89 – Schemes and Conspiracies (13)

In the ruined monastery, the demon king’s army was gathered.

Kayla and Celica were able to arrive just in time, just before they were captured by the Demon King’s army.

Seeing Kayla collapsed, her heart burned. She couldn’t lose her precious companion right in front of her eyes.

“My lord…”

“Kayla. Don’t worry.”

Her body was full of wounds. The robe I gave as a gift was also torn. Among them, her abdomen was stained black and was rotting.

Deadly poison. Celica’s healing is also a condition that renders it useless.

‘To think Rose was aiming here.’

She thought that Rose, who should be at the forefront of the demon lord’s army, would not appear in a remote monastery.

She decided that they would rather meet the guards or the center of the village, but her expectations were wrong.

And Kayla and Celica got hurt. It was my mistake that no one could blame.

“Heuk… ! You…”

“Shut up.”

Unleashed her magical energy with a sword that pierced her chest. The knife froze as it did, and cold air began to flow.

Lamia’s screams of pain hit my ears. The cold air flowing from her abdomen froze the monster’s limbs.

The opponent was struggling to get the sword out somehow. However, his limbs were frozen and he could not move.

As the spear he was holding also fell to the floor, his resistance was futile. He twisted the knife to cut her breath.

At that moment, a black mist brushed the bridge of my nose.

“Seohyun! Be careful!”

With Kayla’s voice, a giant with dark blue skin appeared in front of my eyes.

Ragnar. One of the Four Heavenly Kings. He felt a sense of intimidation when he faced the boss of the game he only saw on the monitor.

The stench that was described only in text flowed into the nasal cavity. His expression was so disgusting that he was crumpled.

It was also quite large. I was so tall that I could barely reach his shoulders.

And the cane he is holding. A black mist was leaking from the catalyst made of countless bones.

But I knew. Ragnar was not a very strong opponent.

‘At least the most worthy boss among the Four Heavenly Kings.’

Ragnar appeared last among the Four Heavenly Kings, but the difficulty level was the lowest.

“Master… ! Dangerous!”

While blood was pouring from her abdomen, Rose screamed in defense of her master.

I quickly pulled out the sword stuck in my stomach. I made an ice spear with my one-handed sword and aimed at Ragnar’s hand.

Ragnar raised his staff and barely blocked his spear. The moment the spear and the staff met, the difference in strength could be noticed.

‘I am stronger.’

As expected, Ragnar was vulnerable to hand-to-hand combat. His limp gait and limp gait, incongruous with his large size, proved that.

The spear and staff collided several times. The longer the sum, the more the opponent started to backtrack.

Ragnar’s expressionless face gradually hardened. Whoever saw it, I had the upper hand.

Even now, he was watching for an opportunity to get out of the situation. He knew that in an all-out war he was hopeless.

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“Where the hell did he come from?”

Even if I tried to buy time with words, it was too late. If you put your opponent on the defensive like this, it’s over.

But I could feel Rose’s presence from behind.

“Cheet… !”

I quickly turned around and kicked him in the head. He fell down with a scream, but he showed a gap.

In the meantime, Ragnar grabbed my ice spear. At the same time, the hilt of the sword began to rot.

If I hold on to it, my arms will rot together. He reluctantly retrieved the knife.

“Rose. Hold my hand.”


Before I could respond, a black mist covered the surroundings. While out of sight, I swung the sword, but it only cut through the air.

The new forms of the two disappeared along with the black mist.

Fortunately, the two did not go far. I only retreated to the vicinity of the front gate of the monastery.

“Erina! Protect the monastery!”

“Yes! Do not worry!”

Erina was beheading countless corpses. Every time she swung her sword, even the black mist was torn apart by the sword wind.

It seems that she wields her sword at random, but each of her corpses that dealt with her had her throat cut in half.

While Erina was dealing with her corpses, I headed towards the fallen Kayla.


Kyla was trying to get up somehow even as she moaned in pain.

Could it be her fault that she left her and fell for her. But it was unavoidable.

I ran as soon as I saw the help signal, but it was already too late.

I thought it was fortunate that I didn’t lose my life.

“It’s okay, Kyla. You did your best.”

Kayla grabbed her stomach, breathing heavily. Her problem wasn’t that she was the only one hurting.

Celica also had her blood flowing from her shoulder. She lay on the floor with a terrified expression on her face.

“Serica. I will treat you soon.”

“Huh… yes…”

I quickly opened my backpack and found the potion. She found an antidote to cure the deadly poison and opened her plug.

The antidote was applied to Kayla’s abdomen, and her black bruises began to fade.

Unlike her normal wounds, the deadly poison didn’t heal right away. It will take time to fully recover.

“Kayla. Be patient. You will be well soon.”

Fortunately, the pain had subsided and my breathing was getting better. After she confirmed her unharmed, she approached Celica.

Similarly, when I applied her potion to her shoulder, the wound immediately healed.

Only then did Celica let out a sigh of relief.

When her pain disappeared, her trembling body regained stability as if she had calmed down.

“Thank you…”

Unlike us, who have a lot of combat experience, Celica has almost no experience with injuries.

She was as vulnerable as she was to pain and did not know how to bear her injuries.

What would have happened if I had been bitten on the shoulder by a wolf when I first fell into this world.

A reaction similar to Celica’s or more must have returned.

“Serica. I’m sorry, but I need your strength.”

Selica needed stability, but now things were going fast.

Celica nodded as if she knew. She grabbed back at her staff, which had fallen to the ground, although the marks of her tears were evident on her face.

“Ask for the healing light.”

“Yes… !”

Selica’s staff shone once again. As her healing light spread, her black mist began to engulf her surroundings.

As much as her healing ability was invincible, she also had many loopholes. A typical example was a shield or negative energy that blocks the light of healing.

In particular, Ragnar is an enemy who specializes in neutralizing healing abilities. Fortunately, Kayla’s wounds can be healed.

“Thank you. Lord.”

After being healed by Celica, Kayla raised her body safely. Although her exhaustion was evident, she still had the strength to fight.

“Kayla. Let’s go.”

“Yes. All right.”

There was no need for long words. Charged towards the Corpse Corps surrounding the monastery.

Erina, who was fighting the demon king army alone, also joined me.

“I will protect you!”

Wear Wolf. A wolf. Lamia. Get out. Lizardman. He defeated countless monsters and neutralized the monastery’s siege.

Slaying dozens of corpses, I headed for the main gate. The target was Ragnar, and I ran towards him.

Of course, the other side wasn’t watching either.

“Rose. Concentrate all forces here.”

“Yes. And I will come too.”

I thought I had finally dealt with the corpse, but another monster was swarming around.

Rose, who had been cured of his injuries before he knew it, took the lead and began commanding the Demon King’s army.

And among the monsters, there was also the goal we were looking for so much.


Not just one. As many as three. A total of nine heads were barking wildly at us.

And then Rose, accompanied by numerous monsters, rushed in. If you don’t deal with Ragnar and Rose at the same time, the situation will only repeat itself.

Ragnar’s magic will keep Rose alive. Conversely, if you try to kill Ragnar, Rose will stop you.

To defeat the two, you had to attack at the same time.


I grabbed Erina who was guarding me. She slashed at the werewolf and turned her head to me, wiping off her blood.

“Yes. I’m listening.”

He was looking at me with a hardened expression. A thick murderous intent passed by.

“Let’s go as planned.”

Erina was taken aback by my words and then shook her head.

“No. No way.”

“Please. Trust me.”

“I don’t like it. Even Seohyun-nim can’t tolerate it.”

The strategy I proposed to Erina was simple.

Erina is in charge of Rose, who is the strongest among the demon lords. And I will face Ragnar.

“Don’t worry. I can beat Ragnar.”

“No! Never…!”

Before Erina could finish her words, a long spear passed in front of her eyes. It was a shame because he quickly blocked the window, and he almost got his neck pierced.

At the same time, the air around it became heavy. Life flowed from the bright red eyes.


Rose’s body froze as it was. She couldn’t move because of her instinctive fear.

“You dare…!!”

That’s how Erina and Rose faced each other. As the sword and spear, wrapped in blazing lightning, collided, beams of light scattered around.

While Erina was dealing with Rose, Cerberus was charging Celica.

“Kayla! Protect Celica!”


Me and Kayla stopped Cerberus right away. I raised my shield to block her sharp teeth.

But the other two heads ran away from the shield. I had no choice but to step back and kick.

“… !?”

I fell to the floor with a sad scream. And Erina’s blade rushed towards Cerberus.

Three heads were cut off in just one sword attack. Her torso collapsed, losing her head before she could resist.

The rest are two in total. Everyone was aiming for Kayla.

Kayla held the flame whip with both of her hands. She grabbed Cerberus by the neck and threw him to the floor.

While I lost my balance and collapsed, I stepped out. While struggling with his neck held by the flame whip, he stabbed a knife into his torso and twisted it.

There is only one Cerberus left. He was showing a passive movement as if he was frightened when two of them were killed in an instant.

Only one was easy to deal with. As Kyla pressed her with her whip, he decapitated her.

I was relieved only after I thoroughly decapitated him so that he could not rise again with necromancy.

In the meantime, Erina was dealing with Rose. The heat of battle rose as the sword and the spear met.

Rose’s arm vibrated every time she blocked Erina’s sword.

Rose couldn’t wield her weapon recklessly in a situation where her spear would miss if she lost her strength even a little.

Even when she faced Yongin, she showed her equal power, and when she was overwhelmingly pushed back, her expression of embarrassment was full.

“Kayla! Keep protecting Celica!”


She believed that if it was Kayla, she would be able to protect Celica.

On the contrary, I rushed towards Ragnar. There were no more loyal companions to protect him.

The monsters around were blocking Erina along with Rose. In other words, Ragnar was alone.

It was practically a checkmate situation.

Ragnar grabbed his staff and continued his spell. He was struggling to stop Celica from healing.

I ran towards Ragnar while defeating the monsters that were relentlessly following me.

I fixed my grip on the knife at a distance that had narrowed to several meters.

‘Ragnar’s weakness is his staff.’

In the first place, Ragnar’s main body was in the staff. In fact, the huge body is just a shell.

A little while ago, I tried to get my hand to drop the staff, but it failed.

I couldn’t blow the second chance. The tip of his wand, he thrust the knife at the blackened remains.

“Kuh… !”

For the first time, Ragnar’s face collapsed. He took aim at a weakness no one knew about, and he was taken aback.

A melee broke out in the black fog that enveloped the surroundings.

I closed the distance by blocking the black arrows that came out of my staff with my shield. The giant tried to get farther away, but I was faster.

“Master! Be careful!”

I couldn’t see properly because it was covered by the black fog, but I was able to infer the situation from Rose’s scream.

She was barely holding on against Erina. She wouldn’t be knocked down easily, but her chances of winning were nil.

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If you leave Ragnar alone, he will go out to save Rose, just like before. I definitely had to block it.

“What the hell is your identity! Not even the Knights Templar!”

For the first time, Ragnar roared. A crack appeared in his always calm expression.

The demon lord’s army was annihilated by a party of adventurers. It was not an ordinary group of monsters, but the army led by the Four Heavenly Kings collapsed.

Although it is only a detached unit for a surprise attack, not the main unit of the Demon King’s army, it is in danger of being defeated by only four adventurers.

“I don’t need to know. You will die here anyway.”

Driven into a corner, Ragnar swung his staff with his deadly power. But it was not enough to defeat me.

Just as the victory was about to be decided, the staff suddenly lit up.

I recognized the identity of the sorcery, but I did not back down.

As soon as I faced the light, my vision shook dizzy and the sensation of my body floating came.

Even my five senses have become dull in the distanced mind. Even the sound of his heart beating wildly and the pain subsided.

“No! Seohyun…! Get out of here right now…”

Even Erina’s voice, which had suddenly been heard, had faded away.

At some point, her eyes flashed open. The monastery disappeared without a trace, and the whole world was filled with darkness.

A dark space with nothing. In it, her voice began to echo.

‘Yes… I’ll admit that you’re strong.’


‘But I wonder if I can run amok here too.’

From Ragnar’s voice, I was able to grasp the situation immediately.

The last phase of Ragnar, the Four Heavenly Kings. Soul prison.

Ragnar and I. Unless the soul of one of the two disappears, they will be trapped in this space forever.

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