The Child Emperor

Chapter 131 Timely Rain

There were enemies on both sides of the riverside village, and among the attackers was the figure of the Southern Army building boat.

This broke almost all his expectations.

"This is the Southern Army..." Han Ruzi tried his best to look at the lake, only to see three huge shadows, and there seemed to be some small boats around, none of which were ignited, slowly heading towards the riverside village like ghosts.

"Why?" The King of the East Sea asked in a trembling voice, turning his eyes to Han Ruzi, thinking he could get the answer from him, "Uncle knows that I am here, could it be... could it be..."

"Could it be that the Queen Mother has already won?" Han Ruzi could only come to this conclusion.

The East Sea King started shaking.

Once the balance between the empress dowager and the Cui family is broken, the gap that Han Ruzi depends on for survival will no longer exist.

Han Ruzi suddenly found that there was one less person around, and he disappeared without life. He said that when there was no help, he would not accompany him to death. In his opinion, this is probably the case now.

Han Ruzi was disheartened, but he was not the King of the East Sea. He was already used to the desperate environment. Unless he closed his eyes and couldn't open them again, he would never wait to die.

"Go back, start with the first team, don't go into the house, hide behind the house!" he ordered, and no one objected or questioned, and they were afraid that if they got an answer, they would lose the last hope.

The line was surprisingly tidy, retreating meant approaching the fire, and no one shouted.

Han Ruzi knew that he had to be calm, so he stood on the pier, facing the boats on the lake, without any obstruction in front of him, and shouted to the King of the East Sea: "Do the Southern Army also have sailors in Guizi Lake?"

The East Sea King didn't want to get close at all, but was pushed behind the "Emperor" by several guards, "The Southern Army has a group of high-rise boats on the Weihe River, which may be connected to the Guizi Lake. It will take at least half a day to get here from the Weihe River, which means... Arrangements have been made."

Han Ruzi just asked casually without any purpose. Chao Hua came up from behind, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, allow me to bring a few people to dig the boat."

"Is it possible?"

Chao Hua said with a smile: "We people have been fishing since we were young, and we stayed in the lake for half a day. Let's try it."

"Okay, General Chao, please order troops."

Seeing Han Ruzi dispatching troops in a serious manner, the East Sea King wanted to laugh, but he couldn't, so he could only hum a few times.

Chao Hua called out a series of names. Fourteen people were named. Most of them were teenagers from the Chao family fishing village. disappear into the night.

"It's useless. The soldiers of the building ship have spears, and they are specially designed to deal with them." The King of the East Sea still saw no hope.

The retreat was nearly complete, and only after the last centurion had left the dock did Han Ruzi walk towards the center of the stockade surrounded by guards.

"One side is burned to death, the other side is shot to death, drowned..." The East Sea King didn't want to go either.

There was a strange noise in the air, Han Ruzi and the others turned to look, only to see a rocket falling from the sky, hitting the position where he was standing just now, piercing deeply into the wooden bridge, trembling slightly, and the flame quickly extinguished.

"The archery of the Southern Army is not very good." Han Ruzi pretended to be relaxed.

"This is a test, and all arrows will be fired soon." The East Sea King was terrified and quickened his pace. He just wanted to get further away from the dock, but was dragged back by two guards.

Han Ruzi continued to move forward, neither fast nor slow, even though he heard a louder sound coming from the air behind him, he did not speed up his pace.

The guards frequently turned around and looked around, protecting the "Emperor" with their bodies as much as possible.

Dozens of arrows rained down on the wooden bridge of the pier.

Han Ruzi jokingly said, "If the golden girl is here, she will be happy. Her arrows are always not enough."

The calmness of the "Emperor" infected the people around, and a guard smiled and said, "Yes, if the Empress is here, one person can repel all the attackers."

The King of the East Sea was both ridiculous and frightened.

They finally reached the center of the stockade. There were not many houses left to cover more than 700 people. Han Ruzi was standing on the road, looking out at the flames, which was a bigger threat than the lake.

The flames had devoured the surrounding fence, the smoke was billowing, the heat was terrifying, and they were trying, trying to leap over the clearing, wiping out the last few houses and hundreds of living people in the stockade, like a The cat is using its claws to reach the mouse that has been cornered. The difference between the claws and the prey is often only an inch or two.

Are you really going to die here? Han Ruzi didn't dare to think about it.

There was a cry of pleading nearby. It was the captured officers and soldiers, who were kept in the vacant pigsty, closest to the flames.

"Let them out." Han Ruzi ordered, and immediately someone went to open the pigsty and cut off the ropes. A mourning.

After all, the flames did not rush over. The reeds on the north and south sides grew in the water, and the fire became smaller at first, and only the flames in the direction of the west gate were still strong.

Several rounds of arrows shot out from the lake, and the farthest ones penetrated deep into the stockade, penetrated the roof, and fell into the house.

No one made a sound, even the officers and soldiers gave up their wailing, and everyone silently waited for the final outcome like lambs.

Instead, Han Ruzi gave birth to a glimmer of hope, calling out the names of several centurions and ordering: "You five teams will be the forwards later, just rush, don't stay, your three teams protect the left wing, your three teams defend the right wing, and your five teams After the break, just meet, don't chase. You teams protect the old, young, women and children in the village, and the rest follow me and listen to my orders at any time..."

Every command was answered. The King of the East Sea couldn't laugh, but he felt a little admiration in his heart. The fire was just a little smaller, and Han Ruzi was thinking about how to break through. He couldn't do it. He still couldn't see any chance of winning. The fire changed. Weak but not extinguished, there will be many attackers outside. When the sky is a little brighter, the soldiers of the building boats in the lake will be able to land on the small boats... He didn't dare to think about it.

Suddenly something fell and hit his right cheek. The King of the East Sea was so frightened that he hugged a guard beside him tightly, using his body to block the attack.

The guard pushed him away and said dissatisfiedly, "Why?"

"There is... water." The East Sea King touched his face and confirmed that it was a drop of water. He looked up, and under the reflection of the firelight, there seemed to be dark clouds in the sky.

More and more people looked up to the sky, first baffled, then surprised, and finally ecstatic.

"It's going to rain! It's raining, God save us!" "It's the emperor, he is the real dragon, and God wants to save the real dragon!"

This was not the miracle Han Ruzi had expected. Even if there was no rain, the fire outside would have been extinguished, but this unexpected rain had affected him too much.

A gust of wind rose, and the flames outside made their last effort, extending their long tongues of flame, stabbing at the combustible things in the stockade. Suddenly, the rain poured down and the flames receded.

The crowd stayed for a while, cheered in unison, and knelt down to the Han Ruzi, their clothes were soaked, their hands and feet were muddy, they didn't care.

"Zhenlong Tianzi, I told you, he is Zhenlong Tianzi."

The King of the East Sea also knelt down, there was no way, the guards pressed his shoulders hard, unable to stand even if he wanted to.

He was both surprised and envious. Han Ruzi's luck was very good. Although it rained frequently in summer, it was a miracle that it happened to catch up with this time. But he also had to admit that if Han Ruzi was not ready and panicked at the beginning, the rain would have no meaning.

Han Ruzi stood in the rain and accepted the worship of everyone. He didn't believe in gods and Buddhas very much, but at this moment, he did have a sense of destiny.

The rain poured over his body, but he felt hot and dry, and said to himself in his heart: "I am the emperor, I am the emperor..."

The rain came and went quickly, as if it was specially designed to put out the fire.

The night did not subside, there was no flame, and it looked even darker. Han Ruzi, who had been poured into chicken soup, turned around, and the many volunteer soldiers could only see a vague figure. He also lay on the ground and dared not move.

"Once rich and noble, fortunately do not forget each other, no matter how long it has passed, I will remember today's followers. General Chao—"

Chao Hua and his companions had already returned. They were also stunned by the rain. They fell to their knees. Hearing the call, they walked forward on their knees in the muddy water, "The end will be here."

"Go and fetch the roster written by Master Chao. From now on, it will stay by my side."

"Yes." Chao Hua called the last person, went with him to the conference hall, lifted the wooden door out, and stood respectfully behind the "Emperor".

"Long live!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

Han Ruzi knew that he could keep these people for a while.

But the crisis was not over yet, and when the voices waned, Han Ruzi asked Chao Hua, "How is the situation on the lake?"

Chao Hua replied respectfully, "We scuttled a small boat just in time for the rain, and the enemy retreated."

The rain didn't last long, and the building boat of the Southern Army would come back soon. Han Ruzi ordered to set off. He didn't know where to go, and just wanted to leave the riverside village first.

Among the people, only the King of the East Sea did not believe in the saying of "the real dragon and the emperor". If God really blessed Han Ruzi, he would not let him abdicate and fall into such a ghost place.

The issues he considered were more realistic, and he walked up to Han Ruzi in mud, "What are you going to do? You won't expect God to help you."

Seeing the King of the East Sea, Han Ruzi had an idea instead, "The Southern Army attacked Hebian Village under the banner of the Chai Family, which means that you and I are not guilty of capital punishment."

"So what? You still have to die."

"Let's go to the Southern Army, go to the capital, and ask Mrs. Cui and the Queen Mother to clarify, and let the whole city know."

The East Sea King was speechless, and after a while, he said, "Let's talk about it when you escape the siege."

The 100-strong team that acted as the forward had already walked out of the stockade, and suddenly shouted, as if they would encounter the enemy as soon as they went out. Han Ruzi was about to order the battle when an excited voice came from the front, "The Queen Mother! The Queen Mother is back!"

Jin Chuiduo came back and brought a lot of people.

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