The Child Emperor

Chapter 111 Watching the Emperor

More and more people poured into the small fishing village. Some people took boats, some rode horses, and more people walked barefoot. They walked into the courtyard of Chao Yongsi's house, stared at the "Emperor" a few times, or nodded, or shook their heads. Or take another look at Jin Chueduo who is sitting not far away, turn around and leave, only a few people salute.

Chao Yongsi explained: "They are all poor people who don't understand the rules. Your Majesty should not be surprised."

Han Ruzi was not surprised, but felt that these people did not regard themselves as "real dragons and emperors". The one who took offense was Jin Chuiduo, and once even shouted at the visitor: "I am not the queen." After speaking, his face flushed first. Yes, the other party left with a smile.

Most of the visitors brought their own chicken, duck, fish, rice, noodles, wine and vegetables. After seeing the emperor, they went to find a place to borrow a stove to cook. It didn’t take long for smoke to rise in the fishing village, and people exchanged food and introduced each other everywhere.

The maid Dragonfly took out a few pieces of dry food from the bag and distributed it to the young lady and the son.

Smelling the aroma of the food in the whole village and chewing on the dry food is a kind of torture to everyone, Han Ruzi swallowed half a piece and said, "Everyone's life seems to be good."

Chao Yongsi smiled and shook his head, "They all have the idea of ​​desperate, if they succeed, they will have their own glory and wealth, but if they fail, they will inevitably die, so they bring everything they can eat at home. Look at them, they are reluctant to throw away their bones. The one who can bring them together is Your Majesty."

Han Ruzi smiled, feeling that he could not afford this status.

The people from Hebianzhai also came. Chao Hua ran into the courtyard. After seeing Han Ruzi, he finally felt relieved. Then he smiled wryly at the Jin brothers and sisters: "Why are you two doing this? I have no ill intentions."

"That's hard to say." Jin Chuiduo replied coldly.

"Father, why don't you let them in?" Chao Hua finally spoke to his father.

Chao Yongsi looked at the people outside the hospital, "It's hard to invite Your Majesty, of course, let everyone take a look, lest they be suspicious."

"Where are these people from? I don't even know half of them. There are a lot of people talking, and there will be government spies if they don't get it right..."

"Don't be so timid, the government can't see us here at all."

"It's better to ask your majesty to go to the riverside village."

"No, just stay here. In the future, you're done, and our Chaojia fishing village can also be famous in history."

"Father, now is not the time to think about this..."

Chao Hua dragged his father to speak outside the hospital, and the argument was fierce.

Jin Chuiduo whispered: "This is a group of rabble, there are differences before the characters are written, and we still have a chance to escape."

Jin Chunzhong said nervously: "Father, they didn't come, will they..."

"No, killing is for warning, what's the point of killing quietly?"

Jin Chunzhong stopped talking, and Jin Chuiduo looked at Han Ruzi, "Do you want to stay here as emperor, or come with us?"

"Wouldn't it be a prisoner to go with you?"

Jin Chuiduo thought for a while, "Otherwise, you will go to the grassland with us, and I will let Da Shan Yufeng be your king. Isn't it better than being a deposed emperor in the capital?"

Han Ruzi shook his head and said nothing, he didn't believe that Jin Chuiduo had this ability.

Four village women walked into the courtyard, held four plates of cooked fish, and brought them to the four of them. Their faces were flushed, and they lowered their heads and dared not speak, but kept sending the food forward.

Han Ruzi was the first to take the cooked fish and said "thank you". His chopsticks were two thin reed sticks. He took a bite of the fish, and he almost spit it out because of the earthy smell, but the old woman who delivered the fish was full of Looking at him expectantly, it was clearly her carefully prepared food.

Han Ruzi smiled, "It's delicious." Bravely swallowed most of the fish, shook his head and said, "I really can't eat it."

The old woman was satisfied, took the fish plate, and left with a smile on her face.

Jin Chunzhong ate a small half of the bar, and Jin Chueduo and Dragonfly only ate a few mouthfuls, and they both returned the food with a smile, claiming that they were full.

The village women didn't care, and decided that the young master and the young lady had such a big appetite.

As soon as they were discharged from the hospital, a group of children rushed up and snatched the cooked fish, grabbing them and chewing them in their hands.

Jin Chunzhong whispered: "I never imagined that there are such poor people near the capital."

Chao Hua walked back from the outside and said to Han Ruzi, "Please come in and rest, Your Majesty."

"What about us?" Jin Chuiduo asked.

"Please go to another room." Chao Hua scratched his hair and added, "Why don't I send someone to take the three back to Hebian Village, Marquis Guiyi is still there."

"No, we stay here." Jin Chuiduo didn't want to see his father at this time.

Chao Hua sent Han Ruzi into a room, "Mr. Lin will be here soon, he will explain everything to His Majesty."

"Where did he go?"

"The incident happened suddenly, and Mr. Lin went to convene righteous people from all over the world. A group is here today, and there will be more in the future."

Chao Hua turned to leave.

"Wait." Han Ruzi had to try to convince everyone, "Do you really believe... that I am the real dragon and the emperor?"

Chao Hua stared at Han Ruzi for a while, and said solemnly: "I used to believe only four or five points, but now I believe seven or eight points. It's amazing that Your Majesty can be so calm in a dangerous situation. I'm freaking out."

"What about this?" Han Ruzi pointed to the top of his head.

"Is the emperor angry? I can't tell anyway, but Mr. Lin is very capable. Since he said he has, he must have."

"You just believe him like that?" Han Ruzi had seen Lin Kunshan in the building of no return, but he didn't think that person possessed a strong delusional power.

"Of course I believe that he can see through your mind at a glance and know what you want."

"Those who hoped for Qi had persuaded King Qi to rebel, but what happened?"

Chao Hua shook his head, "No, it was King Qi who insisted on rebelling, and those who hoped for qi were unable to persuade them, so they all left ahead of time, so King Qi was arrested and abducted, but few of those who hoped for qi were arrested, because they had expected it. Wang is too anxious, he only has a little bit of arrogance and should be raised for a few more years."

Chao Hua looked over the top of Han Ruzi's head, "I really hope that Mr. Lin can also have the ability. He said that His Majesty is already a few feet tall, and my father said that he can see it too. This morning, he recognized you at a glance. ."

"How many feet tall is the emperor's anger, so the roof is not leaking?"

Chao Hua laughed a few times and handed in his goodbyes.

The house is very small, except for a kang, there are no extra decorations, the roof is low, Han Ruzi can feel it with a jump, and there is an old musty smell that keeps piercing his nose.

Sitting on the kang, he gradually felt that everything he had experienced in the past two days was unreal. Da Chu had just experienced the heyday of Emperor Wu, why did he suddenly weaken like this? Looking back at the history books I have read, I can't find any answers. There are also those who look forward to qi, obviously very ordinary, why can they be unfavorable? No matter what they say, there are people who believe it, from princes to ordinary people, and even the great Confucian scholars who have learned to be rich in five chariots, all talk about Chunyu Xiao and others in a adoring tone.

The door of the simple room was suddenly pushed open, and a dozen people rushed in, filling the room. Donkey Xiaoer, who had appeared once before, was also among them, pointing to Han Ruzi on the kang and saying, "Look, this is the emperor. Don't you believe it? Except for the emperor, who can be so clean?"

It was a little dark in the room, and everyone came to watch it carefully. Some people even raised their hands to touch them, but they didn't dare to reach out.

"Are you really the emperor?" one person asked.

Han Ruzi didn't say a word, looked back at the other party solemnly, and the man stepped back embarrassedly.

Donkey Xiaoer is a reckless person, not afraid of heaven and earth, and said loudly: "Where is the queen? Why isn't the queen here? She is whiter than the emperor."

Han Ruzi suddenly raised his right arm, startling the people in front of him, and they all leaned back. Then he slowly waved his arm as if he was groping for something.

No one dared to ask, even the most daring Donkey closed his mouth and rolled his eyes following the emperor's palm.

Han Ruzi didn't know what to do. He was just tired of being surrounded by people, but he couldn't keep waving his hand like this, so he said, "Some of you have ghosts."

Everyone was startled again and took two steps back.

"How do you know?" Donkey asked, he was more courageous than others.

Han Ruzi pointed to the top of his head, "What it told me, as long as there are bad people approaching, my anger will be impure, and I will make a sound, you can't hear it, I can, it tells me - the person with a ghost is in my place. In front of you..."

He wanted everyone to leave the room, not to disturb him, but his eyes swept away, a man in the crowd suddenly fell to his knees, and said in a trembling voice: "The emperor spares his life, the emperor spares his life, the villain is full of courage..."

Han Ruzi was startled, and the others were startled, and immediately held the man down and questioned his origin.

The man turned out to be a rogue from a neighboring village. He heard that someone was going to rebel and invited the emperor, so he came to inquire about the news. His plan in his heart was to inform the government. Before it was implemented, he was "see through" by the Emperor Zhenlong and scared him. Kneel down and beg for mercy.

Han Ruzi never imagined that he could deceive the "bad guy". Strictly speaking, this person is just a crooked mind. Han Ruzi put down his arm and said, "Take him out and check carefully. The air in the head..."

His eyes just swept away, and everyone dragged the rogue to run out one after another, leaving Donkey Xiaoer alone, staring blankly at Zhenlong Tianzi.

"Hmm..." Han Ruzi just made a sound when Donkey Xiaoer also turned around and ran away.

In the next time, no one came into the house to watch the emperor. The Chao family came here one after another. The old fisherman looked excited and stared at the top of Han Ruzi's head for a while. After two sentences, he was also surprised that the emperor could see the traitor.

"It doesn't seem that difficult to deceive people." Han Ruzi said to himself.

Soon after the afternoon, Lin Kunshan finally came and entered the room alone, "Your Majesty can always surprise me, we didn't see the wrong person."

"You are the mastermind of all this?"

Lin Kunshan nodded, "I'm just one of the planners, but I can answer your Majesty's questions."

Han Ruzi was full of doubts, but for a while he didn't know where to start, "How did those who hope to gain the trust of so many people?"

Lin Kunshan laughed, "Your Majesty doesn't ask about the country or the emperor, but when you ask about this, it's really extraordinary. I didn't get His Majesty's trust last time I met, that was my mistake, I must make up for it today, let me Your Majesty, let's see what the air watchers are capable of."

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