The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 488 The boss of Xizhou, the generous crazy brain!

In the vast Kyushu, from the snowy and frosty north to the sunny spring-like south, from the wind-swept Xizhou to the humid sea breeze in Dongguo, every city and every test site is shrouded in burning medicinal gas. Set off huge, sky-high white fireworks!

There were loud cries outside every test center, and parents were going crazy!

A member of the Fairy Arts Committee escaped from the examination center, coughing and crying, and began to join in maintaining order and calming down the crazy parents!

"Save my child!"

"We won't take the exam, go to hell!"

"What's going on? Come out and explain it to us!"

Outside the examination center of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress, the immortal arts committee members had formed a human wall to stop the parents and shouted loudly!

"Everyone calm down!

"You can't go in now!

"Parents, please calm down!"

In the official car at the edge of the examination room, Wu Jianxian was sitting in the passenger seat. His face was pale, he was hunched over and coughing, and tears came out of his coughing.

The white smoke that enveloped the examination room was not toxic, but it was quite irritating. It irritated the eyes, nose, and throat. Normal people couldn't stay in it!

He looked out the car window and in the direction outside the examination room, and vaguely heard the cries and roars of parents.

The little secretary sitting in the back row was angry.

"Hmph, these people, when they first signed up for the Immortal Examination, they rushed in like crazy!

“Tell them there’s danger, tell them it’s a war, and they just ignore it and they just think it’s fart!

"It's really dangerous now. It's not a good thing to start acting recklessly again..."

Before the little secretary finished speaking, he saw Wu Jianxian in the front row suddenly turned back, his eyes as sharp as swords!

"Shut up!

"Never mention what you just said again!

“If there are problems with the test papers or inspections, aren’t they all due to our work oversights?!

"Hundreds of thousands of candidates and parents bear the risk and pain for our omissions!

"The boss of Xizhou is paying for our omissions!"

The white-haired Wu Jianxian had guilt on his face and tears in his eyes.

Silence fell in the carriage.

Wu Jianxian looked at the window on the other side of the carriage, looking out the window at the sight enveloped by white fireworks.

These groups of medicinal gas fireworks ignited across the north and south of the Yangtze River, on the map of Kyushu, are the beacons of war!

On both sides of the battlefield, one is the prince of Meishao, and the other is the boss of Xizhou.

And in this war, he is not qualified to participate in it!

Even every battlefield was shrouded in thick smoke and fireworks. He couldn't see through the fireworks, couldn't see the battlefield, didn't know what the situation was like on the battlefield, and didn't know which way the balance of victory was leaning!

He wiped away his tears, regained his composure, and immediately gave orders to his secretary.

"Immediately go to the Shexian Forum to issue an announcement, properly explain the situation, appease parents, and calm public opinion. Dismiss all parents outside the examination room!

“All localities mobilized medical resources to the maximum extent, kept a safe distance from the test site, and were ready to enter at any time!

"Seal up the test paper factory, control all the people related to the test paper, take control first, and then let me investigate thoroughly when this happens!"

"Cough cough cough!"

"Oops, my eyes hurt. What is this?"

Outside the back door of No. 47 Middle School, Professor Zhang, Zhang Shan and other immortal arts committee members climbed over the wall and escaped, leaving the area covered by the white smoke.

Zhang Shan and other immortal arts committee members bent over and couldn't stop coughing.

Professor Zhang's eyes were also red, and he couldn't help crying.

"It's the boss of Xizhou, has he taken action?

"Could this medicinal cigarette save the candidates?"

In his mind, Ancient Immortal Qingluo was sitting by the campfire, hugging his knees and sighing.

"He can really radiate the entire Kyushu... This is indeed true, beyond everyone's expectations.

“But medicinal cigarettes are just an appetizer and cannot save the candidates.

"do not think too much.

"The battle between him and Prince Meishao has just begun. It's hard to say who will win or lose."


The cold wind poured into the bronze royal court.

On the throne, Prince Snake Elephant held a bronze mirror in his fat hand and was looking at it while smiling.

“Hey hey hey.

"This is really a shame for being bullied, hahaha."

The disciples behind him couldn't quite understand the situation.

"Master, can't the Xizhou boss solve this situation?"

The prince chuckled and shook his head.

“This is not a situation that the alchemist can handle!

“Among the nine major paths, Fu Lu, Immortal Martial Arts, and Immortal Sword all have research on nerves.

“And Fu Lu has the most in-depth and systematic research on nerves, cognition, brain waves, and brain activity.

"If I were to come in person, maybe there would be a way to save those candidates and stop this old thing from Meizuo.

"But the boss of Xizhou, who is an alchemy master, would have to sacrifice a lot if he wanted to stop this!"

The cold wind poured into the bronze royal court.

In front of the court, there is a ring of wind chimes and jingling bells.

On the throne, the white-haired prince was wearing a robe, guarding a lone lamp and a mirror, smiling happily.


"Ha ha ha ha.

"He can actually radiate the entire Kyushu?

"Then let's see if he can win? Can he save these hundreds of thousands of candidates?"

The female apprentice stood behind the prince and asked suddenly.

"Master, tell me, what does winning mean?"

The white-haired prince spoke eloquently.

“These candidates have all been connected to Prince Meishao’s information link.

“This information link is easy to get up but difficult to get off.

"If you take it off by force, there is a high chance that it will hurt your soul and your life!

"If the boss of Xizhou saves people and only 50% of the candidates die, I will count him as a draw with Mei Shao.

“If he saves people and 70% of the candidates die, that’s a huge win.

"If he saves people and only 30% of the candidates die, then he is really powerful."

The female apprentice curled her lips and suddenly felt that this seemed unfair.

“Even if 30% of the candidates die, that’s not a small number.

"After all, Prince Meishao won't suffer any loss. He is basically invincible, right?"

The white-haired prince nodded.

"Um...that's it."

Hongqu Road Primary School.

Bai Mo shuttled back and forth in the examination room, glancing at the candidates one after another. He saw that their faces were red and their ears were red, and their foreheads were sweating. They had blurred eyes, staring at the test paper, and their eyes moved according to the changes in the writing and ink on the test paper.

"They are really lucky to have come to this small examination room."

Gu Xian looked down upon this small examination room and did not arrange a repeater.

And Bai Mo's ghostly eyes clearly saw that in the forty-seventh middle school, in the eleventh middle school, in the fourth middle school... in large examination centers and examination rooms, rows and rows of candidates were submerged in white smoke. , connected to the information link through brain waves, his face is red, his forehead is sweating, his body is shaking, and his head is running wildly!

“More than 900 test centers in Jiuzhou and hundreds of thousands of candidates have been kidnapped and connected to the information link.

"If I'm not mistaken... the talisman path requires more than just computing power, it also requires reading their life memories, their memories, their emotions, their knowledge... using the things burned in their minds as training materials .

"Such a large amount of information flow, such complex information processing, such high-end task distribution, data aggregation... If the sequence is too low, it won't be possible, right?

"So, that prince, he ended up personally?"

Bai Mo walked around the examination room, frowning and thinking.

"That prince, he, is also on the information link?

"If he is really here, then...that would be great!"

Bai Mo's eyes flashed with a fierce light!

This time, he must pay the price!


The cold wind poured into the bronze hall, unable to dissipate the smell of blood in the air.

Floating in the pool of blood, the bald boy closed his eyes and frowned.

Above his body, the toad container floated and rotated, emitting a faint black light. Sometimes it exploded, scattering pieces of runes, and sometimes pieces of runes flew in and merged into it.

Just like this, through constant explosions and repairs, the shape of the container became more and more correct, the surface became more and more shiny, and the overall shape became more and more beautiful!

Also floating in the blood pool, Prince Meishao looked at his apprentice's container while processing a massive amount of information.

"Hahaha, very good, very good!

“This language container will be perfected after a while.

"Even if you drain hundreds of thousands of candidates, you may be able to condense them into a container of words."

The prince knew that the Xizhou boss had already taken action and entered the scene, but he didn't care much.

Even if the worst result is that the boss of Xizhou kills all the hundreds of thousands of candidates with one move, he can accept it, it is just a small profit.

What's more, it seems that the boss of Xizhou did not forcibly touch those candidates, but...

“The brains of these candidates seem to be more responsive and faster?

"Is it the boss of Xizhou who is helping those candidates, nourishing their nerves, nourishing their minds, and warming their souls?

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Okay, this is good!"


White smoke spread in every corridor and filled every examination room.

All the invigilators and immortal arts committee members have evacuated.

There are only rows and rows of candidates left, still staring at the test papers with blood-red eyes, their brains working, extracting their own memories, knowledge and experiences to solve the difficult problems handed out by the prince!

Their nostrils were inhaled by the white smoke in the air. Instead of being irritated, their breathing became calmer, their bodies no longer trembled, and the beads of sweat on their foreheads became much smaller.

Yes, their nerves, minds, and souls are indeed being nourished.

And...their burden is also getting smaller.

A considerable part of their computing tasks have been replaced and undertaken.


The smoke was so thick that it was hard to see in the corridor.

Circle Hu, White Ear and Black Ear were pouring flower syrup into a bucket.

And in the bucket, who was drinking the flower syrup, there were blood-red ghost eyes one after another, clustered into balls, and squirming crazily!

It is a by-product of the Ghost Eye Computer Room... Crazy Brain!

This kind of blood-red mutant ghost eye has stronger mental power, stronger vitality, and actually has stronger computing power!

But they are crazy, not very controlled, often have bugs, and often make mistakes.

Huanquan Hu took out a bottle of walnut juice from his bag and poured it into the bucket of crazy brain.

Master said, after all, it is a mission for the prince, there are some bugs, there are some mistakes, it doesn’t matter!

It’s just right to use your crazy brain, it’s just right!

“It’s faster again!

"Hahaha, boss of Xizhou, does he want to make friends with me? Hahaha!"

Lying in the blood pool, the Prince of Eyebrows felt the faster and faster mission deduction speed and the increasing flow of information, with a crazy smile on his face!

He has no doubt about the authenticity of this information and data.

Because, his information link is not so easy to hack in!

What's more, the boss of Xizhou is an alchemy master, and it is impossible for him to understand the high-sequence information links of the Talisman Path!

Every test site was submerged in white smoke.

Buckets of crazy brains were also arranged to share the pressure, tasks and burdens of the candidates.

As for Hongqu Road Primary School, Bai Mo sat back in the examination office, hugging his apprentice Da Xuehua, rubbing his belly, and felt very emotional.

"I didn't expect that the Crazy Brain thing is almost not enough."

He really doesn't understand the information link of the talisman path.

But he doesn’t need to understand!

He captured the signal input and output of this link from the examinee to the repeater, sent a large number of input and output signals to the ghost eye computer room, trained a neural network, and loaded the neural network into a Tongtong is in his crazy mind.

The question given by the prince is input.

After Crazy Brain’s neural network processes the input signal, it will feed back the output signal and return it to the prince!

"Neural networks are indeed a good thing."

There is more than one layer of the neural network that Bai Mo has loaded into Mad Brain.

There is another layer, which is trained by using the fake knowledge of Nightmare Immortal and combining it with the true knowledge of alchemy.

If you input real knowledge into this layer of neural network, it can output false knowledge.

Bai Mo calls it "Nightmare Neural Network".

This is actually not difficult...

It is almost impossible to change from fake to real.

It's quite simple to change from true to false!

"Two layers of neural networks, one layer simulates the examinee's brain, and the other layer encapsulates a small amount of real knowledge into silky fake knowledge. In addition, the small bugs and errors of the crazy brain are all sent to the information link... No Know what role it can play and what effect it can achieve.”

In the royal court crawling with poisonous insects.

On the throne, Prince Kujiao looked at the scene in the water basin, looking at the school where the medicinal aura was everywhere.

"How long has this been going on?

"Isn't it over yet?

"Boss of Xizhou, you really can't do anything about that information link?

"You can't be ruthless and kill all the students?

"Let that old guy on the eyebrow keep stealing memories and computing power?"

He clicked his tongue.

"That's his mother!

"Why is it not my turn to do such a good thing?"

He looked back at the apprentice standing behind him.

"Is there any similar large-scale examination in this world? How long will it take?"

Above the blood pool, the blood is dense.

The suspended toad container gradually changed its shape and smoothed its surface through repeated explosions and repairs. It became more and more beautiful and beautiful. Only the last crack that ran through the top and bottom was repaired. Completely remade!

The bald boy floating in the blood pool has a smile on his face and is already looking forward to the moment when he becomes a human again!

The brow prince floating next to him is also repairing the container!

Above him, a bronze ascending cauldron floats!

The ears of this ascending tripod have been shattered, and there are pieces of runes on the broken parts, which are flying away like butterflies, making the fracture bigger and bigger.

This is the injury left from the war between the immortal kingdoms in the past!

But today...

"The knowledge sent by these hundreds of thousands of candidates is becoming more and more useful, more and more exciting, and more and more silky. Maybe I can use them to rebuild this prince's tripod!"

He gritted his teeth, widened his eyes, waved his hand suddenly, and with a "boom" sound, completely smashed the fracture of the cauldron, creating a newer and larger gap, and used the newly learned knowledge bit by bit to rebuild it. Fix it!

I wonder how long these hundreds of thousands of candidates can hold on?

He waved his hand, and another prince's tripod with a broken leg appeared in the air. It was indeed his "song container".

At this time, he also waved his hand to smash the fracture of the tripod's leg, making the fracture larger and newer, as if carrion was cut out, allowing it to grow again, and then used the pieces of runes floating in the blood pool to repair it!

"Ah, I can't believe that my container has also been repaired, hahahaha!"

Prince Meishao is getting happier and greedier!

“How long can those candidates last?

"Boss of Xizhou, how long can we wait?

"If I wait any longer, if he becomes murderous and starts killing my candidates, wouldn't I die?"

He gritted his teeth, stared, and began to increase the rate of information output, demanding all he could from those candidates!

"Speed ​​up, give me full speed, forget it!"

In the corridor of No. 11 Middle School.

Deep in the white smoke.

Big nose, white shoes, and three black toes, guarding the small bucket and the crazy brain in the bucket, looking at each other.



The crazy brain in this bucket suddenly began to squirm faster and began to drink Baihua pulp!

Is this...drinking so enjoyable?

Doesn’t Baihuajiang cost money?

They were about to feel depressed when the master's voice came from their triangle ears.

"Pour in three more bottles of Baihua pulp, one bottle of walnut oil, and one bottle of Kuanglan wine!

"Give it enough control!"

The foxes don't quite understand, what does Master mean?

But if the master has spoken, they just carry it out!

Flower syrup, walnut oil, Kuanglan wine, etc... are not valuable things anyway.

The three foxes took out small bottles from their satchels and began to pour them into the bucket.

Go to Beijing.

Outside the examination center of the High School Affiliated to the National People's University of China, all parents have been dismissed.

On the road outside the school gate, there was only one ambulance and one official car of the Taixian Committee, waiting for the white fog to dissipate and for the war to end.

The medical staff sat in the ambulance, waiting for orders at any time, and they were silent.

It was so quiet in the school shrouded in white mist, so quiet that it didn't look like there was any kind of war going on.

They all want to know how the fight against the Xizhou boss went, and whether they won?

But they have no way of knowing.

Wu Jianxian, Hua Yuyue and Professor Li Yun stood beside the official car, looking up at the blood-colored sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and saw the huge face outlined by the outline of the sea of ​​clouds.

They also fell silent.

Because, the corners of the mouth on that huge face were obviously smiling.

Could it be said that the princes have the upper hand?

Xizhou boss, lost this round?


The blood pool is already boiling!

Runes representing knowledge flew out at terrifying speeds, densely packed like locusts crossing the border. A few flew towards the cracks in the toad container, while most flew towards the prince's three ascending cauldrons to repair the broken cauldron ears, The broken tripod legs and a crack running through the tripod!

In the prince's smile, one rune after another came in large numbers and quickly, sealing the wounds and gaps in the knowledge container!

"Ha ha!


“Great, great!

"Soon, soon, we will succeed!"


A crisp sound caught his attention. He turned his head and saw that his apprentice's toad container was almost repaired, but it had cracked again!

Cracks spread all over the container like spider webs!


"what happened?"



Astonishingly, the runes of knowledge condensed into containers gradually appeared contradictory, gradually became unable to be self-consistent, began to explode, and began to bombard the entire system!


The disciple's knowledge container exploded with a bang, and the fragments scattered into clouds of knowledge.

The apprentice lying in the bloody water, who was sleeping peacefully, was bleeding from all his orifices and sank to the bottom of the blood pool.

"Is any of this knowledge false?"

The prince looked at the three ascending tripods he was repairing.

And when he looked over, cracks began to appear on the three tripods!

His knowledge system was more complex, and the unexplainable contradictions and collapses came later, but they still came after all!

The smile on the prince's face had completely frozen.

He didn't have time to do anything, so he just watched helplessly as the three Shengding tripods quickly became full of cracks, and then instantly shattered, and the fragments scattered into rune dust and smoke!

His vision was dyed blood red, but his eyes were crying with blood!

His mouth and nose were filled with the sticky smell of blood, but his mouth and nose were filled with blood!

There was a buzzing in his ears, and he could no longer hear any sound, but his ears were filled with blood!

His eyes turned black, and he fell into sleep again just like he did when the disaster struck thousands of years ago. His whole body sank into the pool of blood, "Gululu" made two bubbles, and then became silent again.

"Could it be...oh?"

"It doesn't seem right?"

Wu Jianxian stared at the sky, seeing the scarlet sea of ​​clouds, and the huge human face outlined in outline. The corners of his mouth changed, as if from a smiling face to a crying face?


In the blood-colored sea of ​​clouds, thunder rolls and thunder snakes swim away!

Bolts of lightning tore apart the crying face!


The heavy rain fell from the sky, as if endless tears fell from the crying face.

This plot always feels a bit abstract. . I’m afraid that people won’t understand it well. .

It's too late today and I really can't finish writing. But basically, this plot has come to an end. Wait until tomorrow and tie up the little tail.

Thank you all for your company!

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