95 – Misalignment (2)

“Now. It is a present prepared for you.”

In front of us, there was a table that was not lacking even if it was a delicacy.

Snacks, tea, and fruits that I haven’t eaten since I came to this world. There was a warm atmosphere incomparable to the interrogation room of the guards.

All items were airlifted from the capital. There was no way they could be saved from the ruined village of Helen.

“Sit down for now. You must be tired from running around so busy.”

Yulia sipped her tea and hummed her leisurely song. Even Colin allowed her to join her.

But I couldn’t put my mouth to the food. My colleagues, including myself, did the same.

When I went outside right away, there were a lot of people sitting on the street. There were people who lost their homes and property due to the invasion of the demon king and even separated from their families.

Among them, Celica was the most serious. At last, I was able to save most of my family, but not everyone was safe.

Celica couldn’t smile since the death of the old man she respected and loved the most. Naturally, she couldn’t afford to enjoy tea and refreshments.

I had to go back to the monastery right away and prepare for the funeral. She decided to get straight to the point, even for her sake.

“How did you come here?”

“I came to hear the news that you defeated Ragnar.”

“What was the story about earlier?”

“A. Don’t be so rigid Calm down and drink tea first. The refreshments are also delicious.”

“I’ve never heard of an organization called the Adventurers League.”

Yulia let out an exaggerated sigh at the words that followed. With her arms crossed, she furrowed her eyebrows. She was too relaxed to be called angry.

On the other hand, we were full of anxiety and doubt. There was no way Julia would do us a favor for no reason.

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At least I had a small talk in the capital city, so I knew a little about her mentality, but the other colleagues did not.

Yulia put the teacup down on the table full of doubt and distrust.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Even the Demon King’s army has all retreated.”

“You may be relaxed, but we are not.”

“Don’t worry too much. It’s not as urgent as you think.”

She didn’t want to follow her, but her situation was going too fast.

This was the most important turning point in the game. If one of the four heavenly kings is defeated, an all-out war between the demon army and the kingdom will begin.

It was like a trigger running into the second half of the game. But now it was too early.

The 4 blades that should have appeared in the second half. Among them, Ragnar should appear last. He is dead

It was obvious that the story would go in a completely different direction from the story I knew.

Originally, he refused to join the Knights and planned to go on a subjugation alone as a mercenary.

However, things took a twist. It was difficult to refuse the invitation of the knights, as long as it was in the eyes of the king.

And Yulia, who should be nothing more than an extra, came to propose to me.

Should I trust her? Or should she hit me?

“First of all, the rumor that you defeated Ragnar reached the king’s ears.”

He was not an ordinary demon lord, but he defeated the 4 major blades. Rather, it was more strange not knowing.

Of course, it wasn’t good news at all for me. She had to hide the fact that she was blessed by the goddess and the identity of Kayla.

It is for this reason that he wanted to be active as a mercenary from the beginning.

“As rumors spread, Colin asked me for a favor. Could I have you guys join the adventurer’s alliance?”

“Colin… ?”

Then Colin shrugged and smiled. Colin was the only outsider who knew that Kayla was Yongin.

Apparently, he knows what kind of situation we are facing. Did she decide that it was safer to belong to the Adventurers’ League rather than the Knights, in her opinion?

“By the way, do you know the latest news about the border?”

“Well, I heard rumors that she was in the middle of a melee.”

Immediately, Colin began laying out her documents on her table. She ranged from documents that seemed to be treasured to newspapers floating around the market.

“Recently, I hear one after another that the Knights of the forefront have been defeated.”

“It seems that the war situation is still maintained, but we do not know how long it will last.”

The kingdom’s army was gradually being pushed out of the border. It was predicted that the war would go into a lull once Ragnar was defeated, but the situation was still unfavorable to the kingdom.

In this situation, the king, far from supporting the knights to protect the borders, was only indulging in luxury and pleasure.

“I will be honest. The king knows nothing about war. Because the upper heads will believe the words spoken in their mouths.”

“The King is working hard in his own way, but it is lacking in many ways.”

Colin looked at Yulia and corrected her words. It’s a shame because we were the only ones in the restaurant, but if someone heard it, there was nothing to say even if they were reported for blasphemy.

Still, she was delighted with Yulia’s words.

“Yes. It seems you can’t grasp reality.”

“It’s because only idiots gather in the palace.”

As I chimed in, Julia seemed excited and pounded her fist on the table with his legs crossed.

“To think those guys are nobles. They’re just superstitious bastards. On the subject of getting fat all over my stomach.”


Colin was sweating and giggling. I was looking here and there to see if there was someone eavesdropping.

Meanwhile, Erina stood next to me and crossed her arms as if she didn’t like her. She was also full of displeasure at talking to other people.

She calmed her down by gently stroking her hair. Fortunately for her, she didn’t seem to want to make a fuss like she did when she was in the guard. But with a sullen expression on her face, she began to grumble.

“Why do I have to be with these people?”

“Erina. Please be quiet for a little while.”

“I’d rather go back to the capital. I want to go and get a big mansion.”

“Yes. I understand, so trust me and wait.”

Yulia, who was watching Erina and her bickering, said with a sinister smile.

“I can give you a mansion if you want.”


“I have a mansion that was transferred from the former commissioner. It’s too wide to use alone, and it’s difficult because taxes are constantly being paid.”

“So you are going to hand it over to us?”

“Of course it won’t be free, but I’m thinking of transferring the house at a low price.”

He was going to hand over the mansion, which was his trouble, to us at a low price. It was definitely an advantageous offer for us.

But Erina glared at Yulia with her wariness growing stronger.

“Then what do you want from us?”

“Become a founding member of the Adventurers League.”

We finally got to the point. Yulia was still sipping black tea with a carefree expression.

League of Adventurers. An organization formed by gathering all the famous adventurers from the capital’s request office.

Unlike the Knights of the Capital, they were a group centered on Yulia, the head of the commission. I didn’t know the details because I didn’t know all the game knowledge.

Who is the member? What episode are you going through? How to reach the ending had little knowledge.

Above all, a founding member. It meant that no one had joined the Adventurers League yet.

“I will be honest. The Templars have no future.”


“They don’t treat them properly while sacrificing countless people. That’s how the kingdom lost a lot of talented people.”

Julia was right. Seriously, people would laugh at or ridicule the Knights instead of respecting them.

However, there were many who volunteered for the Knights with a sense of mission for the country and the need to protect their families.

I didn’t understand their noble mind, but I had no intention of acting like them.

“The knight commander I met earlier was originally an adventurer. But then he suddenly left alone with the knights. He was such a promising man.”

“So you’re going to create a new armed group?”

“To be precise, it belongs to the kingdom. Still, it won’t be a rigid group like the Knights.”

From missions to defend the capital, to frontline operations, to state-managed expeditions.

It is said that an ordinary adventurer will be assigned a request that cannot be easily completed. Of course, if it is a state order, there will be some coercion.

“Still, I swear on my name and title.”

“Even if he is the commissioned director, isn’t it still temporary?”

“Well, if you join me, I might be able to go up to the commissioner’s office soon.”

Her competitor, Carlson, is also working hard, but her hand is not as good as Yulia’s.

If Yulia manages to recruit talented adventurers and establishes an alliance, her victory will be virtually certain.

She was a big win for her too. So, he reached out to me first. Also, she did a good job with Colin by her side.

“By the way, I’m going to be organized as a special receptionist for the Adventurers League!”

“Actually, I’m going to be in charge of your requests, so there’s nothing different from before.”

Colin was also looking expectantly, as if he secretly wanted us to be together. While I was away, it seems that Colin also gained Yulia’s trust.

“I understand the situation roughly.”

In her personal opinion, Yulia was a reliable woman. She hadn’t met her for a long time, but she could be called a good person in her own way.

However, this offer was not an easy choice. I had to think about it calmly and consult with her colleagues. Yulia didn’t seem to want to hear an answer either.

“It’s okay to think about it slowly. But you know there’s no time, right?”

There was no reason to be impatient from her point of view.

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