I'm really in bad shape today. Write something light, write a summary, and have a little chat with your book friends.

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

No matter how many hardships, how much pain and tangles there are in 2023, how many days and nights there are torment, there are still sweet memories, there is happiness and contentment, and there are generous songs that ride the wind and waves. This 2023 will be a few hours after I put down the pen. Forever passed, forever gone with the long river of time, leaving only our memories.

I wonder if everyone has had a good year in the past year, whether it has been smooth or not. How would you rate yourself?

I, the author of Qidian, Grape Fruit Vinegar, look back on this year and I am actually quite embarrassed, hahahaha. Time after time, I get stuck and my train of thought explodes and I doubt my life. Time and time again, I rush to finish my work late at night until I have a nervous breakdown. At the same time, I hear the sound of typing on the keyboard and the sound of my heartbeat. There is also a lot of despair, a lot of breaking of defenses, a lot of melancholy and hesitation, tell the truth. , it’s still a bit, not easy.


I am actually very satisfied with the past 2023!

Because my dream has finally begun to come true. Ever since I first watched Zhu Xian many years ago, I have wanted to be an online writer. When I was first writing a book, I couldn’t get a contract signed. I was going crazy trying to sign a contract every day! Later, I was finally able to sign a contract, but I couldn't get recommendations, couldn't write results, and couldn't make money. At that time, I always felt that my future was very unclear and my dreams were far away.

But this year's book really gave me a satisfactory result, which is a big step towards realizing my dream!

In fact, everyone has heard a lot of short stories like this from the author, right?

Because quite a few authors may have had the same experience at the beginning, hahahaha!

But I still want to talk about it, I still want to talk about it, mainly because I really want everyone to feel that it comes from me, grape vinegar, and my most sincere thanks!

I am really, really grateful to every reader for their support, for every ticket, for every tip, for every subscription, for your support in real money, and for your continued company!

Without you, neither I nor my books would be where we are today!

So, once again, sincerely, thank you!

Then, let’s talk a little bit about the follow-up plot and creative plans.

In fact, there are so many plots waiting to unfold!

The Ancient Immortal Dynasty was a rich civilization that lasted for 100,000 years, with nine kingdoms, nine paths, generations of holy land princes, generations of heavenly emperors, countless able men and righteous men, and countless conspiracies and tricks. Even the emperor is only a relatively bright star in this civilization.

Next, the disciples of Bai Mo and Fox Mountain, as well as everyone in the world, will begin to experience the terror from the previous civilization and truly come into contact with the deep waters of this civilization. And Bai Mo will lead his disciples, use his own magical skills, and try to penetrate this entire civilization with a bright blade!

Of course, in this process, the destruction of the Ancient Immortal Dynasty, the truth about Fox Mountain, the Emperor Yincao, the depths of the underworld, the Wooden Tower of Wishes, the road to salvation in the Nine Heavenly Palaces, the true plan of Prince Lingxue... these stories will also slow down. Unfold slowly.

As for the creative plan... all I can think of now is my schedule. In the future, I still need to try my best to adjust my work and rest schedule, try my best to complete my work during the day, and try my best to save some manuscripts. In this way, my own condition and body will be better. Everyone’s update experience can also be better.

After that, there is nothing more to say.

Finally, once again, thank you to every book friend, thank you for your support and companionship!

Grape vinegar, thank you!

I wish everyone a prosperous 2024!

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