The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 391 The Leader’s Lack of Superpowers

After the director-general asked the leader of the marking team to leave, he stood up and saluted Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu.

"The leader of the Ability Cult has big plans. He not only wants to be a ruler, but also wants to create the world."

"The Superpower Management Bureau has dispatched several fifth-level superpowers many times to kill this person. However, this person is terrifyingly powerful and has mastered several superpowers, each of which is at the fifth level. Not only did we fail to kill him , and was killed by him."

"We sent some spies to join the Ability Cult. After several years of hiding, we finally found out this person's general plan."

"This person believes that by fusing all the superpowers together, he can gain creation-like power, and his own superpower is to absorb other people's superpowers."

"That's why he is so powerful and terrifying, we are no match for him."

"As far as we know, he only needs a few rare powers before he can gather them all to carry out his creation plan."

Bai Hongtu was curious: "What kind of abilities are still missing?"

"Don't avoid the cold and heat, return to the light, become invisible, and exile to a different space."

"These four kinds of superpowers rarely appear, and there may not be one case for hundreds of years. This is certainly due to the incompleteness of ancient statistics, but it is enough to show that they are rare. One hundred and eighty years have passed since the establishment of the Superpower Management Bureau. I have never heard of anyone awakening these four powers."

"...Although I really want to complain about the power of light return, I am more curious about what is the exile to different space, and what is the difference between it and the general space power?"

Jiang Li knew that there were many people in this world who had space powers and could control space in a small area, which was a very simple way of space.

The fifth-level space ability can only be regarded as a lower-to-average level in Buddhism, which is proficient in the way of space.

The intermediate level of Buddhism can produce storage rings.

In the Weigu world, people with super powers cannot yet make storage rings.

"We don't know much about this. We only know that one thousand seven hundred years ago, someone awakened the power of expelling alien space, which can make people and objects disappear out of thin air. No matter ten or twenty years later, people and objects will no longer exist. When it shows up, it’s still the same as before.”

"A seventy-year-old man was exiled to a different space. Ten years later, the superpower brought the old man back and found that he was still seventy years old, exactly the same as before he disappeared. Time seemed to have stopped on the old man."

"Someone asked the exiled people what they saw after they disappeared, but those people seemed to have lost their memories and knew nothing about what happened after they disappeared."

"Even the superpower himself doesn't know where the people he exiled have gone."

It stands to reason that time in any space flows. Take the storage ring as an example. The time inside the storage ring is not static. The function of the storage ring is to place objects, not to preserve objects for a long time.

In the Jiuzhou world, when monks learn spells, they must first study textbooks such as "Encyclopedia of Spells", "Spell Analysis" and "Into the Taoist Law", and then let the old monks explain them over and over again before they can understand the principles of spells and cast spells.

Only by knowing what is happening can we know why it is happening.

In the world of Weigu, people with superpowers often don’t even know when they awakened their superpowers, and they don’t know what their awakened superpowers are. They only discover that they have special abilities by chance one day, and then they realize that their superpowers have become A person with super powers.

As for how to use the superpower, we still need to slowly explore it.

They only know how to use superpowers but don't know how they work.

Jiang Li said: "If you can't walk, you have to learn to run. This is the current flaw of your world."

The director-general was helpless: "We also know that this is not conducive to discovering superpowers, but we really don't know the principle of superpowers."

"This matter is not difficult. The essence of supernatural powers lies in the use of the Five Elements Spiritual Root. As for what the Five Elements Spiritual Root is, you will know when you want me to teach you the method of cultivating immortals."

The director-general was overjoyed. These two were indeed the top figures in another world. The problems that had troubled Weigu's world for six thousand years turned out to be so simple in their eyes.

He decided that after seeing off these two gentlemen, he would stay up all night, investigate and ask for advice from many sources, and study to whom the method of cultivating immortals should be taught.

Shao Junyi and Peng Lianghai followed Director Shao to the headquarters to report the situation. After the report, Director Shao stayed at the headquarters to communicate with the senior management of the headquarters. Shao Junyi and Peng Lianghai were okay for the time being.

"I remember you said that you want to go to Guodu University. It's rare to come to Guodu University. Why not go to Guodu University first?" Shao Junyi suggested.

"It just so happens that I graduated from Kokuto University and am very familiar with the place. I can be your tour guide."

"But I remember you said your academic performance was average, didn't you?" Peng Lianghai was confused. Guodu University was among the top five universities. Peng Lianghai asked himself whether his academic performance was good, but he was not confident about getting into it.

On the way to the capital, the two chatted about their academic performance. Shao Junyi said that she had always been in the middle of the class and was far less good at studying than Peng Lianghai.

"My father donated a teaching building to Kokuto University."


In mid-June, the weather was hot. The two of them wore short-sleeved shirts, ate ice cream, and visited Kokuto University.

Shao Junyi fulfilled her duties as a senior and tour guide and tried her best to explain the charm of Guodu University.

"This is the library of Kokusai University, and the number of books it holds ranks third in the country."

"Where are the top two?"

"The second-ranked library is the National Library, and the first-ranked library is the internal library of the Superpower Administration."

"The headquarters has more books than the National Library?" Peng Lianghai was surprised.

"The National Library is open to the public and anyone can read it. However, some books are naturally inconvenient to be placed there, such as books on the study of superpowers, real history books that record the participation of people with superpowers, etc."

"Speaking of which, do you have a major you want to study?"

Peng Lianghai was troubled: "I never thought about this."

"Then do you want to study liberal arts or science?"


Shao Junyi browsed through the school forum and said happily: "It just so happens that Professor Luo is giving an introduction to basic physics today. Let's go over and listen?"

"Professor Luo's lecture was very good?"

"The lectures were very good. I had insomnia at that time and fell asleep as soon as I listened to his lectures."

"Is basic physics difficult to learn?"

"I'm very studious and can learn everything once I hear it."

Shao Junyi dragged Peng Lianghai to Professor Luo's lecture hall. It was not that she liked listening to Professor Luo's lectures, but she missed her school days.

Before entering the classroom, I heard Professor Luo's loud voice.

The two of them tiptoed into the classroom and secretly sat in the last row.

"...The state of a multi-particle system composed of identical particles. When exchanging two particles "1" and "2", we can prove that it is either symmetric or anti-symmetric. The particles in the symmetric state are They are called bosons, and particles in the antisymmetric state are called fermions..."

“…a consequence of the antisymmetry of fermions is the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that two fermions cannot occupy the same state…”

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