“Expert Baimo is a very rigorous person.

“His scientific attitude was impeccable.

"But... several of the assertions he used in the article should be unproven assertions?

"Like Goldbach's conjecture, we all know it's probably true, but no one has been able to prove it.

"Expert Baimo also used this unproven theory, and used these, from his own...intuition?

“These intuitions may not be easy to verify for a while.

"It's like... it's like..."

Hua Yuyue gave his subjective feelings.

“It’s like the theory of Bai Mo Expert cannot be perfectly interpreted using existing theoretical knowledge.

"His theory is like a jade ball.

“The existing scientific system is like a basin of clean water.

"The jade ball is too big and the clear water is too shallow. Although he has tried hard to completely submerge the jade ball in the clear water, there is always a part that cannot be submerged and must be exposed."

The dusk outside the window is deep, and the snow is still flying. Sometimes snowflakes flying close to the window are illuminated by the lights.

It's dinner time and everyone is hungry, but they don't even notice.

They looked at Professor Li Yun who was sitting at the head of the conference table.

But I saw the old professor frowning.

"This...well, actually I almost believe the Bai Mo expert.

"Speaking behind closed doors, Jiao Su and him are not on the same level at all.

"With his temper and personality, he doesn't seem to be angry.

“Therefore, there is a certain probability that Jiao Su’s project will not work.


In the conference room, everyone pricked up their ears.

When a big boss speaks, the first part is all foreshadowing, but the turning point after the word "but" is often the key point!

“But we can’t put all our eggs in one basket.

"This time, let's give Jiao Su some resources and let him try it!

“The more resources are concentrated, the higher the dependence, and the greater the risk.”

Everyone was silent.

Yes, you can't put all your eggs into the same basket.

Some things are stupid to say, sound stupid, and do, but there is nothing you can do about it, you must do it!

Bai Mo is indeed very powerful, but if you rely on Bai Mo for everything, the risks will rise infinitely!

So far, the Fair Committee has been doing its best to allocate every resource in order to achieve faster and better development. Give Bai Mo more resources, and others will have less resources.

Not to mention Bai Mo's background, if all the resources, all the investments, all the problems, and all the hopes were put on Bai Mo alone, what if Bai Mo was assassinated one day?

Old Professor Li Yun thought for a moment.

“The budget for Jiao Su in all aspects should be appropriately reduced.

"Make some compensation for Bai Mo's side!"

Everyone nodded.

Jiao Su's budget was reduced to reduce the risk of failure.

If Jiao Su really succeeds in the future, it won’t be too late to increase the budget!

As for the compensation for Bai Mo...

"Give what?"

“If I’m not a gourmet, I can’t find this little restaurant, haha.

“Try this braised lamb!”

Snow is falling outside the window.

In a small restaurant, there is oil on the table, and on the alcohol stove, there is a pot of braised mutton.

Professor Zhang, Mo Lanyou, Bai Mo, Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun were sitting around the table, chatting while eating.

This restaurant is located in an alley in a village in the city. It is very small, the lights are a bit dim, and the hygiene is not very good, but the taste is really great!

In the crowded small box, Bai Mo sat at the dining table, holding a small bowl, eating mutton, and nodded.

"This tastes really good."

The fox apprentice next to him, Bobo Cha, was gnawing on a sheep's hoof, his face was covered with oil, and he was very happy.


Professor Zhang was giving Bai Mo a vaccination while eating.

"Based on what I know about Professor Li Yun, he... he will probably still support Jiao Su.

"He has been very stable and stable in doing things many years ago. He has never liked stud, and has always wanted to do some risk sharing and hedging.

"He can't win the biggest advantage, but he can never suffer the big loss."

At the dinner table, several people smiled bitterly.

Bai Mo put down the bowl, took a sip of tea, and frowned.

This kind of thing...he really tried his best.

Although I feel unhappy and don't want to accept it, it is actually understandable.

Mo Lanyou took a pair of chopsticks, fried the lamb tripe, and ate it into his mouth.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Recently, the Immortal Committee has expanded its enrollment, and many new Sequence Sevens have come. Does Expert Baimo know?

“Some time ago, during a census of Immortals, many Sequence Eights were found.

“The Immortal Committee selected some with suitable conditions and matured their technology to reach Sequence Seven.

"There are more than five hundred in the entire Kyushu. Fifty of them are assigned to Xizhou."

Bai Mo nodded.

"That's quite a lot."

As time goes by, more and more Sequence Sevens appear.

Five hundred new members were added to the Immortal Committee, and I don’t know how many more were added to the Dark Side?

As he was talking, suddenly there was the sound of a car outside the window.



Two official cars were parked outside the window.

Fang Xiaoyu poked his head and took a look.

"It seems to be our Fairy Committee's business car?"

Bai Mo and others didn't pay attention and continued to eat.

The restaurant is very small, and outside the private room door is the narrow lobby, which is almost full of people at this time, with tables mingling with each other, eating and drinking, and having a great time.

At the entrance of the lobby is the boss's counter.

At this time, a young man in a suit walked into the restaurant, approached the counter, and saw an old bald man wearing a greasy apron behind the counter.

The young man took out an ID and placed it gently on the counter.

“My leader wants to have dinner with you.

"Remove your guests here.

"I bought all their orders."

The bald boss frowned.

"How many of you are going to eat?

“There is still an empty table in my lobby that can seat four people.

"If you can sit down, come in and eat.

"If you can't sit down, I'll pack a bag for you."

The young man frowned and pointed at the ID on the counter, impatiently.

"Don't you understand?

"I told you to clear out everyone!

"I bought all their orders!"

The bald old man was even more stubborn, and he immediately choked back!

"Don't you understand?

"I run this restaurant, I have the final say, there is no such thing as clearing people out!

"If you like it, eat it; if you don't, you'll get sick.

"I'm not a big hotel. I open it in an alley. A pot of mutton sells for fifty, a pot of fried chicken sells for forty, and a table of dishes costs two hundred yuan. Who can't afford it? Do you need to pay the bill? That's it. Does your tail look particularly big?"

The bald old man didn't even glance at the document from beginning to end!

The young man's face was red with anger and his whole body was shaking!

All the guests dining in the lobby looked over.

At this moment, outside the store entrance, in the wind and snow, three figures walked in, accompanied by two secretaries.

The three men were all tall and thin, and all wore windbreakers, hats and masks.

And underneath that windbreaker was the woolen uniform of the Immortal Committee!

The leading young man waved his hand and asked his secretary, who was blushing and thick-necked with anger, to retreat.

Then he took out a bloody talisman from his pocket and slapped it on the wall next to him!

Immediately, a wave of blood spread throughout the small restaurant. The owners and diners who were affected had their eyes blurred, their heads shook, and they began to forget what had just happened.

On the second young man, a huge crow came out of his windbreaker, grabbed his clothes, and climbed onto his shoulders.

This crow has black hair all over its body and no hair on its head.

The bald head is pink, full of wrinkles and cyan blood vessels. It looks like there is no scalp, and the brain grows directly outside!

"Tell all guests to crawl out."

Suddenly his eyes widened, the brain on top of his head began to beat, and began to emit brain waves!


The third young man walked towards the counter with a smile, walked towards the store owner who was looking confused, and gently stretched out his hand.

"Old man, you are so shameless, do you know who we are?

"Sequence seven!

"Do you understand the weight of Sequence Seven?

“Coming to your place to eat is to give you face!

"You can't be shameless!"

His slender hand gently patted the boss's face. This slap is not harsh, it is just full of humiliation!

At this moment...


Amidst the sound of breaking wind, a sword light passed through the bead curtain at the door of the box and shot out!


A sword penetrated the young man's hand that slapped the boss's cheek!


Blood spattered and the sword wedged into the wall.

Pierced the talisman on the wall and nailed the hand that wanted to hit someone!

The three young people are facing a formidable enemy!


"Sneak attack on the immortal arts committee member, will you die?"

"Bad-headed crow, be alert!"

The next moment, they saw the bead curtain door of the box being opened.

Professor Zhang with a livid face and Mo Lanyou with a strange expression walked out.

Finally, Bai Mo was escorted by Wu Qingyun.



The official vehicle of the disciplinary department picked up three young immortal arts committee members and their three secretaries.

At the door of the small restaurant, Professor Zhang looked embarrassed.

"These three bastards are the new Sequence Seven, Zhang Peishi, Mu Yun and Lu Tongwa.

“They are all newly promoted to Sequence Seven, just assigned to Xizhou.

“We haven’t arranged the specific job duties yet, so we are busy showing off.

"We can't stay in this restaurant any longer. Let's go and continue eating somewhere else."

Professor Zhang is extremely familiar with every restaurant in the village in the city.

Soon, he took Bai Mo and others to find another old restaurant and got in again.

After sitting down in the small box, Professor Zhang introduced with a grin.

“You may not even think of this family’s specialty dishes.

"You guys will take a look later."

Not long after, the store served food, and everyone watched helplessly. The large plate was spiked, yellow, grated into shreds, chopped green onion, and coriander. It was a large plate of shredded potatoes!

"Hey, this is no ordinary potato shreds.

“This is scrambled eggs with millet and shredded potatoes!

“This plate costs eighty-nine yuan!

"Because the boss is old and doesn't like to speculate easily."

Bai Mo hugged his apprentice, and both master and apprentice felt baffled.

What is the price of Xiaomi?

What's the price of potatoes?

What's the price of eggs?

This restaurant is small, shabby and greasy. What’s the price for the environment and service?

Selling for eighty-nine?

Bobo Cha looked at the potato shreds and didn't quite understand.

He talked with his brothers about the current price of goods. At eighty-nine, he could buy a lot of fried chicken!

Is the owner of this small shop the Immortal of Potato Shreds?

Everyone had weird expressions. They all stretched out their chopsticks, picked up the shredded potatoes, and put them back into their mouths.

Bai Mo also picked up a chopstick and put it into his apprentice's mouth.

Then I saw Bobo Tea squinting his eyes, chewing a few mouthfuls, and suddenly his eyes lit up!


"Ha, he really is the potato shred fairy!"

“It’s salty, crispy, sour and spicy, with the aroma of millet and egg, and the taste is very rich.”

“They are all ordinary ingredients, but they taste really good together.”


“The price is worth it!”

Bai Mo took a bite himself, put it into his mouth, and savored it slowly.


If you don’t like it, this potato shreds are really good!

The ingredients, taste, techniques, and heat were all taken care of by the boss. No matter what, it was just right!

A group of people became happy, talking and laughing while eating.

Just as he was talking, Bai Mo's phone suddenly vibrated.

Professor Zhang’s phone also vibrated.

The two of them looked at each other, took out their mobile phones, and sure enough saw the message from Shangjing Club.

[Hello, white ink expert]

[After research, we decided to hand over the construction and subsequent management of Xizhou Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory to you...]

Professor Zhang grinned.

"Hahaha, compensation is coming!

“We have applied for this pharmaceutical factory quota for a long time, but have never been approved.

"I thought it was going to be given to Jiao Su or Dong Guo, but I didn't expect that they would use it to compensate you!"

Bai Mo had a strange expression and didn't know what to say.

Continuing to read the news, I saw that Shangjing promised to provide the factory area, funds, and a full 500 Xiankao establishment quotas, allowing him to form a scientific research team for the pharmaceutical factory! Give him 500 administrative quotas and let him form a management team! Thirty Eight Immortal Sequence Committee members and ten Seven Immortal Sequence Committee members were even given to be responsible for the safety work of the pharmaceutical factory.

Professor Zhang and Mo Lanyou both looked excited!

Fang Xiaoyu also grinned. She also received a copy of the document. She was flipping through it and the more she read, the happier she became.

There is only Bai Mo, like an old man on the subway looking at his phone, looking at the notifications on his phone, and complaining in his heart.

"My god...is this considered compensation?

"Do I care about this mess?"

Moreover, the first mission of the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory is Tianshan Snow Lotus Potion!

There is a paragraph in the notice.

[...Your theory seems to have broken down the barrier between magic and science to a certain extent. We hope you will try to use this theory and use our existing snow lotus flowers to refine the snow lotus qi-enhancing soup...]

Bai Mo was embarrassed.

Snow lotus qi-enhancing soup, the main ingredients of this thing are Araggu snow clam and snow lotus.

Among them, Aragani snow clam is the main dish, and snow lotus is just a side dish!

These guys from the Immortal Committee only know one thing but not the other. How dare they order random dishes even if they know a name?

Only snow lotus can make snow lotus qi-enhancing soup.

Just like having only shredded potatoes, you can’t make any big dish!

Bai Mo looked at the half-eaten plate of Immortal Potato Shreds worth eighty-nine on the table... Are you asking him to become a Snow Lotus Immortal? Are you going to use this Tianshan snow lotus flower to make a snow lotus qi-enhancing soup?

Next to him, Mo Lanyou looked at Professor Zhang's mobile phone with a strange expression.

"Snow Lotus Qi Enhancing Decoction? Why do you seem to have heard of it?"

"The name seems a little familiar.

“But it doesn’t matter!

"It took three to five years to develop this kind of magical medicine. Isn't that normal?

"It doesn't matter if it's a big deal or not, it's such a big factory, hahaha, let's get it first!"

Thanks to the collection of magic and immortality book friends for the reward~

There is a new plot, just a little foreshadowing. Don’t worry, the fun will start soon.

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