Xiangxiang Bodhisattva held the bodhi leaf and waved it forward. Everyone found that they had changed their positions and everyone was in a small independent space.

Tens of thousands of monks entered the secret realm. Xiangxiang Bodhisattva created tens of thousands of small spaces and moved the monks inside.

"One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi." Jiang Li recognized Xiangxiang Bodhisattva's method. Buddhism is good at the way of space. In the secret realm of living beings, Xiangxiang Bodhisattva fully utilized the advantages of Buddhism.

In the outside world, Xiangxiang Bodhisattva cannot be so exaggerated.

"I'm afraid this is the secret realm opened by the immortal Buddha." Jiang Li said to himself.

The blessing given to Xiangxiang Bodhisattva by the Secret Realm of All Living Beings is too exaggerated and cannot be achieved by ordinary secret realms.

Everyone found that a small wooden house appeared in front of them. There was nothing in the wooden house. There was a lot of traffic next to the wooden house. Many woodcutters, traders and travelers passed by. A dazzling array of goods were circulated here, but they were all mundane things without any aura.

"Let's start the first level. As you can see, there is nothing in this small wooden house, and you have one or two silvers in your hands. Please fill this small wooden house. The test will end in two hours. It is forbidden to use this test. I have cultivated your magic power to seal it away."

A group of monks found that they could not use any cultivation skills and were no different from real mortals. Their spiritual energy was silent in their bodies and would not listen to movement.

Both Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu felt that something inexplicable was restraining them. They secretly tried to use magic power, but found that the secret realm had no effect on their restraints. Bai Hongtu was still in the tribulation stage, and Jiang Li was still in the Mahayana stage.

However, both of them were law-abiding people, and they had no intention of using their magic power.

They stand out among the candidates for the Human Emperor not only by their cultivation, but more importantly by their wisdom.

This test is not difficult for them.

Jiang Li walked into the wooden house, thought for a moment, then turned around and bought a bunch of candied haws with one tael of silver.

Two hours passed quickly, and everyone took their cabins back to the Secret Realm of All Living Beings.

"What did the donor fill in the cabin?" Xiangxiang Bodhisattva asked Qin Luan with a smile.

Qin Luan opened the cabin and found firewood piled inside.

Some people chuckled in a low voice. Qin Luan's answer was too ordinary. How could this answer be related to the inheritance of the secret realm?

Many of them did not make any move after the test began. They just sat cross-legged in front of the cabin with smiles on their lips, looking incomprehensible.

This can attract the attention of many inheritances.

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva smiled, Qin Luan's answer was ordinary, nothing outstanding, but this is the normal state of all living beings.


Xiangxiang Bodhisattva came to the second monk again and asked, "What did you fill the cabin with?"

The monk seemed to have profound Buddhist teachings. He put his hands together and saluted the Xiangxiang Bodhisattva: "Bodhisattva, I did not fill the cabin with anything."

"Oh, why is that?"

The monk smiled enigmatically: "Air is everywhere, but it is often ignored."

The monk opened the cabin, as if he had everything under control: "Bodhisattva, please look, the cabin is full of air."

“Donors might as well walk in first before drawing conclusions.”

The monk stepped into the cabin confidently, and his expression changed drastically.

There was a vacuum inside the cabin, with no air or spiritual energy!

Even if the wooden door is opened, the cabin repels air and does not allow air to enter.

The monk's face was ashen. He had visited a well-dressed man before and had never even entered the cabin.

But he returned to normal immediately, it didn't matter, the Secret Realm of All Beings does not screen people, just perform well in the next level.

A copy of the Diamond Sutra suddenly appeared in the monk's hands.

"What does this mean?" The monk was confused.

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva still smiled: "This is the secret realm's reward for you."

A monk who had entered the Secret Realm of All Beings for the second time said, "That is to say, this is a consolation prize. The next two levels are all about participation."

When many monks saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly. They no longer maintained their high-spirited attitude, and some monks secretly hid the candles they bought.

The monks who bought the candles felt remorseful.

They originally planned to walk slowly into the cabin, light candles, recite a Buddhist verse, and say with a smile that the cabin is now filled with light.

They even thought out the actions and lines!

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva shook his head slightly when he saw this scene. These monks with evil intentions pretended to be superior, were smart, and laughed at the ordinary people in Qin Dynasty, but they never thought about how their behavior could be favored by the inheritance.

There are so many monks pretending to be experts that Qin Luan's answer to filling the firewood seems rare.

"What did you fill the wooden house with?" Xiangxiang Bodhisattva asked Yuan Wuxing.

Yuan Wuxing piled many candles outside the door, then lit the candles and shined them into the wooden house. Although the light inside the wooden house was weak, there was indeed light entering the wooden house.

"Good." Xiangxiang Bodhisattva felt that although Yuan Wuxing's idea was not very good, it was still remarkable.

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva came to Bai Hongtu and found that his hands were empty. He also thought that he was one of those people who pretended to be profound.

“What did the donor fill in the cabin?”

"The entire secret realm of sentient beings."

"Huh?" This answer was beyond Xiangxiang Bodhisattva's expectation.

"Excuse me, Bodhisattva, where is the inside of the wooden house?"

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva opened the wooden door and walked into the wooden house: "Of course this is it."

Bai Hongtu shook his head and walked into the wooden house: "The Bodhisattva is here. No one has ever specified where is the inside of the wooden house and where is the outside of the wooden house. In this case, why not consider this place as the outside of the wooden house."

Bai Hongtu walked out of the wooden house: "This is the inside of the wooden house."

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva suddenly realized: "There is another way. The donor is a person with great wisdom."

Jiang Li curled his lips. If a guy named Bai is really good at deceiving, why can't he learn to be as sincere as him?

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva walked to Jiang Li and found that he was also empty-handed.

“What did the donor fill in the cabin?”

Jiang Li opened the wooden door and invited Xiangxiang Bodhisattva inside. After Xiangxiang Bodhisattva entered, he found that there was nothing in the wooden house.

"What's in the cabin?"

Jiang Li was surprised: "Didn't Bodhisattva see it? There are so many things in the wooden house. If Bodhisattva cannot see them, he might as well open his spiritual consciousness and take a look."

Xiangxiang Bodhisattva opened his spiritual consciousness and found that there was really nothing in the wooden house.

"There really is nothing."

"Why is there nothing? Bodhisattva, take a closer look."

Seeing Jiang Li confidently saying that there was something in the wooden house, Xiangxiang Bodhisattva couldn't help but wonder, had he missed something?

But she exhausted all means and searched for a long time, but still found nothing.

"Donor, what exactly is in your cabin?"



Xiangxiang Bodhisattva almost broke the precepts and cursed others.

Bai Hongtu spread his hands. He had already said that during the human emperor candidate test, half of the bad ideas came from Jiang Li, but no one believed him yet.

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