The Blood Song of the Three Realms

Chapter 67 Disposition and Honor Return (Part 4, 4 more XNUMX)

Chapter 67 Disposal and Glorious Return (Part 4, Fourth Update [-])

Well, four changes today!
Code words are not easy, please give more tickets!

Leaning forward, he grabbed Yin Jiquan's throat, and Yin Tianli yelled sharply: "Such a serious crime, an unforgivable felony, can it be offset by killing you and your son? Your father, your mother, hey , of course we have to die together!"

Ebony who was covered in blood screamed loudly at the side, hearing Yin Tianli's cruel words, Ebony was so excited that all the long hairs on his body stood on end.

Fa Yinlan and Allen trembled slightly in fear!They have been taken in as blood servants by Yin Xuege, and their life and death are controlled by Yin Xuege's thought!They have seen the Yin Clan today, or in other words, they have seen the real darkness and terror within the Blood Demon Clan today, and they are full of fear and despair about their future!
He is so cruel and ruthless to his own people, let alone these human beings who are forced to surrender?
Fa Yinlan and Allen forced a smile, and looked at Yin Xuege flatteringly!They have made up their minds, they will never disobey any opinions of Yin Xuege, they will use all means to please Yin Xuege, even if they are a dog, they must make Yin Xuege happy, let Yin Xuege Be happy, let my wife live peacefully!
Yin Jijun was frightened by Yin Tianli's cruel words, he yelled in despair, but no one could hear what he was yelling clearly.

Those confidantes of Yin Jikun were also howling at the top of their lungs. They swore that they didn't know Yin Jikun's conspiracy and tricks, and they desperately wanted to convince Yin Tianli that they had nothing to do with this matter, and they wanted to get rid of themselves. guilt.

But Yin Tianli turned a blind eye to their wailing, and he just kept giving orders to those low-level werewolves to torture these people, dismembering their limbs bit by bit.There was a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling in the execution hall, and the shrill howling sound was endless, mixed with the scalp-numbing sound of flesh and bones breaking.

Yin Xuege looked indifferently at the cruel scene of blood and flesh flying in front of him, and after waiting for several members of the Yin clan to be tortured and begged to die with a broken heart, Yin Xuege came to Yin Jikun and grabbed him chin, forcibly supporting his face, making him face himself.

"Yin Jiyun! According to our blood relationship, I should call you Second Uncle." Yin Xuege looked at Yin Jiyun in puzzlement: "Why have you and your son been talking to each other since I was sensible? Trouble me? If the conflict between Yin Xuejiao and me is a child's ignorant conflict, it would be unreasonable for you to get involved!"

Yin Jiwen's spirit had almost collapsed, he looked at Yin Xuege blankly, and murmured word by word.

Yin Xuege listened quietly to Yin Jiwan's soliloquy, then he rolled his eyes and looked at the sky speechlessly, then heaved a heavy sigh!

His great mother, Yin Huangwu, does she know how much trouble she has caused her son?

When the stunningly talented Yin Huangwu was still in the Yin clan, she overwhelmed all the elites of the "extreme generation" of the Yin clan, including Yin Jihuang, Yin Jikun and others.Yin Huangwu is so rebellious, the Yin family adheres to the oldest oriental tradition, and pays attention to the idea that "a woman without talent is virtue". They don't take Yin Huangwu, a younger woman, at all. In their hearts, Yin Huangwu The greatest value of Huang Wu is to use it to marry other blood demon ancient clans!
But Yin Huangwu was not reconciled to her own fate. She challenged the authority of the family elders and elders time and time again, and trampled down Yin Jihuang and Yin Jikun, the family elites of her generation, time and time again.Yin Jihuang and Yin Jikun were beaten to death by Yin Huangwu countless times. Before the amazing talent exuded by Yin Huangwu, Yin Jihuang, Yin Jikun and others were overshadowed.

Yin Jihuang's heart is a bit more generous, anyway, he is No.1 in the extreme generation of the Yin clan, and his position is unshakable.Moreover, he took over the position of acting patriarch early on, and Yin Huangwu's provocations and challenges are also good, and it doesn't have much influence on him.Therefore, although Yin Jihuang has always had a bad impression of Yin Xuege, he did not take the initiative to use his power to suppress it.

After all, for the acting patriarch of the Yin family, Yin Jihuang himself felt ashamed to use his power to suppress a child without father and mother!
But Yin Jiyun was different. He was challenged by Yin Huangwu time and time again, and he was humiliated countless times. Several times, his chances of being in charge of the family power were ruined.So Yin Jiquan hated Yin Huangwu to death, and when Yin Huangwu married away, all this anger was vented on Yin Xuege.

Therefore, led by Yin Xuejiao, the son of Yin Jiyun, the children of the Yin clan in Zhizidian were in trouble with Yin Xuege everywhere!
So under Yin Jikun's revenge, the blood slaves and blood slaves left behind by Yin Huangwu to take care of Yin Xuege were thrown into the pool of blood one by one.

So after Yin Xuege hit Yin Xuejiao who had broken through and became a star warrior, Yin Jikun seemed to have seen the rise of another Yin Huangwu, so Yin Jikun, as the majestic master of the bloody battle of the Yin clan, did not hesitate to plot against Yin himself Xuege, swear to put Yin Xuege to death!
"This kind of heart is really small!" Yin Tianli smiled coldly at the side: "Although that girl Huang Wu is a bit too much, although her talent is indeed amazing! But in my Yin clan, it is impossible for a girl to become a leader ! Thanks to the fact that you are still the second person in the extreme generation, you are so small-minded!"

Sighing softly, Yin Tianli looked at Yin Xuege and asked in a cold voice: "Blood Song, according to the rules of the Blood Punishment Palace, Yin Jiyun and his son must be sent to the Evolution Blood Pool, and they must be investigated to the end. Is there anyone else colluding with him and betraying the interests of the family. But can these confidantes of them be thrown into the pool of evolutionary blood, or demoted to death camps as blood slaves, how are you going to deal with it?"

Yin Xuege looked at Yin Jiwen and Yin Xuejiao who were pale-faced, and waved his hands lightly.

"In the future, I don't want to see their father and son again! As for their subordinates, the Supreme Elder authorized me to form an army directly under me, and all of them will be reduced to blood slaves, and they will be included in the death camp of my direct guard!"

Pointing at Wumu, Yin Xuege said in a deep voice: "Wumu, you are the first commander of my guard! As for how to organize this guard, it depends on you. To be honest, I have no doubts about these things. I don’t know anything, so I’m only responsible for providing equipment and supplies, and I don’t care about the rest!”

Ebony's eyes suddenly lit up, he dropped the heavy ax in his hand, and slapped Yin Xuege's shoulder happily.

At this moment, the ground trembled slightly, and there was a dull continuous roar in the sky.

A few blood shadows rushed into the execution hall quickly, regardless of the stench of black plasma on the ground, they knelt down on one knee on the ground.

"Hallmaster, the brigade of the Fort Bryan family requests to enter our city-state."

"They said, yes, yes, Miss Huang Wu came back to the Yin family to visit relatives."

Yin Xuege shuddered all over his body, only to feel that the hairs all over his body stood on end!
Has my own mother come back to visit her relatives?

Ebony trembled all over, and subconsciously covered the huge wolf tail behind his buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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