The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 392: Yuanshen Royal Sword

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"Oh, uh--!"

The two men instantly confronted ten tricks, Ye Chen's sword was getting faster and faster, and the sword gas was getting stronger, but Joyce's magic gas gradually dimmed, and finally he couldn't take it anymore, the magic energy wrapped in his entire hands, Poured in all directions, the blood was dripping, and the whole person retreated.

Every time he stepped back and stepped on the void, he burst into a burst of energy. That was the sharp edge that he couldn't carry Zhu Xingjian and had to vent this force to the surroundings.

Ye Chen struck out with a sword, Joyce stepped back ten times before barely taking it off, even a pale flush appeared on his pale face.

"Haunt him, and give the archbishop time to recover!"

Several others immediately attacked again. Especially the giant monster Jet, like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, leaves Ye Chen tightly. On the field, except Joyce and he were able to carry Ye Chen a few moves, the others were basically the result of a sword.

"It's so annoying."

After chopping the giant monster Jet again and flying out, Ye Chen's eyes were cold.

These seven people are all powerful gods, not humans, but dark creatures with thick skin and strong recovery ability. And their teamwork is also very good. Once one cannot support it, others will immediately rush up to give colleagues time.

After all, Ye Chen has only one person, and there are seven of them, who can exchange energy.

The biggest headache for Ye Chen is the monster Monster. The monster's physical strength and recovery ability are quite against the sky. In the words of the game, it is the main meat shield.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Ye Chen took a sip, and Zhu Xingjian seemed to have the same intention as his master, sending out bursts of dragon chant.

"Everyone thinks that Xiao Yi is definitely a sword god, but he doesn't know. Is it true that he can imagine the real sword art?"

Ye Chen's bullet shouted long, wiped his palm with his blade, and on the star sword, a layer of blood-colored sharpness suddenly appeared.

Blood quenching!

"not good!"

The seven gods around them changed color at the same time. They all shot together, trying to stop Ye Chen, but it was too late...

"Just show you what is the real sword!"

Ye Chen's figure shook, and the whole person turned into a stream of light, as if integrated with Zhu Xingjian.

A dazzling blood-colored Changhong suddenly shot out into the air, instantly breaking through the void. This vast expanse of blood rainbow can hardly be described in words. It seems that the world is split into two parts by this sword.

Even from a distance of one hundred miles, you can see this dazzling sword rainbow.

As soon as this move came out, one sword turned into ten thousand swords, and ten thousand swords belonged to one sword.

Borrowing 90,000 mouths from the sword to Hantian, Han Mang flashed the magic fairy!


Blood Rainbow instantly turned into streamer, Yuanshen Royal Sword, flying fairy outside the sky, just like the sword fairy in the myth story, killing people thousands of miles away.

The black cardinals, even without reflecting it, were swept away by this bleak blood awn. At this moment, the time seemed to stop. Until the blood awn dissipated, their time began to elapse, and each showed their horror. Emoji.

Werewolf Fenrir's indestructible claws were chopped to pieces; the monster Jiete showed a deep sword mark on his chest, even his bones were divided into two. Isby, Nayali and Joyce were even cut in two...

Only Lucifer, who was hidden in the dark, and Oriana, who was farthest away, barely escaped the sword, but also looked ashen.

One sword is in the air, and three gods are cut!

Ye Chen's sword is so powerful that the horror is so extreme that even Xiao Yijue's feelings are more inferior than this sword.

Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue, horror like this.


Ye Chen defeated seven people with a sword and appeared in the void. Yuanshen Yujian is the privilege of Yuanying's mighty power, although Ye Chen, with his talent of immortal emperor and sea emperor's glazed body, can force it to perform , But the consumption is not small.

If Jin Dan had not been condensed, he might have been hollowed out after the sword came down.

But the effect of this sword is even more terrifying, even beyond the imagination of the Cardinal, even if their blood demon adults face this trick, they may not be able to survive!

"I can use this trick five more times. How many swords do you have enough for me?"

The recovery power of the Sea Emperor's glazed body is 100 times more terrifying than that of the monster. After a few breaths, Ye Chen recovers as before, carrying his hands, and the pupils are like the blue sky, standing high above the sky, overlooking everything.

Joyce looked stern and said nothing.

Oriana was embarrassed. If she hadn't been the protector of Lingbao, she had been cut into two pieces by Ye Chen. But even so, there was a deep sword mark on the necklace, the vitality was badly hurt, dull and dull, and it almost fell to the realm of spirit treasure.

As for the other five people, they were dead, wounded.

The momentum of the team of seven broke through in an instant.

"Ye Chen, are you really desperate to wait with me?"

Joyce's cheeks and arms began to be covered with a dark carapace, and the breath grew stronger, as if to break through the realm of Xuan Xian, and it looked very scary.

"I said that after today, there will be no gods in the West."

There was a lot of indifference in Ye Chen's eyes. Since this group of people dared to besiege themselves, they must pay a price!

The frightened figure of Nayali appeared in the void. There were only two ghost teeth left on the ruby ​​ring in her hand. This discovery made her face pale, facing Ye Chen, and she had no resistance at all.

As for Lucifer, the flesh healed together in an instant, intact, but with a pale face. It seems that this fallen angel is really hidden.

As for the clown Isby, he has not survived...

His magic tricks and various self-defense treasures were all cut by Ye Chen's sword before. At this time, facing the more powerful Yuanshen Yujian, he had no resistance and could only helplessly fall.


This murderous villain was particularly embarrassed when he died. It was because he knew the horror of death that he was more afraid of this moment.

"Archbishop, save, save me..."

Isby’s soul was exposed in mid-air, desperately wriggling to ask for help from other colleagues, but no one ignored him.

Dark creatures are all selfish. At this time, who is the enemy, who will spend their energy to understand a dead person? Now the more effort it takes to cure Isby, the lower the blade of Ye Chen’s sword, the lower their survival rate.

So in the face of Isby's help, no one spoke out, they were all grasping every minute and every second, and recovering the injury as soon as possible.

But Ye Chen didn't give this group of people a chance at all. He immediately shook his figure, and instantly merged with Feijian into a sword rainbow that runs through the sky. Jianhong instantly penetrated the void and passed by.

"Chop again!"

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