The Barrage Said, I Am the Final Villain In the Game

Chapter 267: dinner after dance music

  Chapter 267 Dinner after the dance music

  When hearing these words, Corinna's brain suddenly started to tremble.

  She could tell that the ambiguous words were not a true confession, and there were some deep meanings hidden in them.

  The girl wanted to explore it, so she began to think hard.

If her brain is compared to old alchemy utensils at this moment, then her brain will burst out brilliant sparks due to the high-speed rotation at this moment, but the old utensils are abandoned precisely because their functions are no longer suitable for the current measurement test , so even if she used her brain to the extreme, she couldn't calculate the result.

   It's not her fault, it's just because there is so much missing information, and under the law of equivalent exchange, no one can create something out of nothing.

   After a moment of silence, Corinna finally chose to ask directly: "What does this mean?"

   "It's nothing, it's just" Lynn blinked, "I hope I can cope with the 'test' strategy."

   "It's part of your plan again?" Corinna raised the corners of her lips to show a sneer, but she wasn't going to continue exploring.

  But because they were being watched by the people around them at the moment, she couldn't directly treat each other with a cold face, so she had to force herself to change the subject.

   "What is the meaning of the dance just now, you haven't answered me yet."

   It only exists in legends, and it is a legend that is expected and even more accessible.

"It's not too late for you to jump out now and want to pull you into a small flag-forgiveness, you don't think you can be weaker than these rebels together, and you may be able to stop it Iron hooves of the Knights."

  When they heard that sentence, everyone inexplicably felt that it was an unfamiliar scene.

   About half an hour before the meal, everyone was almost at least filling their stomachs, so the Duke stood on the stage where the musicians were sitting.

"Feel sorry."

   "By the way, sir, since the other party doesn't have the support of the gods, it seems that even if you add up, you can't make any waves."

  The corners of my bearded lips seemed to be raised heavily in response to the words, but the movements were very subtle, so subtle that they could be heard.

   "Is this the big guy?!"

"So, you want to invite Xiaojia to officially join you." Duke Heymansteen clenched his fists, "Only if you are divided and united, can you fight for your children, and even your own future. "

  Duke Heymansteen pressed his hands heavily, suppressing the silence around him, his face finally became serious.

  At this time, the Duke of Heymansteen stood under the stage with his hands behind his back, looking down at the audience, his brows and eyes were like goshawks.

In fact, you participated in very few dance parties, and basically only danced a necessary dance each time. You were still with your brother. Lynn was your only dance partner besides your relatives. When you think of Hearst's dance, Corinna felt a dull pain in her instep.

  Although he is only a marquis, his influence is quite low among the nobles. Otherwise, I would dare to stand out in front of Mr. Duke.

   Did Lynn have any dinner? He only tasted a few sips to keep himself in a state of hunger, while holding cool mint water in front of him, waiting for the opening of the official performance.


  Duke Heymansteen's face suddenly brightened.


Except for Liao Ningleting, everyone present was patting his chest to ensure that he could keep a place in the turmoil of power alternation, and most of us were funeral objects that were swept into dross by the storm just after being involved. Find a small tree that can shelter us.

   "All in all, everyone, let's talk about good and bad, you haven't finished talking. Tonight is very long, and there is not much time left for Xiaojia to think."

   "Yes, it is possible!" No one immediately refuted, "The male **** is a merciful god, and He has always been willing for people to retreat and fight within themselves."

  The slightly staid and serious voice was spread throughout the audience through the coercion of magic power, so everyone stopped what they were holding at the same moment and turned to look at the lower platform.

  The Duke of Heymansteen stroked his beard and said loudly: "Could it be that they are wondering why that group of people dared to launch a rebellion when the kingdom was in its heyday?"

   Everyone turned their heads to look at the person who spoke.

  Almost everyone was looking at me nonchalantly. Although I was not in the center of the small hall, I undoubtedly became the focus of the audience.

  Chris Shaker looked at Mr. Duke and said: "You are vague about your thoughts, but sir, you have to know whether the kingdom is so strong."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"You originally thought that some of them might agree to your invitation due to various factors. Yes, it should be agreed, and convenience is a more appropriate word—in short, since Xiaojia is here, so, it's all you A friend of von Roheymansteen."


  Before Corinna left, Lynn also returned to her place. It was that one time, but I was able to be as silent as before.

   "The gathering of Xiaojia this time is actually mainly for one thing."

"Naturally, you know the strength of the kingdom, and you also have a vague idea of ​​the abilities you can have. In that case, since you can make such a decision to disperse the small families. Could it be that you know, the kingdom Will it inevitably fall apart in that civil war?"

  The Duke's eyes became more and more tangled.

  At this moment, outside the quiet small hall, there was a clear cracking sound, and then, the torrential magic power surged and burst out in an instant.

   There was silence for a while in the arena, and then suddenly a cold sound broke out. No one cheered for Duke Heymansteen, and no one applauded with a smile on their faces.

  Thinking of that, the faces of some people in the small hall became strange.

After the rebellion in the kingdom at this time, both the popular support and the social order were still stable, meeting the conditions for rebellion, and because the kingdom was still poor before the unification, the interests of the nobles were not well damaged. Logically speaking, the nobles did have no reason to rebel.

   It doesn’t matter whether it’s a flattery or not, in short, what I said is indeed the truth.

   "Behind us, there is no support from the gods."

   "Of course, the invitation to Xiaojia to come to the party with such a tip was just for fun—they are all small things, and even Xiaojia is willing to waste time on meaningful exchanges."

  The Duke did not hesitate.

   There was silence in the small hall for a while before no one made a sound.

   It is because others are more inclined to doubt the Duke's words than Lynn.

  Want to steal other people's methods to develop yourself? So why did you join the more inexperienced side?

   What a joke!

  Although Yvette was awakened, she was also awakened by these people. It was the Rose Society, and the Rose Society had already been burned to the ground by me. Who would lead the rebel army?

   "Sir, it must be that, and you apologize." Chris Shaker frankly denied his accuracy, and then asked, "But, you want to know, why did you make that judgment?"

  Before several dances started, the light of the dome became richer again, and the attendants in white shirts and white vests rolled out a variety of dining cars and poured in from all directions. Soon, the dance floor was transformed into a restaurant.


  The Duke looked around at the people on the ground, looked at the surprise and vigilance in our eyes, and said in a loud voice: "It seems that I have no other opinions or ideas, can I tell you?"

"Who told him that the **** who supports us must be your male god." Duke Heymansteen refuted it back, "As far as you know, the leader of this rebellion awakened a sinful **** from somewhere, It is said that we were one of the seven evil gods in the past, and because of this, with the support of the gods, we dared to challenge the kingdom when we were obviously strong enough."

   Of course, the focus is always constant.

  If anyone in the world has really seen a god, there may be no one except the current emperor.

  Mr. Chris Shaq spoke out the thoughts of the few people present, but unfortunately, that was not the answer that Duke Heymansteen wanted.

  As for why there are so few responses.

  A violent explosion sounded from where the Marquis was standing. The Duke pushed aside the guards behind him and took a closer look.

   "Well, it's just an opinion. You just think that you need to take it easy."

   "Sir." No one raised his head and asked sincerely, "You really want to know why."

   However, Slaanesh is now at my command, and Khorne has agreed to answer Enoch's call and choose me.

   Unbelievable voices filled every corner of the banquet hall in an instant, and even Lynn was stunned.

  The Karan family has been able to take root in that land for so long, so deep, and several times of wind and rain have caused wind and sand to bury our surname deep in the loess.

   "As long as you are good enough, unless you are a strong-minded person, no one wants to make yourself a stepping stone for the other party."

  Because of the identity of the other party.

"Xiaojia also knows that the wind direction in the kingdom has been unpredictable recently, and the originally stable and peaceful life is about to usher in doomed disputes and wars. Xiaojia is a person who loves peace coldly. Does anyone want their family to be involved in that inexplicable in the silence of the

  Shaking his head, Duke Heymansteen said: "Sir, does he think you are a fool?"

For the "inspiring" speech of the Duke of Heymansteen, everyone reacted very little. Those who didn't respond were all Liao Ningle Ting's loyal fans and dog legs. No matter what the master said, we would naturally praise this speech. kind.

  Lin En is very clear, but the people around him are even more confused.

  When she heard that sentence, Liao Ning subconsciously thought of Yvette, but slowly felt right.

   It will definitely kill me. Will the chain reaction brought about by the previous sequel make others convince me even more, and even turn their faces on the spot?

   And Liao Ningleting, can they do it?

   If it must be Karan, then everyone will definitely change to a smiling face that they don't even look disgusted at, because they have proved themselves.

   As for whether it is sincere or not, some people care about it.

  Who can I wake up here?

  The dance party is just an opening performance for entertainment and relaxation. Tonight has just ended, and dinner is still to come.

   Duke Heymansteen's face is not hanging on.

  Because of this, I dare to be the first bird.

  Lin En smiled and said: "Your father asked you to invite me to dance, but he just wanted to use the pressure of others to make me show my originality. Since this is the case, it will be fine as long as others dare to play."



   "Gentlemen, gentlemen, I am very glad that Xiaojia was invited to the banquet you held later. You are very depressed."

   Certainly according to the logic of Duke Liao Ningleting, the bad image is indeed not surprising.

   "As long as you hug each other and let the storm affect you, when everything is stable beforehand, you will naturally be drawn together because you don't have a certain amount of influence"

  Duke Heymansteen stopped talking and bowed slightly.

  My name is Chris Shack, and I'm a Marquis, but not just a Marquis. As a traditional aristocrat, he has a deep background. In terms of connections and resources, he is superior to an earl with a weak foundation.

  The Duke of Heymansteen shook his finger and said: "If you must participate, you have indeed achieved something, but who said that you must participate in it."

  Waved his hand, Liao Ningle Shake found a reason and said, "You haven't got anything to do outside your house, so I'll take my leave first."

   "You should, unite!"

   Everyone hadn't connected yet, and the words of Duke Heymansteen had nothing to guess.


   But we're not doing that anymore.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

  The leader of the rebel army, no matter how you look at it, is the Earl of Enoch, but if you say that I awakened the gods, this can only be the Slaanesh I once believed in or the Khorne I believe in now.




   Shaking her head, Corinna let go of the opponent's hand, and was about to return to the Duke.


   "Thank you Xiaojia for your support."

   After the curtain falls, does anyone know.

  I took out the hand that was carried in front of me and put it in the pocket of my trousers. There was such a bad-looking smile on my hot face.


   "Yes." No one answered on stage.

   At that time, no one said anything.

"After that, you haven't been bad. Have you experienced small wars for decades, but have the knights and soldiers in the hands of the royal family stopped our training? The horses are fat and strong, and the weapons are well stocked. What do you think? , you should have no confidence in the royal family, just words from some rebels are enough to be afraid of."

   Could it be that there is really no inside story?

  I am a traditional nobleman. If I definitely want a team, I will stand on the side of Karan who is of the same kind.

   What kind of existence are gods?

  Moonlight penetrates into the small hall through the colored glass on the dome, and it flows and echoes leisurely outside the gap between people, as if wondering why the world with so few people is so quiet.

  Paused, the Duke changed his subject: "But I think, just relying on your personal strength and ability, can you be safe and sound in the turmoil that swept the entire kingdom?"

   But now, Duke Heymansteen actually said that these rebels started the war with the support of the gods?

  Duke Heymansteen clapped his hands, bringing everyone's thoughts back to reality.

   "You also hate dancing." Corinna said angrily.

   But do you really want to do that?

   Clenching my fists, I looked towards the door.

   Outside, there are no attendants who have ambushed for a long time. As long as the marquis dares to touch the small door, I can order the other party to kill him here.

  It's very complicated, he is indeed a small tree, but can he prove that he is?

   "Of course, there are actually no side effects." After a pause, I said, "Guess, next time, no one will invite him to dance with him."

   After speaking, I turned around and walked towards the small door of the banquet hall.

  I have no interest in that invitation.

"One person can't say it lost its mind, two people can't say it was bewitched by each other, these eight people, seven people, seven, eight, one, four, four, so few people, are we all crazy? Knowing that we are strong, we have to be tough Down?!"

   Up to now, Heyman Sting has not proved himself.

   It's this Marquis Chris Shaq again.

   "Hehe." Duke Heymansteen smiled, "Because"


   Or did you use deception to forge a false appearance and let the participants fall?

  Because only without that can explain the normal behavior of the rebels.

  The Karan family. It seems that the bad news didn’t spread like that.

  (end of this chapter)

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