[Are you interested in a new pharmaceutical factory? 】

After seeing the message from the white ink expert, Professor Hong's plump face suddenly beamed, just like a little bear who saw honey!


He is the direct descendant of the white ink expert!

If something good happens, you won’t miss him!

Here at the northern suburbs base, he has a rank and salary of Sequence 8. He went to the new factory and made achievements. Sequence 7 is not a problem!

He immediately replied with trembling hands.

【interested! 】

[The white ink expert needs me to go there, then I will go there immediately! 】

His students have already come over to look at the teacher with envy on their faces.

"Can we go there together?"

"I heard that there are only fifty places in total. It's difficult."

But Bai Mo sent another message.

[Um...is there anyone else who is willing to come? Can you help me recruit a few more people? 】

[Our grassroots start-up may be a little tiring and painful, but the prospects should be pretty good...]

Professor Hong Anxi's eyes shone, he looked up at the students with a smile, and immediately reported their names! This group of students has been training at the northern suburbs base for a long time. They often stay up late to complete various tasks assigned by Bai Mo experts. They are already very familiar with Bai Mo experts' style. They are all experienced hands, so why not bring them along with them!


Just at this moment, the laboratory door opened, and Professor Fang's square head poked in.

"Lao Hong, have you asked the Bai Mo expert?"

In the office, Bai Mo hugged his apprentice and guarded the chat window, grinning.

Sure enough, Lao Hong still has feelings for him, and is willing to help him with things, and is willing to come to the new factory to endure hardships!

I saw another message from Lao Hong on the window.

"Lao Fang is also willing to come? That's great!

"Let the two of them, one be in charge of biochemical experiments and the other be in charge of the computer room!

"Who else do I need to find?"

Managing a factory is a very complicated job.

Building a new factory is a more complicated job!

Bai Mo was having a headache when he saw Lao Hong sending him a message to give him advice.

[At the Rebel Wine Factory, there are ready manpower for administration, finance, warehouse management, quality control, personnel, workshop management, etc.]

[We will come here in parts from over there, and the entire factory can be built immediately! 】

[Just improve it slowly in the future]

Bai Mo frowned.

This is definitely a good idea!

But...the wages at the Rebellious Wine Factory are very high!

In fact, the treatment there is almost the highest among the units under the Immortal Committee, if not the highest!

"The performance and prospects of this new factory are still unknown. Will people be willing to come..."

Bai Mo sighed and replied to Professor Hong.

[Go and send out a questionnaire to see how many people are willing to come]

If there are not enough positions available, we will think of other solutions when the time comes.

After sending the message, Bai Mo closed the chat window.

Change to a comfortable position on the office chair, open the thesis database, and take a sip of the hot tea that the apprentice has just made.

“It’s more comfortable to learn knowledge.

"Um...this tea seems pretty good, right?"

Bai Mo took another sip, but felt that the aroma of this tea was very mellow!

Compared with the tea specially cultivated in Fox Mountain, it has its own advantages.

He looked at the tea bag on his desk, pulled it open and looked at the tea inside.

Just listen to Fang Xiaoyu’s explanation.

"This is a gift from the Immortal Committee, Dahongpao tea. I heard that the purchase price is not cheap!"


Big red pouch?

Bai Mo smacked his lips, took another sip of tea, and then looked at the thesis database on the computer desktop... Suddenly he felt that running this factory was actually not that troublesome.

After all, after enjoying the treatment of the Immortal Committee, you have to work for others. This is very reasonable!

He handed the tea cup to the fox apprentice Zaoni Cha in his arms.

"Try it."

Zaoni Cha took the cup, took a sip, squinted his eyes, tasted it for a long time, and nodded.


It tastes really good!

Although it cannot tell whether the tea is good or bad, foxes are very cunning and understand a simple truth... if it is expensive, it tastes good!

Bai Mo smiled and entered the keywords "high temperature" and "plant" into the database to see related papers.

An important part of alchemy is to heat various medicinal materials to hundreds or thousands of degrees in an instant to change the properties of the medicinal materials.

There wasn't much information in this area dug up in Fox Mountain, so Bai Mo wanted to gain some knowledge from reality.

The loading animation of the database rotated twice, and a long list of papers came out.

"Broad-leaved plants in high temperature and high humidity environments..."

"Transpiration of plants in high temperature environments..."

"High Temperature in Tropical Rainforest..."


Bai Mo rolled the wheel and found that these articles seemed different from what he wanted?

"Isn't there any research on heating plants to hundreds or thousands of degrees instantly?

"The so-called 'high temperature' in today's world refers to the high temperature of tropical rain forests and deserts? How many degrees is that?"

Bai Mo read all the paper titles on this page, frowned, and clicked to go to the next page. He saw the same pile of things in the paper list, still studying the growth of plants in high-temperature environments.

"Could it be said that there is no need for this kind of technology to instantly heat plants in this world?"

Bai Mo searched for a long time and found an article about "pasteurization", which had something to do with it.

There is also a study on the relationship between frying temperature and product taste when frying dried fruits.


Bai Mo lay back on the chair, hugged his apprentice, and took another sip of hot tea.

"It seems that it is not so easy to learn knowledge from this world."

Before, he was in Fox Mountain and needed to study plants, and it happened that there was also developed botany in this world.

Now he is in Fox Mountain and needs to study alchemy, but the current technology and industrial routes are very different from the alchemy techniques, so he has no need to copy his homework.

“This thing requires a lot of research, and then maybe we can slowly figure out the rules.

"If I go to Fox Mountain to get it myself, how long will it take to get it?

"It would be great if I could set up an experimental center, customize some experimental equipment, recruit a team to help me do this research, and share some of the research work."

Bai Mo chuckled.

He himself knows that this is unrealistic!

There is no precedent in the world for experiments like this on plants that require ultra-high temperature, microscopic observation, and quantitative analysis. It requires specialized research and development, customized facilities, a venue, and a team... Where can he get so many resources?

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly another private message popped up in the lower right corner of the computer screen.

But it was from Professor Hong.

[White Ink Expert, what facilities do you need for the subsequent experimental center of the pharmaceutical factory? 】

[What kind of scientific research tasks need to be completed? 】

[Please tell me, I will collect some information first]


Bai Mo was stunned for a moment.

Pharmaceutical factory?


Can that pharmaceutical factory build an experimental center?

The research and development of Snow Lotus Qi Enhancing Decoction has been completed, so what kind of experimental center is needed?

He suddenly remembered something and went to open his mailbox. He saw the official document issued by the Immortal Committee before, glanced at it, and suddenly found a sentence.

[...It was decided to make the mass production of Snow Lotus Zengqi Decoction the first task of the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory... The subsequent R\u0026D, production, and operation of the pharmaceutical factory will be fully handled by Baimo experts...]


Can there be follow-up research and development?

White ink experts take full responsibility?

Bai Mo sat up straight, touched the keyboard with both hands, and sent a message to Professor Hong.

[Can pharmaceutical companies build experimental centers? 】

[What the experimental center studies is entirely up to us to decide? 】

Professor Hong was also stunned for a moment, seemingly surprised that Expert Bai Mo didn't know anything.

Reply later.

[Yes, you have the final say, it depends on your words]


Only then did Bai Mo understand the beauty of this pharmaceutical factory!

He immediately responded to Professor Hong.

[This scientific research task is a bit complicated, I will write a document for you later]

“Can this factory be equipped with a R\u0026D center?

"I have the final say in research and development?

"From then on, someone will help me with some of the tedious, low-end, and necessary research tasks in Fox Mountain?"

Bai Mo took a deep breath and looked at the documents sent by the fairy committee on his computer desktop. He suddenly hoped that the factory could be built soon!

Heluo Immortal Committee.

In the conference room, a group of people were sitting around the table.

At the top of the conference table, Jiao Su wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled happily again.


"Our blood-drinking red flower plan went through many twists and turns, but in the end, it was successful!"

Sitting around the conference table, Jiao Su's students and subordinates all laughed and clapped vigorously!

"Hahaha, it can't be fake if it's true, and it can't be true if it's false."

"No matter how hard the white ink is, the medicinal effect of our blood-drinking safflower is there! Our cultivation plan is feasible!"

With a smile on his face, Jiao Su raised his hand to suppress the applause in the room.

"Tonight, I will order a table of delicious food for everyone to celebrate.

"But now, let's have a meeting and talk about the issue of building the factory first."

Everyone fell silent and looked at Jiao Su.

Building a factory is no small problem!

“…In a factory, business, procurement, production, quality control, development, personnel, finance, administration, no matter which department, all need to be managed by someone, all need rules and regulations, and all need to have charters.

"Those of us must have been involved in industry, academia and research, haha. Now let's divide the tasks, and everyone will get started immediately.

“The factory area will be available soon.

"Let's recruit troops first and prepare all the people first."

While talking, Jiao Su suddenly thought of Bai Mo again.

“Hey, I heard that the white ink experts are also busy building factories.

"I really want to see how he built the factory?

"He understands physics, mathematics, procedures, and biochemistry, but does he understand worker attendance? Does he understand performance bonuses? Does he understand production safety regulations? Does he understand canteen investment promotion? He understands patrolling guards and monitoring positions in the security department What?"

A group of people laughed.

"President Jiao, you really saw blood."

"I guess Bai Mo is scratching his head."

"He is just a little brat, how can he understand this?"

"Look, his factory will turn into a mess sooner or later."

"Don't he have a traitorous wine factory?"

"That is the factory of Xizhou Xian Committee. He is only responsible for technical guidance and has nothing to do with him."

"Hahaha, don't think too much."

The Rebellious Wine Factory.

Although it is snowing outside, the huge workshop has constant temperature and humidity and soft light.

Beside the fermentation tank, two workers were wearing single clothes and long sleeves, talking quietly with their heads together.

"Expert Bai Mo, do you want us no longer?"

"If he has a new factory, will he still be in charge of our factory?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter. Our business is very stable anyway."

"But I always feel uncomfortable."

As they were talking, their phones suddenly vibrated in their pockets!

They quickly took it out and turned on the screen... Their mobile phones were all specially made rugged mobile phones and were tied to their belts with spring cords to prevent them from falling into the pool. The forced vibration of the phone cannot be turned off, ensuring that they can receive messages at any time.

After opening the message, I saw a questionnaire!

[Dear all members of Rebellious Wine Factory, Xizhou Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory has been established and needs to recruit a group of new employees...]

The two workers looked at this questionnaire, and their eyes became brighter and brighter as they read it!

[...If you are interested in transferring to the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory, please fill in your name, ID number, current position, and remarks below]

The two workers raised their heads and looked at each other.

"Do you want to go?"

"There is no mention of treatment in this questionnaire."

"Yes, if that factory's performance is not good, then..."

"If the new factory fails, can we still return to the current factory?"

"I guess it can't be done."

The two nodded, turned around, back to back, secretly took out their mobile phones, and quickly entered their information at the end of the questionnaire!

I heard there are very few places available this time!

Hurry and grab it, you’ll earn it if you grab it!

After filling in the information and submitting it successfully, the two closed the questionnaire and turned around, pretending that nothing happened.

"Hahaha, it's quite comfortable in the workshop today."

"I don't know what to eat in the cafeteria later."

Suddenly, the phone vibrated again.

Then he saw that it was the factory director Chen Yuanlin, and everyone in Aite was in the group.

[ @All members, don’t sign up blindly! 】

[The conditions there are at most the same as ours]

[Young people who are motivated and have ideas can go there and give it a try]

[Our old employees and management, there is no need to blindly sign up]

[The conditions and benefits there are at most the same as ours, and even less stable than ours]

The two workers nodded.

"Ah, yes, what the factory director said makes sense."

"Yes, yes, you can't sign up blindly."

"No, no, no."

In the office.

Bai Mo had just finished lunch and sat back behind his desk when he received the list from Professor Hong.

[White ink expert, this matter is easy to handle]

[At the Rebellious Wine Factory, almost all employees have signed up and want to come]

[Let’s do some research and select the most important positions, and the new factory will be established immediately! 】

Bai Mo grinned, overjoyed, opened the list, and looked at it for a while.

Think about it for a moment.

Send a message back to Professor Hong.

[Focus on production, personnel, logistics, quality control, etc., these messy departments, transfer their deputy second-in-command, and add some experienced and experienced employees who can do the work, and keep the full-time positions at the Rebellious Wine Factory]

[All remaining quotas will be recruited to senior workshop workers]

Of course, a factory is full of chaos and needs someone to take charge.

"Bring the deputy director over here. Who is the deputy director called? Wei Yuqiao?"

Bai Mo glanced at the long list and saw it as expected.

[Deputy Factory Director Wei Yuqiao]

Just as I was about to choose him, I suddenly saw that there was another person on the list.

[Factory Director Chen Yuanlin]


Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

As the director of the factory, this guy also signed up?

Thanks to book friend 3 Monk Monkey for the tip~

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