The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1655: In one's way

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"Crazy, crazy!"

Numerous people in front of the water curtain said na na.

The Truth Court at this time really did have red eyes. It didn't care at all, as long as it could kill Ye Chen, they wouldn't care even if they killed a civilian in an instant.

"Do you think that only you have this power?"

Ye Chen was bombed seven times in a row, and also got angry.

The Truth Tribunal is obviously ready to die. At this time, if he does not show the corresponding strength and hurt the Truth Tribunal, he can’t let them know what awe is.

"Just show you, I also have the power to destroy the court of truth."

In Ye Chen's eyes, a cold...

The Star of Truth, Jupiter, is one of the planets under the Court of Truth. All of them are the fairy army of the Court of Truth, and no one else exists.

On this day, Jupiter was on guard, and everyone knew that an enemy had arrived.

"You said, who is that blood shadow, and how much hatred we have in the court of truth? Why should we attack? Is it really the punishment of the gods."

A fairy army could not help asking.

"Shut up, that is just an enemy, not a god. No matter how powerful the enemy is, we will be defeated by our great court of truth."

The leading Centurion reprimanded suddenly.

They were discussing, and suddenly someone exclaimed, countless people raised their heads and saw an incredible scene.

I saw a fierce burning cloud, which appeared on the top of my head. This burning cloud is so large that the range covers the entire falling Jupiter, like a winged phoenix. Everyone's eyes widened and they were startled.

It was not a burning cloud at all, but a flame and a meteorite!

"Phoenix Dance for nine days!"

As a cold voice descended, the endless fire rain fell from the sky, like a flame of meteorite smashing down, covering the entire falling Jupiter. Almost in a blink of an eye, all the buildings, war equipment, and fairy army on the planet. They were smashed into pieces by flame meteorites, and finally even the entire planet exploded and turned into dust in the universe.

Strike out the stars!

The fairy troops stationed above were all turned into gray flying.

This is the horror of Suzaku looks! In the ascending state, Ye Chen can display the horror divine magic of many mythical creatures, Suzaku. However, each of these divine magics takes a long time to brew. In battle, it is too late to release, but it is powerful against solid targets. Absolutely.

It was only open. Ten minutes later, Ye Chen was on the sky of Thick Saturn, releasing Qinglong’s magic thunder falls, and thundering for nine days. He was led down by him. The cities within a few miles were all thunder and lightning.

Countless thunderbolts eventually turned into a fiery white thunder ball. The thunder ball was ten feet in size, and there was a terrifying power condensed in it.


On Saturn, brilliant white light illuminated, which was not light, but thunder and lightning condensed to the extreme. The terrifying thunder and lightning instantly destroyed the entire planet. Innumerable war equipment turned into smoke in the thunderstorm. Blocks of fortifications were destroyed directly.

Ye Chen still did not kill any innocent people, all the dead were the fairy army under the court of truth.

Throughout the universe, countless people have witnessed this blow.

Suddenly, everyone took a breath of air. This power is unimaginable. Although Xianzun can smash the stars, I have never seen anyone destroying a star with such ease. One blow on the star, even if it is five Daxianzong's head teacher dare not say that he has this skill?

But Ye Chen didn't stop her footsteps. After 20 minutes, Ye Chen once again performed the magic of the beast Qilin, mixing Yuan Qigong, and slamming a planet with an earthquake.

Thirty minutes later, Ye Chen has completed the super-god killing...

He traveled along the way and released six large-scale magic arts in succession, destroyed six planets with only the base of the truth court, and killed hundreds of thousands of truth court fairy troops.

But this is not the most terrifying...

An hour later, Ye Chen flew over the power star.

It was originally a beautiful place with four seasons like spring. The residents living on it are honest and kind, and live a life without dispute.

But later, the Tribunal of Truth slaughtered all the aborigines on the charge of "spreading chaos" and forced the planet to be named as a power star. The people living on it were all dignitaries in the Court of Truth, and even the chief judge. Chang himself has a holiday palace here.

Even in the Truth Court, you cannot enter this powerful star with insufficient status, let alone a monk who is not a Truth Court, but today, there is an uninvited guest here.

Ye Chen stood on the atmosphere outside the power star, his hands spread out, and his eyes flashed with absolute killing intention and expressionless indifference.

A classic scene he had seen suddenly flashed in his mind. He could not help raising his hands and said coldly:

"At this moment, let the world feel pain!"

Under the frightened gaze of countless truth court dignitaries, he stretched out his hand in the eyes of the entire universe, and a colorful ball surrounded by a multicolored light appeared in Ye Chen's palm.

Heaven's evil seeks the jade!

At the moment when I saw this thing, everyone on the power star cried and cried out, just because they often used this thing to threaten other people on weekdays, only to know the horror of Tiansha seeking Daoyu!

But Ye Chen didn't give them the time to beg for mercy and escape, and directly threw the delicate ball down, and urged it away.


This time, Ye Chen took the practice of flying ascendant, and urged the Dao Jade to release the terror fluctuations. Where is the truth court those who use the Divine Array or Xianbao to urge the comparison. That mighty power is far beyond everyone's imagination. If Honglian were not still on the truth star, Ye Chen's blow could destroy the whole truth galaxy!


Surrounded by a beam of thunder, like a black and black, a white and white chaotic mine, descended from the sky and landed on a powerful star.

The picture was a meal, and in the horrified expression of countless people, the magnificent gold palace above the power star, the luxurious palace, like a fortress on the beach, collapsed instantly. The entire power star, directly like a bubble phantom, exploded, and then disappeared.

Only a black hole exuded with horror, which seemed to be a laughing mouth, mocking everyone in the court of truth.

The court of truth that has always begged Daoyu for threats, intimidation, deterrence, and even killing others, has finally been retaliated today, and he has tasted the power of Qiu Daoyu!

From the beginning to the end, Ye Chen's expression was very calm. The wailing, begging, intimidation and other actions of the Truth Court dignitaries could not shake his mind. Since this group of people dare to use the evil spirit to deal with themselves, don't leave Blame yourself for letting them taste this thing.

With one's way, still oneself!

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