The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 496 It’s even less possible for the trash fish in this world to hurt my apprentice.


The cold wind howled and blew across the roof.

It was already bedtime in the dormitory hall of Fox Mountain.

The foxes either ran to the bed and lay down, or lay on their own futons, banana leaves, or cotton mats.

Today, Master did not sleep with them. I just said, let them sleep first.

I simply lay down on the mat and saw not far away, the master seemed very happy and was still reading the literature.


Donut was lying on the same mat, and was telling Gan Noodles in a low voice... In the present world, everyone no longer eats crispy noodles, but eats steak, lobster and so on!


He simply frowned, stretched out his fox paw, and rubbed his hairy face, feeling a little depressed.


So is this skill still useful?

It actually works, right?

Because not far away, the master was staring at the set of fake crispy noodles it put together, looking very happy.


The cold wind is blowing, and the bun shop selling breakfast in Xizhou is about to close its stall.

In Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory, the workers are in their places and busy in the workshop.

The office buildings and laboratory buildings also became lively.

In the office on the top floor.

Fang Xiaoyu opened the door, holding four portions of steamed buns in her hands, feeling a little depressed.

I originally brought these special sauced meat buns to Bai Mo Expert, Fairy Beast, and Wu Qingyun. However, Wu Qingyun asked for leave today, and Bai Mo Expert also asked to take a rest and not come to work.

So much so that this huge office was actually quite deserted.

"Huh, I'll eat it myself!

“I can’t get enough of such good buns!”

She closed the office door and strode to her workstation.

Fox Mountain, in the corner of the dormitory hall.

Bai Mo sat on the recliner and looked down at the re-spliced ​​version of the gold gauze placed next to him.

"Can this... really be put together again?

"Let's just meet this guy. This... this is not just a hobby, not just a weird obsession. His observation ability, spatial imagination ability, and fox claw coordination should all be very, very strong!"

Bai Mo grinned, glanced at Gan Jiaomian not far away, and saw this guy secretly opened one eye and was looking over here.

“Everybody go to sleep!

"Don't wait for Master today!

"Go to bed early and wake up early, there may be a surprise tomorrow morning!"

After emphasizing again, the fox eyes in the hall closed secretly.

Bai Mo stared at the golden gauze and saw the recipe for alchemy meat from Emperor Yincao recorded on it!

[...It is called the evil and thieving wind of emptiness. When you avoid it, you will be calm and nihilistic. The true energy will follow it, and your spirit will be guarded...]

[...Therefore, the king, his ministers, and his envoys serve as they please, enjoy their customs, and do not admire each other between superiors and inferiors...]

While watching, Bai Mo sighed in his heart.

Emperor Yincao's magical skills are indeed rougher than Emperor Liuhuo's.

Even though these two are both emperors, the immortal soil in which Emperor Liuhuo grew up was tens of thousands of years longer than that of Emperor Yincao!

But then again…

"The processes involved in Emperor Yincao's elixir meat seem to be simpler?"

Bai Mo tasted, considered, and thought, and gradually frowned.

On this windy night, in this hall, on this couch, thoughts were flying in my mind.

Emperor Yincao's recipe lit up another lamp in the wilderness of Danrou, illuminating a huge area.

Combined with several previous practices and several results, Bai Mo seemed to be gradually enlightened and seemed to be able to find the kind of elixir that suited him best.


The time furnace in front of him was already flashing with lightning!

The Guixu bottle in front of him had just been opened!


The invisible breeze flows into the Fox Mountain warehouse, wandering between the shelves, caressing the barrels of medicinal soup, and blowing through the bags of medicinal materials!


It was Bai Mo who dug out the Yincao stove as a keychain from a pile of keys in his pocket, took it out, and threw it up.


A small grain of grass flew through the air, flew out of the gap in the ceiling of the hall, flew away from the hall, and flew up into the night sky. It flew bigger and bigger, and swelled when the wind blew. In an instant, it became as big as a palace, floating quietly. Standing, facing the mountain wind blowing from all directions, casting a shadow on the palace.

"It's a little awkward not having any disciples to help me."

Bai Mo sat in the main hall, frowning.

But now it's their bedtime!

Lack of sleep is bad for your health!

Bai Mo decided to overcome the difficulty and do it himself tonight.

"Then let's get started."

With a thought in his mind, his consciousness was like the wind, covering the entire warehouse. With the sound of "hoo" and "woo", various medicinal materials were rolled in from the warehouse!

The electric light of the Time Furnace flashes and crackles, and the lid is opened to receive the medicinal materials from the wind!

The Guixu bottle squirmed slightly, "gurgling" and began to receive biochemical reactions!

More medicinal materials flew up to the sky with the wind, flew out of the hall, flew into the Yincao furnace, and flew towards the five-color elixir fire blazing in the furnace!

"Let's give it a try first."

"I don't know what to eat for lunch today."

"I seem to smell the aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms."

"Huh? It seems to be true, hahaha!"

During lunch time, workers entered the cafeteria door in small groups, chatting and laughing.

Fang Xiaoyu and factory director Chen Yuanlin had already sat in, discussing work while eating.

"...What's wrong with Expert Bai Mo? Is he sick? It's not serious, right?"

Fang Xiaoyu curled her lips.

“What disease could he get?

"Don't forget, he himself is also a Sequence Nine Immortal Magician!

"Back then, when everyone's rankings were low, he was still very good at playing. You don't have to worry about his physical fitness."

Chen Yuanlin was still a little worried.

"Then, will he..."

Fang Xiaoyu waved her hand.

"Don't think about it.

"He lives in the family home of Western University. The security level there is very high, so nothing will happen."

Chen Yuanlin smacked his lips.

Now that Fang Xiaoyu said so, he stopped talking.

"And one more thing.

"Christmas is coming soon. How will we arrange the welfare of our factory? I thought of a few plans and sent them to Secretary Fang's mailbox. When the white ink expert comes, you can show them to him."


Fang Xiaoyu looked at her phone and found that it was true.

"Well, our factory...our Jiuzhou, this festival is not a legal holiday, right? Do we need to pay benefits?"

The workers eating around me all looked over secretly.

Chen Yuanlin winked at Fang Xiaoyu.

Fang Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized.

It's not important whether it's frugal or not.

The key is to find a reason to provide benefits to workers!

"This... seems to be possible."

The main hall of the dormitory was still silent in the noisy wind and silent darkness.

The time furnace is still rotating, with electric light flashing and "crackling" sounds.

The Guixu bottle is still containing the reaction, squirming slightly and puffing out air.

Bai Mo sat on the recliner and took a comfortable posture. While controlling the tools, he raised his head to control the huge grass stove outside the roof of the hall.

Sometimes he frowned and handed all the complex deduction tasks in the refining process to the Ghost Eye computer room, letting Ghost Eye handle them for him.

The fox apprentices around him, either holding their tails or resting on their front paws, had stopped breathing and fell into a deep sleep.

"Ah, yes, we purchased about two hundred copies.

"Please give me a quotation."

Fang Xiaoyu hung up the phone, and the office became deserted again.

She held the mouse and continued to look at the welfare list sent by Chen Yuanlin. She saw some welfare categories such as "cardigan", "white shrimp", "black pork" and "wool socks". At this time, she was checking one by one to put these Find out the prices of all the messy things, mark them clearly, and show them to Bai Mo later.

"What are these, Elk brand imported wool socks?

"Imported goods?

"Elk...oh, that's the brand!"

Fang Xiaoyu suddenly remembered that before the advent of the age of immortality, this brand once came to Kyushu, advertising and promoting like crazy, and once promoted itself as a standard product for the middle class.

Fang Xiaoyu was also tempted to buy this brand of stockings... but at that time, she had no money.

Now that she is rich, the brand has died down and is no longer promoted in Kyushu.

"Hey, this time, that time."

She simply opened the largest overseas shopping website to search for these socks. After searching, she entered the product details page.

The first thing that catches the eye is the thick, colorful stockings decorated with elk heads.

Other than that, the product introductions are all in English.

But this is not difficult for Fang Xiaoyu!

"After all, I graduated from a prestigious university, and my English is not a problem. Humph."

She decisively turned on the translation function of her browser and translated the entire page into Chinese!

[Only Elk brand socks are the official partner of Santa Claus]

[On Christmas Eve, every elk sock hanging by the bedside will be stuffed with a gift from Santa Claus]

[However, if a bad boy uses other brands of socks, hangs them on the bedside, and deceives Santa Claus, then he will pay the price]

[Believe me, it must be a very bloody and terrible price, please don’t try it]

[So, everyone, come and buy Elk brand Christmas socks! 】

[On Christmas Eve, hang Elk brand socks on your bedside]


Fang Xiaoyu frowned.

“Is the built-in translation of this browser reliable?

"Why does this Santa Claus still look so evil?

"And threatening people?

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend you."

She looked weird and closed the page.

Delete the Elk brand socks from the welfare list.

One night passed quickly.

In the main hall of Fox Mountain Dormitory, the sound of wind never stopped all night.

Bai Mo lay on the chair and looked up at the ceiling, looking at the huge Yin grass stove suspended outside the ceiling.

"It seems, almost..."

The Time Furnace and Guixu Bottle around him have stopped functioning.

One after another, fox apprentices opened their eyes.


But it was simply noodles, flying from a distance, jumping into the master's arms with a "swish", and rubbing his head against the master's chest.


He didn't sleep well last night!

After thinking about it for a long time, it still likes crispy noodles and doesn’t like steak or lobster very much!

Next time it goes to the present world, I still hope that Master will buy it some crispy noodles.

Bai Mo grinned and hugged his apprentice.

"There's no conflict, let's all buy and eat!"


While Qian Jian frowned, squinted his eyes, and thought deeply, Bai Mo waved his hand gently, and the wind he waved lifted the patch on the roof of the dormitory hall and opened the skylight.

The dim light of the early morning leaked in through this skylight.

Through the skylight, you can vaguely see the huge grass stove suspended in the sky, slowly tilting, with the mouth of the stove pointed at the skylight.

In the furnace cavity, moving slowly with the furnace, is a colorful flowing medicinal soup, with texture and color like glass!


The first drop of medicinal soup dripped out, fell into the skylight, fell into the main hall, was casually pulled by Bai Mo, and flew to his fingertips.

Following Bai Mo's thoughts, it turned into a beautiful five-color glass earring, which was put on Qian Mian's ear.


He simply looked like he was waking up from a dream, stretched out his fox paw, and touched his head.

What's extra on your ears?



Mochiball also woke up. When he saw the earrings made of crisp noodles, he immediately ran over with a "swish" and jumped into the master's arms. He tilted his head and raised his left ear. He wanted it too!

Bai Mo grinned, then caught another drop of pill meat falling from the air, shaped it into five-color glass earrings, and put them on Mochi Ball's ears.


Sesame Ball also woke up.


Little Blowing Wind also woke up.


Stormpaw also woke up.

In the main hall, more and more fox apprentices got up and opened their eyes.

The first thing they do when they wake up is to find their master.

After finding the master, he was attracted by the earrings of crispy noodles and mochi balls in the master's arms.

Those five-color glass-shaped earrings are very beautiful at first sight!

They want it all!

"Everyone has a share!"

Through the skylight on the roof, the Yincao stove is already "clattering" and pouring down at an accelerated rate. Drops of red meat are falling down. The quality is like glass, and the light is divided into five colors and is as bright as a shooting star. It embellishes the dim skylight of Fox Mountain that has been clouded for thousands of years, making it lively. !


The wind blows.

Blow away the five-color glazed rain, and blow these drops of pill flesh to every fox in the hall.

"If you like to wear your left ear, put your left ear up!

"If you like to wear your right ear, put your right ear up!"

As soon as Peach Blossom Eyes got up, she saw the glass rain slowly falling in the air in the hall, and when she heard the master's voice, she suddenly frowned... What if both ears were pricked up?

It tilted its head and smiled evilly.

Foxes are very cunning!

If you put them all up, you can have two earrings!

However, there will also be a senior brother who loses his earring.

A fox has a ring, a carrot has a pit.

Can’t take too much!

It thought for a moment, stretched its neck, tilted its head, and raised its cooler left ear!

Bai Mo stood up and saw the slowly falling glass rain, illuminating the hall that had been dark all year round.

Seeing all the fox disciples in the hall, they all tilted their heads, raised their ears, and their faces were both excited and nervous.

I saw drops of glass rain falling on the triangular ears that stood up one after another, transforming into round earrings and remaining on the fox ears.

He smiled.

"very good.

"I have spent countless efforts on this Suihuo Dan meat.

"Today, I finally finished it."

Although there is only pill meat, pill skin, pill weapon, and pill heart are also needed to make the final Suihuo Pill.

But being able to use this pill meat to put earrings on each of his disciples and add a layer of insurance is enough to make Bai Mo happy.

“There is my elixir fire in this earring.

“There are also all kinds of magical arts and many mysteries.

"Wearing these earrings, the bastards in this world will be even less likely to hurt my apprentice!"

See you tomorrow, book friends!

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