The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1693: Green Cloud Excalibur

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Facing the overwhelming coercion of the Divine Sword Immortal Venerable, the ordinary Immortal Venerate may even have difficulty breathing, but only felt that every part of the body was pierced by the extremely sharp sword and finally killed by life.

However, Ye Chen's face did not change color, and he pointed like a knife, struck in the air.



The tide of vitality was split in half directly in front of Ye Chen. The whole sky suddenly sounded thunderous thunder, a pair of wonders appeared in front of everyone.

I saw Ye Chen as the center, and a white line emerged, straddling the sky. On both sides of the white line, the tide of vitality, visible to the naked eye, roared like a waterfall, and madly poured into the middle.

Divine Sword Immortal Zun looked cold, Ye Chen's finger, seemingly weak, but it happened to be at the base of his sword domain. What the eyes see is their own territory, which is very powerful, but it is actually the expansion of the Divine Realm.

However, the cultivation of the Immortal Sword Immortal is extremely advanced, and he has already transformed his own Divinity into a Sword Territory, but this is after all a Divine Territory. The base point was broken, and the area suddenly collapsed.


At this time, even the Sword Immortal Venerable, could not be angry with his heart. He looked at Ye Chen coldly, his eyes staring at Jianmang coldly: "Shuangye Xianzun, it seems that I looked down on you before. Just, let me see, I'm in the real power of the universe."

After speaking, the sword sword fairy statue waved big sleeves.


I saw a whole body of blue, simple and broad little sword flying out of his sleeve.

As soon as this little sword reached the air, it suddenly turned into a monstrous sword. This dazzling blue sword awn, which rises from the top of the **** Immortal Sovereign, but traverses the entire sky, reaching nearly ten thousand feet, just like the ancient god's sky sword.

"This sword is named Qingyun. Follow me for 3.5 million years in the universe, and countless enemies. You are not the first nor the last."

Immortal Sword Sovereign had a sword in his hand, and his temperament suddenly changed. Looking down at Ye Chen, it looks like ants.

At this time, the Sword Immortal Venerable was the first person in the universe that was truly invincible for three million years.


Ye Chen had no fear in his eyes, his blood was boiling, and he stepped out and raised his fists.

The void is boiling, the vitality is turbulent, and the vitality of dozens of miles is gathered in front of Ye Chen. The whole of him was shrouded in a gleaming golden light, like a **** coming down the world.

Immortal Sword Sovereign also waved with long sleeves, nearly ten thousand sword mansions, immediately cut off from the sky, pointing directly at Ye Chen.

This world war that shook the entire universe finally broke out.


The gigantic Jianmang is as agile as a dragon, splitting the sky. Before the sword gas arrived, there was frost and cold between heaven and earth. At the top of Qianjian Mountain, the sound of ding jingle was heard. It was a tiny sword awn, hitting in the void, making a metallic symphonic impact.

Many Immortal Venerables are totally awe-inspiring.

With this sword alone, the Divine Sword Immortal Venerable sits firmly in the universe first. His sword energy is magnificent, can it be a sword slave? It is the elder ancestors such as the spirit beast ancestors, who dare not say that this sword is hard.

But Ye Chen came step by step like an unmatched **** of war.

From inside to outside, he radiated a bright golden light. At the end of the golden light, he condensed on the right fist and waved with Ye Chen. With a loud bang, it smashed into the gigantic Jianmang.

Fivefold-Nether Realm Fist!


Hong Zhong's loud voice resounded between heaven and earth. The mighty energy swept across the top of the mountain and burst into a cloud of white gas.

A shocking scene appeared, and the vast sword energy, even under Ye Chen's fist, exploded. Like the explosion of firecrackers, at the end, even the ancient swords inside Qingyun seemed to be unbearable and hummed.

God Sword Immortal face Gu Jingwu wave, although weak, but did not panic.

He put his hand in his hand, and the cyan flying sword immediately drew a complete sword arc in the air, like the swallow's three copying the water, and lightly touched the tip of Ye Chen's fist three times. go with.

"Come again!"

Ye Chen was so passionate that he stepped on the void, and Ling Tian went up.

The bright golden dignity enveloped him, full of immortality, supremacy, and strong charm. This is already the reflection of the power of the Nine Great Divine Facies, which is blessed on top of the Divine Body. As soon as he merged into one, it was when he set foot on the robbery.

The thirteenth sword of the Immortal Sword Immortal Sword, Dao Dao Jian Qi split on Ye Chen. But even Jinmang could not split.

On the contrary, Ye Chen hit the Qingyun Ancient Sword with thirteen consecutive punches, one punch heavier than the other, as if Taishan hit it, making Shenbao Feijian buzzing and trembling, faintly unable to support.

"Qingyun is a true peak **** treasure, only a half-step away from the supreme **** treasure, and he can't even cut his flesh. This Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable Cultivator has also become a vajra."

Fire Moon Fairy was surprised.

Everyone's eyes could not help looking at the spirit beast ancestor, even in the immortal sect, only the spirit beast peak power, the strength of the basalist to the limit, can have this realm.

The ancestor of the spirit beast stared at Ye Chen with a dignified face and said nothing.

In the sky, the battle continues. Whether it is the Immortal Sword Sovereign, or Ye Chen, they are all invincible and powerful. There are countless hole cards and many secrets to control. I saw the long sword of the Immortal Sword Sovereign waved, the Qingyun sword turned into nine sword qi, fell from the sky, like a meteor hit.

Nine Xiao Lingyun sword, one sword transforms nine, nine sword qi, corresponding to the stars in the sky, just like the nine stars in the sky. It is one of the high and deep swordsmanship of the Immortal Sword Sage.

Each of these nine sword spirits is not as inferior as the body. Immortal Venerable Sword, once used this sword to defeat ten Immortal Venerable in a row, and subdued one religion. Really shaking the earth.

But Ye Chen was standing in the air, even if she did not shy away, she carried it with her body.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding----!"

Jian Qi hit him, and even made a noise, as if hitting a steel plate. His whole body shone with divine glory, and the golden light was like a raging wave, standing like a **** king, eternally undefeated.

"Sword Sword Sovereign, your strength is not very good."

Ye Chen looked up and said lightly.

The strength of the Divine Sword Immortal Venerable, he had already seen it in his predecessors, and he hung up and beat him, and once he lost his confidence. In the face of this so-called first person in the universe, Ye Chen has always had an advantage in his heart. .

Immortal Sword Sovereign was calm and unmoved by him.

"go with."

I saw a pinch of the dharma sword fairy statue.


The Qingyun Sword suddenly turned into a long and beautiful Qingxia, gorgeous and beautiful, like a rainbow in the sky. Although Jianmang is far less powerful than before, at this time Jianmang is condensed to the extreme, but it is more dangerous, and a sword can be cut out to kill Xianzun.


As the Excalibur Sword waved, Qingxia instantly broke through the void, drawing a long arc in the air and chopping towards Ye Chen. This sword antelope hangs its horns, and it is wonderful. All Xian Zun saw a chill in their hearts.

They asked themselves, instead of facing the sword themselves, there was no possibility of evasion except for initiating body protection and super resistance!

This sword is the true ability of the Immortal Sword God!

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