In Danpi's workshop.

The reactors and pipes at the end of the production line began to buzz and tremble violently!

And in the bronze water tank at the end, bubbles began to pop out one after another!

Several foxes gathered around, sometimes looking at the sink, sometimes looking up at the pixelated banana leaves. Although the yellow and green pixels on the banana leaves still made up the smiling faces of foxes, they were still nervous.



Is the movement of shipments so big?

Bai Mo, wearing white earrings, came here quietly, touched Nutpaw's head and Tangtang Bean's neck.

"Don't worry.

“Normally, the movement wouldn’t be this big.

"This should be dragon snake grass, golden round pear and star anise peach. These three medicinal materials are not mature enough, resulting in air bubbles in the production line...

"If it were placed in the Guxian Dynasty, if the masters who manage the production line are high enough, they can remove these bubbles through operations and restore the smoothness of the production line."


Several foxes looked at each other, at the master, at each other, and at the fox paws.



How to do this?

How many of them can be considered masters?

You don’t seem to understand at all?

Bai Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Don't be afraid, we at Fox Mountain have our own master."

The entire production line was vibrating from near to far!

Not only the reactors and pipes at the end, but also the valves and pipes upstream of the production line were gradually driven and started to vibrate with "buzzing" and "buzzing"!

Everywhere in the upper reaches of the production line, the bronze tanks began to bubble like crazy!

And the plant roots or vines tied to the pipes everywhere, protruding into the valves everywhere, and into the tanks everywhere, also began to tremble, began to collect information, and began to transmit the information to the ghost eyes, and then through the ghost eyes. Go back to the computer room!

Far away on Fox Mountain, in the ghost eye computer room, a bunch of ghost eyes suddenly began to tremble, squirm, and tremble! Amidst the sound of sobbing, I started to drink Baihua pulp. In this short period of time, I faced a huge task and performed tens of millions of calculations!

Danpi Workshop.

Several foxes watched helplessly as the valve controlled by the plant twisted back and forth!

In pipes controlled by plants, the water flow changes, and the sound of water suddenly becomes louder and quieter!

The retractable exhaust holes controlled by plants spray out streams of water vapor "chichichichi"!

On the entire production line, there are only plants and no one operating it.

But everywhere the valves, pipes, valves, pores... it seems that there are experienced masters working in tacit cooperation, operating at high speed, and operating with precision!

Gradually, the noise in the workshop became quieter, the water vapor from the exhaust holes decreased, and the entire production line returned to the normal sound of water flow.

In the finished water tank at the end of the production line, a five-color film the size of a lotus leaf floated!



The foxes all ran forward and saw a second film floating in the water tank, and a third film... Each one was colorful, each one was the size of a lotus leaf, and each one was a perfect circle. shape!

Mianmianguo stretched out his fox paw, nodded, and counted, then bent one toe after counting one.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh..."

The left fox claw was not enough, so he stretched out the right one.

In the end, two claws and ten toes were just right, all counted.

It grinned and looked back at its master.


The foxes also looked over.

If ten are produced in this round, is it considered a success?

Bai Mo smiled and observed the pill skin with his spiritual consciousness.

Each piece of Danpi is about the size of a lotus leaf and actually has many layers.

The overall quality is just average...after all, the quality of the medicinal materials is there.


“This output is quite high.

“Nothing of the medicinal materials we invest is wasted.

"Ten sets of medicinal materials were used to refine ten sets of pills. It was a success!

"Fox Mountain Danpi Workshop, the first trial production, a complete success!"

Several foxes were beaming, jumping up and down, and started dancing around the water tank!




... Fox Mountain has made another major breakthrough and truly has its own tanpi production line!


It was the sound of suitcase wheels rolling across the train station ground.

Step, step, step...

It is the hurried footsteps of travelers.

The morning sky has brightened.

Many lights in the train station were turned off.

Hong Xiaoyun pulled his suitcase and walked all the way out of the train station, went to sit down in a small noodle shop across the road, ordered a bowl of fried noodles, and started popping it into his mouth.

While she was eating, she explained to her master.

"Don't worry, Master. I'll pack another one for you before I leave."

In her dream, Lord Qingyue laughed and scolded.

"Master, do you only have this little image in your heart? Are you just greedy for this bowl of fried noodles?"

The customer eating noodles next to me was watching short videos. He was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and his cell phone volume was turned up to the maximum.

“...Some mines are so eager for quick success and quick profit during the mining process that they do not mine thoroughly and even produce a lot of waste during the mining process...

“If we work intensively, we can mine 100,000 kilograms of iron ore in five years…

"If you are eager for quick success, you can mine 50,000 kilograms of iron ore in one year..."

While eating noodles and gnawing pig's trotters, the uncle frowned and reflected on the copywriting in this short video.

"It means...the mine is like my pig's trotters. Only when you gnaw slowly can you gnaw them clean. If you eat too quickly, you won't be able to eat them cleanly?"

Hong Xiaoyun frowned while eating noodles.

Is there such a saying?

Suddenly, she frowned slightly and groaned in her throat.

It turned out to be the heart, which was aching faintly.

What's going on?

After eating that piece of blood tofu, did you start to have a reaction?

In her mind, Gu Xian sighed.

“There was a Gu worm in the piece of blood tofu you ate.

"After it enters your body, it will dig out all your royal bloodline like mining."

Hong Xiaoyun ate the noodles, froze for a moment, listened, and continued eating.

Is this the first time she knows that she actually has the blood of a prince?

Isn't this thing said to be very high-level, so why would it be her turn?

In her dream, Junhou continued to explain.

"This Gu can sense your geographical location.

"If it is in a position where it feels safe, it can stay in your body, slowly mine your blood, and slowly eat your blood.

"But if it is in a position where it feels afraid, it will be eager for quick success, fish for all the benefits, use full power, eat up the most of your blood in the shortest time, and then leave!"

Hong Xiaoyun seemed to understand, and while eating noodles, sweat broke out on his forehead.

She seemed to really feel that something was being withdrawn from her body.

"Teacher...master...then...what should we do now..."

Her voice was trembling, and she was about to ask Master for help, asking Master to help her take out this poisonous insect!

Then I saw a delivery boy coming to the noodle shop carrying a small plastic bag.

"Who ordered takeout?"

Hong Xiaoyun quickly raised his head.

"Me me me!"

She put down her chopsticks and stepped forward. Under the increasingly weird gaze of the noodle shop owner, she hurriedly explained.

“Boss, don’t get me wrong, what I ordered was not food!

"I won't order takeout from your store."

She took out a cardboard box from the plastic bag and took out a magnet from the cardboard box.

“I ordered takeout from the hardware store and this is it!”

The noodle shop owner's eyes softened slightly.

Hong Xiaoyun sat back in her seat and heard Master Guxian instructing her in her mind.

“Put the magnet in the fleece jacket inside you, the little pocket on the chest!

“Turn the magnet over!

"Yes, okay.

"Now, does your heart stop hurting?"

Hong Xiaoyun put the magnet in his pocket and zipped up his coat pocket.

It feels uncomfortable to hold the heavy magnet in my arms.

But it seems that my heart really doesn’t hurt anymore?

No wonder Master asked her to buy magnets in advance. It turned out to be just for this!

"Master, did the magnet kill the Gu insect?

"Am I out of danger?"

In her mind, Lord Qingyue's voice sounded slightly awkward.

"Um... Gu worms rely on the geomagnetic field to locate geographical coordinates.

"I just noticed the direction of the geomagnetic field and judged that I was in Xizhou, so I got scared. I want to fish in all the water and eat away your blood as quickly as possible, so your heart hurts.

"This magnet has disrupted the geomagnetic field around you. It has become stupid and is no longer afraid.

"But it's not dead. It's now relaxing again and cultivating intensively. It's slowly digging out your blood and eating away your blood!"

"Is Master great?

"Are you happy?"

Hong Xiaoyun pouted, his face almost lying on the noodle bowl, and while eating, he was about to cry. He was so happy that he almost cried.

Qingyue Junhou also noticed the embarrassment.

"Uh... this... there's nothing you can do about it. Master will help you expel this Gu worm from your body, but not now!

“If you want to save hundreds of thousands of people in Yishui, you have to do this.

"Eat well, Xiaoyun'er.

"After eating, there are still plans to make!"

Hong Xiaoyun thought for a moment, wiped his eyes, nodded heavily, and started to pour oil and noodles into his mouth again. After a while, he finished a large bowl of noodles.

It's scary, but how can you save the world without paying a price?

She got up and was about to scan the QR code to pay and leave, when she suddenly remembered that the master hadn't eaten either.

"Boss, help me pack another fried noodles, add pork in cured sauce, add more spicy pepper, more coriander and chopped green onions."

In her mind, the laughter of the prince came.

"Hey, Xiao Yun'er is interested, do you still remember the taste that Master likes?

“Let the boss do it quickly!

"After you get some noodles, take a taxi and go to Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory!"


The howling wind blew past the roof of the dormitory hall.

In the dark hall, the fox apprentices were still divided into circles, either bragging and chatting, or making gestures and practicing boxing and swordplay.

Ye Maoyan was surrounded by a group of fellow apprentices and told about his experience in Danpi Workshop!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch."

...It is precisely because of it that Qinzhao oiled the valve. At the last moment, at the critical moment, the valve could turn so fast!

Not far away, Tangtangdou held his head high, patted his chest, and told his brothers the story of maintaining valves in the workshop!


In the center of the main hall, on the bed, Bai Mo got a serious elixir for the first time.

At this time, I looked up at the sky and saw layers of light and translucent bark in mid-air, floating in the wind and shaking gently.

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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