
Seira was suspicious.

Lokram landed on Glaven, which he thought he would pass by.

For some reason he turned to Prohibition.

I don’t know why.

You can secure it if you set your mind to it, but if you do, you may get caught.

If it’s Lokram, he’ll probably catch even the slightest trace.

‘Because Candidate Lokram handled the academy doppelganger case that no one else could solve.’

Oh, I’m no longer a candidate.

The back of Lokram, who became a full-fledged warrior after graduation, had a magical power that reassured the viewer.

While Seira chased after him, she was moved by the grown-up appearance of the candidate she taught.

Of course, that feeling soon turned to guilt.

‘If only I had been stronger.’

Lokram wouldn’t have been hurt.

He would have handled the case on his behalf and made Rokram graduate in good health.

One side of the chest was cold.

Seira used this pain as food to burn her will.

‘I’ll be sure to protect you. Lokram.’

An undefeated warrior who heads to Rivatel with a mercenary.

I don’t know what was going on, but Seira did not doubt Lokram’s actions.

He was always at the forefront of injustice and was a warrior armed with good intentions.

Claiming to be Lokram’s secret escort, she melted into the wind, befitting her nickname of Nalparam.

This time, I was thinking of doing my best in the role of Suho like a breeze passing by him.



“uh? Mr. Locke. Are you cold? Why don’t you use my robe? It may be small, but you could use it like a hat.”

“It’s not like that, so get rid of it.”

oh it’s cold

Suddenly, the wind blows and it sucks.

I refused the robe Tom gave me and proceeded.

Forbidden, Rivatel is far away.

From my point of view, it was a filthy distance.

Like an A-class mercenary, Tom showed no sign of exhaustion.

naughty guy.

“I’m surprised. With Locke’s physique, I thought he would move quickly.”


“yes… .”

Phew, I think I’m going to buy some now.

I’ll open my mouth again in a few minutes.

Let’s see. How far have you come?

open the map

It is convenient because you can adjust the transparency and size as you wish.

The distance between my current location and the place marked with Rivatel is displayed.

One small square was 100m, so now there are 3km left.


The map supports numerous icons for various markings.

Herbs, treasures, miscellaneous items, and more.

Of course, enemies are marked as well.

Those red dots were coming towards me.

Apparently, Tom didn’t feel it.

So I noisily gripped the two-handed ax I bought for decoration.

“Why, why?”

Tom, who had been walking in the lead, hurriedly turns around.

Looking at that guy, I pointed in the direction of the enemy on the map.

“six. Judging by the speed, it looks like a monster, but it’s coming this way. Get ready. Because it looks like it will attack us soon.”

“yes yes!”

Hey, can you take care of this?

My shoulders feel sore from holding an axe once.

I need to quickly get Youngcho Featherlock to strengthen my body.


Before long, a group of monsters appeared.

None of them are very strong guys.

The wolves rushed over Tom hastily.


A silver trail flashed in the air along with Tom’s spirits.

All six were neatly decapitated.

After all, it’s A-class, is it?

“It’s Lazy Wolf. They must live in the forests beyond prohibition, so why are they here?”

i know

For me, who only enjoyed the Saga of Aden, where the academy was the main background, the outside world is unknown.

So, I only leaned as much as possible on the outside information I got from the game or the setting book I had read, and I was unfamiliar with such detailed information.

“Stop expecting me, an outsider, to know.”

“Um, sorry. I was surprised anyway! To be aware of the approach of a monster that I was not aware of… After all, you don’t need my escort, do you?”

After looking at the map, Tom’s eyes changed.

Yes, those are the eyes of respect.

It seemed that he considered me strong.

I don’t know if you’re trying to lean on me like this.

We need to draw a clear line.

“Focus on your role. I will warn you in advance of the approaching threat.”

“ah… yes!”

Tom smiled brightly and took the lead again.

While following Tom, he stared at the dead Lazy Wolf corpse.

‘As expected, there’s no inspiration.’

The situation was similar to when I ran into the principal while running away at night.

My heart beats like crazy and my mouth is dry.

it’s tense

Even so, the mind was very calm.

‘Is this SSS-level power?’

This will keep you calm in all situations.

Even if it’s murder.

A red dot that can be seen from time to time in the progress that has begun again.

I tilted my head as some dots appeared and then disappeared.


now it arrives

Tom swallowed dryly at the vague outline of Rivatel.


More than when I sliced up the monsters I encountered several times on my way here.

‘Locke… .’

Tom checked to see if his employer was following along.

Fortunately, he quietly followed.

who cares about who

A wry smile was built on its own.

‘He’s really strong.’

He was simply good at his talent, so he got an A grade.

It was because he handled the sword well and was able to successfully complete the request every time with it.

So, as a mercenary, he lacked a lot of other things.

Like Locke, for example.

‘There was a reason you walked like a walk.’

For some reason, there were many monsters around.

Locke-sama was aware of their approach in advance and gave them a warning.

Thanks to that, a dangerous situation was averted.

The reason I didn’t move quickly was probably to avoid attracting the attention of the monsters around me.

‘Besides, he was considerate of me.’

The life of a mercenary living in Glaven is safe.

That’s why the pay is not cool.

It is because they are mercenaries to solve tasks that are difficult for others to do.

Tom has come here to safety because of the support of his sister, his only blood relative.

Suffering from money problems was a natural step.

For such a person, Locke provided a job with a generous remuneration.

Concentrating on your role must be your own consideration.

An employer who thinks about your own safety and informs you of a monster’s approach in advance.

‘He’s kind and strong.’

Having concluded Locke’s human form, Tom stopped walking.

It was because I had arrived at Rivatel.


Looking at the Aden Saga setting, there are a few interesting things.

The setting that many evils existed before the appearance of the demon king, and the old heroes who defeated the evil also appeared.

They fought against evil.

He died in battle and was buried after being treated like a hero.

As a result, it would have cost a lot of money to stop the demon king’s curse, but it was nothing compared to their symbolism.

Rivatel was the tomb of such heroes.

I was thinking of experimenting with the skill with the soul of a hero who might exist here.

“Wait here.”

“Oh, is it safe? I won’t suddenly disappear, will I?”

“Be still and be quiet.”

“Suck! Yes, yes.”

Tom covers his mouth and keeps his head up.

I gave it a glance and entered Rivatel.

Huge tombs made of stones or soil stand out.

But that’s all, it was completely desolate.

Above all, I raised my eyebrows at the holes around the tomb.

Light purple dirt and holes.

It is certainly. That was done by a monster I know.

‘Degrease. Why is a high-level monster here?’

it is a rare object

As the number is small, there are few people who know, and it is difficult to deal with because there is no information.

I could understand why the disappearance case could not be solved.

‘I’ll have to find a way first.’

To avoid being caught by Degrease’s detection nets, you had to know the way.

I inspected the floor closely.

It is an overgrown weed that is no different from any other place.

However, what is hidden behind it is weak black magic.

My talent captured exactly what no one else could.

Once you get used to it, you see it.

The nerve cords he had planted were finely exposed among the weeds.

‘If I step on that, it will react right away.’

Thus, the degris stealthily approaches the prey and takes it underground to its own world.

Perhaps the missing people also met that fate.

Anyway, why did Degris settle down here?

I can feel the barrier on the ground of Rivatel.

Conversely, it was also a difficult place to secure prey.

What immediately comes to mind is that some strong enemy outside threatened our survival… .

‘Are there any demons or monsters in the south that could threaten Degrease?’

I don’t know.

There are a few things that come to mind right away, but I only dealt with them at the academy, so how can I know?

First of all, I decided to achieve my goal.

I only stepped on the part where there was no nerve cord.

I don’t have a specific destination, but I wanted to do the first experiment with good materials.

‘This is fine.’

Detailed descriptions of enemies on tombstones in front of a huge graveyard.

From their birth to their accomplishments.

The tombstone was engraved in an easy-to-understand manner.

‘Storm sword Pale.’

This name is so cool.

With that thought in mind, I put my hand on the grave.

Like instinct, black magic occurs naturally following the use of skills imprinted on them.

First of all, from the soul bond.

For this day, I did not experiment and saved it.

It was because of the limitations and effects of soul binding.

‘They said they could only bind five souls.’

Well, there is a way to increase capacity.

But now, the body is weak, so it was impossible.

So, first of all, I was thinking of going on a warlock hunt while filling up with five powerful souls.

“Wake up.”

The dark magic that had been accumulated so far was drained out of the low starter.

From the outside, it would look like he was just muttering because of the veiled person who is always active.

But in my eyes it looked different.


The birth of black magic swirling before my eyes.

It achieved a resonance with the soul that was weakly connected to the hero whose ashes were left.

– The one who called me. Who is it!

As the name suggests, a storm broke out.

His gigantic appearance has survived beyond the grave.

It seemed that way because the level of the soul was so high.

‘grow. Storm Sword Pale.’

– How dare a black magician interfere with a pleasant rest!

I also thought it would be like this.

Pale, of course, showed hostility towards me.

The earth trembles and the wind slowly picks up spirit.

Standing in the center, I was still calm.

My heart is beating so violently that I wonder if it’s about to explode.

‘There’s nothing to do after dying anyway. In that case, become part of my power.’

– Sounds absurd! Pay for the sin of awakening me with death!

The hero’s spirit rushed to kill me.

Clearly, if I had been a tangible being, I would have been the one to die.

However, the current situation is a confrontation between the necromancer and the soul.

It was a perfect situation to show my true worth.


SSS level mentality stat that even the great wizard did not dare to surpass.

The moment it perfectly coordinated the soul bond, A and B were already decided in this meeting.

– What is this!

From the moment Pale woke up, he was already bound.

It was a cumbersome process to realize it, but the result was satisfactory.

‘You are already part of me. So accept it.’

– This can’t be like this. Even Rich couldn’t do anything about me. How could a human black magician who could not even transcend death at all!

‘Why? Because I am stronger.’

He clenched his fist while telling me the simple truth.

– Ah, ah!

Pale was sucked into my hand with a scream.

This makes me feel like a bad person.

That’s bad from the guy’s point of view.

As I was nodding my head, my eyes spun with dizzying vertigo.


One of Pale’s strongest abilities is imprinted in his mind.

This allowed me to use one of the powers he dealt with.

After all, it was like a soul bond strengthened to the SSS level.

To be able to handle a hero’s secret skill freely without any restrictions.

‘It’s a scam. I don’t know if my body will be able to withstand it.’

storm sword.

His ability was literally the power to wield a storm around his weapon.

I want to experiment, but I want to rest like a chimney.

I want to sleep for a while

My body, tired from coming this far, was crying out for a break.

So when I took a step, a sense of heterogeneity was transmitted through the sole.


‘no way.’

Chills run down the spine.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just in case, I did it anyway.

I looked under my feet and saw nerve cords.

I just stepped on it.

‘I was staggering from dizziness, but why did I step on that!’

The response came straight away.

My feet tremble.

I moved as far away as possible from the direction where the dark magic was felt.

As expected, it was Degrease that burst into the ground and appeared.


Huge mouth and hard shell.

The two arms and tail, which are specialized in digging the ground and tearing apart enemies, were sharpened in the shape of a fan and overflowed with dark magic.


While he let out a nauseous sound, he saw Tom running towards him in the sudden commotion.

“Luke! What is this all of a sudden!”

It’s not enough for Tom.

This is because you need at least an S-class mercenary or an intermediate warrior to deal with him.

So there was no point.

I shouted at Tom as I put my hand on the handle of the great axe.

“If you don’t want to get caught up in it, get back as much as possible!”

“Ha, but… !”



There is no time to say more.

It was because Degris had opened his mouth wide and snatched it up.

Let’s think about the rear end later.

Survival now comes first.

That’s why I grabbed the ax and used my ability.

It was hard even for me to follow with my own eyes what happened so frighteningly that I decided to use it.

uh? The moment he did so, a huge blade storm stretched out in front of the ax he wielded.


The condition of Degrease, who was caught up in it, was clear.

A man torn to shreds collapses into the rain.

At the sight, Tom and I were silent.

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