The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 311 Warden Song Yin can’t escape a glass of wine after all

The sunset dyes the sky red, dyeing the roads on the Xizhou University campus red after get off work.

Bai Mo carried his apprentice Piaopiaoxue and walked out of the gate of Xiancao Tower with Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun.

I heard the security guard chatting at the door.

"Have you read the news? Our Shexian Prison in Xizhou has detained a most wanted criminal, Sequence Seven, Immortal Beast Master, Li Kuangmao!"

"Oh my god, the one who slaughtered the village? Why not just kill him?"

"Hey, don't you understand this? If you keep him, you must be trying to squeeze some money out of him!"

"Isn't that seeking the skin of a tiger? How dangerous is it? This really makes people feel uneasy!"

Bai Mo greeted the two security guards and stepped out of the Xiancao Building.


A tall and thin figure stood in front of him.



Wu Qingyun's fairy sword was unsheathed and pushed against the tall and thin figure's throat.

"No, no, no!"

This man raised his head and leaned back, but his tone was not panicked. He obviously had an extremely terrifying psychological quality!

"The Immortal Committee is one of our own!

"Song Yin!

"On the phone with you!"

He spoke the key information in the shortest possible words, as if he was afraid that Wu Qingyun's hands would shake.

Bai Mo nodded and signaled Wu Qingyun to put away her sword.

Song Yin lowered his head, subconsciously touched his throat, and grinned.

He was in his thirties or forties, wearing a suit, his skin was pale, and his eyes were narrowed into slits, as if he had not seen the sun all year round.

“White Ink Expert, I’m here to discuss a project with you!

"Where I am..."

Bai Mo was confused when he suddenly noticed someone hurriedly running behind him. It turned out to be Professor Zhang, leading a group of security guards. He passed by Bai Mo and rushed towards Song Yin!

"You are not allowed to speak!"

"Zhang Ye, what are you doing!"

"Catch him!"

"Why should you arrest me...well..."

"Gag him!"

Bai Mo was dumbfounded and watched helplessly as Song Yin was gagged and her hands were tied. She was carried into a nearby van and sent away at lightning speed. He was not allowed to say a word.

"What...what does this mean?"

Wu Qingyun and Fang Xiaoyu next to them also looked confused.

Not long after, Professor Zhang straightened his wrinkled white coat and came back.

"Ha, White Ink Expert, I'm sorry, you made me laugh.

"That guy is a pervert, and Secret Brain will prohibit him from contacting you.

“Intercepted his call to you.

“Eat the email he sent you.

"I didn't expect that he would be so evil that he would come here to block you?

"Thankfully I found it early, hahaha."

Now that they met, Professor Zhang went to the cafeteria with Bai Mo and others. Along the way, we talked about the warden Song Yin.

“…I’ve known him for many years.

"He is my college classmate.

“Undergraduate degree in Sociology and Anthropology.

“The Master studies criminal psychology.

“PhD studies prison management.

“I actually went into prison administration after graduation.

"He rose through the ranks very quickly in the prison. Within two years, he was promoted through the ranks and became the warden.

“At that time, the prison he managed always had very good discipline and the prisoners were very well-behaved.

"But slowly, the leader realized something was not right."

Everyone talked as they walked, keeping their voices low so as not to be heard by passers-by.

“The leaders are very surprised, how can the prisoners behave?

"Right? The words prisoner and good boy are inherently incompatible.

"The prisoners he manages include gangsters, serial murderers, highly intelligent economic criminals, and real perverts...

“But no matter what kind of prisoner he is, he will become extremely well-behaved within a month!

"Get up automatically in the morning, go to sleep automatically at night, walk without shaking, have no expression on the face, don't talk when nothing happens, simply obey any a little sheep? Like a little girl? Like...a robot?"

Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun looked at each other.

It all feels a bit weird.

Bai Mo smacked his lips.

"That's quite a talent."

The fluttering snow on his shoulders also nodded, agreeing with the master's point of view.


Professor Zhang smiled bitterly.

“Really a talent!

“The investigation team went to his prison to investigate and found no corporal punishment, torture, or any evidence of irregular management.

"When I ask the prisoners for questioning, they would rather cry than say a word.

“Later the leaders moved him to another prison and asked him to manage another wave of prisoners.

"Two months later, he brought out another wave of obedient robots!

“Later, the leaders gave him a psychological test.

“He was found to be healthy, quite mentally healthy, and had no abnormal characteristics at all.

"We found many experts and took many rounds of tests, but no matter how we tested him, he was healthy!"

Fang Xiaoyu frowned.

"Doesn't that mean he has no mental problems?"

Bai Mo shook his head.

"Not always.

"If no problem can be found, it may be because he is indeed not a pervert.

"But it may also be because he knows very well what ordinary people are like and what perverts are like."

It’s almost time to reach the cafeteria.

Professor Zhang sighed.

“Later, several serious criminals he managed committed suicide one after another after finally being released from prison.

“There was a lot of pressure on leadership during that time.

“Let’s simply relieve him of his duties.

"Shexian Prison was recently established, and President Wu Jianxian proposed to use him as the warden.

"Actually, there are many people who object to it. After all, he is not involved in immortality, he does not understand immortality, he is just a mortal.

"But President Wu Jianxian insists on using it, so it will be used."

The cafeteria was already busy and noisy.

They packed their meals, sat down in the staff area, found a secluded place, and continued talking about Song Yin.

“President Wu Jianxian thinks he is qualified for that position.

"He also gave him a very terrifying taboos!

"So, Expert Bai Mo can understand why Mi Nao will prevent him from contacting you, right?"

Professor Zhang smiled.

"You are a fire-level scientist, but you must not be tainted by such perverted thoughts.

“The human soul and morality are things with very blurred boundaries.

"It's not just you, all of us should have less contact with this kind of pervert who has no taboos."

Bai Mo ate the double pepper beef fillet rice bowl and thought about it slightly.

A pervert with no inhibitions?

A genius with blurred boundaries between soul and morality?

On the contrary, Bai Mo believes that a true genius can see his own soul and define his own morality.

He thought again of the prison at the base in the northern suburbs.

For some reason, after getting to know Song Yin, he felt that the prison might become safer!

The wind was howling and the night was dark.

In the main hall of Fox Mountain Dormitory.

Bai Mo sat on the bedside, holding his laptop, his eyes shining!

Drag the mouse to observe the experimental field data recorded during the day.

That's right!

Fox Mountain’s mold carving technology is done!

High-precision seeder, done!

The large-scale experimental field is also completed!

At this time, looking at the rows and columns of data on the computer screen, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth curled up, the more he looked, the happier he became.

While reading, many puzzles and confusions in my mind were easily solved.

"I still don't understand some of the problems...but it doesn't matter. I just need to wait for the seeds to develop in the experimental field and observe."

While reading, thinking, and learning, it didn't take long for him to pull the form to the end.

"Oh, that's all."

After reading it, he subconsciously raised his head to see what the apprentices were doing.

But he saw the disciples making a lot of noise, swarming in the wine cabinet at the edge of the dormitory hall, mixing fine wine.

"Oh, yes, the wine cabinet has been rebuilt as well."

Bai Mo lowered his head and was about to read the literature again when suddenly a disciple rushed towards the master holding the prepared wine!



More and more disciples, holding the prepared wine, rushed towards the master!



Not long after, there was a large group of foxes, three circles inside and three outside, holding all kinds of weird solid-liquid mixtures, completely surrounding the master.

Bai Mo frowned, twitching the corners of his mouth, and his eyes froze for a moment.



A wine cup was held up to the master!

A pair of eyes are full of expectation!

They have long been looking forward to repairing the mixing cabinet and mixing wine for Master!

Bai Mo thought for a moment and said.

“Ah, haha, well, although wine is good, you can’t be too greedy!

"Master randomly selected a drink and drank it, how about it?"

Seeing the disciples' eyes widening and mouths opening with disappointment on their faces, Bai Mo quickly added.

“Choose one drink every day from now on!”

The apprentices are smiling again!

I immediately felt that what Master said made sense!

There are only so many brothers and sisters on Fox Mountain. If you drink one cup every day, one day, Master will be able to choose you!

Bai Mo smiled awkwardly and glanced at the wine prepared by his apprentices. He saw the familiar fennel three-pack, the familiar lemon mustard milk wine, and various colorful mixtures. After looking at it for a long time, he saw a glass of pure color!

"Snow mountain top, drink your cup today!"

Immediately on the top of the snow mountain, he was delighted. Under the envious eyes of his brothers, he dedicated the wine he mixed to his master.

This glass of wine is milky white, at least the color is relatively simple.

But as soon as he got it in his hand, Bai Mo realized something was wrong...

Milk, wine, onion and ginger? Tempeh flavor? Peppery?

Xueshanshan jumped on the bed, chattering and making gestures.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The fox paw holds the cup emptyly, making a gesture of licking the wine... The emotion is shallow, lick it!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The fox paw holds the cup emptyly, raises the cup to the neck and drinks it all... Deep feelings, one mouthful is boring!

Bai Mo was even more shocked and speechless!

Who was it that taught this cultural dregs to the fox disciples? !

The disciples, who were surrounding the bed in three circles, raised their glasses and prepared to drink it all together with their master!

Deep feelings, breathless! This was taught to them by their master during the Spring Festival two years ago when the first batch of wine was brewed in Fox Mountain!

Bai Mo held the cup of milky white liquid with a strange smell on the top of the snow mountain and could only sigh... It would be rude not to drink it!

"Let's do it together!"

He subconsciously controlled his nasal cavity and raised his head to drink the cup.

Unexpectedly, after drinking the strange-tasting wine soup, there were actually two soaked meatballs and a large piece of ginger stuck outside the throat in the milky white liquid!

His face was full of pain, and he quickly chewed it two more times to feel the deadly texture and taste before finally swallowing it.

There is an assassin in this opaque wine!



One by one, the foxes drank the wine they mixed.

With their necks raised, almost everyone squinted their eyes and looked happy, eating and drinking at the same time!

The wine on the top of the snow mountain was given to Master, and I didn’t get to drink it. But it was next to Master’s shoulder, and I was extremely happy!


Master, do you think this glass of wine is particularly delicious?


It’s meatballs!

It adds my favorite fried radish balls!

Bai Mo grinned as much as possible to cover up the distortion of his expression.

"Hahaha, good, so unforgettable! Delicious!"

He remembered that in this world, he had a conversation with Professor Zhang about the boundary between soul and morality. There might be no answer to that question. But at this time, he was extremely convinced that the boundaries of the concept of "wine" had indeed been broadened by his apprentices!

He subconsciously looked at the pile of disciples, looking for those who loved bean paste and stinky tofu. He paid attention silently. It was enough to be attacked by the meatball assassin once, but he must not be attacked by the stinky tofu assassin again next time!

After eating and drinking, a group of foxes burped from wine. Each one held a cup of golden osmanthus soy milk to sober up. They crowded around the master and formed a huge mountain of foxes. Together with the master, they looked at the picture suspended in the air and watched the live broadcast. .

They want to see the small volcano arsenal!

Now that we have mastered high-precision pouring technology, of course we should use it more!

After discussing it, the foxes picked up the small volcano arsenal deep in their memories and decided to go take a look and learn something useful.

"What can be useful?

"That's a place where bullets are made, but our bullets don't need to be cast."

Bai Mo was buried among the disciples, with four disciples in his arms, two disciples on his shoulders, and one disciple lying on his head. He adjusted the fire toad's perspective and focus to show his disciples the small volcano arsenal they wanted.

The picture gradually zooms in from the Xiling Mountains, and the small volcanoes of the past gradually appear.


Master and disciples of Fox Mountain were all surprised.

Then I saw that this small volcano suddenly changed its appearance!

The entire mountain, from the top, to the mountainside, to the foot of the mountain, is densely packed with laboratories, dormitories and factories.

The volcanic lake on the top of the mountain is pumped to a low water level by large pipes.

Many factories are emitting black smoke, cooling water is flowing out of many factories, and they are busy producing.

The foxes were all very happy, with their eyes wide open, looking for useful things in the picture.

"Have they expanded in scale? Expanded their product lines?"

But even so, what good can come out of it?

Bai Mo adjusted the fire toad's perspective and continued to observe. His perspective went to the laboratory and the workshop.

“Oh, their main business is processing special metal tools and micro-carving rune patterns on the tools.

"In addition to bullets, there are also some cold weapons and special firearms, all produced here."

Bai Mo continued to adjust his perspective and found the largest office.

Then he saw sitting inside, it was his old acquaintance Tie Shiba!

"He is such a flattering person, and he actually stayed in Xiaohuoshan?"

Moreover, he had taken off his suit and was wearing a dirty canvas overalls. He was sitting behind the desk and reading the design drawings.

Bai Mo took a look.

“There are a lot of design drawings and various molds in this office.

"Do you want to see this?"

The foxes nodded.



Bai Mo smiled and let them look at him.

It doesn't matter whether there is anything that can be used... although he actually knows in his heart that it may be difficult to find. But as long as the disciples want to watch it, as long as the disciples are happy, that's fine.

With this thought in mind, he picked up a slate next to the bed and started reading.

This chapter is too late. . Sorry book friends. .

This plot seems scattered, but it is definitely related. Don’t worry, the author will not write nonsense.

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