"Mom, I'm leaving then."

At the gate of the city, Xihe said goodbye to Prime Minister Jiang.

Before dawn, the sky was gray, and the city was quiet. The wheels of the carriage escorting grain and grass turned and drove out of the city gate quietly.

Prime Minister Jiang looked at the carriage behind her and couldn't say a word: "Would you like to take me with you?"

Just take the man, mother, and family with you.

At that time, there will be wars, and one will die.

"Ahem, mother, I think so too. It's because you're too old to travel around."

Xihe was not afraid at all, and said with a smile on his face.

Prime Minister Jiang choked suddenly, how dare you think about it.


An uncontrollable laugh came from beside his ears, and Xihe looked over and saw a young general smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

Xihe: "..."

Good guy, now even a young general dares to laugh at her.

"Okay, let's go."

General Zhang urged beside him, but he didn't mean to blame Xihe at all.

"Yes, General."

Xihe immediately saluted Prime Minister Jiang and General Zhang, turned around and got into the carriage where Li Junyue was.

In order not to provoke criticism, she didn't even bring Xiao Dezi with her, and most of the food was loaded in the carriage. Those who didn't know thought Li Junyue was her attendant.

A horn sounded, and a long line of carriages left the city gate and moved forward along the official road.

There is still Jiang Chengxiang who has not explained: "..."

She glared at General Zhang, her face darkened, General Zhang touched his nose, she couldn't say that her son also joined the team arguing, right?

Although there is a sister watching,

But General Zhang was still worried. He brought Li Junyue with him when he met Jiang An, so he had to let him go quickly.

It is better to have one more gentleman to take care of each other than no one at all.

"never mind."

Prime Minister Jiang sighed,

Anyway, in her eyes, Li Junyue was the one who depended on her daughter for survival, and she didn't care if she died halfway, as long as her daughter was happy.

all the way west,

The sun rose higher and higher in the sky, and at noon Li Junyue was finally awakened by the shaking of the carriage.

"woke up?"

The speed of the team is not fast, but in order to reach the frontier as soon as possible, the road basically only stops at night, so Li Junyue got out of the carriage, and what he saw was the long team, the trees on both sides of the road, and the distance. the fields.

"Where are we now?"

He asked with sparkling eyes.

Xihe scratched her head: "Uh, I don't know either."

The original owner hadn't been anywhere except around the capital, and since she came, she had been wandering around the capital, so Xihe really didn't know where it was going.

Li Junyue nodded, not disappointed, but looked at the scenery on both sides very energetically.

It was his first time traveling far.

"There is water and food in the carriage. After you wash up, eat something."

The car was swaying, and he was lying on the side of the car, and his body was also swaying. Xihe quickly grabbed him, pushed him in, and instructed him: "Cover your face."

So beautiful, other women know something is wrong when they see it.

Li Junyue nodded obediently.

The carriage was very big, with cushions under it, and grooves on both sides. Li Junyue looked at it, and reached out to open the hidden compartment. Sure enough, he saw some food and clothes inside.

He took it out and put it on, accidentally saw the scratches on his body, and immediately thought of last night...

A flushed face.

After dinner, Xihe was embarrassed to talk to him, her voice was very low, and she didn't even dare to look at Xihe.

Xihe: Yoyo, my shy little husband.

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