The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1697: Fairy Emperor

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For many monks in the universe, at this time, the **** of swords and swordsmen respected them like a god, and the vastness made the world and the world change color, no one was not surprised. Many people who were weak were kneeling directly on the ground, shaking.

There are many immortals, all in horror, as if facing the huge monster.

But Ye Chen was not afraid.

Xiaoxian Emperor's distance from the real torture is different. There was only one wave. At the end of this wave, the Sword Immortal Venerable will fall back to the top of the Ascension Realm. Unless he has worked hard for millions of years, he can simulate the crossover again.

It has been practiced for millions of years, only for one shot, no wonder that the sword of God Sword Immortal hates Ye Chen very much. At his age, where can there be millions of years of hard work? This time the simulated crossing was broken, basically there is no expectation of the Immortal Emperor in this life.

And this kid, in his own face, showed the power of nine-nine-nine unity, and made it clear that he had no obstacles when he set foot on the robbery. How did he not be jealous and hate?


Ye Chen soared into the sky, and the golden flame was shining, like a chariot of gods crossing the sky.

The Divine Sword Fairy, just reached out and patted lightly.


In an instant, the world lost its color.

A huge torrent of vitality, thick like a tree trunk, gathered from all directions, and turned into a giant palm that was only one kilometer in size before the Sword Immortal Venerable. The giant palm is like a god's left hand, covering the sky and the sun, and the entire top of Qianjian Mountain is covered by this hand. It was photographed with a palm, but it will be cut off by Nu Longjiang.


Ye Chen poured into the giant palm, suddenly felt the vitality around him, suddenly condensed into a steel plate, extremely hard. Compared with the previous sword territory, it is not as powerful as it was before. There are already a few eyes of the fairy emperor, all of which are the colors of their own territory.

"On this basis, I can't help me."

Ye Chen sneered, and his horror truth turned into a real golden awn. These golden awns filled Ye Chen within ten feet of the whole body, just like a copper wall and an iron wall, even if the Daoyu jade could not be bombarded. In the end, as Ye Chen burst into slamming, the golden glow burned into flames.


The gleaming golden flames burned out one by one, and one rushed out for a long time before stopping.

From the outside, I saw the huge palm of the god, and suddenly a huge hole was burned by Jin Yan. It's as if the wax is gone. This mixed and huge power can scare other immortals, but Ye Chen can't help it. His strength is as pure and pure as a hundred alchemists, he can only be destroyed by bumps and smashed with tofu, even mountainous tofu is useless.


Without any help, Shenjian Xianzun did not panic, but just gave a sip.

Suddenly, countless vitality gathered into a sword gas tornado. One, two, three... In the end, there are ninety-nine ways like dragon sword spirit, supporting the earth and the earth. Even from the Nulong River, huge water columns rushed up. Everyone looked up as if they saw the storm coming.

Nine Tribulation Slaughter Demon Sword!

But at this time, the **** of swords and gods exhibited more than ten times stronger than before?

"Every sword energy tornado is comparable to the full blow of the Divine Sword Immortal Venerable. For example, there are ninety-nine paths in the world today, which is equivalent to ninety-nine flying peaks. It’s a real trip, but that’s all.”

Zhou Daoxuan's face was horrified, and the other teachers were equally shocked.

Although they are strong, when the strongest men who are also the top of the ascension team up, they can only have one enemy at a time. If there are three people at the top of the ascension, they must also withdraw. What is the concept of the ninety-nine tops of ascension? Enough to flatten the entire universe, even the union of the five immortals, may not be able to contend.

"How strong are they?"

A look of awe, not only looked at the Sword Immortal Venerable, but also looked at Ye Chen.

For everyone, Excalibur is powerful, but Ye Chen, who can force the Divine Sword Immortal's bottom card, isn't it a strong one?

"No matter who wins or loses in this battle, the first person in the universe will be determined. The other Immortal Venerables can only look to their backs, and eternal life cannot be surpassed."

The Spirit Beast ancestor said.

Everyone silently foreheaded, and no one dared to refute.

What is the first in the world?

It is not the world that is challenged every day. The person who is shocked when he hears his name, and he dare not rise up even with a hint of challenge, is the real number one in the world!

Both of them in the field already possessed such invincibility.


In the void, ninety-nine sword pillars soar into the sky, and within a thousand miles of Qianjian Mountain, they are enveloped by this terrifying sword-qi long dragon. The airship warship, which was so shocked to watch around, receded again and again. Some who were not in a hurry, were directly caught in the sword gas and tore into pieces instantly.

Countless people looked up to see how Ye Chen responded to the magical swordsmanship.


This time, Ye Chen was no longer strong.

The Xuanchen Immortal Emperor behind him opened his eyes directly and emptied a little.

In an instant, an unprecedented spectacle appeared in front of me, and I saw that ninety-nine ways were like dragon sword qi, all solidified in the air, and no matter how the Divine Sword Immortal Venerable urged, I could not enter.


As Ye Chen spoke again, Xuan Chen Immortal Emperor behind him suddenly opened his mouth and sucked hard, actually swallowing all the ninety-nine sword gas tornadoes into his belly, and there was no one left.

"Your ability is not good, I am not half full."

Ye Chen swallowed the sword qi, leaning his eyes on the **** sword fairy.

At the bottom of the mountain, everyone was stunned, and the five Immortal Sects were all petrified.

They came up with thousands of cracking strategies for Ye Chen. Unexpectedly, Ye Chen swallowed it in a single bite, and did not drag on. As if that monstrous sword gas, just like a joke.

"He, what is the appearance of God behind him?"

Someone stuttered.

"This... I'm afraid it's a real cross-border powerhouse, but I don't know why, it will be driven by Shuangye Xianzun?"

The Spirit Beast ancestor said in awe.

Fairy Fire Moon frowned for a long while and said, "Do you look at the **** behind it, is it somewhat similar to Shuangye Xianzun?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked.

"The sword master is in trouble."

Zhou Daoxuan said solemnly.

In fact, the Sword Sword Sovereign is indeed in trouble now.

No matter what magical powers he exhibited, and how powerful it attracted, Ye Chen swallowed it in one swallow. After the nine gods were unified, the appearance of the Xuanchen Immortal Emperor was equivalent to having the power of nine great gods, and it was nine. Of course, the power of the Great God looks completely, and it is certainly not a problem to devour the supernatural powers.

"Get up!"

In the end, the Sword Immortal Venerable was forced.

He directly transformed the spirit of heaven and earth into a big hand, picked up a nearby planet and threw it to Ye Chen. Although the planet is only a satellite, it is also about the size of the moon. Where can ordinary fairy lords withstand, that is, control the power of the little fairy emperor, the **** sword fairy venom that can be squandered indiscriminately, can do such exaggerated things.

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