The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 350: I just don't have enough fun

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"My father was promoted to Xuan Xian?" Xiao Yao couldn't believe it.

Xiao Fu laughed and stared at the eyes: "The master has worked hard for a hundred years, and finally took this step. From now on, no one can be against him. My Xiao family also stands in the world, inheriting 10 million. year."

The other Canglong Six Swords also showed ecstasy, and the dragon's Qin Shuang and the killing of the wolf, etc., laughed:

"Mr. Xiao was promoted to Xuan Xian, and since then I have Xuan Xian sitting in China. No one dares to offend easily. This is God Bless China, God Bless You!"

Compared with them, those with strong magical realm looked at Ye Chen with their eyes shining brightly. With their abilities, of course, it can be seen that with Xiao Yijue himself, he can only wield a sword of Xuan Xian at most, and then he must die, and he can regenerate himself and be promoted to Xuan Xian, relying on Ye Chen.

Joyce exploded in his eyes, staring directly at Ye Chen: "This person absolutely holds the secret of value. If he is caught in my blood alliance, the black cardinals can even be promoted to Xuan Xian, and then the whole world will be Shake under the feet of our dark master!"

At this time, other powerful gods also had their own thoughts. They were just thinking about how to make good leaf dust, or intimidate and lure, and asked him to help him cross the threshold and set foot in the Xuanxian Realm.

But no matter how everyone commented on the ground. Where do the two ants stand in the sky?

Xiao Yi opened his eyes slowly, and suddenly attracted the real world around him. There was a wave of fluctuation. He first froze for a few seconds, and he tentatively stroked his hands, body, and cheeks, and then his eyes slowly returned to clarity.

"Me, am I Xuan Xian?"

Always like a fairy, the lonely and indifferent sword god, actually weeping directly in front of everyone, can see that this shackle, trapped him for too long, too long, or this place on the earth, trapped all warrior warlocks too For too long!

Ye Chen didn't speak, so he looked at him calmly, and for a while, Xiao Yi absolutely put away his tears and solemnly bowed to Ye Chen:

"Thank you, Daoyou, for helping me reshape the Taoism and help me enter the Xuanxian!"

"Since I have repaired my sword for ninety-seven years, I have been struggling every day. I dare not slack. I have been fighting for more than three hundred times. I have tried my best. But there is only half a step away from Xuan Xian. This half The step is the sky. Without the help of the Taoist friends just now, I am afraid that I will not be able to take this step in my life."

Xiao Yijie finished his speech and bowed solemnly again.

What he said is true. At this time, the resources on the earth are simply not enough to push Xiao Yi into Xuan Xian. Although Xiao Yijue was talented, he also had a great chance to cultivate the sword of heaven. But that last step, condensing all the spirits and spirits into one point, breaking through the heavenly gate, reborn, but it is as difficult as going to the sky.

If it were not for Ye Chen to nourish the pure spirit of the Emperor's glazed body, and then condense the spirit tree with Jindan, Xiao Yi created a cottage version of the Taoist body, and he could not be promoted at all.

Ye Chen's expression was calm and he said lightly: "How are you feeling now?"

After Xiao Yi closed his eyes and realized it, he smiled and said, "This day, this land, these seven seas, and the sun, moon, and stars are in my hands. Although I lost the Haotian sword, I no longer need it at all. No matter the sword in your hand or the sword in your heart, it doesn’t matter. As long as the sword **** is there, everything can be a sword."

This remark made everyone excited, especially the gods, who wished to record it word by word without punctuation. This is a genuine Xuan Xian, telling his feelings and experience!

Who knows at this time, Ye Chen laughed and said: "That's just your illusion."

"What?" Even with Xiao Yi's disposition, he couldn't help but show surprise, and asked, "Dao friends, what does this mean?"

Ye Chen's corner of the mouth raised sarcastically and said lightly: "You have only superficially controlled the power of heaven and earth, you feel that the sun, moon and stars are under control, but if you rise to a higher level, you will know that you and this vast star Compared to Yu, how small it is, the power you can control is nothing more than a drop in the ocean."

As soon as this remark came out, let alone Xiao Yijue, even others were stunned: "Are there even higher realms above Xuan Xian?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "When you reach the step of Xingxie Old Man, you will naturally understand what I said."

The old Xingxie is the peak Xuanxian. Although there is no golden pill, even ordinary cultivators in the out-of-orphan period are not necessarily opponents. However, Xiao Yi never just set foot in the Xuanxian Realm, of course, he could not sense it, and the earth is just a prisoner.

Xiao Yijue's life was the constant pursuit of the sword. Hearing Ye Chen's words, he recalled his sword like a fairy in the sky. He looked awe-inspiring suddenly, clenched his fists, and bowed deeply as a student:

"Please sir to enlighten me."

Everyone was shocked at once, knowing that when Mr. Xiao came out, it meant that Xiao Yi would never descend from his predecessor and treat Ye Chen as a mentor and adoptive father. He really is a person who is dedicated to the sword. Ask yourself next.

Ye Chen lightly laughed: "It's very simple, the sword in your hand, the sword in your heart, everything around you, whatever you think is your thing, it's not."

This remark was similar to what he said to Uesugi at the time. Unsurprisingly, Xiao Yi also showed an incomprehensible expression.

"Alas." Ye Chen sighed faintly. "It seems that to say, you can't understand it. Do it. When you lose, you will naturally know what is going on."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, Ye Chen...... He would have to fight again?

He shouldn’t think that he is really invincible in the world, know that Xiao Yijue at this time is already a real Xuan Xian. The sword of Xuan Xian before him has already forced out your body protection. Now There are more than one hundred swords and one thousand swords that people can produce?

It was Xiao Yiju himself, after carefully looking at Ye Chen, he shook his head slightly and said: "I didn't know before, but after I was promoted to Xuan Xian. Daoyou's ability, I have seen at a glance."

"You have a condensed body of True Aura, which is unprecedented and inferior to Xuan Xian. Shen Nian is more magnificent, but it can cover hundreds of miles. The body is even more powerful, even now I can't compare. "

"The body of Xuan Xian, the spirit of Xuan Xian, the power of Xuan Xian... Daoyou only needs the last Xuan Xian Realm, and can enter Xuan Xian at any time. Why not wait a few years to fight?"

After Jin Xuanxian, Ye Chen was strong, but he was no longer in Xiao Yi's eyes.

His breath is growing every moment, and the vigorous vitality is pouring into it. And his body is more like a bottomless hole. True energy, mana, soul, flesh, and perception of heaven and earth are all rising.

In just this moment of speaking, Xiao Yijie's strength has at least doubled. When he is consolidated, it is a real mystery. In the world, except for the blood demon and the legendary demolishing holy weapon in the Holy See, there is nothing that can threaten himself.

However, at this time, Ye Chen smiled coldly: "Xiao Yijue, have you made a mistake, I help you reshape the Taoism, not to pity your talents, or to sympathize with each other, and It’s just that battle, and I haven’t had fun.”

"If you can't let me enjoy yourself at this moment, what if I kill you again?"

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