With her eyebrows bent, Jiang Xiyao put down her phone: "When I just went to pick you up from school, I suddenly thought of a question, do you look like this in front of students?"

Fang Zheng took a mouthful of hot milk and almost scalded himself to death.

"Why not?" he replied.

Jiang Xiyao shook her head: "I have never seen a teacher like you. In my impression, teachers are all traditional and boring people. Personally, I think you are more suitable to be a sales manager."

Fang Zheng laughed and said, "You're flattering me too much, and you're still a sales manager? Even if I go to sales, I'll be a small employee at most, so I don't have such a big blessing."

The woman's expression suddenly became serious: "You can come to my company to work, and I will make you a manager. As long as you can complete basic performance a month, the salary will be guaranteed at 20,000 yuan."

"True or false? Do you think I am qualified for such a high-level position as a manager?"

Jiang Xiyao's mouth curled up: "You are my boyfriend now, there is nothing you can't do, I can do it if you can, I'm the boss."

Fangzheng: "But we are fake boyfriends and girlfriends."

Jiang Xiyao pouted and shrugged: "So what? You don't understand what a woman is thinking."

Fangzheng is ashamed, why is this scene and this dialogue so familiar.

Repaying people's body with their own way, right?

Jiang Xiyao took another sip of orange juice. Seeing that Fang Zheng didn't want to be a manager, she let out a long breath: "It's fine if you don't want to be, but be careful with that girl at the school gate just now."

Fang Zheng let out a vigilant sound, but Jiang Xiyao didn't say any more.

She changed her words: "I'll go shopping with me after dinner later. I don't know what Auntie likes. I'll have to get some gifts when I go to your house tomorrow night."

Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was going to Jiang Xiyao's house tonight.

Jiang Xiyao seemed to have guessed Fangzheng's idea, and said in advance: "By the way, I will also buy the gifts you brought to my house tonight, and I will pay for it."

Fang Zheng smiled gratefully: "Thank you, I've been short of money recently. I'll pay you back next month's salary."

"Okay, let's order and eat. I have something to do in the afternoon so I can't delay it for too long."

Fang Zheng hummed: "What would you like to eat today?"

"Beef will do."

Jiang Xiyao took out her mobile phone and lowered her head to busy herself with work in the group of employees. However, Jiang Xiyao also raised her head slightly to look at Fang Zheng who was ordering with a menu.

Will you pay me back next month? That is to say, at least this month the two will still be boyfriend and girlfriend relationship..

It's actually quite nice to have such a fake boyfriend.

After they were full, the two went to the mall to buy some skin care products that the elders needed.

On the way, Jiang Xiyao wanted to talk about what should be paid attention to when going to Fangzheng's house tomorrow night, but when Fangzheng said, "You have already made a video with my mother, just chat normally then", Jiang Xiyao just kept silent. .

Also, Fangzheng's mother seems to be a good talker, so she doesn't need to be too nervous.

After driving Fangzheng back to school, the two waved goodbye.

In the afternoon, the first section of Class 4, Grade 3, is physical education, and the third section is Chinese, so Fangzheng has plenty of time to organize the afternoon lesson plans.

Today is the second day, and the time limit given by the system is to officially start the fourth class within three days.

He has to hurry up, but will these naughty students really listen to their lectures honestly? Not easy to do.

The end bell for the first get out of class rang, Fang Zheng stretched hard in his chair, and happened to be back from get out of class with the female teacher in the office. As soon as he entered the door, he reminded Fang Zheng:

"Mr. Fang, the principal said that he has something for you and wants you to come over."

Fangzheng sighed and said hello.

Is the principal looking for me? What's up?

Go to the principal's office,

The charming female principal was sitting behind the big desk, and Fang Zheng was standing there with an embarrassed expression, because the principal's face was weird today.

Looking very serious.

"Principal, you made a special trip for me to come here, what's the matter?"

The headmistress pursed her lips. Fang Zheng found out that she was holding her own files. What, could there be something wrong with her files?

"Mr. Fang, you can sit down. I have something to talk to you about."

In such an atmosphere, how could Fang Zheng dare to sit.

He smiled perfunctorily: "No need for the principal, I'll just stand, what's the matter with you?"

The principal raised his head, smiling like he didn't smile: "That's Mr. Fang, I have a situation I would like to ask you, did you lie about your family situation in your entry information?"

Fang Zheng blinked: "No, why did you suddenly say that?"

The female teacher stared at Fangzheng: "But when you left the school this morning, the school guard told me that a lady drove you away in a red Porsche? I just came to work and paid special attention to it. your wife?"


Fangzheng realized something and slapped his forehead: "Ah, principal, I'm sorry, I forgot about it. Did you mean to call me here today to say that my commuting to get off work in a luxury car is not good for students, right?"

Fangzheng remembered that when he came to work in the afternoon, the students and teachers at the school gate saw the red Porsche that Jiang Xiyao drove, and they looked at them with admiration. have such eyes.

But now seeing the serious face of the principal, Fang Zheng realized the problem, this is the school! Not a mall! Children's comparisons are no joke.

Especially since his current status is still a teacher, he should not be so ostentatious.

"Don't worry, Principal, I will pay attention next time, it will not happen again."

Unexpectedly, the principal listened to Fang Zheng's words, and instead of being puzzled, he sat there stupidly and blinked.

Headmistress: "Ah.. No, I don't mean that, Mr. Fang, but the question you just said is also very good. As a teacher, you really shouldn't be so arrogant, but the purpose of calling you here today is mainly to ask, do you come? Our school, did you come here to inspect our school’s teaching resources?”

Fang Zheng didn't know what medicine was sold in the principal's gourd: "It's not the principal, what are you talking about, why didn't I understand?"

The headmistress stood up and asked Fang Zheng to sit down first.

"Mr. Fang, you should sit down and talk. Sit down and talk."

Fang Zheng was even more confused and waved his hand: "No no no, what do you mean by what you just said? I really don't understand."

The headmistress suddenly had a smile on her face: "That's right, um, your wife Jiang Xiyao, Chairman Jiang, just called me, and I talked to your wife about school funding. President Jiang said. She wants to donate 3.5 million to our school for teaching, and she also said that you brought it up on your own initiative?"

"Huh? Teaching funding?"

The headmistress took the teacup from the table and handed it to Fangzheng:

"Mr. Fang, on behalf of the school, I would like to thank you for your support to our school, but given your status, I still want to ask, are you really coming to our school to be a teacher?

Or just to check the school environment or something? If that's the case, I've really neglected you for the past two days, and I'm really sorry. "

Fang Zheng was speechless, Jiang Xiyao donated 3.5 million to this school? ! What happened, why don't you know? !

"This.. I said I'm not quite sure. Do you believe it?"

The headmistress nodded: "Yes, yes, I believe it, maybe I have asked too many questions, so that's it, if Mr. Fang wants to continue to be a teacher in this school, I hope you can serve as the third grade dean. Under your leadership, students will definitely have a brighter future and .."

Fang Zheng raised his hand: "Wait! Principal, let me go out and make a phone call first."

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