
The smoke above the Fox Mountain canteen has cleared.

In front of the canteen, dirty small bowls and spoons were piled up in the basin, and they hadn't even had time to wash them.

The foxes had finished their lunch, and each of them had a full belly. They sat around the small stone tables and listened to the master's lecture with their eyes wide open.

“...Our pill industry in Fox Mountain has been successfully launched.

"The first lesson I will teach you today is production safety!"

Bai Mo sat at the front of the cafeteria, holding tea, with a serious tone and serious expression.

“There are four words for safe production, and safety should be placed in front of production.

"What does this mean? Safety is the prerequisite for production!"

The foxes narrowed their eyes and nodded one by one, convinced.

"Everyone remember that the most precious wealth in Fox Mountain is not the medicinal field, medicinal soup, or fairy weapon. These are not valuable. The most precious thing is the fox!

"So any unsafe production has no value!"

The foxes shook their heads one by one. You looked at me and I looked at you, all smiling.

They are Master's most important treasures!

Chixue Qianshan and Bronze Mask were floating on the side of the cafeteria, both with strange expressions. They all understood the truth, but did Bai Mo just say something worthless...

Then Bai Mo raised a tung oil torch and continued.

“As for medicinal herbs and medicinal decoctions, everyone’s awareness of production safety is actually quite good.

“Today I’m going to focus on Dan Fire!

"Look at this torch!

“Our elixir industry is destined to be inseparable from elixir fire.

"There are many kinds of alchemy fire..."

Bai Mo demonstrated while talking.

Then I saw the five-color elixir fire ignited on the torch. The flame began to jump and deform. Sometimes it looked like petals, sometimes like tongues, sometimes like brilliant sunflowers, sometimes like needles standing upright... …

The foxes widened their eyes, got excited, and started howling!




Master can actually do this! They rarely see such cool elixir fire!

The red-blooded thousand mountains and bronze masks suspended on the side of the cafeteria were stunned.

They have seen the shape changes of Dan Fire, but it is really rare to see this kind of Dan Fire. It is like dough, which can be kneaded, kneaded and deformed at will!

Bai Mo continued.

“Moreover, Dan Fire has many strange forms.

"Everyone, take a look, don't recognize it if you see it."

As he spoke, the torch in his hand, the elixir fire flashed with five colors of fire, and actually flowed down like liquid!

With a thought, the pill fire turned into a hard glass texture, with five colors mixed together, emitting billowing heat!

When the mind moved again, the elixir fire actually turned into a five-color cloud, but there were countless small elixir fire particles rotating rapidly, forming a nebula!

The foxes opened their eyes wide, raised their front paws, and continued howling happily!

They don't understand how powerful this is, but whatever the master displays must be the most powerful!




The mask and Chixue Qianshan next to them felt even more dizzy.

How does this elixir fire liquid look like the unique secret skill of Prince Beiluo?

That Danhuo Liuli also appeared in history, right?

Why do these legendary level Dan Fire Secret Skills seem worthless in Bai Mo's hands?

In shock, they saw that the foxes kept cheering, but the pill fire changed again and again in Bai Mo's hands. Sometimes it turned into a satin texture, sometimes it turned into a flower with thick petals, and sometimes it turned into fluffy fox fur... …

In their daze, they listened to Bai Mo's loud voice.

"Okay, everyone has seen these fancy elixir fires.

"From now on, when you see these things in the mountains, in medicine fields, or in workshops, you must understand that these are elixirs of fire. If you get too close, you will be burned! Be sure to keep a safe distance!

"As for what is a safe long as you feel the heat, it is no longer safe!"

Bai Mo carried Xiao Chuifeng onto the table.

"Of course, in the future, we will inevitably need to operate Dan Fire, start fires, maintain them, and put out fires.

“Any operation like this requires protection!

"The first piece of protective equipment is something like this, a fire mask!"

Little Blowing Wind wears a white flower mask on its face, which is carved from the bark of cold-line Kapok tree. It is pitted, numb, distorted in outline, and has a weird shape, with its mouth and eyes exposed.

Sensing that the eyes of the audience were looking at it, Little Blowing Wind was elated, with her chest and belly raised, and her front paws folded back.

The one on its face is the first fire mask in Fox Mountain, made by Master!

At this time, he raised his head and rolled his eyes secretly, trying to see if the brothers were impressed by its handsomeness.

Sure enough, the brothers and sisters burst into cheers!




See Bai Mo again and continue to introduce other fire prevention props.

"And this one, it's a one-piece fireproof suit. It's tight and very neat!"

Bai Mo helped the little one blow dry, stuffed its chubby body into the fireproof jacket, and finally buttoned it up, revealing its round belly and plump body.

I was originally worried that this guy would be embarrassed, but unexpectedly he twisted on the table even more happily, and the foxes in the audience burst into loud cheers!



In the world of foxes, fatness is beauty!

Being too thin means you are living in poverty and you don’t have enough to eat!

Finally, Bai Mo introduced the most basic burn ointment and fire extinguishing spray can, then stood up and summarized the work for the apprentices.

“Dan Industry actually no longer exists in this era.

“It’s hard to rebuild the pill industry!

“But we at Fox Mountain must face the difficulties and develop the Dan industry!

"We will establish a Dan Workshop department outside of the Mechanical Workshop, and mobilize more and more foxes to work in it.

“Everyone should remember the matter of production safety and never forget it.

“The beginning of Dan Industrial, the first product, we’ve got it.

“Perhaps we will face more messy problems in the future.

“But we are not afraid of challenges!

"I believe we will succeed in the end!"

In the main hall of the cafeteria, a roaring tsunami erupted again!




…Actually, they didn’t fully understand what Master said.

I just roughly understand that Fox Mountain is going to do another big thing and add another big department!

As for difficulties, challenges, etc., they don't consider them.

Every fox believes that as long as the master is here, any difficulty can be solved!

In the northern suburbs base, the computer room is brightly lit and warm as spring.

From time to time, computers make the sound of fans or electricity.

Cai Xiaozhen, Mo Lanyou, Professor Zhang, Wu Qingyun and others were sitting on chairs. There was no table, so they sat on their knees.

Just talking and laughing.

Cai Xiaozhen glanced at Bai Mo, who was typing codes on the keyboard not far away, and grinned.

"Thankfully there are white ink experts, otherwise this matter would be really difficult to handle. Hehehehe."

Cai Xiaozhen graduated from the Department of Mathematics and once thought she was very good at mathematics.

The formation path is also recognized as the path that is best at mathematics.

After becoming a formation master, Cai Xiaozhen's brain was strengthened and she even became better at mathematics.

But after stacking so many buffs, in front of the white ink expert, he suddenly couldn't see enough!

Mo Lanyou lowered her voice while holding hot tea.

"You asked him to do it, what on earth is this?"

Cai Xiaozhen was careless.

"It's a formation problem.

"A few days ago, our geological survey and astronomical observations discovered some abnormalities.

"After interpreting it with the knowledge of the formation path... I made some discoveries.

“The end result still needs to be worked on.

"Well, that's what the white ink experts are dealing with."

As for what this anomaly involves, Cai Xiaozhen remained silent.

Everyone present looked at each other and smiled, and were too lazy to continue asking.

"Speaking of which, do you know that a big event happened in the Lantern Eagle area recently?

"Thousands of immortal magicians broke out in a bloody battle in a small valley!

“A bunch of Sequence Eight who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive were involved and were crushed into minced flesh.

"Dozens of Sequence Seven died tragically on the spot.

“The broken limbs and dirty pools of blood dyed the small valley red.

"The one who stole the victory in the end seemed to be a knight from the Luo family."

Everyone sighed.

At this moment, I saw Bai Mo getting up and walking over, looking for a chair to sit down.

"The program is completed and is already running. The results will be available soon.

"You guys, what are you talking about? What's in that little valley?"

Mo Lanyou explained.

"There is a pity tiger fruit tree.

"That thing... is a great medicine of sequence seven in the Immortal Martial Realm. I heard it can be used to extract the bloodline of princes.

"Recently, the ancient immortals have been looking like crazy. As long as they have something to do with their bloodline, they will take action at all costs, and they must get it."

Professor Zhang sighed.

"I heard that in the treasure house underground in the Third Courtyard of Spring Mountain, there are hundreds of vampire tiger fang bronze knives, which are also immortal weapons with the blood of princes.

"Those hundreds of knives are much more valuable than this pity tiger skin.

"I don't know how to deal with the boss in Xizhou."

Bai Mo sat on the chair with an expressionless face.

The fox apprentice Xiao Chuifeng on his shoulder frowned, recalling the batch of knives.

That pile of stuff trapped Big Flower Arm and Tiger Head and Shoulder, which was troublesome to take back, but it was of no use to Fox Mountain and has now been used to plant trees.

That's right... it was buried under the roots of the Sword Forging Immortal and used as fertilizer to plant trees.

A group of people drank tea, talked and laughed.

Not long after, Bai Mo suddenly raised his head and looked at the computer screen not far away.

"It's time to get the results, right?"


Hearing a crisp sound, Cai Xiaozhen raised her neck and stared at the computer screen not far away!


But the computer monitor suddenly lost power.

Cai Xiaozhen laughed "hehe", as if she was taunting the ancient immortal in her mind.

“We can’t even see the results of this deduction.

“No need to waste your efforts.

"The deduction I did at the formation center, the application I made when I contacted Bai Mo, the program I brought to Xizhou today, the algorithm Bai Mo helped write... all of these are being monitored by the Secret Brain Office.

"The results of Bai Mo's deduction will not appear on that computer. He can't see it, and neither can I.

"The result has been taken over by the Secret Brain Office, you no longer need to covet it!"

Everyone reacted quickly and knew that Cai Xiaozhen was talking to Master Guxian.

Soon, Cai Xiaozhen got out of this weird state, smiled apologetically to everyone, exchanged a few words, and then turned and left.

Bai Mo and Mo Lanyou were left behind, looking at each other in the laboratory.

"What exactly did he ask Bai Mo to calculate?"

"Looks very sensitive."

Bai Mo took his apprentice Xiao Chuifeng back into his arms and rubbed its fat belly until it closed its eyes and groaned.

At the same time, his consciousness, like invisible tentacles, chased her out the door and into the corridor, secretly spying on Cai Xiaozhen.

But he saw Cai Xiaozhen with her ears pricked up, leaning against the wall, her consciousness spread out, and she was on full alert, sending a message on her mobile phone!

He was holding his phone with one hand and typing quickly with the other.

[Director, Baimo experts have successfully deduced it]

[The derivation results were received by the Secret Brain Office, but neither we nor the Ancient Immortal saw it.]

The director of the formation center over there responded immediately.

【very good! 】

[Look at the sky, the terrain, and the feng shui, this treasure house is very good]

[It should be a very large treasure house]

[Now that we have calculated the coordinates of the treasure house, we can form a professional team to explore it too]

[The feng shui of this treasure house does not have the smell of blood. It must not be related to the bloody era, and there is not so much competition pressure. If we work harder, maybe we can actually win! 】

In the computer room, Bai Mo suddenly realized.

This calculation turns out to be the coordinates of the treasure house?

In the past, the treasure troves in the Kyushu region were all captured by the descendants of the fallen immortals. The Immortal Committee could not even drink the soup, and could not lick the oily flakes when licking the bowl. They could only lick the saliva left by others.

This time, the Immortal Committee found an opportunity and wanted to take the initiative and win a treasure house?

"It's quite good."


The strong wind roared and poured into the bronze hall.

The thin body of the Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal was huddled inside the huge bronze chair.

Holding a tablet, he frowned slightly.

On the computer screen, there are rapidly scrolling codes on the left and a colorful map of Kyushu on the right.

Every few seconds, the code outputs a coordinate, and a light lights up at the corresponding location on the Kyushu map.

The Poison Master King Crocodile stood carefully beside him, bending down to obey orders at any time, waiting to serve his master at any time.

Then I heard Gu Xian ask.

"Is this... something made by Zhang Qiren?

"Is it reliable?"

King Crocodile nodded.

He wasn't sure.

“Anyway, that’s what the Lord of Darkness said when he gave it to me.

"Zhang Qiren's words... are absolutely reliable!

"He is the strongest formation master in the world, it is recognized!

"Master, is this the coordinate map of the treasure house?

“A treasure house that can run away?

"Do we want to get a share of the pie? It just so happens that I am about to be promoted to Sequence Seven. This... um..."

Gu Xian frowned and smacked his lips.

I stared at the tablet for a long time.

"The location of this treasure house is still jumping every ten seconds. In this case, it is impossible to enter.

“You have to wait until it stops before you can go in.

"That's not important. The important thing is that this treasure house reminds me of something, and I always feel that something is not right.

"Look, it's in the Heluo area. It jumps here and there, but it can never get out of Heluo.

"The trajectory of the jump, this shape..."

Gu Xian gestured with his finger on the screen to draw the trajectory of the treasure house's jump.

"Does the shape of its jumping trajectory look like a mouth?

"A...eating mouth?"

Thank you everyone! Thank you for every monthly ticket!

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