“The tracking signal is gone!”

Xiao Yu, who ascended the roof of the community, stared at his watch with both eyes.

It was at this moment that a helicopter gunship appeared from the side of the building.

Step, run, take off, Xiao Yu jumped into the helicopter…


Taking the ear bag handed by Zhou Lie and putting it on his head, Xiao Yu quickly said, “They are going to kill Wu Hanran, and those who go late will be gone!” ”

Zhou Lie and Shen Mei’s expressions in the cabin changed color…

Eight minutes.

The helicopter arrives at the area where the signal disappears.

Everyone stepped out of the helicopter, and Xiao Yu rushed to the road and stopped a motorcycle.

Grabbing the rider down, Xiao Yu got on a motorcycle and sped through the area.

Do what?

Use the nose of the king butterfly to look for the smell of Wu Hanran.

There were too many people, and Xiao Yu couldn’t use the speed of a cheetah.

The motorcycle just compensates for the lack of speed.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

Xiao Yu sped through the area where the signal disappeared, shuttling through the streets.

Thirteen points… Yikes!

The motorcycle braked sharply, and inertia made Xiao Yu flip into the air.


His feet landed lightly, and Xiao Yu raised his head.

Got it!

Behind a building.

Xiao Yu smelled Wu Hanran’s body odor and came to the back door of the building.

“What for?” A security guard stopped Xiao Yu.

“Police.” Xiao Yu showed his ID.

“Huh?” The security guard’s face changed slightly, and there was no obstruction.


Xiao Yu turned his head in an instant and looked at the security guard.

Normal people see the police officer’s identity, most of them are stunned, surprised, or frightened.

In the eyes of the security guard in front of him, there was just a flash of panic, and his expression was still forced to be calm?


One leg jerked on the side of the security guard’s face, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Xiao Yu retracted his thigh.

There is a problem, but do not know what the problem is.

There is no time to ignore him now, go and save people first!

At this time, Zhou Lie rushed in with nine groups of personnel.

They are all heavily armed, standard special forces equipment.

Shen Mei also came with a group of special agents.

Xiao Yu pointed to the security guard and turned to run.

Zhou Lie and the nine groups of people followed.

“Take away.” Shen Mei gave the order in a cold voice.

Two secret service agents set up the unconscious security guards and left.

“Blockade.” Shen Mei gave the second order.

Five groups of secret services dispersed and blockaded the building.

Although the five groups are all top-level special agent teams.

But it’s about killing people, arresting people, and saving people.

Xiao Yu and Zhou Lie were the only professionals.

Everyone has a clear division of labor…

Xiao Yu had already rushed up to the building at this time.

He found that recently and the stairs were indirectly indissoluble.

Wu Hanran’s smell was going up the stairwell.

Without waiting for Zhou Lie and the others, Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

The speed of the cheetah, the spirit of the tanuki, the touch of the squid, the bullet of the fleas… One system skill after another is turned on.

There is no going to run the stairs, such as the cornice walking on the wall, climbing and jumping from the bottom up.

It took five seconds for Xiao Yu to rush in to the security door entrance on the eighth floor.

Running wildly, running wildly, the smell is getting stronger and closer, and it is getting closer and closer…

Xiao Yu’s eyes scanned the surroundings, scanning the gates one by one.

This is a business building with apartments.

Very similar to some day rental apartments.

Xiao Yu was running when suddenly.

A gate opened and crashed into Xiao Yu, who was running wildly.


Xiao Yu stepped on the right wall, and his body instantly moved to the left, letting go of the gate.

But…… The moment you rush through the gate.

He saw a man standing in the doorway and also saw the scene inside the man’s house.

One man was tied to a chair, and two men were standing outside the window… Lift?

What lifts?

Spider Man is on the glass of the building, using a lifting platform!


Xiao Yu’s legs landed on the ground in an instant, and the man at the door changed drastically, just about to close the door.


Xiao Yu crashed into the other’s body and crashed into the gate.

Ignoring the paralyzed man, he rushed into the house.

I saw the wide-eyed Wu Hanran tied to a chair.

At the same time, I also saw Wu Hanran’s chest… Bomb!

Look up in an instant.

Xiao Yu looked out the window and just saw two men standing on the elevator slowly descending.

A man is holding the Imperial Sword in his hand.

Another man holds two remote controls in his hand.

One remote control is the lift’s.

Another…… Bomb detonator!

At this time, the other party is smiling and trying to press two buttons.

Yikes… Xiao Yu scolded, and his brain and mind sped up.

That kind of speed is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

What to do?

Before the detonator is pressed, you can escape… Wu Hanran will die!

To save Wu Hanran and defuse the bomb, there is simply not enough time.

What to do…… Pregnant!

Say it’s slow, and the time hasn’t passed a second.

Xiao Yu suddenly reached out, hugged the chair, and picked up Wu Hanran.

The expressions of the two men on the elevator stared at each other in amazement.

Step, punch… Rumble!

Xiao Yu slammed into the glass and rushed to the elevator.

Come, come, fight… Just ask you if you are afraid of death, do you dare to detonate the bomb now?

Do those people dare?

They do dare!

The problem was that they were holding a Imperial Sword in their hands.

It was an artifact.

Do they dare to let this artifact damage a little?

They don’t dare!

This operation and mission is for this knife to be brought back to China…


Xiao Yu, who stepped on the lifter, even brought a chair and a bomb.

It was slapped on the man with the remote control!

The power of terror, raw and fierce, a person tall horse big living person into a … Dwarf.

Dead can’t die again!

It was this terrifying impact, plus the weight of four people.


The two steel cables break, tilt and fall downwards.

Hi your mom… Xiao Yu was going crazy.

The moment the body gets out of control, snap!

His palms grabbed Wu Hanran, and a pair of thighs twisted around the knife-wielding man.

At the same time, one hand grasped the edge of the lifting table.

Another man who was shot to death fell straight down…

The weight of the three people, the inertia of an instant, almost broke Xiao Yu’s arm.

Fortunately, there is the power of the bear and the defense of the rhinoceros.

Otherwise, the weight of the terror of three people, coupled with the inertia of that horror, no one could bear it.

The next moment.

Lifting Platform, Xiao Yu, Wu Hanran, and a bayonet man.

In the shaking of the steel cable, it slammed the glass of the building.


Glass exploded and debris flew.

Unfortunately, instead of crashing into the building, they crashed into the building at the interval between the buildings.

Click… The sound of broken ribs came from Xiao Yu’s chest.


The pain almost made him not come up in a breath, and he almost let go of his hand.

No, this is not something I can bear, Lao Tzu will not be able to stand it.

One bite, one thigh.

Xiao Yu’s legs twisted around the man, and he was thrown up alive.


Xiao Yu’s mouth bit down on the Imperial Sword.

Loose legs, front kicks.

Boom…… Go you.

Watch the man howl in the air and fall rapidly.

Xiao Yu, who was biting the Imperial God Sword, sneered.

It was too late to shake hands… Three oils of Nara!

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