The army of Yunnin Village began to retreat.

“Strange, why should we retreat, we have the advantage?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, this is Thunder Shadow’s order.”

Suddenly, any doubts disappeared.

In the middle of the night, the army withdrew further to the rear.

“Lord Qianji is really approachable, and just now he came to comfort us one by one and shake hands with us.”

“Yes, I don’t know that Lord Qianji has been personally leading the troops for a long time, and I must join his troops.”

“Me too!”

Many ninjas looked at the front of the army with adoration, the emaciated back, but this was only the transformation of others.

Mountain peaks in the rear.

A figure silently gazed at the distant army.

Alone in the darkness, carrying it all.

“Time to go.”

A man beat his chest silently, turned his back on the army, and disappeared into the darkness.

In the forest, the afterimage flashed.

“Yunnin Village retreated? Why? ”

“Report immediately.”

The intelligence ninja of Iwa Shinobi Village quickly advanced through the forest and quickly returned to the camp of the army of Iwa Ninja Village.


The entrenched camp blocked any lurking route, and the elite ninja guarding the main entrance, stopped the returning intelligence ninja, began to confirm the identity, and at the same time secretly perceived the ninja, silently perceived the intelligence ninja.

After repeatedly determining the identity.

Only then let go, a mosquito stopped on the intelligence ninja’s hair.

This is only the first level, there are more levels behind, and ninjas belonging to different units, in different areas, must not go out without orders, even intelligence ninjas, can only go to the intelligence department along the prescribed route to report work, and must not pass through other areas at will.

Those who disobey the order are chopped!

Numerous levels and rules block almost any possibility of the enemy sneaking in.


The head of the Intelligence Department, after getting the news.

Quickly rushed towards the center of the camp, the United Front Work Department barracks.

Barracks headquarters.

“Is there a plan?”

The three generations of Tuying had a gloomy face and swept over all the high-level advisers present: “Night Moon Thousand Traces, several times let the old man’s plan fail, let the Iwa Shinobi Village suffer heavy losses, the young age is so powerful and thoughtful, no matter what, you must not let him leave this battlefield alive, otherwise the future….. You must come up with a plan to kill him completely, at all costs. “

The threat of a thousand traces in the hearts of the three generations of earth shadows has exceeded that of the three generations of thunder shadows.

“Mom, it’s always your Yannin Village that provokes the little master.” There has been a small mosquito by the window, scolding secretly in his heart.

A cold gleam flashed in his eyes.


The three generations of Tokage frowned and glanced here.

“This dead old fellow, really sensitive enough, it seems that the eyes are also very important.” The little mosquito hid in a tiny crevice somewhere: “It would be better if it could turn into dust.” ”

Mosquitoes are small though.

However, it is still visible to the naked eye, and it is difficult to detect dust with the naked eye.

But this limit is beyond the reach of a thousand traces.

There is also a limit to illusion.

If you become a living being, you can turn into a big elephant at the maximum, and a mosquito at the minimum, which is the limit.

If it becomes an item, it can be turned into an ancient tree at the maximum, and a small grass at the minimum.

The three generations of Tuying who withdrew their gaze, their gloomy gazes continued to sweep over everyone: “Haven’t you perfected the plan yet?” ”

“Lord Tsuchikage, through discussion, we probably got three plans for ABC.”


The little mosquito also pricked up his ears to listen, how this group of bastards was going to set up for the little master.

“The first plan, on the battlefield, lure the enemy deeper, and then use the ninja at any cost to drag down the speed of the night moon thousand traces, and then use the “earth dun ground core”, so that the area of the earth instantly descended, the ninja who fell together must swear to death to drag the thousand traces, so that he would never be able to rush out in a short time, and then the ground ninja quickly used the “Dissolution Lime Condensation Technique” to fill the falling earth with cement, solidify the thousand traces in the cement, even if it is strong, it is not necessary to rush out, at this time…. You can use the tailed beast jade or the earth shadow lord to completely destroy it with dust, so that a thousand traces will inevitably die. ”

The three generations of Tokage frowned slightly.

He instantly discovered the point in the plan, to do all this, it was necessary to sacrifice a lot of powerful ninjas to drag down Qianji, and at the same time, more ninjas were needed to commit suicide to resist the rescue of the army of Yunnin Village and the strong.

“What about the second option?”

“Secretly send troops to invade Yunnin Village, so that the Yunnin Village that is empty inside will definitely ask for help, when the time comes, Lei Ying will definitely send troops to rescue, and the captain who goes to the rescue is likely to be Ai or one of the thousand traces, if it is a thousand traces, then secretly intercept and kill, at all costs, if it is Ai, then secretly surround, then with the character of the night moon thousand traces, he will definitely desperately rescue his brother, when the time comes… Kill! ”

“Third option!”

“During the war, send elite troops to infiltrate the camp of Yunnin Village and capture Samu, who seems to care about Night Moon Thousand Traces, as a blackmail, at least so that Night Moon Thousand Traces can throw rats and kill him.”

The three generations of Tokage frowned: “All three plans are flawed, and if the three plans are integrated, they can be truly foolproof.” ”

More details are still being discussed

And the “little mosquitoes” on the side are already gasping.

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva, these bastards are too ruthless.

“Fortunately, I have not reserved my intolerance or kindness towards them, otherwise it would be silly.” Deep in the eyes of the “little mosquito”, a murderous aura flashed: “If you want to destroy me, then it depends on who destroys whom!” ”

The little mosquito slowly flew away.

“Who is going to be next?”

Qianji did not immediately go to fuse the blood snare.

Although no one will pay attention to the mosquito, but it is really a mosquito, completely the same as a mosquito, ordinary people can shoot to death at will, this state of thousands of traces dare not fuse blood snare, a random gravel or gas wave, can destroy the mosquito.

At that time, it may not even be too late to change back, and even if it changes back, it will be exposed.

The goal of a thousand traces.

It is to become a ninja, it must be a ninja next to Tsuchikage-sama, so that no matter what happens, whether it is a meteorite falling or a thunderstorm, Tsuchikage which bastard is definitely the first to bear it.

At that time, of course, the army of Iwa Shinobu Village will do everything to protect Tokage.

And becoming a ninja also has the power of self-preservation.

At least it won’t go out as soon as the wind blows.

Illusion is changeable, of course, it can be an adult, it can become anyone, it is the most perfect transformation technique, the internal cell structure is exactly the same, and the Chakra breath is of course exactly the same.

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