47 – Unexpected variable (5)

Bianca. My old name.

I never wanted to hear it again.

My heart fluttered when I heard three words that I wanted to bury in my memory forever.

“What’s wrong? Bianca. I haven’t seen you in a while and you’re not even saying hello?”

My face frowned at the other person’s carefree tone.

Anger boiled in my heart.

Long-in, Lily, who betrayed me a long time ago.

An old colleague I never wanted to see again.

Why is she here?

“Why are you here…”

Her meeting with her was not a coincidence.

The way he greeted me as if he had been waiting for me was infinitely ominous.

“It’s because I’m a wanderer here and there. I wanted to visit the snowy mountains at least once.”

Who knew she was staying at Nostel Snow Mountain?

The barren and desolate mountain was not a suitable place for Yongin.

“Anyway, I still hate the cold.”


Even in the middle of a strong wind, Lily didn’t even move.

Among Yongin, she belonged to the unique side.

Unlike me, I hardly felt the cold.

A dragon that has been resistant to the cold since birth.

This is a very rare case.

She was not only her, but also her brother.

Ellie. Lily’s little sister and a dragon like us.

In my memory, Lily was always attached to her sister, Ellie.

But now she is alone.

“Where did Ellie go?”

“Probably at the top. She’s with that f*cking b*tch.”

An ominous premonition came true. It was all Lily’s plan.

After being ambushed and crashed off a cliff, she was suddenly reunited with her old teammate.

It was a very contrived situation for anyone to see.

I vaguely noticed, but it was already too late.

“Why did you do this…”

“What? Are you really curious?”

Listening to my words, Lily began to laugh and ridicule.

“Don’t you remember the captain and what?”


“Then, even when fighting head-to-head with the demon army, I just screamed and didn’t do anything.”


“After that, he took out his anger on us who came back from the fight.”

Every single word she said came back as a dagger.

I faced the mistakes of the past that had been bothering me until now.

An impulse arose in my heart. It’s all my fault

The words of self-blame settled in her heart.

But I got her all over the place.

‘I… Kayla.’

A dragon that exists for the sake of its lord. That is my reason for being.

After signing the contract, I felt like I was born again.

I didn’t want to ignore the past.

However, nothing would change if I was pessimistic about myself.

‘Of course, you can’t erase the past. But I can’t live forever clinging to the past.’

I remembered what the lord had said.

That was right. Now was not the time to regret the past.

And I shouldn’t be swayed by the words of the opponent who is hostile to me.

“Anyway, it’s surprising? I thought there would be a colleague. He must be acting like a captain there too, right?”


I immediately shook my head. Absolutely not.

I am a servant to serve, always bowing my head for my lord.

But Lily’s mockery didn’t stop.

“Then, by any chance, that man. Are you trying to make him a stallion?”


“They usually say that if you’re weaker than me, you won’t be seen as a man. Then, what kind of affair did you have?”

It wasn’t worth listening to anymore.

Immediately, a magic circle was deployed over her hand.

It swung a huge flame.

As expected, the opponent easily dodged.

At the same time, the magic circle unfolded.

The ice began to melt slowly around her.

Her eyes, which had become liquid, became water droplets and floated into the air.

The water droplets that floated in the air split into dozens and set their direction.

It turned into sharp thorns and poured down like rain.

I immediately deployed a wall of fire.

The arrows, which were only composed of water droplets, had to evaporate quickly.

But my expectations were wrong.

The pillar of fire could not perfectly block the arrows.

I quickly retracted the magic circle and got out of place.

“How is it, is it better than before?”


I didn’t even respond. She had nothing to say to her.

To me now, Lily is only an enemy.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Once again, the flames were lit.

The stinging hail was still raining down.

Even though it was harder than usual, he released his mana and burned up his firepower.

The power was satisfactory, but a significant load was applied.

Magic was consumed beyond imagination.

From noble mtl dot com

The worst enemy I met in the worst environment.

I clenched my teeth. A long time ago, she was much weaker than me.

But now it’s different. The moment I was careless, there was a possibility of losing.

“Then shall we fight together for the first time in a while?”

At the same time, a stream of water gushed from the floor.

Underwater gourds. Her memories of when she had sparring with her in her past came back.

I quickly left my seat.

After leaping in place, it started a fire on the floor.

Immediately, the touch of the water flow faded.

But the attack was not over.

A huge water cannon was raging in front of me.

I quickly put the flame into her mouth and let out her breath.

Mixed with the strong wind, the power did not come out properly.

The languid flames were swallowed up by a waterfall.

Eventually, I twisted her sideways and narrowly avoided it.

Her arm would have been blown off if she had been a little late.

“What is it? Is it only this much?”

I calmly took her stance.

Her main skill, fire magic, could not be used.

There were only a handful of options left.

Poor wind magic and hand-to-hand combat.

There was only one way to win.

As soon as her feet hit the floor, she lunged at her opponent.

At the same time, ice arrows covered the sky.

He quickly started to move forward, dodging the arrows.

The opponent was also widening his distance, as if he knew that close distances would be disadvantageous.

The distance was getting closer and closer.

Just a few meters. I blew her body and punched her fist.

However, the attack did not reach.

Before I knew it, Lily spread her wings and soared into the air.

“What’s wrong? Can’t you come after me too?”

He knew I had no wings and was provoking him.

There was no chance of winning at this rate. I was gradually losing my stamina.

Her magic and my physical strength.

It was obvious which one would run out first.

The magic circle shone again.

Dozens of water streams poured down to restrain my body.

I calmly got out of my seat and turned my back to the gale.

Deployed a wind barrier with strong winds.

The water stream lost its course and scattered in all directions.

If I simply come out from a long distance, my opponent won’t be able to beat me.

The confrontation without income continued.

I am the one who gets at a disadvantage as time goes on.

I had to make a decision quickly somehow.

It created a gust of wind, turning the surrounding air upside down.

The dizzying air pressure staggered the opponent who flew into the air.

I immediately landed on the floor as if I had noticed my goal.

In the meantime, I quickly ran forward. In an instant, the distance narrowed.

A magic arrow shot in haste grazed my cheek.


An arrow grazed his cheek.

A cold sensation passed through the wound.

A numb chill spread across my face.

I still couldn’t stop. Before I knew it, the opponent’s face was in front of me.

I tried to spread my wings again, but it was already too late.

I felt a heavy feeling in my fist. Went straight into the face.


I didn’t even give him a chance to distance himself. The punching continued.

Suddenly, memories of the past came to mind.

The choking method was the easiest to subdue the opponent.

I knew it because I had experienced it myself.

The opponent was concentrating on dodging rather than guarding.

I endlessly backtracked to increase the distance little by little.

Aiming for an opportunity, he grabbed his shoulder.

Embarrassment shone through and he reached out to grab his neck.

But I couldn’t reach it.


I didn’t notice, my legs froze.

As I lost my balance and staggered, I felt a shock to my head.

Falled on the floor. He quickly rolled over and got out of his seat.

But again, the distance widened.

At the same time, a huge water cannon hit the abdomen.

I was out of breath and my head was dizzy.

A cold chill pierced me to my bones.

“What? Why are you so weak?”

I barely held back the curse words that were about to come out of my mouth.

To be pushed by a guy like this? Shame rushed in.

At this rate, is there a chance of winning? I couldn’t be sure.

But I could never lose.

You shouldn’t just rush into it.

I couldn’t use fire magic. Wind magic was not enough.

Then what can I do?

The situation did not change just by falling into a sense of helplessness.

I calmly figured out a way to overcome the situation.

“Isn’t it too much? I didn’t know that even if I was weak against the cold, it would be so insignificant.”

I ignored the babble as much as possible. Replacing it didn’t do anything good.

I calmly looked around. The location of this place was not very good.

Even if I had to run away, it would have been better to move the place.

I quickly turned around and started running.

“What…? Are you trying to run away?”

The other party laughed and followed me.

I heard the sound of the wind behind my back.

I ran to avoid the endless rain of arrows.

Caught in the snow on the floor, I couldn’t run fast.

My breathing started getting rougher.

I had my stamina left, but I was exhausted from the cold that I couldn’t adapt to at all.

The plain passed and the forest appeared.

I started hearing the cries of monsters around me.

There was a possibility of being surrounded by monsters.

I calmly looked around and searched for a suitable place.

Then the scene in front of my eyes stopped my feet.


There was a pond. The eerie surroundings coexisted with the mysterious atmosphere.

I quickly looked around.

Hurry up and hide behind a nearby tree.

This was the worst place ever.

Considering the magic Lily used, it was as if she had walked in on her limbs.

But there was a reason I stopped.

Around the water’s edge of the pond. A transparent ice flower bloomed.

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