The Blood Song of the Three Realms

Chapter 85: In April, Breaking into 4st place!

Chapter 85 April, make a first!

Blood Song of the Three Realms, walk on blood!

April, will it be a bloody April?
How many brothers and sisters are supporting Blood Song of the Three Realms?
Bring out your passion!

How many brothers and sisters are supporting the Blood Song of the Three Realms?
Let everyone's enthusiasm burst out!

March in Yangchun, this is the passionate spring, this is the spring of vigorous growth of new life.

Blood Song of the Three Realms is on the shelves in the beautiful spring and bright spring, he must be in full bloom!
No fear, no hesitation, stride forward, and walk with blood.Above is the blue sky, below is the thick earth, proudly walking in the Three Realms, only my blood song!
In this hot spring, please accompany me to sing blood and sing together, and strive to be the first one-month ticket!

Dash up, Dash forward, Dash the first one out! ! !

This is a rather ambitious request of mine, and I don't hesitate to go crazy for it!

Everyone, can you give me the first honor?
PS: Please vote for "Three Realms Blood Song" with your monthly tickets! ! !
In April, a chapter of [-] words will be added for every [-] monthly tickets!This is my most solemn promise!Please also accompany me to go crazy! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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