Zhang Wenyuan’s crazy behavior made Lin Yi’s mind spin.

In fact, the essay solicitation activity has now begun to completely transform into a commercial nature.

It’s a bit like the later live broadcast ranking model: PK for your favorite anchors.

This confrontational form will attract a large number of wealthy people to invest money in it.

It is a very simple and direct way to attract capital.


As the time goes.

The essay collection event officially started five days later.

When the event started, various rules were listed in detail.

After Zhang Wenyuan finished the military training that day, he stayed in front of the computer, waiting for the activity to begin. When he saw the rules of the activity, he screamed out in surprise.

"Fuck! Can you still play like this? "


“Brother Yuan, what’s wrong?”

Wang Lei and Ding Chen were discussing the plot and immediately gathered around when they heard the sound.

“The latest essay rules say that in addition to the one vote everyone can cast, there is also a function to vote for flowers, and flowers can be bought with money.”

“The top 100 people in the primary election will be selected based on the number of votes, and then the top 100 will be ranked from low to high based on the number of flowers.”

Zhang Wenyuan explained the rules word for word.

Then the whole person immediately started gearing up.

“Okay, okay, it turns out you can still play like this!”

Wang Lei and Ding Chen looked at each other.


“Then what’s the use of these flowers? As long as you enter the top 100 and pass the primary election, you can wait for the next vote.”

“Yes, the organizer’s head was caught in the door. Isn’t this unnecessary? Brother Yuan is not going to spend money to throw flowers to the monitor!”

“Of course I want to vote!” Zhang Wenyuan said without hesitation.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other again.

“Brother Yuan, to be honest, with you canvassing for votes, I estimate that the squad leader will definitely be in the top 100. As long as he passes the preliminary round, the ranking is meaningless.”

“Yeah, brother Yuan, don’t get stuck in it anymore.”

Zhang Wenyuan waved his hand very impatiently.

“What does it mean to be meaningless? The goddess ranking must not fall behind. Even if I lift her up, I will lift her to the first place.”

After that, he took out his mobile phone and asked his father for living expenses.

Lin Yi couldn’t help but smacked his lips.

Is this the number one brother on the list?

As expected, he was so proud.

It seems like this wave is going to make a lot of money.

Throwing flowers was an idea that Zhang Wenyuan came up with a few days ago.

Sure enough, it’s Fu Ge’s harvester.

You must know that there are countless people who have been deeply involved in ranking female anchors during live broadcasts.

This essay solicitation activity is said to be an essay solicitation, but in fact it is already a bit of a ranking to some extent.

Lin Yi is always making money from this kind of ranking behavior.

After all, female anchors live broadcast the rankings, and a sum of money is given to the female anchors.

Now it is completely a sure profit without loss.

Sure enough, within the next day.

The article submitted by Li Nianbing ranked first in just one day.

Zhang Wenyuan directly invested 5,000 flowers.

According to the ratio of one dollar per flower, this kid spent five thousand in one day.

After delivering the flowers, this guy posted it in the school forum group to show off.

His mindless behavior soon aroused the dissatisfaction of other rich brothers in the school.

Although Qingbei is a national university.

But there are still some rich men in Beijing.

These rich guys generally have their own circles and will not contact others.

Luo Chengbao from the Department of Finance is one of them.

“Made, who are these, Zhang Wenyuan from the journalism department? How dare a coal briquette digger from other places be so arrogant!”

“Young Master Luo, how could we locals be bullied by outsiders?!”

“You just spent five thousand to pick up a girl? And you are so arrogant about it, you are taking yourself seriously!”

“We must not allow this outsider to be arrogant. We in the finance department must support him and overwhelm him!”

“I think there is a girl named Hai Yiyi among the submissions who is good. She is a local girl from our country and majors in finance.”

Hear the words of friends in the circle.

Luo Chengbao immediately waved his hand.

“Brothers, if we don’t make steamed buns to fight over each other, we will vote for this girl named Hai Yiyi. How can locals be bullied by outsiders?”

“Fuck it, I’ll raise funds now!”

“Let the briquette digger see that even a dragon in our capital has to lie down!”

That night.

Lin Yi was holding the little rich woman’s hand and walking by the school’s river.

Since it is night and the light is very low, many young couples will have a tryst nearby.

Suddenly the little rich woman stopped and looked intently at a young couple by the river.

Feeling the strength coming from his hand, Lin Yi turned around and looked.

Following the little rich woman’s gaze, she immediately saw the couple by the river.

The most important thing is that the two people are already hugging each other and chewing

stand up.

Damn it, not suitable for children.

Lin Yi immediately covered the little rich woman’s eyes.

Pull her away from the river.

After walking some distance from the river, he let go of the little rich woman’s eyes.

Chu Weixiang didn’t complain about this, but after holding hands and walking for a while, she asked.

“Why is that boy touching his hands?”

Ah this.

Under the moonlight, Lin Yi saw the clear and curious look in the little rich woman’s eyes and suddenly didn’t know how to explain it.

After hesitating for a moment, he explained.

“That boy is a bad guy.”

“Oh, are you a bad person then?”


Lin Yi nodded seriously, and then said seriously.

“Not just me, but all boys in the world, regardless of age, are bad people.”

Chu Weixiang’s big eyes kept flashing up and down on her pretty face.

He seems to be thinking about the correctness of this sentence.

At this time.

Lin Yi took out his phone to check the time, and immediately saw the message from Shen Zhuyue.

Wandering in the Wind: Boss! We are rich! There was a fool behind the scenes who rewarded me with another 50,000 yuan! Hahaha…

Look at the long message sent by the other party.

Lin Yi’s face was as calm as water, and then he opened the backstage to check.

Sure enough, I found that at some point in the backstage, there was an extra income of 50,000 yuan, and someone directly bought more than 50,000 flowers to reward others.

So far, the total amount of zero-zero rewards received in the background has reached 100,000.

This money belongs entirely to Retiao.com.

It’s equal to pure money earned.

Lin Yi immediately sent a message to Shen Zhuyue: Make sure the backend recharge is smooth, work hard tonight, and I will give you twice the bonus at the end of the month.

Wandering in the wind: yes! Long live the boss!

Lin Yi smiled after reading the message and put the phone back into his pocket.

At the same time, there is dormitory 303.

“Damn it, this Finance Department Master Luo came out of nowhere! He actually made 50,000 yuan!”

“Fuck fifty thousand, you ruthless man, how much is the bonus?”

“This person is crazy, what’s the point of just ranking.”

Ding Chen and Wang Lei were also shocked by Brother Fu’s generosity.

We are all college students, why can you get 50,000 in one move?

“No, no, my goddess has fallen out of first place, I have to find a way!”

Zhang Wenyuan rushed around the dormitory anxiously.

Especially when I saw the person named Luo Shao in the post forum posting a mocking post.

The whole person went completely berserk.

“Made, isn’t it just 50,000 yuan! I have 500,000 yuan for living expenses a year, at worst, I have to spend all of it!”

“Push it to me!”

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