The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 109 B If you keep pretending, you will lose that sense of hierarchy

"No, the current situation in the underground world is like this."

Stucey thought about it and saw that nothing was missing.

"Think again."

Chaos smiled gently, as if waiting for something.

For some reason, Stussy's heart skipped a beat when he met Chaos's smiling black eyes.

Still, she collected herself.

"there is none left!"

"Think again, you may have missed something!"

Chaos was very patient, took out a cigar and ignited it.

"I'm not missing anything."

Stucey already felt that the atmosphere was not right, and now she had realized that what this man asked was not whether there were other forces in the underground world, but something else.

Could it be?

Facing the gradually cooling face, Stussy's heart sank.

call out!

Chaos stretched out his hand to grab Stuci, and the latter flew in front of him uncontrollably, and Chaos grabbed his smooth and white neck directly.

Stussy suffocated for the first time, and the chill that was close at hand made her hair stand on end.

"I've given you so many opportunities, but you're still pretending to be stupid. I hate traitors the most!"

Chaos seemed to be looking at a dead person, his right hand gradually increased his strength, and Stussy really felt the death, his face gradually turned red and began to turn purple.

This man is really going to kill her.

The so-called sympathy for fragrance and jade is just whimsical.

"I didn't betray you!"

Stussy yelled almost with all his strength.

She had already seen the gates of hell, and the desire to survive at the time of death made her yell out the last cry, which almost became a swan song.

Chaos stared blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fortunately, the strength relaxed a bit.

Ten breaths in the blink of an eye, but for Stucey, the days seem like years.


Letting go of his hand, Stussy knelt directly on the ground, coughing loudly and breathing desperately, and the five finger marks could be clearly seen on the white jade neck.

The air was so sweet to Stucey at this moment.

It took almost a minute for Stussy to come back to normal, looked up at Chaos who was sitting on the sofa again, and said, "Although there is an order from above for me to catch you, I will not do so.

I will lure the five CPOs, and if you still don't trust me, then I can kill them myself. "

If Stucie hadn't known about being exposed, then she wouldn't have become the well-known Queen of Joy in the underground world, Stucie.

"A woman who is too stupid will die miserably, but a woman who is too smart will die even worse. You only have one choice!"

Chaos seemed to be speaking to Stuci, and also to Crocodile on the side.

"I know!"

Stuci was back to being the elegant Stuci again, very calm.

He didn't look like he was in a panic just now.

Crocodile curled his lips, but he didn't expect that Chaos really wanted to kill Stuci.

He could really feel that if it wasn't for Stucey's last voice, even if it was a second slower, he would be a corpse now.

"Get up!"

Chaos' face returned to normal, gentle and elegant, he couldn't see the viciousness and ruthlessness just now, and he was not embarrassed at all.

Stuci got up from the ground, sat on the sofa again and fell silent.

"Tell me about pure gold."

Chaos is now very interested in this pure gold that can prolong life.

"More than a hundred years ago, a scientist named Mischina Assier studied the technology of smelting metals on Alkemi Island, and finally synthesized and refined a kind of gold called "pure gold" by some means. Something that shines like the sun in the dark and slows the passing of life.

Its enormous value is rumored to buy the entire world.

After investigation by the CPO agency, it was found that Alkemi Island was swallowed by a large Neptune-like lanternfish. Someone found traces in the New World. It is said that this lanternfish likes gold the most!

The most important thing is the appearance of the suspected scientist's daughter, even after more than a hundred years, she still maintains her childhood appearance. "

Stucey made clear what he knew.

"Is it true or not? Can it prolong life? Can you still keep your childhood appearance for more than a hundred years?"

Crocodile next to him was dumbfounded.

He had the feeling that Stucey was bragging.

Chaos was smoking a cigar, thoughtful.

If the time of the theatrical version corresponds, it should happen more than twenty years later!

Twenty years later, Mischina Olga, the protagonist of the theatrical version, is the daughter of the scientist mentioned by Stuci. She really lived to be 206 years old, but her appearance remained the same as when she was a child. Variety.

This is no different from staying young forever.

Could it be that Olga came out of the belly of the lantern fish ahead of time?

It's not impossible, after all, it may have been out several times in more than two hundred years.

In addition, if Chaos remembers correctly, the lantern fish is a large sea king with three stomachs, and each stomach has a small island. You can imagine how huge this guy is.

The most important thing is the lantern sarcoma on the head of this lantern fish, which seems to be filled with gold.

As for whether they are all pure gold that can prolong life, it is hard to say, or they may all be ordinary gold.

But judging by the size of the lantern fish, even if the lantern sarcoma is full of gold, it is probably the size of a small island.

I have to behave!

This world is really incredible.

Even if it wasn't for pure gold, Chaos had to get the island-sized gold.

"Boss, it can't be true!"

Seeing that Chaos was thinking, Crocodile was not calm at all.

"It's true. The legendary island of Alkemi is located in the third stomach of the lantern fish. This Neptune has three stomachs, and each stomach has an island."

Chaos breathed out the smoke ring and nodded.

"Three stomachs? Each has an island? How do you know, BOSS?"

Stuci was also dumbfounded, she felt that this man knew more information than she did.

The lantern fish has three stomachs, and she doesn't know that there are three islands in it.

"I can predict the future!"

Chaos looked at Stussy with a gloomy expression, his eyes devoured everything like a black hole, filled with emptiness and mystery.

Stuci was stunned again, even Crocodile.

They were taken aback by Chaos' serious expression.

Because Chaos doesn't seem to be joking.

"Boss, stop making trouble!"

The somewhat suffocating atmosphere was interrupted by Crocodile waving, obviously not convinced.

"Old Sha, time will tell."

Chaos looked inscrutable, with smoke rings floating in front of his mouth, which added a sense of mystery to that expression.

"Boss, you... really can predict the future?"

Crocodile stuttered a little because Chaos' expression was so realistic.


Chaos didn't answer directly, but just gave a light sigh.

Stussy stared at Chaos closely, as if trying to tell if it was true or not, his two beautiful eyebrows were almost frowning together.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Chaos felt satisfied.

He also came up with a whim to pretend to be mysterious, and the results were not bad.

As long as he is sure that he can predict the future, these guys will probably feel a lot more at ease in their hearts and fear him a lot.

It will be much easier to lead the team in the future.

It is really not easy to be the master of the house and want to make the team bigger and stronger!

You have to convince everyone in terms of strength, aura, mystery, and appearance.

"Tell me about the Explosive Pirates."

B, just put it on.

If you keep pretending, you will lose that sense of hierarchy!

So Chaos changed the subject.


Stuci regained his senses and began to introduce the Explosive Pirates to Chaos, but he kept trying to predict the future in his mind. .

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