The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 216 Typical Characters of the Great Zhou Law

The moment Dong Wuwei proposed the Three Cardinal Guidelines, he was destined not to become the leader of the Human Emperor's Palace, not to mention that he could even sacrifice his own son.

This is a man who will do anything for his ideas.

Jiang Li can guarantee that if he recruits him to the Human Emperor Palace, he will definitely work harder than Zhang Konghu, and he will be given more year-end spiritual stones than other commanders.

But his philosophy is contrary to Jiang Li.

Dong Wuwei wanted to be Dong Zhongshu, but Jiang Li was not the Emperor of Han.

"Your thoughts are too big and complicated. Maybe some emperor will agree with your idea, but it won't be me." Jiang Li said this and left here.

The Ming Lord in his mind directly rejected him, and Dong Wuwei had mixed feelings, as if his lifelong pursuit had been cut off and there was no way forward.

The preparations of the past twenty years have been in vain.

Dong Wuwei sat in the teahouse, drinking cup after cup of cold tea.

"Father." Dong Wuwei's son found his father who was sitting in the teahouse.

In the impression of Dong Wuwei's son, his father has always been ambitious, idealistic, and ambitious, and he has never seen him down and out.

Dong Wuwei gave birth to a child after living in seclusion and did not tell his son his origin.

"Xi'er, are my ideas wrong?" Dong Wuwei asked subconsciously.

Dong Xi didn't answer.

Seeing that his son didn't speak, Dong Wuwei felt better. No matter what he did, at least his son still thought that he was a good father with no shortcomings.

So he encouraged: "Don't worry about it, think about it carefully, even if it is a small mistake."

Dong Xi shook his head: "Father asked Xi'er to speak, and Xi'er will naturally say it. It's just that Xi'er feels that you made too many mistakes and doesn't know where to start. I'm just sorting out my thoughts."

Dong Wuwei was stunned.

Dong Xi did obey his father's orders, but he never felt that it was right.

"For example, you said that the king is the guide for the ministers. It is one-sided to think that the monarchs are wise and that as long as the ministers listen to the monarch, they can manage the country well."

"You only see the relationship between the king and his subjects, but not the relationship between the king and the people."

"After the king dies, if his heirs succeed him, the country will still be the same country."

"But after the people die, the destiny of the country disappears, the country loses its meaning, and the country will no longer be a country. It can be seen that the country is based on the people."

Dong Xi's thinking is somewhat naive and fallacious, but the inner thoughts reflected in it are quite different from Dong Wuwei's.

Only then did Dong Wuwei realize that he only used his son as evidence to prove his selflessness and had never really understood his son.

Only then did he realize that he was wrong, and very wrong.

A son is not a tool, nor is he a carrier for inheriting his own thoughts. He is a person with his own thoughts!

"Stop talking." Dong Wuwei's voice was trembling.

Dong Xi quickly stopped talking, thinking that he had made a mistake somewhere.

"Do you... still want to practice? Father can help you."

The precious ten years Dong Xi wasted can be completely made up for by Dong Wuwei's methods during the integration period.

Dong Wuwei began to reflect on himself, whether the ideas he had adhered to over the years were correct, and whether he had misunderstood Dong Zhongshu's ancestors, or was his ancestors wrong?

He couldn't figure these things out for a while, so he decided to stay here to make up for his son, care about his wife, and teach his students.

Jiang Li, who had lost his breath, saw this scene and really left to find the next alternative commander.

The second candidate leader is a casual cultivator.

Having practiced as a casual cultivator to the combined stage, his qualifications are evident.

Moreover, after this casual cultivator reached the combined stage, he neither established a family nor joined a force, and is still living alone.

He and Jiang Li are fellow villagers, from the Zhou Dynasty.

This casual cultivator has been famous for a long time. When Jiang Li was only in the foundation building stage, I had heard of his example. He was a famous combined stage.

Now that Jiang Li has reached the Mahayana stage, the other party is still in the famous combined stage of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

When Jiang Li found him, he found that he was talking to, or pleading with, the officials of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Please, please erase my criminal record. Commander Liu of the Human Emperor Palace just came to see me two days ago and listed me as an alternative commander."

"What if the Emperor of China thinks I'm good and makes me the leader, and it turns out that this kid has committed so many crimes, I don't want him anymore, thank you to me!"

"Du Ping, you are from the Zhou Dynasty and you know the rules." The Minister of Punishment looked at Du Ping in embarrassment. This person is an old acquaintance. Everyone in the Zhou Dynasty does not know him.

Du Ping, the Jiu Xian, is a well-known model of lawbreakers. He has been to jail more times than he has entered his home. He is known as a model figure of the law in the Great Zhou Dynasty, a pioneer in illegal crimes in the Great Zhou Dynasty, etc.

The officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty often promoted Du Ping as a model to show people. You see, even monks in the integration stage will go to jail if they break the law.

The example Jiang Li heard in Dazhou was this:

Du Ping, a monk in the integration stage, went crazy after drinking. He stripped off his upper body and rolled around in the street to sleep. He seriously disrupted social order and caused adverse effects. For violating public security laws, he was fined 500 low-grade spiritual stones and detained for ten days.

The Ministry of Punishment reminds you that people who break the law after drinking will be punished the same way. Drink responsibly. Do not imitate Du Ping and enjoy the effects of alcohol and deliberately fail to relieve the effects of alcohol.

Du Ping, a monk in the integration stage, asked the merchant to compensate him ten jars of counterfeit wine for buying counterfeit wine. The merchant compensated him ten jars of counterfeit wine. Du Ping was so angry that he smashed the merchant's shop.

A merchant selling counterfeit wine was first ordered to recall the counterfeit wine sold and was imprisoned for three months. Du Ping damaged other people's property and violated public security laws and was detained for 15 days.

The Ministry of Punishment reminds you to seek help from the law when you encounter difficulties, and never act impulsively and violate the law.

There are many such examples.

After Jiang Li left Dazhou, he didn't pay much attention to this monk who was on the blacklist of the Punishment Department of Dazhou.

He remembered that the Ministry of Punishment had a topic discussing how to stop Du Ping from breaking the law and committing crimes.

"The rules, I understand, I understand." Du Ping chuckled, took out a storage ring and handed it to the Minister of Punishment, "There are eight thousand high-grade spiritual stones in it."

Seeing a snake, the Minister of Punishment quickly slapped the storage ring on the ground: "Du Ping, how dare you bribe me! You are trying to harm me!"

Officials of the Zhou Dynasty accepted bribes, and once investigated and punished, they were served in prison.

"No, no." Du Ping quickly denied, "Then the rules you mentioned are..."

The Minister of Punishment glared: "Of course, if you break the law, don't even think about erasing the case file!"

"Then I can't join the Human Emperor Palace?"

"You lose your sense whenever alcohol is involved. I've told you to drink less and don't be impulsive. You always say you won't do it next time."

"When I was a police officer, the first thing I caught was you breaking the law while drunk. Now that I am the Minister of Justice, you are still breaking the law while drunk!"

The Minister of Punishment pointed to the three stacks of case files next to him: "These are all things you have committed over the past hundreds of years!"

If it was destroyed, wouldn't he have no criminal record... Du Ping was ready to make a move.

The Minister of Punishment sneered: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Destroying case files is a crime, which is more serious than breaking the law. Moreover, these are all copied with jade butterflies, so it's useless for you to destroy them."

Du Ping was dejected.

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