The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 535 Fox Mountain’s terrifying resource reserves!

"I know this cloak!

"I've seen it before, but... it... it... it's a causal protective equipment, and it won't be of much help in this matter.

"I'll put it on first, that's okay..."

Dong Yunhui was already sitting in Fox Mountain's car, feeling that it was like a giant's car!

Sitting on this seat, it was like an oversized sofa. He couldn't lean on the backrest or step on the floor.

At this time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly put on his cloak.

His fellow family fairies also came to the car, lying on the floor, climbing on the seats, or climbing on the backrests. They all stared at this strange car with their eyes wide open.

Overalls in the front seat, holding the steering wheel.

The co-pilot's bow tie and mycelium hood were a little depressing.

Forked grass cloak useless?


It opened the armrest box, took out a round fruit, and handed it to the back row.

Dong Yunhui was stunned when he saw the fruit, which was light yellow and translucent, with a stretched flower floating inside.

"This... is... a flower within a fruit?

“The inverted fruit is the cause, the flower is in the fruit, the flower is in the fruit?

"This is useful, uh..."

Halfway through the words, he couldn't believe it, so he heard Master Guxian's voice in his mind, which was urgent and exciting!

"You're not wrong!

"Sequence Seven Immortals, a flower within a fruit!

“One season every ten years, one tree in a hundred miles!

“There are fruits but no flowers, there are flowers but no fruits!

“Created in nature, hard to see in the ordinary world!

"The favored one by heaven and man is due to fate!

"Hold it for divination, it's useful! It's very useful!

"The boss of Xizhou...he...where did he get this thing?!"

Dong Yunhui didn't know the depth of this thing, but listening to the master's description, he could more or less feel it!

At this moment, Panic stretched his body forward and stretched out his arms to catch the fruit.

But I saw the white flower fairy beast suddenly pulled out a long string of more than twenty pieces from the armrest box and handed it to the back row!

Tied with straw rope, each one is a flower within a fruit!

Dong Yunhui was stunned.

Gu Xian was also stunned.

Dong Yunhui wondered if the master had made a mistake!

Gu Xian wondered if he had seen it wrong!

Butterfly frowned, shook his front paws, and shook the bunch of fruits, signaling Dong Yunhui to get them quickly!

It was quite troublesome to cultivate this thing. It took Fox Mountain a lot of effort, but the result was that the potency was average and the taste was not good, so it has been left in the warehouse.

Today, Master specially asked me to take it and see if it is of any use.

If it’s useful, use it quickly!

In Dong Yunhui's mind, Gu Xian took a deep breath.

"This... is so luxurious! So luxurious!

"Quick! Take it! Hang it on your neck!"


A cold wind blew across the factory roof.

The young man wearing a rune robe sat cross-legged and took out a bronze wine cup from his arms.

He looked solemn, subconsciously squeezed the wine glass tightly, and subconsciously looked at the dark ink in the glass.

In his mind, the voice of the ancient immortal master sounded.

"Don't be reluctant!

“I’ll come back after all the money I’ve spent!

“We have the upper hand this time, and we must not give it away again because of stinginess.


The young man nodded, tipped the wine glass, and poured the ink in the glass onto the roof of the factory.

The ink was dark and soft, and after it fell on the roof, it flowed on its own, as if a pen tip was wandering around, changing into runes!

More and more ink drips, and more and more runes are generated.

The ink in the cup is endless.

The evolution runes are endless.

These runes stick to the roof, spreading around like they are coming alive!

Climb around the corner of the room and toward the wall!

Sitting in the back seat of the car, all the family fairies stared wide-eyed and saw Dong Yunhui wearing a forked grass cloak and a long string of fruit flowers hanging around his neck!

"Okay, in this case, maybe I can bear more and calculate more..."

Dong Yunhui gritted his teeth and was about to fight for his life!

But I saw the fairy beast in the front row took out a chrysanthemum from the armrest box and handed it over.

Dong Yunhui's eyes widened and he stared at it for a moment. He felt that the chrysanthemum, with its long golden leaves, was entangled with each other. It was a mess and was indescribably awkward!


In his mind, the voice of the ancient immortal sounded again!


"Chrysanthemums are all flowers, and the petals are in order.

“Just like ordinary people, they are born, old, sick and die.

“Occasionally there are strange things, and they are all mixed up!

"The petals are entangled, as chaotic as fate!

"This...this is also a good thing!

"It is a very rare mutated chrysanthemum. It is of great use to us diviners!"

It was the first time Dong Yunhui heard about this. He couldn't distinguish it clearly. He stared and reached out to get it!

But the fairy beast in the front row saw him reaching out and confirming that this thing was useful. He actually put his paw into the armrest box and grabbed a wreath from the armrest box.

And on this wreath, there are flowers one after another, some are red, some are yellow, and some are white, all of which are entangled with petals, entangled chrysanthemums!

"This location should be okay, right?"

The fat man Li Hu sneaked around in the northeast corner of the Gongyang Ink Factory, looking around, at the yard, and at the fence.

Then he squatted under the corner of the wall and dug a hole with his hands.

"Master, that Yinfeng Pill..."

As soon as he spoke, a flesh-colored pill the size of a human head appeared between his hands, in the white mist that blurred the real world and the dream world!

He frowned and felt the slippery, sticky, soft texture, but he still couldn't get used to it.

At this time, he moved quickly and put the elixir into the pit, then stretched out his hands to dig up the soil and bury the elixir.

In his mind, the voice of Prince Lingmo was both excited and urgent.

"good very good!

"Quickly, go quickly, find a place, and bury another pill in it!

"As long as we can get the great cause and effect and great opportunity, it will all be worth it!"

In a huge car.

Dong Yunhui simply stood up and started making calculations!

He was wearing a cloak of forked grass, with a bunch of fruit flowers hanging around his neck, and a wreath of entangled chrysanthemums on his head. He carried a bunch of windflowers in his left hand, and held a bowing tree staff in his right hand. He squinted his eyes and spoke in his mouth. There are words to read.

In his mind, Gu Xian also had a stiff face.

"This...this too luxurious, Xiaohui..."

In the tens of thousands of years of his life, the Ancient Immortal had never heard of anyone in Sequence Seven who could wear such equipment?

Dong Yunhui, who was dressed in a mess, was calculating in his mind and suddenly understood what luxury is and what "the principle of expensiveness means"!

The scent of flowers and fruits penetrated his mouth and nose, making him feel refreshed and active in thinking!

The swaying petals, the trembling branches, the voice of the flower... all give him filtered, safer information!

The staff in his hand and the robe on his body help him sense the most dangerous causes and effects in advance!

At this time, he closed his eyes and muttered something!

"Tun, hardness and softness begin to interact and it is difficult to survive. In danger, the tycoon Zhen..."

His thoughts are getting clearer and his voice is getting louder and louder!

"...Thunderstorms are full of movement, and the sky has created grass. It is better to build a prince than..."

Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory, in the conference room.

Professor Hong is talking about the recent work of the laboratory.

“...These are the reports we have recently produced.

“Although everyone doesn’t know what the meaning of these is, they are still very motivated when working.

"The new ones are getting started pretty quickly..."

Bai Mo sat at the head of the conference table with one hand on the table, listening and nodding lightly.

In fact, his vision was all on Dong Yunhui's side, waiting for Dong Yunhui's calculation.

He squinted his eyes and saw Dong Yunhui making calculations and mumbling words. The corners of his eyes were bleeding again, and a spurt of blood spurted out from his left ear hole!

Seeing the chrysanthemum above Dong Yunhui's head, the petals were spreading out one by one, and then rotting one by one!

When I saw the fruit on Dong Yunhui's neck, the peel was festering little by little, and pus was dripping from it!

When I saw the forked grass cloak on Dong Yunhui, black grass ash fell off from time to time!

...It is these equipments that bear the cause and effect for him, and bear the backlash of Qi!

But Dong Yunhui's mouth was bleeding, but his voice became louder and louder, and his words became clearer and clearer. In the end, he spurted a mouthful of blood and shouted!


"Two thousand eight hundred miles!"

The Rebellious Wine Factory has lost the blessing of supercomputer and has been shut down.

In the office, several engineers were chatting on the Shexian forum.

"I heard that something big has happened in Dongguo recently. The Immortal Committee has been conducting a high-intensity investigation."

"I wonder if the people who work and live there will be afraid?"

"You're probably scared, right? At least you're murmuring in your heart! Haha!"

They were chatting when they suddenly heard a "beep..." sound, but it was the printer in the corner. Suddenly it started working and spit out a piece of paper!

"Huh? Who's printing?"

They were about to get up and take a look when they saw the piece of paper flying lightly, like a butterfly, drawing an arc in the air and then flying into the shredder next to it.


Secret brain office, in the office.

Dozens of young people are frantically checking every piece of information!

Artificial intelligence determines that the probability that the anomaly is in Nanyuan County, Dongguo Region, is as high as 60%!

And they are working hard to go through all the elements that may be involved in the case in Nanyuan County!

"Nanyuan County, the county seat, the park, the hospital...Oh, the director of this hospital passed by the toy factory before..."

"The salesperson of Yuanlong Winery in Nanyuan County once went to the industrial park where the toy factory is located..."

"There is an ink factory in the Tianhe Town Industrial Park in Nanyuan County. The boss once visited the industrial park where the toy factory is located..."

The middle-aged director with gray hair walked back and forth in the office, his face was pale and serious, and his mind was anxious. Sometimes he looked at this computer, sometimes at that computer.

"Our large troops are already in Nanyuan County and are patrolling everywhere.

"Everyone, please work harder and make the coordinates more accurate!

"Strive to screen out the precise coordinates within three hours..."


But when the office door opened, the little secretary hurried over, holding a piece of printing paper, and handed it to the director.

"It is suspected that the boss of Xizhou sent us a message with the help of the traitor's wine factory."

The director immediately took the paper and looked at it carefully.

"Gongyang Ink Factory?"

This place has also been suspected.

He raised his head and was about to give orders to focus on investigating the factory, when he suddenly realized something was wrong!

"Boss of Xizhou, he...why did he give me this information? What does it mean?


The director frowned, thought for a moment, and then reacted.

"Quick, give the notice!

"Use the fastest speed to evacuate Gongyang Ink Factory... no... evacuate Tianhe Town Industrial Park, everyone!"

"Two thousand eight hundred miles?"

Dong Yunhui fell into the carriage and onto the seat with a look of despair on his face.

He is on this side of Dongguo, and the great cause and effect is on the other side of Dongguo!

His previous calculation was so wrong?

Is it still too late?


Suddenly, he heard the gentle sound of wind.


He raised his head and suddenly noticed that this magical giant car, the road and trees outside the window, were retreating rapidly, and it was already moving!

His weasels, mice and other household fairies were all lying in front of the car window, with faces full of surprise!

"What speed is this?"

He saw that this car, even though it didn't bump or make any noise, was already moving at an extremely terrifying speed!

Keep leaving one car behind after another!

The two fairy beasts in the front row were sitting quietly, one holding the steering wheel and the other looking into the distance.

"I...I'll help you navigate!"

He took out his cell phone and was about to see where he was 2,800 miles away when he noticed the slightest sway of the car.

Looking up again, I found that the car had left the road, drove into the wheat field, and rushed towards the horizon!

And its speed in the wheat field has not slowed down at all, still chasing the wind and lightning!

Dong Yunhui swallowed and saw the mountain shadow in the distance through the front windshield, which was getting bigger and bigger!

The so-called "running to death at Wangshan" does not hold true in front of the Xizhou Boss car!

“Uh, there’s a mountain ahead!

“We may need to take a detour!

"Let me help you check the navigation and the route..."

He was about to look at his phone again, but he noticed that the view outside the car window turned into colorful bright colors!

Astonishingly, five colors of elixir fire enveloped the entire car, causing the car to crash straight into the mountain blocking the road like a bolide!


In the field of vision, there were only five colors of fire, and the rest was darkness.

Dong Yunhui was already numb.

"This... this car... can go through walls? Can it go through mountains?

"Alchemist, do you still have magic in this area?"

Tianhe Town Industrial Park is located on the outskirts of Tianhe Town. It is small in area and scale, with only eight factories on both sides of a road.

The largest one is Gongyang Ink Factory.

There are also several small ones, such as cotton spinning mills, canneries, rice-treasure porridge factories... At this time, it is working time, and workers are busy in workshops everywhere.

No one noticed that everything from the roof to the walls, from the walls to the ground, from the ground to the roads, to the workshops, was gradually being covered with dim runes!

In the workshop.

The fat black boy sat beside the ink tank, restless and absent-minded.

I don’t know why, even though the factory director said, he asked the director to pick up his mother...

Although the director has agreed and has already driven there...

He still felt weird and wrong!

There was an inexplicable and weird thought in his mind!

I just want to see my mom!

Just want to go home!

I just want to leave this factory!

I just can't stay here!

"It's strange, what's going on with me..."

He was crying, and it felt as if someone had put the idea of ​​"leaving the factory" into his head for no reason!

But he obviously wants to stay and make money!


He covered his face with his hands and sighed.

The ring on his left hand was so hard that it hurt his face. He was about to take his left hand away when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"I...I'm not wearing a ring."


"Isn't my left hand still in my pocket?"

Thanks to Fusheng Banji for the reward~

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