The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 413 The hidden worries of the fox apprentices and the work done by the master

The night is already dark.

The cold wind blew through the Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory.

In the laboratory, a group of young scholars from Chunshan are still staring, picking up materials, gritting their teeth, and studying hard!

"My mother, the white ink expert is so scary!"

Li Kuiwu, a fat and dark man, sat by the window, rubbing his sore temples, and said to the fair girl on the video call on his mobile phone.

“It’s a pile of information as soon as I take action!

“Just give it one day to watch!

“Let’s start working on the project tomorrow!

"I wonder if he has some misunderstanding of us. He thinks we are some kind of super brain?"

The fair girl opposite was sitting in front of the dressing table in the hotel, pouting.

"Huh? It really doesn't feel as comfortable as here in Heluo!

"We came to study with Professor Jiao Su. We ate and drank on the first day, traveled in Heluo on the second day, and had a blood test on the third day.

"The documents I got were only a thin layer, and they were all about regulations. I read them casually.

"Hehe, I'm much more comfortable than you."

Li Kuiwu frowned and discovered Hua Dian.

"You guys are here to study. Are you going to do a blood test?"

Then I saw the fair girl explaining.

"Professor Jiao Su said that people with special blood types can participate in in-depth experiments... Well, they are asking for blood tests anyway!

“Look at our hotel here, it’s so luxurious!

"Are you envious of eating hotel buffets every day?"

Li Kuiwu grinned, picked up his phone, and showed his sister the window downstairs, the workshop in the distance, and the emerald-green iron lotus leaves growing on the outer wall of the workshop.

"Hehe, the food here is not bad. The food standards at Bai Mo Expert are extremely high!

“I just ate the baked lobster in butter tonight, hehe.

"And let me tell you, the material of White Ink Expert, although it is a lot and thick, the writing is really good!

“That’s a silky smoothness to read!

“We are all a little panicked and scared now.

"The iron lotus leaf project will start tomorrow. I'm afraid we won't be able to get started and learn something.

"You don't have to have such pressure in Heluo. You can eat, drink, play and hang out every day, hehe."

Both of them want to be strong. They come to Xizhou or Heluo just to learn something!

At this time, Li Kuiwu was talking. It was true that he was tired, it was true that he was stressed, and it was true that he was showing off!

The fair girl on the other end of the video snorted coldly.

I saw Li Kuiwu pointing the camera at a thick pile of information again, and saw that the information contained a line, a pile, and a flow chart. The layout was beautiful and the content was detailed.

Thinking about her own side, she spent many days playing in Heluo and learned nothing.

The more the girl thought about it, the angrier she became and spat at the screen.


Then he hung up the video, leaving Li Kuiwu with a lewd smile on his face.

He rubbed his temples, took a sip of black coffee, picked up the information, and continued to read!

The night of the real world corresponds to the day of the dream.

Under heavy dark clouds and blown by strong winds, in the vast medicinal fields, planters were beeping by, leaving seeds one after another in the soft soil.

Coffeeear sat on the planter, Foxpaw holding the steering wheel.


Correct the forward direction of the seeder from time to time.


Check back in the seed storage box from time to time to see if planting is normal.

In this storage box, there are small round cake seeds with silver patterns and crosses, which are the seeds of cross silver dill.


Coffee Er turned around and continued to hold the steering wheel, his eyes dazed.

It's a little anxious and a little scary!

This kind of cross silver radish seeds were available in Fox Mountain two years ago, but they have never been planted.

Because its cultivation is too complicated, it needs to be pruned and cut as soon as it sprouts and leaves.

At that time, none of the brothers could learn this technique.

The master also felt that this cross silver dill was just an ordinary immortal grass of sequence nine. It was not very effective and had many problems, so he simply gave up on it.

Unexpectedly, in the industrial age, this thing was dug out again and was to be planted in the ground.

Beep beep beep beep...

The planter drove over every inch of the medicinal field with the sound of exhaust.

One by one, the seeds of the cross silver dill were carried into the ground.

Coffee Ear sat on the planter, frowning, raising his head, silently making up his mind.


It is no longer the coffee ear it was two years ago!

Even if this herb is difficult to deal with, it must be dealt with for the sake of Fox Mountain’s Dan Industrial Age!

During lunch time, I went to the master to ask for advice on how to prune and cut the leaves of this cross silver radish!


A small truck shuttled through the medicinal fields, smashing into the howling mountain wind.

The carriage was filled to the brim, sack after sack, all filled with grass jelly seeds!

Coffee Eyes, who was driving, held the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator, occasionally looking back at the seeds, feeling a little panicked in his heart.

Because these seeds... are all junk varieties that have been eliminated from Fox Mountain in the past few years!

Things like cross silver radish, Laijiao, Susu golden grass... They are all junk medicinal materials that are difficult to cultivate and very effective. In the past, Fox Mountain was too lazy to grow them. But there is no way now. For the sake of the Dan Industrial Age and for a more complete category of fairy grass, these things must be planted!


Coffee Eyes turned the steering wheel and turned a corner.


It decided to go to the master to learn how to cultivate these weird garbage fairy grasses during lunch!

It also remembers that the mustard fruit is one of the most troublesome species and requires circular self-grafting. This is the most difficult thing to learn!


Coffee Claw held the scissors and lay down in the medicine field, pulling with his fox paws to cut off the small leaves closest to the branches of the seven-hole exquisite pagoda grass.


The above-ground cultivation work of pruning and cutting leaves cannot be done by ghost eyes or pipes, so it can only be done by the fox's claws.

Master has decided to transfer all the thousand fox brothers who developed the medicine fields to the "Medicine Field Ground Work Department", which will be responsible for this type of ground cultivation work such as pruning, leaf cutting, grafting, and smearing.

While walking through the medicine field with his tail raised, Coffeepaw frowned, with a slight hint of anxiety on his chubby face.

Pruning Qiqiao Exquisite Pagoda Grass is very simple, but other types of grass jelly are not so easy to trim.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Will there be a lot to learn in the pharmaceutical field ground work department from now on?

Coffeepaw looked at the scissors he was holding, stretched out his paw to touch his fat head, and suddenly felt a little scared.

It is not afraid of hardship or difficulty, but it is afraid of being too stupid, afraid of not being able to learn those complicated operations, afraid of slowing down its master, and afraid of delaying the development of Fox Mountain!


The construction truck is parked at the edge of the medicine field.


Coffee Shoes jumped out of the car holding a huge banana leaf.


Coffee, holding a basket of bottles and cans of medicinal soup, followed closely behind.

Two foxes found the roots of Ghost Eye No. 1 at the edge of the medicine field, and carried the giant banana leaf in, allowing the banana leaf to connect with the roots of Ghost Eye.

Then he poured some medicine into the jars, swung the shovel and buried it in the soil, counting one, two, three, four, five. When he saw the banana leaves branching up, the two foxes smiled happily.



This is a brand new facility for the medicinal field. It will be installed on part of the medicinal field first, and then all of it will be installed gradually.

The two foxes stared at the banana leaf.

You can see that this leaf is very special, with a huge area of ​​several square meters, but there are densely packed small grids of yellow, yellow, green and green on the leaf surface, like pixels.


What is this for?

Neither fox knew.

Master was very busy today. He hurriedly handed over their tasks and ran to the Ghost Eye Computer Room.


The cold wind blew, ruffling the fur on their bodies and faces.

The two foxes subconsciously looked into the distance, towards the boundless medicinal fields.



They were suddenly afraid.

In the past, there were 10,000 acres of medicinal fields in Fox Mountain, and 10,000 brothers worked together to cultivate one acre.

Now there are 30,000 acres of medicinal fields in Fox Mountain, and less than 3,000 brothers are planting them together, and the types of medicinal herbs are about to become even more diverse!

Today's medicine field has become an extremely large and complex system, and accidents may occur at any time, and situations may arise at any time. I heard that there was an accident in the water supply system yesterday, and rust broke the pipes. This is something that no fox has ever heard of, and it is impossible for them to deal with it.



Can they really work?

Does Master believe in them too much?

The two foxes looked at each other's furry faces and saw the anxiety in each other's eyes... could they really do it? They are just foxes after all.

The morning passed in a hurry.

In the cafeteria, there were flaming red foxes sitting around the small stone tables.

Today’s dishes are grilled mushrooms, croquettes and rice porridge!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Huanquan Hu, Bai Xingxing, and Bai Yue were a group of foxes. They were holding roasted mushrooms in their paws, bragging in foxy language, and chatting about today's excavation work, feeling very proud.


Huhu Feng, Piao Piaoxue, and Chasing Wind Claw were a group of foxes. Fox Claw was holding croquettes and discussing which fillings were the best.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

While Peach Blossom Eyes licked the porridge from the corner of her mouth, she put her arm around Coffee Claw's shoulders and advised him not to be mentally exhausted!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

At worst, you can go to the master later. If you want to learn anything, just go to the master and ask him.

The coffee claws crunched and showed off the meatballs, nodding heavily!

It looked up and its eyes suddenly lit up, Master! Master has entered the cafeteria!


It immediately rushed out and pounced on the master, asking him for advice!

But, it was not the only one in the huge cafeteria... Swish, swish, swish, one figure after another rushed towards the master, surrounding him.

"Huh? You guys?"

Bai Mo looked at these fox apprentices.

Coffee ears, coffee claws, coffee shoes, coffee waist...all are from the land reclamation team and will soon be transferred to the ground work department of the medicine field.

"Why do you want to find Master?"

Bai Mo picked up Coffee Claw and reached out to touch Coffee Shoe's fat head.

But the foxes didn't want to ask anymore.

They suddenly realized that there were tens of thousands of new types of grass jelly, the cultivation of the ground parts of each type, the pruning, leaf cutting, skin cutting, grafting, and straightening of each type... that was too much content.

This is not a question of a fox, or a species of grass.

It’s a matter of a thousand foxes and ten thousand species of grass.

The master teaches one by one, one by one. Even if he teaches a hundred types in one day, it will still take a hundred days!



Each of them lowered their heads and drooped their ears.

"Huh? Why aren't you happy?

“The ground work will be properly planned, there will be special tools, and the intensity will not be too high.

“It’s even easier than the land reclamation you did before.

“There will be cool tool kits in the future!”

Bai Mo rubbed Coffee Claw's fat head, lifted its chin, and looked at its eyes.

Then he bent down and took the coffee ears into his arms.

"Or are you afraid that the operation is too complicated or that you won't be able to learn it?"

Seeing Coffee Er's eyes dazed, Bai Mo grinned.

"do not be afraid!

“The operation is quite simple!

"Ha, go eat first, eat well, and you will all understand when we go to the medicine field in the afternoon.

“The operation is really not complicated!

"We installed new facilities at the drug"

I can't seem to explain a sentence or two clearly.

Bai Mo smiled and put down the two apprentices, touched the heads of the other apprentices, and pinched the fat cheeks of Coffee Shoes.

These fox disciples are good at everything, but they are easily anxious, easily afraid, too timid, and prone to mental breakdown!

It seems that at noon today, I need to work a little overtime to finish all the work, so as not to let them scare me again.

Bai Mo went to the front desk of the cafeteria, got a bowl of dry croquettes for lunch, then turned around and left, going out and heading all the way to the Ghost Eye computer room.

In the computer room, a bunch of ghost eyes were soaking in the pond of flowers everywhere. They were working leisurely, processing the information sent from the medicine field, and then returning the processing results according to the established procedures.

Bai Mo randomly found a place to sit down, threw a ball into his mouth, ate it crunchily, and closed his eyes.

There are more than 10,000 kinds of random medicinal herbs with various cultivation methods. This is of course a huge amount of information. This can only be learned and operated by the apprentices... If he explains it to the apprentices one by one, it will undoubtedly cost a lot of money. A lot of time and a long wait.


"There are more than 10,000 kinds of medicinal herbs and tens of thousands of cultivation instructions. Even if you give me a computer and let me type on a keyboard, it will take me a long, long time to type."

But in this ghost eye computer room, when he closed his eyes and his consciousness connected with the ghost eyes, the information flow in his mind spurted out in an instant, went to the ghost eyes, and turned into ghost eyes. The flow of information turns into a biological current of flashing blue light between their tentacles!


It's the sound of electric sparks beating in the computer room.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

It was the sound of Ghost Eye working hard and swallowing flower pulp to replenish energy.

Bai Mo closed his eyes and stuffed another dry croquette into his mouth. While eating, he wrote information and programs into Ghost Eye... Yes, he wrote not only information, but also programs, so that the people in the field could Ghost Eye No. 1 is a program that can determine the type of medicinal herbs, determine the status of medicinal herbs, decide what kind of ground operations the medicinal herbs require, and display it...!

When writing programs on a computer, the speed is still limited by the keyboard.

Using spiritual consciousness and ghost eyes to write programs, Bai Mo himself didn't know how fast he could go!


The sound of electric sparks in the computer room is getting louder and louder.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

A bunch of ghost eyes, power consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more Baihua pulp is eaten.

While eating meatballs, Bai Mo wrote the program with his eyes closed and continued the unfinished work all morning.

All kinds of medicinal materials, various judgments and decisions, various specific treatments, and simple drawings in my mind are all input into this ghost eye computer room.

After an unknown amount of time, he finished eating the last meatball and finished writing the program.

Finally opened my eyes.


I ate the meatballs and felt a little thirsty.



Bai Mo looked up and found that Coffee Er was holding a big bowl of rice porridge. He didn't know when he had arrived and was guarding him.

Looking up again, I saw coffee claws, coffee shoes, coffee waist, peach blossom eyes, white earrings, star ears, as well as hoop beards, whistling wind, falling snow... There are countless fox apprentices, or they are looking at them with curious faces. Look at Master, then look at the ghost eyes.

Or if you can't squeeze in, you'll stick your head outside the door to look.

Bai Mo took the DaZiZi porridge with a smile and touched Coffee Er's head.

"Okay, don't worry about anything. Bring your tools and go to the medicine field to have a look!"

Finish writing and call it a day!

Today, I would like to recommend a book by a brother who is a book lover.

I don’t know how to recommend this author. He is a very special kind, the kind who can drive a tank elegantly in a shopping mall without getting caught. I am asking you if you are afraid of this driving skill? Ha ha. His new book is about entertainment-themed imaginative writing. All I can say is that the imaginative writing is a bit awesome. . Interested book friends can check it out

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