The Child Emperor

Chapter 264 Everyone has a plan

The city was surprisingly quiet. There was no attack, no reconnaissance, and no messengers. The two stalemate armies seemed to have completely forgotten that there were nearly 40,000 soldiers outside the city.

As time passed, the scouts in front of the tower saw the frequent mobilization of the army in the city. After hearing the news, Han Ruzi became more and more restless. Shortly after noon, Cui Teng brought the exact news.

Second Young Master Cui ran back from the city, without even wearing his armor, he rushed into the tent and said loudly, "Brother-in-law, run, the city has already spread, the Southern Army and the Su Wei Army are going to launch an attack together, tomorrow morning. , it's too late to run now."

He stood at the door, holding a whip in one hand and calling to Han Ruzi with the other, his face sweating with urgency.

"Ms. Cui is willing to let you out of the city?" Han Ruzi asked.

"Father doesn't have time to take care of me. He's in a daze right now. Just thinking about how to defeat Shangguan Sheng and you, he doesn't care about any family affection. Brother-in-law, you shouldn't stay here. If father is serious this time, he will definitely kill you."

"When he sent three assassins, didn't he come for real?" Han Ruzi smiled. Once he knew the other party's plan, he was less nervous.

"Assassins are easy to deal with. The Southern Army and the Su Wei Army join forces, but you can't beat them." Cui Teng was not polite at all, "Don't wait here to die, let's go to the Northern Army."

Han Ruzi thought for a while, then shook his head, "I can't go."

"Why? Anyway, there are 100,000 Northern Army soldiers, so just turn around and fight again." Cui Teng said in surprise.

Of course, Han Ruzi could not leave. Because of his existence, the two armies in the city did not dare to act rashly. As soon as he left, the Southern Army and the Suwei Army would inevitably start a war. The winner would be the emperor, occupying the entire capital and the imperial court. It is rumored that even without Baoxi, it can command the world.

Once the general situation is set, no one can predict whether the North Army will fight for him or not. Even if the North Army is completely loyal to him, it will be a tough battle, and it will be an unjust battle, and the people who support him will only become more and more less.

"Because... Once I leave, I will appear too timid." Han Ruzi reduced the reason to this sentence.

Cui Teng put down his whip and nodded earnestly, "Yes, I admire your courage, what should I do? Or... let's just lead the army into the city, and everyone will beat all the time and win with courage, even if we die, we can stay here. Fang Qiangu."

Cui Teng's eyes lit up, and he really thought it was a good idea.

Han Ruzi said with a smile: "If we die, we won't stay forever, we will only be stinky for thousands of years, and we will be considered as fools beyond our own power."

"I don't care if I'm a fool, I'll be stinking for thousands of years... It's a bit unbeautiful, brother-in-law, what do you say?"

Han Ruzi let out a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, there was really no one around him. His cronies were either far away from the Northern Army or trapped in the city.

"Are you really willing to help me?"


"If I win, Taifu Cui and King Donghai are both sinners."

Cui Teng was stunned for a moment. He had never thought about the events after the war. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Will you kill my father and the East Sea King?"

"As long as they are willing to surrender, I will be generous," Han Ruzi said.

Cui Teng grinned and said, "That's it. If my father and the East Sea King win, they will definitely kill you, but if you win, you won't kill them, so I will help you, and this family is still a family."

Han Ruzi couldn't bear to lie to him, but in this war, the most useless thing was the truth.

"I want you to lead the five hundred Northern Army to set off immediately, go to meet the main force of the Northern Army, and return tomorrow morning."

"The Northern Army is so close?" Cui Teng was overjoyed.

Han Ruzi hummed, for Cui Teng, the more he explained, the more confused he would become, so Han Ruzi simply gave an order, picked up a pen and paper, wrote a short message, put it in the letter, and sealed it with wax oil, "Bring this letter with you. The letter, go to Baiqiao Town to open it, remember, it must be in Baiqiao Town, not early or late."

"Is it a good idea?" Cui Teng was so excited that his voice trembled, he ran over a few steps, carefully picked up the letter, put it in his arms, and gently stroked through his clothes, "What exactly is written in the letter... I don't ask , Baiqiao Town, remember. I'll start now, I can reach Baiqiao Town at night, receive the main force of the Northern Army, and then return, tomorrow morning - the time may be a little tight. "

"As soon as possible, but you must go to Baiqiao Town."


Han Ruzi called the generals of the Northern Army and asked them to immediately dispatch 500 soldiers to follow Cui Teng to Baiqiao Town, and give more horses, two for each person, to ensure that the horses would not stop.

Less than half an hour later, Cui Teng led the troops out. He was simple-minded and didn't ask much. After a while, he gave up and thought that the main force of the Northern Army was not far from the capital. His emotions infected many people. The camp went north, and the soldiers in the entire camp thought that the northern army would arrive early tomorrow.

In fact, there is still no news about the main force of the Northern Army. Han Ruzi's letter to Cui Teng asked him to bring back a batch of Northern Army flags in Baiqiao Town as a bluff.

The Northern Army led by Cai Xinghai had a camp outside Baiqiao Town. At first, they left in a hurry, and many things were left in the camp, including some flags. If there was time, Han Ruzi also asked Cui Teng to find some black cloth and temporarily fake it. batch.

Han Ruzi really had no tricks to use and no reinforcements, so he had to create a support soldier, hoping to scare the two troops in the city tomorrow morning and buy himself a little more time.

For the southern army outside the city, this move was indeed very effective. Regardless of whether the time was reasonable or not, they thought that Juan Hou had been prepared a few days ago, and the northern army had already set off.

Han Ruzi summoned the generals of the southern army, without concealing the imminent danger, and even claimed that the attack in the city was likely to be ahead of schedule. Room - if the main force of the North Army did not show up tomorrow, no one can say that he lied.

"In this battle tomorrow morning, defending the camp is victory." Han Ruzi was vague, "But our terrain is not good, what do you think?"

The Confederate generals were all looking forward to getting a big reward after the war, and they thought that the Northern Army would arrive tomorrow, so they rushed to come up with ideas.

"It's better to step back a certain distance. There is a high ground ten miles away, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"It's only one night, and it's too late to build the camp, and if we retreat, we will leave more room for the two armies in the city to move around, which is more conducive to them joining forces. If we retreat and they come out to chase, this battle will be even more difficult to fight."

"Then demolish the nearby houses, and there is still time to build a circle of low walls, which can block it for a while."

"Then you have to take precautions against fire."

"It's better to use offense instead of defense."

"The opposite is the city wall, we don't even have a ladder, where should we attack?"

"How long do we have to hold on? An hour? Half a day? Or a whole day?"


There were different opinions. In the end, all the generals turned to Marquis Juan. When he made a decision, Han Ruzi carefully listened to everyone's opinions and came up with an idea, which Cui Teng also proposed and was rejected by him. "Offensive instead of defense..."

"The capital is heavily guarded, and our army lacks equipment. Attacking the city is killing itself." A general reminded again.

Han Ruzi was not thinking of attacking the city, "Do you think that the southern army and the Suwei army in the city will work together?"

The generals looked at each other, and one of them said, "That's impossible, not to mention that the two armies are their masters and are fighting for the throne. Even in peacetime, our southern army also looks down on the Su Wei army, they are all pretentious, and they are not as good as the northern army. ."

The generals burst into laughter, remembering that Marquis Juan was the chief Sima of the Northern Army, and hurriedly stopped laughing.

Han Ruzi didn't care, he laughed himself, and then said sternly: "In this way, the alliance between the southern army and the Suwei army in the city is only an expedient measure."

The generals did not speak, this is an obvious fact, and there is no need to answer.

"Since it is an expedient measure, why can't we join forces with the Southern Army in the city to attack the Suwei Army? Everyone is a Southern Army and belongs to the same lineage."

The generals looked at each other in dismay, and no one was stupid. They all knew that Marquis Juan had the intention of proclaiming emperor, but the main force of the Northern Army had not yet arrived. Because of this, Taifu Cui would never be able to unite with Hou Juan.

"Who's going to talk? Will Cui Da Sima and Donghai King agree?" a general asked.

"Don't talk about it, just convince the Su Weijun that there is such a union."

Some generals understood Marquis Juan's strategy, while others were still puzzled. Han Ruzi said, "I want to launch an attack before the army in the city can attack and go straight to the north gate. If you don’t stay behind closed doors, the Guards will not move, and the Southern Army in the city probably won’t move either.”

Everyone understands that this plan is a bit abrupt at first, but when you think about it, it is likely to succeed. The three armies are suspicious of each other, and any change may be magnified.

The generals began to praise this as a coup. Han Ruzi attributed the credit to the general who proposed "offensive instead of defense", and then handed over the specific arrangements to the generals. The timing of this attack is very important, it must be just right, not too early. , it can't be too late, and it has to be withdrawn in time to avoid heavy losses.

Although there were nearly 40,000 soldiers in the camp, they arrived in a hurry. They lacked almost everything except the armor and food they carried with them. The generals and officers worked hard to arrange them, and in the end they could only gather 5,000 troops to attack. This is not a battle to win, 5,000 people are enough.

Everything is ready, it is already the second watch, five thousand soldiers will be able to leave the camp and rush to the capital when they are on horses. of the entire camp.

Han Ruzi had no choice but to wait. As for what to do after tomorrow, he had to take one step at a time.

It was a sneaky night.

At about the same time, several masters under Hua Bin sneaked into the palace by water. Their task was very simple and arduous. They had to capture the key, open a palace gate, and let the Tan family's team and the southern army enter the palace.

Shangguan Sheng arranged for the Su Weijun to relax the guard intentionally, intending to lead the snake out of the hole and find the lost seal.

In the neglected Nancheng, Cai Xinghai has joined Loach and others to start a fierce battle with the Tan family who are monitoring them, and to find a way to rescue those Juanhou supporters who are controlled by the Southern Army.

Everyone is confident in their plans.

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