The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 505: This is how the thinking of peerless geniuses turns out to be

Excavation site, in a newly unearthed yard.

In the room sealed with bronze, a door was forcibly cut out by the fairy sword!



The foxes were happily running into the room one by one!

He was so happy that he ran out holding stacks of copper plates!


Huanquan Hu put a stack of copper plates gently on the ground, with a wide smile on the fox's face.

This stack of copper plates is thin and complete. It is densely packed with words!

Moreover, in this bronze room, pile after pile, pile after pile, are all filled with this kind of high-quality goods!


Black Ear held up a sheathed bronze sword and ran out of it!

The hilt and scabbard of this sword have dense, complicated and gorgeous patterns. It looks like a treasure at first glance, but I don’t know what sequence it is?


But it was the figure of the master who suddenly appeared in the small courtyard. He picked up Hei Er and looked at the bronze sword Hei Er was holding.

" the ceremonial sword that the king bestowed upon the female doctor as mentioned in the literature?"

Then he looked at the open space next to him, where piles of documents were piled up, and he saw that the fox disciples were still happily coming in and out, bringing out piles of copper plates.

And the words engraved on these copper plates...

[Comparative analysis of traditional Suihuo Danpi and natural Xuanhuang Gourd Danpi]

[Analysis of geological environment and structure of Haoshang Mountain]

[The growth and mutation of the natural black and yellow gourd]

[Points where artificial intervention may occur during the growth of the natural black gourd bark...]

Bai Mo couldn't help but smile.

Regardless of whether the female doctor is right or wrong, no matter how good the female doctor is... the documents she left behind, after tens of millions of years, have indeed been dug up!

The largest, most complete and highest quality literature related to Danpi in Fox Mountain has been unearthed!


The evening breeze blows and dusk falls.

Smoke was already rising above the Fox Mountain canteen.

In the big pot in the cafeteria, hot salted vegetables and tofu are boiling.

In the steamer in the cafeteria, large steamed buns with taro paste are steaming.

A dozen foxes wearing aprons and chef hats gathered around the door of the cafeteria, looking at the white earrings, white cheeks, bow ties and big eyes that were typing documents in the light of the door.


Bai Huanhuan grabbed Master's cell phone and pointed it at a copper plate on the ground.

The fox paw poked at the screen to get the camera to focus.


The picture still feels very dark!

After all, Fox Mountain has been cloudy for a long time, and now it is evening.


But it was the white-faced boy, holding a torch, who came over to fill in the light.

But it doesn’t seem like the fire is jumping up and down?


But it was Bowtie who came up, frowned, poked the phone screen with his fox paw, and turned on the flash.

A group of foxes suddenly beamed!


The shutter is pressed, and a copper plate is photographed and recorded.

After taking the photos, the copper plates were piled on the cart and temporarily sealed in the warehouse for the white-faced man.

From the small mountain of copper plates waiting to be taken and recorded, another piece was taken and placed under the camera of the mobile phone.

All the photos taken are sent to Baimo's tablet computer through the local area network.

He was holding a newly bought fifteen-inch large tablet computer and sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, flipping through these documents.

" there such a thing..."

[...After the prehistoric relics experienced the Ice Age, the insect nest shape on the surface of the vines will change, which involves the special environment and landform changes of the Ice Age...]

Bai Mo frowned while watching.

There is a lot of knowledge in these documents, but it is all very strange and remote.

It even belongs to knowledge outside the path of alchemy!

After all, who among the serious alchemists would study "environmental and landform changes during the Ice Age"?

"Knowledge is an endless ocean.

“The Alchemy Path is just a road extending into the distance in the ocean.

"These doctors, they seem to really study some side roads and some scenery that is far away from the main road...

"The depth of their knowledge seems to be average. But the breadth of their knowledge is really terrifying."

Bai Mo suddenly became suspicious.

"Is it possible that the breadth of the doctor's knowledge may even exceed that of the emperor?"

He couldn't explain clearly, so he continued to look down.

Quickly browse each article, read quickly, and turn pages quickly.

Before I knew it, the canteen's salted vegetables and boiled tofu had been taken out of the pot and put into a big basin.

The large steamed buns with taro paste in the canteen have also been released and piled into a hill.

The foxes who came back from a long day of work were all happy, queuing up holding bronze bowls, chatting and bragging while queuing.

The foxes in the cafeteria were busy preparing meals and distributing steamed buns to the brothers.

Bai Mo shouted out the door.

"Don't be busy typing it in yet!

“That’s enough for now, I’ll talk about the rest tomorrow.

"Don't delay your meal!"

After shouting, he continued to read the document.

Slowly, I saw an area I was familiar with.

[...The change in the pore size of the natural Xuanhuang gourd sieve tubes is closely related to the nutrients transported. Here I propose a model...]

Bai Mo glanced at it for a while.

I probably understand why the theory of female doctors is not accepted by the world.

There's a big problem with her model, it's basically wrong.


This is very embarrassing!

“Before, I thought that through this pile of documents, we could simply get out the Danpi.

“But looking now, it’s not that simple.

“Although this pile of documents contains enough content, it is full of errors and omissions.

“The workshop in Fox Mountain is not perfect even now.

“Fox Mountain’s raw materials are actually not complete enough.

"It's a bit troublesome to get the Fire Pill Pill Skin..."


The Gregorian year has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet come.

The weather in Xizhou is even colder.

The office building of Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory has floor heating, but it is as warm as spring.

There was a piece of white paper pasted on the door of the huge lecture theater with the words "Interview Waiting Room" written on it.

The classroom was filled with candidates in black suits and red ties, waiting for interviews.

"Brother, have you seen that the suits worn by the staff in this examination room don't seem to be cheap?"

"Yeah, I thought I looked pretty handsome.

"In the end, compared with other people's outfits, I feel quite embarrassed in this outfit."

"This treatment is really good!"

"I heard that if you pass the interview, you can come to work before the year?"

"Seems to be!"


The door to the waiting room opens.

The candidates who were chatting together immediately shut up.

A pair of eyes looked towards the door and saw the fat little flaming red fox staggering in.

I saw that the fox was lying on its front paws, and there was a "Examination Administration" sign hanging on its chest.

It's Bai Mo's fox apprentice, Sesame Ball!

It glanced around the examination room, held its head high, and swayed out.

In the corridor, Bai Mo and Chen Yuanlin were inspecting the examination room together.

Interviews are being held simultaneously in ten rooms in this corridor.

Then I heard the voice of Sister Wang from the purchasing department coming from inside.

"If you were asked to go to Dongguo and open a procurement center on your own, what would you do?

"Tell me your thoughts?"

The candidate hesitated and hesitated for a long time, then asked rhetorically.

" much money do you bring?

“What does the procurement and sales center do?

"Can anyone help me?"

The interviewer, Sister Wang, had a calm voice.

"I'm asking you.

"These are questions you need to consider and answers you need to give. You can't ask me."

The candidates stayed awkwardly for a long time.

"This...this kind of question...can't be answered. There is no standard answer, right?"

Outside the examination room, Chen Yuanlin followed Bai Mo, grinning and complaining softly.

“This kid is very student-minded.

"After leaving school, there are no exercise books and test papers, and there are no standard answers to many questions.

"This requires him to structure, create and execute it himself."

Bai Mo nodded and said nothing more.

Keep going.

I heard that in the next examination room, the workshop boss Chen gave the examination questions.

"Then what will you do if the procurement center you build fails?"

Another open question!

But the female candidates inside answered fluently.

"Man proposes, God disposes.

“Of course I’m happy to be successful.

“It’s no surprise if you fail.

"If you really fail, I think the most important thing is, first, to be able to draw nourishment from the failure..."


The daytime in the real world corresponds to the late night in the dream world.

Alchemy Heavenly Palace.

Under candlelight.

Sun Jinsong took a silk book from his master.

"Now, you have also eaten the walnut cloud brain, and it has also condensed into the container of the Leaf Domain.

"This silk book records an immortal technique that the emperor once created, [One Leaf Blinds the Eyes].

"Take it, take a good look, and study hard.

"If you learn a little bit, you can escape safely from Sequence Five.

"After learning the Dacheng, you can escape from the Sequence Four.

"Learning to perfection is... the great immortal technique of the Leaf Domain!

"The Emperor's original magical skills are actually not many, so cherish them."

Sun Jinsong held the silk book and nodded solemnly.

Suddenly something felt wrong again.

"Master, you just said that the emperor doesn't have many original magical arts?

"The emperor is stunningly talented and dominates the world, but he doesn't have many original ideas?"

Gu Xian sat across from him and looked at his apprentice.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?

“There aren’t many original works by Emperor.

"Most of his magical arts, knowledge and skills are all learned. He has learned deeply, masterly and masterly. At most, he can draw inferences from one example and all based on his predecessors.

"He rarely does original work and rarely creates projects that are truly his own."

Sun Jinsong didn't understand even more.

"Then why..."

Gu Xian didn't even understand why Sun Jin and Song didn't understand.

"Is this weird?

“Of course it’s for a quick upgrade!

"Standing on the basis of the predecessors, accepting the legacy of the predecessors, absorbing the knowledge of the predecessors, and learning the immortal skills of the predecessors, of course, you can learn the title faster and be promoted faster.

“My own original creations and self-developed projects sound wonderful.

“But that would take more energy, take more time, take more resources.

“Moreover, this kind of thing will inevitably face the risk of failure.

“No one is sure whether this will be successful.

“If it weren’t for the fact that there was really no other way, Dijun wouldn’t do anything original or create some risky projects.

"That's silly."

Sun Jinsong suddenly understood.

"So, this is what all the geniuses think?"


The cold wind in the middle of the afternoon blew at Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory.

Candidates wearing black suits and carrying backpacks left the office building.

The wind blew from the direction of the cafeteria, causing the candidates to sniffle.

"Huh? Beef buns!"

"I also smelled the aroma of scrambled eggs with leeks."

“The lunch meal was pretty good.

"It's a pity that the interview ended too early in the afternoon and we couldn't have dinner."

In the scattered team of candidates.

Lu Baiyun, who had a neat ponytail and a fitted black suit, was carrying a bag in one hand while chatting with the ancient immortal master in his mind.

"Is it really necessary to come here?

“I shouldn’t have been exposed, right?

"I always feel that the magicians on the dark side don't know that the people living in the rental house are descendants of the Heavenly Palace.

“As for me, I haven’t shown up yet, and I haven’t had any contact with any magician, let alone being exposed.

"I think I should continue to surround the descendant of Tiangong, protect him in the dark, and assist him!"

In her mind, the hoarse voice of an old woman came.

“The mission of Yun Nao Holy Land is to cultivate Yun Nao, not to serve as a bodyguard for that boy.

"The first thing you have to do is to protect yourself. The next thing you have to do is to cultivate Yun Nao. If you still have some energy left, it will be good to protect him a little.

"I always have an ominous premonition that you have been targeted...

"Just stay in Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory, hide under the protection of the boss in Xizhou, and slowly cultivate Yun Nao.

"If you stay here, at least your life and property will be safe!"

Lu Baiyun curled his lips.

"Oh, I still don't know if I can pass the exam.

"Let's pass the exam first and then talk about it."

Behind the candidates.

High up in the office building.

Bai Mo stood at the window and took a look at the candidates leaving.

In his hand, he held a stack of interview notes and scoring sheets compiled by the examiners.

The competition for this interview turned out to be quite fierce!

The vast majority of candidates got good scores above 90%.

"Wow!" I turned over the pile of score sheets.

"With a score of 94 points, can I get into the position in the purchasing department?"

And the immortal magician named Lu Baiyun had an interview score of ninety-three point eight?

"Then... what is the Alchemy Master of Sequence 6 coming to the pharmaceutical factory to do?

"Heir of the Holy Land?

"Still a prince's disciple?

"Look at his cultivation. He is clean and pure, not stained with blood. He looks like a descendant of the Holy Land."

Bai Mo thought about it.

Look at Chen Yuanlin next to him.

I'm a little confused, what should I do to secretly keep Lu Baiyun, who doesn't have enough points?

After thinking for a while, he walked to Chen Yuanlin and lowered his voice.

"Discuss something!"

Sesame Ball on his shoulder and Chen Yuanlin also quickly lowered their heads, and the three of them conspired in low voices.

“The content of beautiful women in our factory is too low.

"Admit a few more beauties from among the candidates!

"You pick someone, and I'll get the spot."

Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory is responsible for its own profits and losses, and does not need to pay personnel from above. The quota is a matter of one sentence.

Chen Yuanlin nodded quickly!

"no problem!"

Candidates who can make it to the interview stage are actually very good. Not to mention asking for a few more, even if you ask for all five hundred, it won't be a big problem.

Bai Mo turned around and left.

Chen Yuanlin picked up the candidate interview score sheet left by Bai Mo and flipped through it casually.

His eyes roughly scanned the ID photos posted on the score sheet.

One of them immediately caught my eye!

"Lu Baiyun?

“The name is nice.

“The score is a little lower.

"This appearance... is indeed very good.

“The ID photo alone is very eye-catching!”

Chen Yuanlin immediately pulled out the scoring sheet.

Thanks Anut for the tip~

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