It was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers in the dark workshop!

Zhang Yupeng stood at the door of the duty room, wearing a searchlight on his head and holding a submachine gun in his arms, facing the dark workshop!

The light beam probed into the distance, but he couldn't see clearly!

Because he is too scared!

His body couldn't stop shaking, his tears couldn't stop flowing, and his vision was completely blurred by tears.

He heard the ghost figures "swishing" floating around in the workshop, and heard the ghost figures "giggling and laughing" in an arrogant manner!

He trembled and went to touch the safety on the gun body. Although he didn't know which one was the safety, he fumbled around and broke everything he could!

Then he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the sound of laughter in the distance and pulled the heavy trigger!


Bang bang bang bang...

The gun spits out tongues of fire and bullets pour out!

The gunfire was deafening and resounded throughout the entire workshop!

But when he released the trigger and the gunshots stopped, there was even louder laughter in the workshop.

"Hee hee hee!"



"Ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter continues! The ghosts are still flying around!

This gun, these bullets, and even Zhang Yupeng... the enemy didn't bother to pay attention to it and didn't care at all!

Outside the workshop.

More than a dozen immortal arts committee members have already gathered, either armed with guns or swords, and approaching the door of the workshop.


One foot kicked on the big iron gate!

There are crumbs of cement and mud falling from the door frame!

"it's useless!

"There is probably a [treasure house inner door talisman] stuck inside, a talisman used by the ancient immortal dynasty to protect the treasure house.

“It can connect this door, this door frame, and even the walls, ceiling, and floor of the entire workshop, so that they can bear the force as one!

“No matter how much force you use to break the goal, the whole workshop will bear it in the end!

“The same goes for windows, the same goes for glass!

"No matter where the attack is, the entire warehouse will bear the force!

"If you want to break the door, you have to destroy the entire workshop with one blow...but...there is no point in breaking the door like that."

A group of immortal arts committee members frowned and looked anxious.

“Damn it, where did that bastard Zheng Yutian go?

“If he was here, if he was on alert in the first place, why would we be like this?

"Gan's mother!"

This member of the Immortal Arts Committee, who raised his eyebrows and scolded with anger, was on duty tonight to guard the warehouse of the pharmaceutical factory.

He had just been called here by the workers. After figuring out the situation, his face turned red with anger and his eyes popped open!

"Are we just going to have to wait and wait for people to completely destroy our workshop?

"Fuck! Fuck!"



Several official vehicles drove from the factory gate and parked not far away.

Mo Lanyou rushed out of the car.

"Can't you open the door?"

Not only could they not open it, they even heard the enemy laughing and barking even more happily in the workshop!


A cold wind is blowing from afar!

It's snowing in the sky!

Everyone was going crazy when they suddenly heard a "swishing" sound!

But it was a red sword light, coming from the depths of the night, like thunder, piercing the night sky, piercing the snow curtain, and hitting the workshop door!

It's Wu Qingyun!

Her sword was so fast that it pierced the door and the talisman behind the door. The tip of the sword trembled and shattered the door-sealing talisman! The figure's speed did not slow down, and it hit the iron door of the workshop!


The iron gate flew away!

Wu Qingyun's face was expressionless, and she jumped into the workshop with the cold wind and snow, her eyes radiating bloody red light, looking through the darkness, and looking towards the center of the workshop!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

There, eight enemies stood in a circle, stepping on formations painted with cinnabar and turquoise powder, disappearing amid wild laughter and fluctuations in space.


Wu Qingyun's sword slashed forward, only to hit the afterimage.

A group of immortal arts committee members followed behind and rushed in one after another. Their faces were full of anger, their eyes were open, and their molars were broken!


"What did they do in the workshop?"

“Has the electrician fixed the electricity?”

"Turn on the lights!"


The lights in the workshop lit up one after another.

Illuminating the door of the duty room, a young worker holding a submachine gun with tears streaming down his face!

Illuminating the bright red detonating symbols attached to each machine! The human skin talisman, with red strokes, is so vivid that every stroke is full of restlessness, making the air around it become restless!

The immortal arts committee member who had access to the talisman suddenly shouted loudly!

"The detonating talisman of sequence seven!

“It’s about to explode!


But the next moment, they suddenly discovered that something was wrong...

There is a layer between the bright red talismans and the cold and hard shells of the machines.

Those are leaves!

Plants appeared from the ground out of nowhere, with branches and vines growing close to the ground, all over the warehouse, and climbing onto machines, reaction tanks, and culture tanks!

On the vines, there are green leaves, big and round, attached to the shells of each machine, and talismans are affixed to these machines.

All the immortal arts committee members stared with wide eyes, watching helplessly as the rolled edges of the lotus leaves actually wrapped the talismans attached to them, forming a "purse".




One by one, the detonating symbols of sequence seven exploded in pockets everywhere.

It was clearly a powerful force that could destroy the world, but it couldn't even make the purse tremble, or even let out a trace of red light.

It's like they are stuffy farts, making little movement and showing obscenity, being stuffed into pockets everywhere.

Everyone became even more silent. They all looked at the emerald green vines and the purse, feeling very unreal.

Each of the Sequence 7 detonating talismans is valuable, and each one is devastating to the world, but... with such a little movement, it's over?

"Boss of Xizhou, is he taking action again?"

"How terrible."

"But...since he took action, why did he let those gangsters go?"

"Maybe...he didn't let it go?"

In the dark alley, the trash cans were covered with a layer of snow.

The dead rat in the corner was frozen stiff.


The ground suddenly flashed, and it turned out to be a rune formation. Eight gangsters formed a circle, and were suddenly teleported to the formation diagram.

They were laughing and laughing, and everyone was very proud.


The formation flashed again, transporting them to the next transfer station, which was the rooftop of the building where the wind and snow were falling.


The formation flashed again, teleporting them to the next transfer station, which was the roof of the expressway toll station.


The formation flashed again, teleporting them to the next transfer station, which was an open space between the vast forests.

No one noticed that there was a small seed stuck on the back of the hood of the leader's burly jacket.

The workshop door was broken, allowing the wind and snow to pour in.

Dozens of material experts are hurriedly shuttled through the workshop, eliminating hidden dangers and collecting materials.

President Chen Shu, Professor Zhang and others all had pale faces.

The formation expert squatted on the ground, staring at the scrapped teleportation formation diagram, touching it, thinking about it, and looked at it for a long time.

"This... this is a very clever multi-level jump teleportation array. There are masters among the gangsters. I'm afraid... we won't be able to track it."

No one spoke in the room.

The formation masters of the Immortal Committee are not as powerful as the formation masters on the dark side. Everyone has known this for a long time.

President Chen Shu's cloudy old eyes seemed to be filled with anger.

"Where is Zheng Yutian? Have you found him?"

Commissioner Gu Lin next to him shook his head.

"Still looking, but haven't found it yet."

Professor Zhang was a little calmer.

"Experts from the Materials Department, can we now rule out potential safety hazards after the war?

"If it can be ruled out, we will arrange for engineers from the pharmaceutical factory to come in as soon as possible to repair the workshop and strive to maintain production to the maximum extent!"

Chairman Chen Shu took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Bai Mo to explain the situation, but the fingers on the screen of the mobile phone were trembling and refused to obey his orders!

This phone... what the hell... how can I make this call? How do you say this? !

His face became even paler!

Everyone around me felt the low pressure and subconsciously stayed away.


In the vast darkness, the formation made another stop in the parking lot on the outskirts of the Spring Mountain area, and finally flickered, sending the eight gangsters to an abandoned small building.


The windows in the small building had long been broken, and the wind and snow were pouring in.

A bonfire was red, bright, and crackling.

There is a large aluminum pot hanging on the bonfire. The broth is bubbling in the pot, and the mutton smell and aroma are wafting out!

" smells so damn good!"

"Hahahaha, welcome eight brothers to your triumphant return!"

"This time I really made a great contribution!"

In the abandoned small building, beside the roaring bonfire, there were ten other figures!

Together with the eight people who just arrived, there are a total of eighteen, all of them are sequence seven!

They have Immortal Martial Arts, Immortal Weapon Masters, Talisman Masters, Formation Masters, Immortal Beast Masters, and Gu Masters. They are clearly working together in multiple ways.

At this time, a group of people were delighted and sat down around the campfire.

"Hey, it's really fun this time!"

"If you complete the task assigned by Master, you can receive a reward from Master.

"We can also take away the bounty points from the Dark World."

"Hahahaha, one chicken and two, it's so cool!"

"Tell me, immortal masters, why do you want to target that snow lotus plant?"

"Why did the Dark World target that factory?"

"Who knows, anyway, we get rewards for being obedient and doing things, hahaha."

While everyone was talking, they couldn't help sniffing.

"Oh, this pot of mutton is so damn delicious!"

"I'm just proud of the smell of this mouthful!"

"Ahhh! It smells good!"

While chatting, everyone suddenly realized that something didn't taste right.

"It smells, it smells, it smells so good!

"But how did the smell of mutton change into the smell of flowers?"

Everyone frowned, everyone noticed it.

"Yes, the scent of flowers!"

"The floral fragrance is so overbearing, it even covers up the smell of mutton!"

"Why is your nose bleeding?"

"Your ears are bleeding too?"

"Your eyeballs are bleeding?"

"Why is there a flower growing out of your back?"

In the dilapidated small building, the bonfire crackled, the flames jumped, and the flames shone on the faces of every gangster. They saw their faces collapsed, their orifices were bleeding, and they looked like evil ghosts!

As for the eight-man gangster, the flower growing out from behind his head has actually penetrated his back, penetrated his flesh and blood, penetrated his body, and absorbed his nutrients!

At this time, the petals unfold layer by layer, and the stamens spit out a stronger floral fragrance, which spreads throughout the building!

The flower branches branched out, grew wildly outward, and opened branches and leaves...

The door to the workshop was temporarily held up against the frame to block the cold wind outside.

Engineers and senior workers in pharmaceutical factories were guarding each machine, inspecting petri dishes, or inspecting reactors.

Factory director Chen Yuanlin, together with the director of the production department, traveled around to listen to inspection reports.

"Huh...I'm fine here."

"It's normal here, hahahaha!"

"Fortunately, the power outage didn't last long."

"The sodium ion concentration in the petri dish is two points lower, but it is still within the normal range!"

Chen Yuanlin walked around, listening to reports and taking notes in his notebook.

At the end, I finally felt relieved and wiped the cold sweat from my forehead.

"No problem...haha, that's right...when Baimo experts first designed the production process, they left room for error. Our production is not that fragile, haha, hahaha..."

Outside the workshop, a group of immortal arts committee members have not yet left.

Everyone has a droopy face.

Some of them, in particular, had just arrived at the factory during the day and had just picked up dozens of bottles of Snow Lotus Qi Enhancing Decoction!

Who would have thought that this night, this kind of occasion, would actually come back again!

Each of them was embarrassed to death and didn't know how to explain it to Bai Mo!

Chairman Chen Shu, who had the ugliest expression on his face, stood there like a zombie trying to eat people, listening to Committee Member Gu Lin’s report.

"Commissioner Zheng Yutian...he...he secretly a bar to dance...

"When we found him, he was on the bed in the hotel, sound asleep, holding a little girl in his arms... um...

"He has been controlled and is being escorted here. Do you want to interrogate him personally?"

There was a deadly silence.

Every immortal arts committee member didn’t know what to say.

Zheng Yutian, sequence seven, bar, disco, hotel, little girl... Why are these words so inconsistent when combined?

Commissioner Gu Lin was also in disbelief.

"He... before he cultivated as an immortal, his job was to sell alcohol. He liked disco dancing and was addicted to it..."

President Chen Shu waved his hand and interrupted Councilor Gu Lin’s words.

Of course he knows Zheng Yutian's old skills, and he knows that Zheng Yutian's rank seven is not strong enough!

So Zheng Yutian was given the simplest task of being on guard duty!

I never expected that this bastard could be so unreliable!

President Chen Shu spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Have you confirmed that he is going to the bar on his own? He is not involved with anyone else?"

Commissioner Gu Lin nodded.

But President Chen Shu continued.

"Then there is no need to send him here. Send him to Song Yin, to Pure White Prison. He is the ninth of the eight gangsters who attacked the pharmaceutical factory tonight."

Everyone looked sideways.

This kind of treatment by the president is obviously inconsistent with the procedures and does not conform to the facts.

But... everyone nodded, feeling that this was very reasonable!

"Eighty percent of them are the lackeys of the fallen immortal!"

"This wave tonight is enough to give him a beating!"

"Damn it, let Song Yin serve him some hard food!"

"I'll explain it to Song Yin right now! Don't be polite to him!"

"It's just a pity that the ninth gangster was arrested, and the first eight escaped!"

A group of people were depressed when their cell phones suddenly vibrated.

They took it out and saw that it was the Spring Mountain Immortal Committee, making an announcement in the crowd.

[An abandoned small building on the outskirts of Chunshan City, a magical war broke out! 】


They clicked on the picture to open it and saw that it was an abandoned small building on a snowy night.

This small building is four stories high, but from head to toe, it is overwhelmed by lush flower branches and a sea of ​​bright flowers!

Delicate flowers blooming in the wind and snow!

There are also corpses that have been sucked into mummies by flower branches, hanging in the sea of ​​flowers, swaying in the wind.

"There seem to be more than eight mummies?"

"I counted them, there are eighteen in total!"

"Chunshan is already checking the identities urgently, and currently there are seven of them, all of whom are the Seven Most Wanted Fugitives from the dark side!"

"So, the boss of Xizhou doesn't want to kill those eight gangsters, but wants to kill all the gangsters involved, leaving no one alive?"

Everyone shuddered.

From this photo, they seem to smell the fragrance of flowers!

It was as if I could see the corpses that had been sucked dry, wrinkled and light, hung on branches, swaying in the wind and snow!

It was as if I could feel the anger gushing out from the boss of Xizhou!

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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