A cold wind blew in the pigeon farm.

The atmosphere became weird.

A helicopter parked nearby.

The expert investigation team that came to support from the Immortal Committee was standing next to the corpse of the dead monkey, discussing it all.

"Can we dissect it?"

"Take some blood, get some tissue, and do a test."

"Either it's environmental pollution, or there's some weird radiation."

"Would those pigeons with long ears end up like this monkey?"

"I think we can take the genes of this monkey, and then take the genes of pigeons that also have ears. Then take the genes of ordinary monkeys and ordinary pigeons, and cross-compare the four genes to find the similarities and differences. Maybe we can Analyze the reason why you have long ears and die?"

While the experts were talking, they occasionally glanced at Su Yaoyao and Bai Mo next to them.

Commissioner Su Yaoyao is a Sequence Seven Immortal Beast Master. And every fairy beast master is an expert in animal medicine and the best surgeon. Why doesn't she come and express her opinion?

There are also Bai Mo experts... Bai Mo doesn't know them, but they all know Bai Mo.

Expert Bai Mo is involved in many fields. If he were to investigate this matter, he should be very capable. Why did he remain silent and just stand there in a daze?

What they didn't know was that Su Yaoyao was in a dream, talking to the ancient immortal.

Gu Xian sat on the back of the swan and frowned.

“…I certainly haven’t heard of it.

"Every difference in the fairy beasts has been modified by the fairy beast master, and each one has different characteristics and magic.

“Furthermore, the magic of fairy beasts is a trump card and a secret. No one will advertise it widely, and no one will publicize it.

"There are feathers behind these ears... In fact, many snake-like beasts like this kind of transformation.

"Snakes have no ears and can only use their bodies to sense vibrations on the ground, but it is difficult for them to sense attacks from the sky.

"Adding a pair of feathered outer ears to snakes so they can hear is super-enhancing for them!"

Su Yaoyao looked depressed.

What Master said made sense, but it did not help the current situation.

What is said is the same as what is not said.

She immediately closed her eyes, controlled her consciousness, and "swiped" back to the present world.

"Let me dissect..."

Just as he was about to take out the surgical knife bag from his vest pocket, he suddenly heard Bai Mo's voice next to him.

"Are you an expert in divination?"

Everyone followed Bai Mo's gaze and looked at the fair young man huddled in the corner.

"Huh? Expert Wang, why did I forget you?"

"Come and do some divination!"

"What the hell is going on?"

Wang Minghe, a divination expert, shrank with fear.

"I just did a divination, but there was no result... ugh..."

As he finished speaking, he spat out a mouthful of blood with fragments of internal organs, staining his chin and clothes red.

The eyelids instantly turned blood red, and two lines of bloody tears flowed from the corners of the eyes.

The experts looked at me and I looked at you, and they all fell silent.

Su Yaoyao took back her knife bag.

The fox apprentice Bai Doudou jumped on his master's shoulder and his eyes widened.


On the hillside of Niubi Mountain, inside the newly renovated Qinglongpan Temple.

The sounds of shakuhachi and taiko drums continued.

Men and women twirled in circles, shook their heads, stepped on the beat, twisted their shoulders and heads, and danced strangely.

Miyamoto Rokuzo stood in the middle of the circle and suddenly asked his master.

"Master, will they also find the ghost car?"

In his mind, Gu Xian's voice was teasing.

"What if I find out?

"Besides, they can't find it.

“From ancient times to the present, there are no more than five people who understand the characteristics of ghost cars.

“And among these five people, your master and I are the only ones alive to this day.

"It's not that easy to guess, it's not that easy to think about, hahaha."


Xizhou University, Xiancao Building, in the office.

Bai Doudou poured the master a cup of hot tea, jumped into the master's arms, and watched the computer with the master.

That's right... after the fortune teller vomited blood, the risk rating of the incident immediately increased, and all the experts present evacuated immediately!

Bai Mo sat behind the computer and saw a message from Commissioner Gu Lin on the screen.

[This matter has been fully taken over by an expert team]

[Blame us for not thinking carefully! 】

[Things that can affect pigeons and monkeys can certainly affect humans]

[It is natural that something that can completely kill monkeys is harmful to humans]

[We have sealed off the mountainous area and arranged 300 drones to patrol the mountain and look for any suspicious clues]

[White ink experts don’t need to worry]

[If there is any latest situation or technical difficulties, we will inform you again]

Su Yaoyao and Fang Xiaoyu sat together, staring at the same computer screen, looking at various relevant information collected on the case.

"Sure enough! This thing can also affect humans!"

On the computer screen is a video that the technical team found from the most popular live broadcast website in the Sakura area!

In the video, it is a delegation of Miyamoto Rokuzo, dancing at Qingryupan Temple.

After zooming in on the video and performing super-resolution processing, we can clearly see that one of the dancing witches has black and white feathers growing out from behind her ears!

“It’s not just this miko.

“Look at Onmyoji!

“There’s also one in Onmyoji who has feathers growing out from behind his ears.

"Although I don't know what strange thing appears in Xiling, this thing can indeed affect humans!"

Bai Mo also saw these pieces of video information, and frowned slightly at this time. He lay down on the chair, hugged his apprentice Bai Doudou, and suddenly frowned.

"Did I overlook some details?"

These days, Fox Mountain has been monitoring Miyamoto Rokuzo, and the Fox apprentices have found no problems.

Bai Mo occasionally glanced at the surveillance screen and found nothing wrong.


"Isn't that dance they did wrong?

“So many people, spinning around in circles, their necks and heads shaking like snakes.

“It can be said to be a dance performed to worship snakes, ghosts and gods.

"But it's also possible that... you're shaking your neck and face. Are you looking at something? Looking for something? Looking for a certain angle?"

Bai Mo wasn't sure, so he hugged his apprentice, lay down on the chair, closed his eyes, switched the perspective to the Fire Toad, and stared at the Qinglong Pan Temple for the time being.

In the melodious voice of Shakuhachi, men and women danced in circles, twisting their necks like snake necks and looking around everywhere.

These ninjas, mikos, vagabonds, and onmyoji... are actually not in a good mood.

I originally wanted to visit in a nice way, stay in a big hotel, eat in a big restaurant, travel, chat, and buy some souvenirs.

The result was unexpected. When I came to Kyushu, I was dragged directly into this ravine by Miyamoto Rokuzo. I slept in a tent every day, ate vegetarian food, fed mosquitoes, and danced this silly dance no matter what the day or night... This time I followed him for a visit, and I felt a little bit fooled!

The onmyoji dog boy Erlang mingled with the dancing team, stepping on the beat, turning in circles, twisting his arms and neck... He was not religious at all, and he didn't even believe in Xiangliu or Baqi. At this time, his dancing movements were the most mechanical. , the least aesthetic, the least emotional, just moving his feet and shaking his head according to the training of Miyamoto Rokuzo.

He stepped to the right, turned his body thirty degrees clockwise, and moved his head skillfully in a circle, like a sunflower looking for the sun.

When his head turned to a certain angle, he suddenly had a strange illusion.

It was as if my own eyes, my own sight, had actually passed through the walls of the Qinglongpan Temple, through the mountains of the Xiling Mountains, through the vast jungles of yellow and green, and through the thick mountain stone walls, and connected with a huge stone. Their blood-red eyes looked at each other!

what is that?

Whose eyes are those?

He was stunned for a moment, and the roots behind his ears suddenly felt itchy.

But the taiko drum beat was still beating, so he immediately reacted, adjusted his posture, and continued dancing with his companions.

Miyamoto Rokuzo in the middle of the circle was stunned for a moment.

"Master, did you see it? Can you find the location of the ghost car?"

In his mind, the laughter of the ancient immortal came.


"Ha ha ha ha.

"found it!"

In the office.

Bai Mo lay on the office chair, hugged his apprentice, and opened his eyes.

Just now, he saw the Sakura Onmyoji stunned for a moment, his eyes seemed to be frozen, and he saw Miyamoto Rokuzo's eyes suddenly light up!

"Could it be that the key to the problem is really sight?

"Is there something strange in the direction that Onmyoji is looking at?"

He sat up straight, hugged his apprentice, and took a sip of hot tea.

Don't rush into action... just keep an eye on Miyamoto Rokuzo and the others and wait for them to make the first move.

After all, something that can make feathers grow behind people's ears is too evil and the mechanism is unclear, so there is no need to take risks.

Bai Mo opened the expert database and was about to write some more modern botany papers when he suddenly heard Su Yaoyao and Fang Xiaoyu complaining softly next to him.

"Did this person not get a ticket?"

"Yeah, why else are you doing this weird thing?"

Noticing Bai Mo's gaze, Fang Xiaoyu forwarded the post to Bai Mo.

"Expert White Ink, look at this."

After opening it, it was a complaint post.

[The situation is so serious. There are crimes related to immortals everywhere in Kyushu. Are we still qualified to hold a concert? Do you still dare to hold such a large gathering? Are they all burnt buns one by one? 】

This post sparked heated discussions.

[Why can’t it be opened? The Sakura area holds large-scale concerts every three days, why can’t we do that? 】

[The Baigu area is also open every day]

[There are also many openings in the Dengying area]

[There are no ancient immortals making trouble over there]

[It seems we really shouldn’t open]

[Hahaha, you can argue all you want, anyway, I have arrived in Xizhou, and I will go to the concert tonight]

[I also think that opening this thing is purely a scam]

Bai Mo thought for a moment and was about to type a reply to this post when he suddenly saw a long comment refreshed.

[I once heard that a city was once surrounded by enemy troops for hundreds of days]

[From the green grass in the spring to the snowy winter, the city has been surrounded. There are always troops on display outside the city walls, and the city gate has been tightly closed and cannot be opened]

[Sometimes there is a hail of bullets outside the city wall, sometimes there is a fight that shakes the sky, and sometimes there is a river of blood]

[The city wall may be blasted at any time, and the city may be trampled by the enemy's iron hooves at any time]

[But in these few hundred days, every street in this city has been cleaned as usual, and there is not a single piece of garbage on the road, not a single fallen leaf]

[But during these few hundred days, schools in this city continued to have classes and exams as usual, and students sang in the music classroom or studied physical education on the playground as usual]

[But during these few hundred days, the city's theaters were open as usual every night, and citizens after a hard day's work would dress up at night and go to the theater to enjoy wonderful operas]

[But in these few hundred days, the city's square held a flag-raising ceremony every Monday. Each flag-raising was accompanied by complete etiquette and music. Every time the flag was raised, citizens who crowded the square came to salute.]

[So, what I want to say is that the ancient immortals covet the world in their dreams, and the criminals create chaos in the world, but each of us can still live a normal and decent life, and each of us can still live a normal and decent life after a day's hard work. Enjoy happiness with peace of mind]

[Of course, you can also enjoy this concert]

[As for the possible dangers and hidden dangers, as for the security and precautions required for the event, you don’t need to consider that]

[Leave these troublesome matters to us]

【There is another good news】

[All tickets for this concert will be paid for by the Fairy Committee]

[Friends who have purchased tickets and paid for them will receive a refund within three working days]

【There is another good news】

[Friends who have not grabbed tickets can watch the entire concert through online live broadcast for free]

[You can listen to the beautiful and high-spirited singing on the screen of your mobile phone and feel the boiling atmosphere of the scene]

[That’s all, I hope you can understand and I hope you like it]

【Tonight, all of us, see you or leave】

Bai Mo could guess the final signature without even looking.

The person who spoke like this must be Wu Qingyun’s grandfather, the president of the Immortal Committee...

【Wu Jianxian】

In fact, if you look carefully, you can see that Wu Jianxian’s reply is different from other people’s replies.

The background of his reply is a light golden color that is unique in the entire forum, and the font is an elegant regular script that is unique in the entire forum.

In just a few minutes, this reply received hundreds of thousands of likes!

[The president said it well, we are going to hold a concert, we just want this energy! 】

[For this concert, it is estimated that the Fairy Committee will not be relaxed]

[Even if the world is dangerous, we are still qualified to live decently and enjoy joy with peace of mind. The President said it so well]

Bai Mo was reading the reply when he suddenly received a private message from Zhang Shan.

[My mother, I’ve tortured people to death]

[Security facilities are still installed at Liuhe Stadium.]

[Half of the Xizhou Immortal Committee rushed here]

[It’s really not easy for us to make the president pretend, hahaha]

Bai Mo also grinned.

He returned to the forum and liked the president's reply.

Suddenly, on this page, a logo popped up under the thumbs-up icon.

[White ink experts think it’s great! 】


Is there such a thing?

When was it added?

Bai Mo tugged at the corner of his mouth, feeling very ashamed and wishing he could cancel this like.

"Hey... forget it... that's it."

Thank you all for your subscription and companionship!

Wu Jianxian's speech has a historical prototype, although I don't remember it particularly clearly. . But it's definitely not written in vain.

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