this... the prison's operating rules?"

Bai Mo suddenly realized.

The mountain that Quanquanhu and the others dug into was once the prison of the Ancient Immortal Dynasty?

The stone slabs excavated from the mountains are severely worn. Bai Mo picked up a piece of board and rubbed it, looking for recognizable words.

[…No sound is allowed in the corridor…]

[...It is forbidden to allow plants to grow in the prison cell...]

“...This prison has many rules and regulations.

"It seems that this is not an ordinary prison. The prisoners inside start at least in sequence seven.

"But why is this prison built in the mountains?"

Bai Mo frowned, rubbing the slate while reading the text on the board.

Bowknot brought a kettle, and Little Big Eyes brought a rag.

Coupled with the white earrings, the three foxes were very discerning and moved quickly beside them to help the master clean the slate.

"Don't worry White Earring. Let me take a look at these documents. There may be important information for you to bring to Huanhuan Hu."

After looking at one piece after another, he took the piece that the apprentices had just wiped clean, and stared at the words on it, Bai Mo was stunned.

"What do these words mean... load-bearing?

“The context has been corroded and weathered, and only these two words can be seen.

"What's the meaning?

"Load-bearing...load-bearing wall? Are there any load-bearing walls in the cave?"

It seems like it's been a long time since I gave my disciples any equipment.

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