The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 338 Yanyan, I regard you as my best friend

"Lingxi calendar year 4196, December 16th, sunny."

"Today is my sixth birthday. My mother promised to buy me a contract beast. In the contract trading market, I found a strange-looking little monkey with a red head and white feet and dull eyes. It was inexplicably cute."

"The little monkey is locked in a cage. It's so pitiful. I want to buy it. My mother asked the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper mysteriously said that the little monkey, like the legendary Xiang Liu, is atavistic and has great potential."

"But mom is very smart. How can she be like Xiang Liu when she sees the little monkey acting dumbly?"

"My mother used this reason to bargain with the shopkeeper and quickly bought the little monkey."

"I signed a contract with this little monkey and named it Yanyan."

"Yanyan, although we signed a master-servant contract, I will definitely treat you as my best friend."

"September 1, Lingxi calendar year 4197, sunny."

"Starting today, Xiaodong will be a first-year student. The school is really annoying. Xiaodong is not allowed to bring Yanyan to school."

"The school refused, so Xiaodong secretly brought Yanyan to school. Mom said that Xiaodong would make many good friends in school, and Yanyan would definitely make good friends too."

"Lingxi calendar year 4197, September 2nd, light rain."

"The teacher is really bad. As soon as I took out Yanyan to show to my friends, the teacher felt that Yanyan was very dangerous, so he locked Yanyan in an iron cage and waited until my mother picked me up from school before returning Yanyan to me."

"Mom gave me a lesson."

"I'm so sad today. I seem to have forgotten to feed Yanyan. I don't know if the teacher fed Yanyan when she was locked up."

"It's too late. Let's feed Yanyan tomorrow."

"Lingxi calendar year 4200, March 19th, cloudy."

"Yanyan is so awesome. He helped me reach the ninth level of Qi training so quickly."

"Dad finally came back. I asked him what he had been doing since he hadn't come back for so long."

"Dad said he was the designer of air raid shelters and was building air raid shelters. Air raid shelters are very strong houses."

"I asked dad why he built a bomb shelter and didn't come back to see me?"

"Dad said that although we used the master-servant contract to control the monsters, they are not of my race. Maybe the monsters will break free and attack humans."

"If the monsters find a way to terminate the contract, humans will be in danger."

"So humans must be prepared in advance. At least they have the ability to fight back when faced with monster attacks."

"Dad's bomb shelter is a means of preparation in advance."

"Sir, you are so worried. Monsters are our good friends. We are so good to them and give them food, drink and shelter. Why would they attack us?"

"You're right, Yanyan."

"September 1, Lingxi calendar year 4208, sunny."

"From today on, I officially become a college student studying beast control."

"Thanks to Yan Yanzai, he helped me successfully pass the actual combat exam, enter Imperial University, and become the most popular student of beast control."

"After graduating from the Beast Controlling School, students can become combatants and participate in various competitions. I have the invincible power and will definitely be able to win consecutive battles in future competitions."

"Lingxi calendar year 4208, October 21st, heavy rain."

"After listening to the professor's lecture, I really benefited a lot. It turns out that there is so much knowledge in beast control."

"In battle, the first thing you must protect is your own life. Contracted beasts are naturally powerful and do not need our protection. All we can do is to let the contracted beasts fight desperately, tap their potential, and let their lives flow to the fullest in the battle. combustion."

"But even the professor doesn't know what breed Yanyan is. Is Yanyan really the same as the legendary Xiang Liu, a return to his ancestors of some powerful monster?"

"Lingxi calendar year 4212, June 4th, cloudy."

"It's been one year since I graduated, and I chose the type of battle that is the easiest to become famous and the most rewarding - humans and contracted beasts fighting together."

"Yanyan is so powerful. He has already helped me cultivate to the golden elixir stage. I am only twenty-three years old. Can I really become an immortal with Yanyan's help?"

"Yanyan's combat power is still as strong as ever, and we are victorious in every battle. Our opponents tremble when they see us. We have already made a name for ourselves, and many advertisers have come to discuss cooperation."

"Lingxi calendar year 4215, August 10th, sunny."

"Yanyan has embarrassed me. He didn't protect me during the battle. He even lost the game. I won't be given food today."

"It feels like Yanyan's combat effectiveness has been declining recently. Is it because he is fighting every day?"

"Participate in a few more games and see how it goes. If it's tired or still sluggish, let it rest for a few days."

"Nianyan, please don't let down my kindness. I regard you as my best friend."

"Look at other beastmasters who hit or scold the contracted beasts. I am the only one who treats you well, and the other contracted beasts are all envious of me."

"Lingxi Calendar Year 4280, January 29, it snowed."

"Yanyan destroyed me! I hate it!"

"Participating in the big fight, Yanyan killed people, killed several people!"

"Yanyan has reached the integration stage. It has gained intelligence, can speak, and can talk back. It said it was my order!"

"How is it possible? Even if I was very angry and lost my mind at the time, I would never give such an order."

"Besides, won't Yanyan disobey my orders? They will do whatever I say, idiot."

"Lingxi Calendar Year 4281, January 30, heavy snowfall."

"The top leader came to talk to me personally."

"He said that I have made a lot of money by relying on Yanyan, and my reputation is world-famous. My wealth and fame have reached their peak. At this time, it may not be a good choice to retreat."

"I also want to quit. Although there are many competitions in Lingxi World, people rarely die in the competitions. This is a big taboo. But Yanyan killed several people in full view of the public. What should I do?"

"The top leader said that you and I are both in the integration stage and it is not easy to practice. As long as I am willing to submit to him, he is willing to help me clear my name."

"Now that the top leadership position is unstable, he needs support from me, the world champion. I thought about it for a while and agreed."

"The top leader said that I could put all the blame on Yanyan. He said that at that time, Yanyan's animalistic nature was strong and he lost control. I, the master, couldn't do anything about it."

"At that time, after a public trial, Yanyan is found guilty and Yanyan is executed, this matter will be over."

"Although I'm sorry for Yanyan, this matter was originally Yanyan's fault."

"Yanyan, I regard you as my best friend. You should be able to understand my difficulties."

"That night, I wanted to tell Yanyan about this, but I was too embarrassed to say it."

"I heard someone talking in Yanyan's room? Who claims to be the envoy of Dukare? Without my permission, Yanyan actually talked to outsiders."

"It doesn't matter. Yanyan is going to die soon. It doesn't matter if he is free for a few days. What's the use of being unable to use him in his career?"

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