The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 363: : Awarded twice

"I'm already thinking about my opponent in the next round."

When this sentence is mentioned, people always think of McGrady. And this sentence has also become one of the black spots in McGrady's career.

But in fact, this is simply a slander based on misrepresentation and out of context. McGrady's original words at the time did not mean to despise the opponent at all. As a result, under the operation of the unscrupulous media, McGrady was portrayed as a bad boy who was arrogant and slapped in the face.

But this time, the reporter's description of Henson was not at all false. Henson's original words were "I'm already considering the next round of opponents." It is not the first time that his proud image has been seen by people, so the reporters' reaction to this was not great.

And most importantly, Henson does have the capital to say such things.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength gap between the Bucks and the Pacers cannot be made up in a short time. The game against the Bucks did not even test the depth of the Pacers' lineup.

After losing a big score in the first game, the Milwaukee Bucks were defeated. On April 29, at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, the Pacers beat the Bucks 90-77. And this game is already the fourth consecutive victory for the Pacers in the series.

4 to 0, the defending champion did it cleanly. Henson also got the result he wanted, not only a victory, but a complete victory! Throughout the league, only the Pacers have the least suspense in this round of the series. The Bucks didn't even have a game to narrow the point difference to single digits.

When you have a strong strength, no one dares to stand up and criticize even if you speak big words. Even if Henson really said "I'm already thinking about my opponent in the next round", he would not be attacked like McGrady.

Victory can change everything.

After the game, Henson met Bucks general manager John Hammond in the player channel. He didn't know if Hammond was waiting for him intentionally or if he met him by coincidence. But facing this general manager who was willing to trade with him, Henson still showed a friendly smile.

"You really don't show any mercy, Henson. 4 to 0...I knew it earlier, I wouldn't trade with you." Hammond shook his head, obviously joking.

"Come on, I let you keep Tobias Harris. This kid only played ten minutes more in the second half of the season, but his scoring data almost quadrupled. You have to be thankful, my plan Let you keep such a treasure." Henson wanted to say that even if he didn't trade with you, he could still make a 4-0, but after thinking about it, don't embarrass Hammond.

"Well Henson, let's stop worrying about the playoffs. Anyway, our goal this season is just the playoffs. I'm here to ask you a question."

"But it doesn't matter."

"You are holding our pick, who are you planning to pick? I am very interested, because the 13th draft is recognized as a small year. I don't know which of them will make you like it so much." Hammond's Through the glasses, he seemed to see Henson's heart.

"None of them. I traded with you to make room to sign Livingston."

"I thought so at the beginning, but then I realized that it might not be that simple. Forget it, it doesn't matter if I don't say it, I can't get the pick back again. Congratulations, do well in the next round." Harmon De smiled again, then turned and left.

Henson shook his head. For these teams that have already gone, they can already start preparing for next season...

The Pacers defeated the Bucks 4-0. This result was both expected and unexpected. What is expected is the total score of the series, what is unexpected is the process. People knew that the Pacers could crush the Bucks to advance, but they didn't expect to crush it so thoroughly.

After the end of the first round of the series, the regular season awards this season began to be revealed. For the Pacers who have won 72 wins, the regular season awards are certainly indispensable.

First of all, Henson won the Coach of the Year award for the second consecutive year. And he became the first coach in NBA history to win this award for two consecutive years. That's right, the first in NBA history. Even old churros like Popovich and "Zen Master" Phil Jackson have never won the best coach award for two consecutive years.

Because the league’s best coach award has another meaning, which is to encourage new coaches with outstanding performance. Therefore, in the past, people have seen some coaches with better records lose the election, and new coaches with good performance win prizes. But history is used to be broken, although Henson has won a best coach last year. But his 72 wins this year is really convincing. If this award is not awarded to Henson, others would not dare to take over.

Therefore, although Adam Xiaohua was very unhappy about this, he still had to send the award to Indianapolis.

"I am very happy to be recognized by everyone. This is a great honor for me. But I promise, this will not be our last honor this season."

It turns out that as long as you can bring victory. Even if you are a **** to a villain, you can still be liked.

And Henson’s "this will not be our last honor of the season" prediction is right, because just one day after Henson received the Coach of the Year award, the Pacers once again won a regular season award!

This year's Most Improved Award was not won by James Harden of the Rockets. Perhaps it was because Harden had some high driving and low walking performance, perhaps because the reporters were tired of that bearded lace news. In short, this Rockets guard has a bad reputation in the media circles.

As a result, Paul George, the Pacers' top scorer this season, became the most improved player in the 12-13 season!

"Last season, he was not a top-ranked figure in the Pacers. But this season, George has transformed himself into the top scorer of this 72-win team! George's progress has been so wide that there is no doubt. I believe that this will be the starting point for the birth of another superstar."

In the official NBA propaganda, the league evaluated George's performance this season. Although there are many stars, after getting the fastest progress, instead of continuing to improve, they began to sink. But Henson knew that George was not in that range.

Two days, two awards. With the Pacers easily sweeping the Bucks 4-0, the team also won the regular season awards. For a time, the Pacers, a team that did not play in a game, became the focus of attention.

At this time, Henson's old friend Tom Thibodeau and his Chicago Bulls are fighting the Nets in the $1 billion Barclays Center.

The fate of the Chicago Bulls this season is terrible. At this time a year ago, they lost Derrick Rose, and now they have lost Lor Denghe, Joakim Noah and Richard Hamilton. And Kirk Hinrich.

Such a long list of injuries is enough to knock down most teams. Facts have proved that Tom Thibodeau’s main rotation method is very easy to cause injury to players. But Thibodeau did not change as a result, he still went his own way. When the series total score has become anxious 2 to 2, Thibodeau still has no plans to give up.

"Be strong, the playoffs are the stage for the strong, no one will pity us! I know, we are not doing well! But that is not the reason for us to give up, stick to it, you will find that your opponents are not so terrible!"

Before the game started, Thibodeau made a brief speech in the locker room. This coach who is obsessed with defense is ready to turn the Bulls into an undaunted, iron-blooded division!

At this time, their opponent is the Brooklyn Nets. But Henson didn't know yet. In a few days, this very strong and perverted bull will also bring some trouble to the Pacers...

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