“The smell of three people, one is from the female victim, one should be the victim’s boyfriend, and the other … What does this smell? Man, but the taste was not right, mixed with other smells, as if it were some kind of animal. Not livestock, not poultry… What is it? ”

Crouching on the floor of the scene of the crime, Xiao Yu squinted his eyes, stared at the marks on the ground, and fell into contemplation.

Although the body was carried away, some dried and minced flesh could still be found on the floor.

It emits the stench of decay, the brown and stains after the corpse water has dried…

After inspecting for a long time, Xiao Yu stood up and walked to the hall window.

Although now the windows are closed because police are worried about damaging the scene.

However, at the time of the crime, the window was open.

People know it.

More than 90% of the residents’ windows have no grips on the outside and need to be opened from the inside.

How did you open it?

Xiao Yu’s eyes carefully observed the window marks.

Enough is very good, under the ability of the ‘Eye of the Falcon’.

He was stunned that he didn’t see any traces.

Xiao Yu was a little confused and a little incomprehensible.

Could it be that the female victim opened the window for you and waited for you to kill?

He remembered a sentence.

After you work hard, you find that the IQ gap is insurmountable.

My IQ was pressed to the ground and rubbed… Xiao Yu’s face turned cold.

With his intelligence, he couldn’t think of the end.

To tell the truth, Xiao Yu couldn’t think of any other normal way.

Unless…… Abnormal means?

Through the window, you can look at the residential building opposite.

The distance is not far, and it is true that the situation can be observed.

What witnesses see is what is really happening.

Here comes the fun question.

The victim lives on the sixth floor.

Suppose the murderer is a human… Don’t assume!

So, how did he fly around?

Xiao Yu blinked.

As a body full of hanging beings.

Even he can’t do it, others can do it?

The heart said: I didn’t want to be shocked, but this forced operation is quite terrifying!

More horror is coming.

After the murderer committed the crime, in addition to the marks on the body.

Didn’t leave any traces of the crime!

Slowly closing his eyes, Xiao Yu’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

Two options.

First, the murderer is proficient in reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, and various criminal investigation methods.

Second, the murderer is not human.

Whatever it is, it’s scary.

These are all normal people never want to face!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yu prepared to leave the first crime site.

Before leaving, he looked at the police officer with a strange expression, touched his face, smiled and asked, “Is there anything wrong with my face?” ”


Liu Lei shook his head hurriedly, as if facing the big leader, respectfully asked, “I am very curious, at your age, why are you so… Terrible? ”

He really couldn’t figure it out.

Age and appearance do not deceive people.

A policeman younger than he was.

How to make a group of national security follow?

Good looking?

If that were the case, then I would be desperate for this world of faces!

Why are you so bad, is that what you mean… Xiao Yu almost laughed and said to the policeman, “You think too much!” ”

After leaving, he and the national security personnel went to the second crime site.

The home of the victim Zhu Xiaoying…


Walk into the second crime site, the victim’s home.

Xiao Yu glanced at the hall.

The victim was a scruffy woman!

The well-decorated hall decorations are messy, and you can see some clothes and pants and socks thrown on the sofa at random.

Leftover snacks can be seen on the coffee table.

Opening the bedroom door, a foul smell came from the nose.

It felt like a husky was pulling on your head.

Corpse stinks!

Why is there such a big smell of corpses.

Because it was May, after April the heating stopped, the deceased turned on the air conditioner in his home before he died, 20 degrees.

After the death of a normal person, at a temperature of 20 degrees, it will harden within 2 hours, completely stiffen for 9 hours to 12 hours, soften after 30 hours, rot inside and outside…

Nearly 40 hours after the victim was found by his mother.

What will happen?

Under the heat of the air conditioner at 20 degrees, the chest and abdomen of the deceased were torn open, the internal organs flowed out, and the flesh and blood directly faced the air…

The corpses are all decomposed and the corpse water is flowing!

After taking the breathing mask handed by Wang Dong and putting it on, Xiao Yu walked into the bedroom.

Although the corpse was carried away, the smell of corpses stinked.

The degree and duration of residue without ventilation.

Beyond people’s imagination…

Under the ‘Eye of the Falcon’, for twenty minutes, Xiao Yu finished investigating the scene and walked to the hall.

According to The National Security investigation, the killer still entered through the lobby window.

The bedroom also has windows, why are both cases hall windows?

Xiao Yu was puzzled.

Is it a coincidence?

Picking up the tablet, Xiao Yu watched a surveillance video again.

Click to play!

Night, 2:21…

In the dim light of the community, a figure suddenly floated from the void.

A pair of wings with a wingspan of two meters flapped, accompanied by a humanoid figure, slowly floating out of the window of the victim’s home.

The street lights in the community, everyone who knows, the light can not be illuminated at all.

Residents want to sleep, you make it so bright, the property people are not afraid of being beaten?

Therefore, the light simply cannot cover the residential buildings.

Surveillance video can only capture blurry figures.

That’s enough……

Xiao Yu was the first to determine.

It’s people!

As for how he flew…

Xiao Yu’s IQ was once again rubbed.

Pressed the pause button to open the brain hole.

He couldn’t understand it.

How can wings with a wingspan of two meters drive a person to fly high in the air?

You may not believe it when you say it.

The other party gently fanned a few times, and it floated in the air.


Poverty limits my imagination?

By the way, my daughter-in-law is worth 100 billion!

With the corners of his mouth twitching, Xiao Yu reorganized the collapsed Three Views.

Not wings, it should be a disguise.

Misleading others and creating illusions?

Reasoning holds!

So, how to fly?

And with… The way to drift?

Xiao Yu’s mind turned rapidly.


Probably not.

On the day the victim was killed, no vehicles such as cranes appeared.

Between the buildings, the national security has investigated, and there is no trace of the use of Weiya.

Light work? Abilities? Magic?

Or is he Ah Piao?

Ha…… Xiao Yu shook his head and closed the black hole of his brain.

Can’t make up for the brain, and if you continue to make up for the brain, it will be mysterious.

Although I can’t think of it, the murderer must have used some kind of means.

A means of not being exposed to the general population.

What will it be?

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