Hula la...

The warm water was held to the face, warming every pore and washing away the dust and tears.

Blah blah blah, blah blah...

Tie Shiba was holding water and rubbing his face while relaxing.

After washing for a while, I straightened up, picked up a soft and fragrant towel, and wiped the water off my face.

He saw the mirror in front of the washstand, saw his own face, and recalled just now, recalling the two great immortal magicians of Sequence Six.

Those two guys died so easily, so simply, so neatly. Their heads were like two watermelons, smashed to pieces by the claws of the fairy beast, and red and white splashed all over the ground. The scene was so absurd that it was unreal.


He chuckled, stood up straight, walked out of the bathroom, and entered the warm and luxurious suite.

Seeing Chunshan President Qin Feibiao stand up from the sofa with a look of guilt on his face.

"Oh, Commissar Iron Eighteen, I can't forgive you for today's matter..."

Tie Shiba quickly stepped forward and held his hand.

"What did you say?

"It's definitely not your fault that something like this happened."

Just as he was talking, Tie Shiba's cell phone rang.

He took it out and after connecting it, he heard the sound of Hua Yu jumping.

"Hello? Iron Eighteen Committee Member?

"I read the documents all night last night, and I just arrived at the unit five minutes ago and heard about this.

"I want to apologize to you."

Tie Shiba knew in his heart that whether it was Qin Feibiao or Hua Yuyue, what he said at this time was just for the occasion.

Qin Feibiao's guilt was half true and half false, and it was hard to say whether Hua Yuyue's reasons were true or false.

But he is a tough guy, he is also a showman, and he can also speak talkative words.

"Professor Hua, there is no way to apologize for your apology. I don't dare to accept it, hahahaha.

"You, on the other hand, need to take care of your health and not stay up late all the time.

"And when this happens, it's not our fault."

Hua Yuyue immediately picked up the conversation.

"The Sequence 7 committee members who made mistakes have been handed over to the Shexian Court and are expected to be sentenced to more than ten years.

"Well... of course, we won't let them go to an ordinary prison, that's not appropriate.

"I just thought about it and booked a place for them in Song Yin's Pure White Prison.

"Song Yin, are you familiar with it?

"Pure White Prison, have you ever heard of it?"

The volume of Tie Shiba's phone call was very loud. Not only did he hear it, but Qin Feibiao next to him also heard it, and they all laughed.

"Familiar, familiar!

"Song Yin and I had a meeting at the same table, and we had some friendship."

Qin Feibiao smiled, thinking that Hua Yuyue had given Tie Shiba enough face this time.

The so-called look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

Tie Shiba's backstage has been revealed!

Although he is still Sequence Eight and the same person as before, his status is no longer what it used to be!

Then Hua Yuyue continued on the other end of the phone.

"Director Pan Duolong is sitting in my office and said he wanted to review his situation with me.

"I said, I am not the person involved, so why not let him come to you for review!

"Haha, let's have a video conference and chat for a while?"


In the office, the fox apprentice Meihuayan poured a cup of hot tea for his master.

Bai Mo picked it up, took a sip, hugged his apprentice, and listened to Fang Xiaoyu explain the arrangements for this morning.

“...I want to go next door to the pharmaceutical factory and see the new factory area.

"The three large workshops over there are also allocated to our pharmaceutical factory, specializing in the production of eight medicinal decoctions.

"President Chen Shu approved this for us. We didn't even apply, so his secretary came to me and completed the procedures and sent it over."

Bai Mo touched Meihuayan's fat belly, feeling quite embarrassed.

"President Chen Shu, he... well... whatever, when the medicinal soup is produced, he only needs to hand over 40%, and give him a little more of the rest."

Fang Xiaoyu stood beside the desk and continued.

“Several equipment dealers said that they have ready-made equipment and they want to send it over for installation and debugging.

"Expert Zheng Yu also said that he wants to take the team to have a look and try to install some robots."

Bai Mo hugged his apprentice and nodded gently.

It feels like anything you want to accomplish in this world is getting easier and easier.

He is surrounded by friends who will take the initiative to help. He doesn't even need to ask, and there will be a lot of help.

Spacious and luxurious room.

The video conference with only four people was almost over.

Pan Duolong's face was full of frustration and regret.

"...I really should have come to the unit earlier.

“At the very least, we should ensure smooth communication around the clock.

“Today, I apologize to you and assure you that this type of incident will never happen again.

"Committee Iron Eighteen, next time I see you, I will bow to you in person!"

Enough was said about the scene, and everyone was laughing and laughing, so they revealed this article.

Professor Hua Yuyue suddenly spoke.

“The battery factory is destroyed.

"Do members of the Iron Eighteen need to take a break? Or should they go directly to the next post?

"Seriously, I do have a position that I would like to recommend you to try.

"Although... I can't actually make the decision in this position."

Bright sunlight shines into the spacious workshop.

The workshop was empty except for the pillars.

There are only a few engineers installing and debugging instruments.

There are also several engineers from the drone center who install cameras and robotic arms nearby.

Zheng Yu accompanied Bai Mo and wandered around the workshop.

“Oh, this workshop is great!

“It’s so big and open!

“Actually, I thought before that I would ask the president to grant me this workshop.

“But the president refused.

“These workshops are real hot spots.

"A lot of people are watching!"

Bai Mo carried his apprentice on his shoulders, put his hands in his pockets, and nodded gently.

"This workshop is special?

"Xizhou doesn't have a lot of money for every inch of land, right?"

Zheng Yu smiled awkwardly.

“This workshop is big and spacious, but these are not important.

“What’s really important is that this workshop is safe!

"There is only a wall between you and your pharmaceutical factory, and those iron lotus leaves!"

Bai Mo suddenly realized.

Is there any truth to this?

Subconsciously, he didn't think about security at all.

For him, the most troublesome issue has never been security.

Looking up at this empty factory area...

The existing management and workers of the pharmaceutical factory are already at full capacity to keep the old factory running.

This new factory area will need to be filled with many people.

There are many production lines that need to be installed and many suitable management levels need to be found to ensure smooth operation.

It’s easy to find people, there are two-legged people all over the streets.

But it’s difficult to find someone reliable and suitable!

Where can I find it?

"...So, Tie Shiba's backstage is quite tough?

"In the Xiaohuoshan Military Factory, did you become friends with the boss of Xizhou?"

Shangjing Immortal Committee General Association.

In the office, after listening to the secretary's report, Lu Renfeng lay back on his office chair and sighed.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him and has nothing to do with it.

"Has Xizhou already given the workshop to Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory?"

"Approved, all the procedures were completed yesterday."

Lu Renfeng nodded.

This is the key!

These three new workshops will have new equipment, new processes, new workers, and new management!

In other words, we probably need a deputy director with a similar position to Chen Yuanlin.

Perhaps many people look down on the position of deputy director of a pharmaceutical factory and do not take it seriously.

But Lu Renfeng is different. He has a more unique vision, a keener sense of smell, and even laid the groundwork earlier. He has already done a lot for Bai Mo and cultivated a lot of friendships!

In his opinion, the position of deputy factory director will soon rise and skyrocket!

At this time, he has prepared the talents in his pocket and can recommend them to Bai Mo at any time.

After thinking for a moment, he even immediately reached out and grabbed the mobile phone on the table.

"Hmph, sooner rather than later!"

Walk around the workshop.

Bai Mo carried his apprentice while chatting with Zheng Yu.

“...Our intelligent facilities are definitely awesome.

“However, this new workshop is probably more or less inseparable from workers.

"Pharmaceutical companies still need to expand."

Bai Mo nodded and was thinking about finding someone.

Suddenly, Zheng Yu's cell phone rang with the sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

He picked up the call, listened to a few words, then looked embarrassed and hung up in a hurry.

" a friend from Heluo. I don't know how I found out that you and I were together and wanted to talk to you.

"I hung up on him."

Ding ding, ding, ding… Zheng Yu’s cell phone rang again.

He looked at the screen and simply turned on airplane mode.

Ding ding, ding, ding, ding... Bai Mo's cell phone rang.


Bai Mo picked up and heard Professor Zhang's voice.

"Hello? Expert Baimo, I have a few people here who have volunteered and want to help you build a new factory, haha.

"I'll send the information to your email. You can take a look if necessary."

After a few simple greetings, Bai Mo hung up the phone.

Zheng Yu laughed awkwardly next to him.

"These people are quite perceptive."

Bai Mo also smiled awkwardly.

There are really many people who want to come here to do it?

But who knows if they are suitable? Reliable or not?

Things that involve people often tend to become troublesome!

Bai Mo's phone rang again, but it was Lu Renfeng who sent a video request directly.

After the call was connected, Lu Renfeng's bright smiling face appeared on the screen.

"White Ink Expert, I heard that the new factory has been approved?

"Huh? Are you in the new factory area?



Bai Mo grinned, and after a few words of greeting, Lu Renfeng got straight to the point.

"Speaking of which, do you have a prototype of team building in the new factory?

"I have also worked in the pharmaceutical factory business before, but I know a few very experienced factory directors..."

Bai Mo was stunned for a moment.

To be fair, Lao Lu helped him a lot during this time!

And Lao Lu is indeed quite reliable!

The factory director that Lao Lu knows has relevant resumes, so he shouldn't have enlarged crotch!


He was about to speak when he suddenly heard footsteps, accompanied by hearty laughter.

He raised his head and saw Tie Shiba, wearing a brand new suit and a neat hairstyle, walking towards him with a big smile and extending his hand from a distance.

“Hahaha, white ink expert!

“I heard that you need a new deputy director.

"I'm here to recommend myself!

“The factory I was responsible for was just destroyed by an attack, and now I have no responsibility.

"Professor Hua Yuyue said that he solemnly recommends me to you!

"I have met you several times. Although I am just a crappy Sequence 8 weapon refiner, I am a first-rate production manager!

"I hope you'll consider me!"

Walking up to Bai Mo, he bent down and shook hands with Bai Mo's right hand with both hands, his face full of sincerity.

Bai Mo was holding the phone in his left hand. Lu Renfeng's expression on the screen was frozen.

He didn't expect that Tie Shiba, who was far away in Spring Mountain, had just escaped with his life, but he ran to Xizhou without stopping!

Bai Mo looked at Tie Shiba and Lao Lu on the screen, feeling quite embarrassed.

"Um... Director Lu, let me think about this first and then give you an answer?"

After a few words of greeting, Lu Renfeng's smile visibly stiffened, and Bai Mo hung up the phone.

When he raised his head, he saw that Tie Shiba was already looking at the workshop with great interest.

"White Ink Expert, if you are willing to use me... I think the top priority is the wall!

“This factory area is separated from the old pharmaceutical factory area by a wall.

“But this wall is completely unnecessary!

"I'll tear down this wall first and connect the two factory areas."

Zheng Yu and Bai Mo were both stunned.

The plum blossom eyes and fox eyes on Bai Mo's shoulders shone brightly.


This guy really has some ideas?

Then listen to Tie Shiba continue.

"Of course, based on my previous experience in project management, we need to build a small temple in our new factory area to put things in it that may be of interest to the boss in Xizhou.

"For example, some firearms, mechanical drawings, etc.

“We also need to update the things in the temple frequently.

“This… um… it may cost some money, and it will be billed to the factory.

“However, Xizhou boss usually doesn’t get it for free, he will give you a reward.

"If the goods go out of the factory's account, then the reward should also go to our factory..."

Bai Mo and Zheng Yu both looked at Tie Shiba with strange eyes.

The plum-blossom eyes on Bai Mo's shoulders have already combined with Tie Shiba's green eyes, and he is very optimistic about it!

Foxes are very cunning!

If there is something in the candidate's stomach, the fox can tell it just by opening his mouth!

People like Tie Shiba always come up with constructive plans from the very beginning...

Know how to think about the subordinate units of Fox Mountain and Fox Mountain, and can especially grasp the key points...

...There is no doubt that he is a talent!

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