The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 325: Let's go together

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As soon as Xiao Fu's remarks fell, the entire Xiao Mansion was instantly silent. Everyone's eyes fell on Ye Chen, waiting for the legendary warrior's choice.

Going forward, facing the Eight Martial Saints, and Xiao Fu, who is enough to match Qiu Lingyun, is Xiao Yi's absolute closeness and not necessarily an opponent.

Retreat, reputation is ruined, one house, two pavilions, three gates and four factions will inevitably make trouble together. No matter how strong Ye Chen is, he will not be the opponent of many strong men.

Entering is dead, retreating is dead, Ye Chen's hustle and bustle when he went to the door, but only five minutes later, he suddenly fell into the choice of life and death.

Under everyone's attention, the sweat on the forehead of Lu Xinghe oozed, even if he learned the star evil sword spectrum, but after all, he learned only a few tricks. If he turns his face with so many people today, there will be death.

But why was the Stargazer ever afraid of death?

Lu Xinghe gritted his teeth and said: "Even so, Master Ye Xian is kind to me, I am today..."

Before his words were finished, Ye Chen waved lightly: "You retreat and help me protect Bingyao."

Lu Xinghe looked stunned. When he saw Ye Chen's calm expression, he suddenly remembered that he had blue hair flying that day, as if he were a god.

He responded softly, then stepped back and stood next to the first, standing with his palm on the hilt and standing tall.

Seeing this situation, the seven dragons of Canglong were all happy and said, "So, did Ye Wushen agree to point them out?"

However, Ye Chen shook his head, and immediately made everyone frown. This guy...want to run? If he really has the power of the **** realm and escapes with all his heart, then there is really no way for everyone.

For a time, everyone held their breaths and concentrated on alert, ready to intercept at any time, for fear that this guy suddenly escaped.

But Ye Chen put down the glass calmly and raised his head indifferently: "Eight? Too few, you go together. I am afraid of Yemou?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Eight, too few? Ye Chen's words made even Xiao Fu's face change.

The eight martial saints stand between the heavens and the earth, and their internal energies are extremely high, just like the eight ambassadors Lin Fan. Or Sword Qi Xiaoxiao, or Daomang Aoshi, or nothingness... The eight who cultivated to the lowest are all high-ranking, headed by the Holy Land, Xiao Fu, which is even more unpredictable and has entered the ranks of half-step divine realm.

In this way, the eight martial saints joined forces and it was the resurrection of Ito Musashi.

And this leaf dust is still too little?

Xiao Fu's expression was slightly stagnate, and he suddenly looked at Tang Junyi, Tang Junyi, and said: "Tang Menzhu, I'll wait for the day's agreement to shoot together. Why should you betray you?"

Tang Junyi snorted sternly: "Xiao Guanjia, Tang only promised to welcome Wushen with you at the time, but he never said that he would be disrespectful to Ye Wushen. Today, I am not involved in Tangmen."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him suddenly cast a look of contempt, obviously he felt that the Tangmen master was timid and afraid of being a hero. Even Tang Men's own disciples felt embarrassed and could not lift their heads.

Only Tang Zongze took a long breath, knowing that he had informed his father of the majesty of Ye Wushen that day, and finally it worked.

Tang Junyi's contemptuous eyes on everyone were unconscious, but he narrowed his eyes and stared in the courtyard, secretly said: "Ye Wushen, are you looking at the world like Zong Ze said, let me see it with my own eyes! "

"Oh, Ye Wushen, you wouldn't want to join the war, you're afraid, so let's say something deliberately." Xiao Yao was on the side, could not help ridicule Ye Chen.

"The deity speaks, where do you wait for the junior to intervene. Palms." Ye Chen raised his eyelids, snorted coldly, and waved his hand gently in his sleeve.


Xiao Yao seemed to be slammed by the invisible giant palm, and the whole person seemed to be hit by a train or a volley, flying up, and even smashing the Xiaofu Hall into a big hole.

When several Xiaofu disciples hurried over to see, they only saw Xiao Yao's face, swollen and tall, and his white teeth fell to the ground, and he couldn't even speak.

Countless people's faces suddenly changed, but this was the eldest son of Xiaofu, how to say he was also a strong man in the sanctuary, and one of the seven swords of the Canglong. He couldn't bear Ye Chen's slap.


Everyone present was even more disappointed.

Ye Chen's slap, obviously playing Xiao Yao, but in fact, it is the face of every person present, almost equivalent to raising his finger to say to them, I am not targeting anyone, I mean everyone here It's all rubbish.

Seeing this, Xiao Fu was even more angered, but after all, he was the strong man who got the true biography of the Xiao family, and he was very deep in kung fu. He was still suppressed and expressionless:

"Ye Wushen, the juniors made mistakes, just give them a little education. Instead, the eight Wu Sheng are waiting. As a majestic Wushen, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the old master, and you should come forward and point them out.

"Not bad, Ye Wushen, don't quit." The other Canglong Six Swords continued.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Chen's body. Obviously, just waiting for Ye Chen to say nothing, she turned her face on the spot.

Ye Chen seemed to be unaware, but looked up with interest and looked at Xiao Fu and others: "Only eight of you?"

"Wu Shen can beat us eight, let's talk about others." Ren Lifeng sneered.

Others carried their hands on their backs and stood between the heavens and the earth. They were majestic and majestic, and they stood like a towering high mountain, with great integrity and no words.

"Once I shot, I was not injured or disabled. What happened to you, don't blame Yemou for having a word first." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Hahahahaha!" Wu Shengqi Qi laughed wildly.

"Ye Wushen, I'm waiting for the fight, don't talk about life or death, despite shooting." Yuan really laughed, a bald head like the blazing sun, he bathed in golden glow, as if the reincarnation of the Luohan.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen put down his wine glass, rose up and jumped into the courtyard.

The Xiaofu compound is as big as three football fields. At this time, all the rich guests are invited into the inner hall, and the guardian circle is opened, and the nine people are killed and killed outside.

Everyone held their breaths at the same time, and Qin Shuhuan's eyes flashed with excitement.


This earth-shattering, unprecedented war of peerless martial arts has finally begun. Even Tang Junyi and others sat upright and raised their heads solemnly. The other warriors were even more excited.

On one side are the Seven Great Martial Saints, and Xiao Fu who is not born.

On one side is Ye Wushen who is famous for beating the world.

This must be an unprecedented battle that shakes the sun and the moon. Its wonderful level is definitely better than Ye Chen and Qiu Lingyun's previous battle. It will make many people memorize after countless years. I don't know how many martial saints will rise and some will fall in this battle.

But more people believe that the defeated party must be Ye Chen.

Only Liu Bingyao, Lu Xinghe, and others hung their hearts to their throats, staring nervously at Ye Chen, secretly praying that Ye Chen could win.

It is a pity that the development of things has shocked everyone's eye...

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