The three generations of earth shadows couldn’t help but look at the sky, and their faces changed greatly and became pale.

In the sky, the army of Yunnin Village was rushing towards this place at a rapid pace.

I told my dad before the Thousand Traces operation, if there is no movement for half an hour, then launch an impact, and now it’s here! It is precisely because of this that Qianji does not care whether it is exposed or not.

“Daddy, what should I do?”

The murderous aura in the eyes of the army of Yannin Village disappeared, and there was no fighting intent.

They knew their current situation, the casualties were too heavy, and almost all the chakras in their bodies had bottomed out.

In this case, fighting head-on with this group of madmen in Yunnin Village will definitely be defeated.

“Dad, shall we withdraw first?” Loess said anxiously.

“Even if there are no casualties, can the speed above the plain be compared with Yunnin Village? What’s more, in this state now, there is no escape at all. The three generations of Tokage clenched their fists, anger tinged with weakness.

“So daddy, let’s do this?”

All ninjas looked at the three generations of Tsuchikage.

“Old fellow, do you think Iwa Shinobi Village still has a choice? Surrender. “Qianji gave the best proposal, and the only way to live was surrender.

“Shut up!”

All the ninjas stared at Senji with red eyes.

“The whole army dispatched, immediately capture the Night Moon Thousand Traces, and only exchange his life with Thunder Shadow, so that we can leave safely.” The third generation of Tokage roared, “Attack! ”

“Catch him!”

Thousands of ninjas from Iwa Shinobi Village frantically rushed towards Senji.

Do your best.

“Although I can’t resist for three days and three nights like my father, but in such a short time, being a little master is muddy?” Thunder armor erupted at the limit of a thousand traces, rampaging through the army of ninjas.

These tired and weak ninjas were constantly knocked out.

“The whole army attacked.”

The army of Yunnin Village that rushed wildly burst out at the fastest speed.

And the three generations of Lei Ying and Ai instantly rushed into the army of Yannin Village, penetrated the encirclement, and smashed into the thousands.

The air wave made the besieged Iwa Ninja Village stunned!

Looking at the father and son, Iwa Shinobu Village showed a desperate look, and he couldn’t help them in his heyday, let alone now.


The army of Yunnin Village quickly surrounded here.

Numerical strength or momentum, the two sides are not at the same level at all now.

“Onoki, this time we won.” The three generations of thunder shadow tiger eyes stared at the three generations of thunder shadow, and raised his big hand: “Kill!” ”

“Wait a minute, we are willing to surrender and make peace.”

The three generations of Tuying, who were unable to hang their proud heads, said anxiously, with deep unwillingness and sadness.

But there is only one way ahead.

“Peace? When we have played enough, we will discuss slowly! Ai beat his chest and roared, “Give it to me!” ”

The army of Yunnin Village began to attack.


It is still a war of tens of thousands of ninjas, but it is far from being comparable to the one a week ago, this battle is more like crushing.

Iwa Shinobu Village only resisted for a moment before it was completely defeated.

In the current battle, there is no need for Lei Ying to personally strike.

Lei Ying came to Qianji’s side, did not find any injuries, breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Qianji’s shoulder: “Good boy, good job.” ”

“That is.” Qianji raised his head and raised his small hands.

“I didn’t expect that your kid could actually cause such a terrible disaster.” Looking at what happened to Iwa Shinobu Village, at the same time, the three generations of Thunder Shadow couldn’t help but gasp, too terrifying picture.

“That’s nature.”

The posture of Qianji is even more proud.

But suddenly the little face was bitter, he reacted, although this time let Iwa Shinobu Village completely back the pot, but the real bad luck is himself, so what about later?

Even if the strength is doubled, it will be difficult for a person to withstand such a terrible disaster, right?

“Is it doomed to be bloody and snare-bound and have no chance with me?”

The dejected Qianji suddenly lost his thoughts.

But the thief’s slippery eyes showed a malicious gaze: “I can’t, but the Great Ninja Village can, and the ninja world is not only the Iwa Ninja Village, and even the Iwa Ninja Village, after several years of recovery, can resist again.” ”

This moment.

The shadows of the major ninja villages felt a chill in their backs.

This crushing battle.

Completely let Iwa Shinobu Village lose the slightest temper.

Yunnin Village did not really completely kill it, to do this, even at this time, Yunnin Village would have to pay a great price.

And completely crushing the Iwa Ninja Village is not in the interests of the Yunnin Village.

The country of earth, the country of following the wind is closer to the country of fire, and completely destroying the village of Iwa Shinobu, the cheap can only be them.

And war, in the end, is for profit.

The three generations of Tokage, who had accepted their fate, finally obediently walked to the negotiating table.

After each Shinobi War, both sides come to the negotiating table.

The purpose is deprivation.

“You have also seen that our Iwa Ninja Village has been so embarrassed and pitiful, it has not been able to recover for many years, if you want too much, isn’t this to completely destroy the foundation of our Iwa Ninja Village?” Three generations of Tokage began to pretend to be pitiful.

To pay a little less.

“Less nonsense.” Lei Ying slapped the table: “If you don’t believe that we will practice again?” ”

The face of the three generations of Tokage was stiff.

Looking at the army of Iwa Ninja Village who was surrounded by the army of Yunnin Village in the distance.

One side is as imposing as a rainbow, and no one can stop it.

One side is dejected and has no intention of fighting.

Under the situation, the three generations of Tuying can only lower their heads and obediently wait for Lei Ying to ask for a price.

“10,000 tons of refined grain.”

“Ten thousand tons?” The face of the three generations of Tuying has changed greatly, so much? It’s almost a year’s harvest in the Land of Earth, it’s too ruthless, right? Don’t all of us in the Land of Earth eat or drink for a year?

“Don’t be too much, the country of soil is not poor, there must be food reserves, if you don’t give it, then Lao Tzu can take the army and personally go to the country of soil to shoot.”

Three generations of earth shadows are like black charcoal.

“Ten billion dollars.”

The three generations of earth shadows were bloodless and began to swallow saliva, Yunnin Village, you are too fucking ruthless.

“10,000 tons of refined iron.”

After Lei Ying finished quoting the price.

Three generations of Tokage are speechless.

Jiu Jiu smiled bitterly: “Sorry, such a large compensation needs to be discussed with the daimyo of the country of earth.” ”

“Give you ten minutes.”

Lei Ying leisurely cocked Erlang’s legs, looking at the suffocating Tuying, his heart was too comfortable.

This cunning old fox actually has this day, hahaha!

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